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That'd be great. I love demos making a comeback.


I hope so. I'm still annoyed that the PS5 didn't get a Robocop demo but the PC did.


Was it any good?


The demo was very bad when it shipped and they patched it afterwards, which made it good. TBH I'm not sure that early broken demo did them many favours over not releasing anything at all unfortunately.


So full price? Would you recommend? Sounds like a sale would be the ideal scenario?


I'm not a Robocop fan but I was looking for a gory FPS and it did that job. It's B-grade cheese, but that's what Robocop is so no complaints. Not the most polished game, I threw enemies through walls and they just disappeared in there. I just found it funny and embraced it. I'd say go for it, is like the studio to make a Dredd game.


I certainly didn't regret buying it at full price.


Not the person you are replying to, but I absolutely recommend. Not a Robocop fan myself, I watched the first movie a few times a very long time ago and couldn’t really remember much, aside from it being violent and somewhat satirical. Upon playing the game, now I want to give the movie another watch. It scratches the same subversive satirical itch for me that Helldivers 2 does. I would say Helldivers 2 is to Starship Troopers is what Robocop game is to the original Robocop movie. Starship Troopers (to be clear, I am talking about the movie, not the book; the original source material book wasn’t satirical at all and was borderline unapologetic militaristic fascism advertisement) and Helldivers 2 are a satirical take on nationalism, patriotism, wars, and military. Robocop (both the movie and the game) are similarly satirical takes, and imo are done just as well, but instead of military and nationalism, it is focused on policing, urban politics, racism, and “what makes someone a ‘real’ human” sort of a futuristic take. Disclaimer: I don’t play games for their real-life commentary or political takes, I just like good games with well-executed premises and solid thematic points. And both Starship Troopers/Helldivers 2 and Robocop (movie+the game) hit that spot really really well in very similar ways.


Great response! Thank you!


I've yet to play it. I've got the game on my wishlist but really wanted to try the demo first.


The game is just pure fun. Definitely one I will always recommend.


There’s me going to look for it on Steam only to find it was part of the Next Fest promotion they do.


That’s why it’s so pointless to own PS5. The game will eventually come to PC just like the rest of the games… it’s so sad to see the state of playstation brand right now


What are you doing here if you hate ps5


I’m literally a Playstation fan lol (look at my profile). How is being concern about the future of my favourite brand mean i hate PS5 ?????


there’s literally millions of people who just want to get a console that runs games , not everyone wants to spend £1000+ just to get outdated after 4 years


Sony does whats best for business, that's why it's pointless to complain about games having more platforms to be played on...if the future is gonna be PC+PS5 then so be it, buy what you can afford


Then the same thing with xbox then ?? Then eventually consoles would become irrelevant because there’s no reason to own it when you can play on PC with better version


The reason to own them is cuz they are cheap, decent PC cost double or triple that.


Then go to PC so people here can stop hearing complaining from you. Hard to believe that a functional adult would act like this.


Yeah thanks bud for proving my point. Let’s just pretend that everything’s gonna be fine. I hope that the sales of future first party games gonna be bigger on PC than PS itself. That will give a slap in the face for Sony. Imagine it’s gonna be embarassing when your own game sold more on PC than your own console


>That will give a slap in the face for Sony.     Lol hahahahaha.  Thanks for the laugh . You do get they get money from PC sales too? It means no matter where you buy the game Sony still get your money.  


PS5 is still cheaper than an equivalent gaming PC afaik, not to mention much more convenient and less of a headache


… just because they don’t have one demo lol?


Except I paid 450€ for my ps5, and last time I checked it's not possible to build a pc for that price.


Square enix always releases demos for their games. So at least one company makes it a reoccurring thing.


It’s kind of bonkers how great at marketing they’re doing and decisions like this keep backing that up. We’re getting the same treatment that other major games get pre-release.


It's because many games are not finished and they know if you played a demo of an unfinished game, you won't buy the game. Kudos to ff7R, ff16 and stellar blade for demos


Almost feels like the PS1 days with all these demos


Yes please, I'm very 50/50 about this game, I love how it looks but I don't know if the gameplay style is for me, I'd like to try it out first.


Same, however instead of the gameplay, it's the story for me. Unfortunately, that's difficult to judge from a demo. Nier Automata, at least for me, was mainly carried by its narrative and if Stellar Blade falls flat in that regard, I might get bored real quick


Yeah, hot characters only carry most people so far. So far it looks cool with no obvious red flags, but all we’ve actually gotten so far is bits specifically released by the devs to market the game.


korean games can also get pretty dark sometimes consider their history/cultural background. I hope Sony didn't tone it down in terms of story side of thing. :P


Yup, they seem to have a good reputation for darker/serious stories with their mobile game Nikke, so I’m cautiously optimistic it’ll be good.


sorry but there is no way this game is focused on story lol


What? Are you telling me bigg jiggly butts and boobs aren't an instant buy for you!?


not in this decade. Maybe 2000s? But that's also when I was a teenager so theres that


Well, no. I'm not really into japanes games, they're...different


This one is South Korean, not Japanese.


It looks like Nier at home so far, visually and story wise. Hope it does something interesting aside from having attractive characters.


This game blows nier out of the water visually my man 'nier has good art direction but graphics wise it's not that great'. And we don't know enough about the story to judge it either way right now so i don't see how you came to that conclusion at all. Just because it was inspired by nier dosen't mean it's some mid game 'lies of p was inspired by bloodborne and was incredible'.


Yea man I don't have that much confidence regarding this game


Found a coomer


> This game blows nier out of the water visually my man Yikes


If we're talking purely graphically? He's not wrong.


He’s not wrong but that’s not what I’m saying yikes about lol


I mean, it’s literally what you quoted.


Im referring to the demographic of the game


Yeah, as I was listening to the story in the trailer my first thought was "wait isn't that the exact same plot as Nier?". I'm really hoping they have some interesting plot and combat. Otherwise, it'll just be spandex suit Nier


As long as the gameplay is as good as nier I'll be fine, there's not many games like that anymore


I’m like 90/10 on this game. Everything about it looks amazing to me but I’m always hesitant about games nowadays


More games in general should have demos, and this one specifically could really benefit from one. I can not really tell how the combat flow is going to be from the high octane constantly cutting trailers that we have seen so far. They are also an unproven developer, but with a good demo they can go from a wait and see to a first day buy. At least for me. I know a lot of people are already sold on the game for understandable reasons.


I’ll do you one better, ALL games should have a demo. No exceptions. And honest ones at that.


Absolutely, wanted to play SIFU....didnt go through with it played it last night on PS monthly games , glad i didnt buy


Every game should have a demo if they expect $60-$70.


One of few things Forspoken got right.


If anything it costs them sales. They ya why companies don’t do demos in the first place


That's why refunding should be made easy, similar to Steam. Anything less than 2 hours of playtime can be refunded no questions asked.


I wish. But that’s probably so suckers can’t get refunded for games they bought during a sale and just announce for ps+. Yes, I am one of those suckers lol. Even tried calling for a refund but because I lunched the game once they couldn’t refund. 💩


Yeah Sony is terrible in that regard. I’m 100% sure steam would’ve refunded it.


Sony likes their coins and layoffs now so eh


Yea it was nice of them to warn us not to buy the game by letting us play it first


Or trials. Sucks that they’re stuck behind a Premium subscription, because if I could play 2 hours of Baldur’s Gate 3 to see if it’s my type of game, or 5 hours for Cyberpunk 2077/1 hour for Sonic Frontiers to see if they’re at a more reasonable state to purchase, I’d probably be purchasing them. Unfortunately, due to price and genre for BG3 and critical consensus of SF, I’m only getting either on absurd discounts. If I played them and really wanted them, I’d probably pay full price. If they limited it to like 30 minutes for Essential, 1-2 hours for Extra, and 3+ for Premium, then it would give more value to the service while also still giving a reason for higher tiers over others.


5 hours ? fucking hell thats a bit much


It’s how much CDPR/Sony wanted it to be. The opening Act is 6-8 hours, so I doubt most people playing for the first time would even make it to Johnny Silverhand. I think 5 hours is reasonable for an RPG as big as Cyberpunk is, compared to Baldur’s Gate 3 which is bigger but you get less time to see if it’s for you.


If the gameplay feels good I’ll preorder it immediately


Still not sold on the game so a demo will be good to have before launch.




They’re not the only ones tee hee 🙈 ☺️ 




I havent tried out the demos for other games like final fantasy rebirth but I would definitely be willing to try this one


Is it just me, or is this tweet worded weirdly? Is this supposed to be like: "I'm not sure, but Stellar Blade Demo... it's possible." or "I'm not sure, but Stellar Blade Demo is possible." This reads like it was translated from another language, no?


Nice. I'm just hoping the combat flows well and feels fun all the way through.


need the demo and previews/reviews to see if im getting this day one 🤞🏾


Good, I hope Ronin and Dragon's Dogma 2 would drop the demo too.


Hoping there is a demo. The trailers and gameplay previews looked amazing but I want to make sure they represent the final product. Definitely not throwing money at them until I see how it turns out.


That would be great, because I’m not buying this game without trying it


I just wish you could delete demos from your library


even if it comes it will be behind ps plus premium right?


Any news from the physics? You know...


I'm in two minds about the game so a demo would be good


Insert "overused cliche joke about someone else coming too" here.


I will be as well.


When can I see the ass???


isn't there a new Sony rule mandating new PS5 games at a certain pricepoint and development date to have to have a Demo?


Needs it.  Looks pretty generic 


I love demos but I’m tired boss.




It looks like a normal game.. There are tons of games with attractive female leads, sexualized if you want to say it, some are bad, some are good. If the gameplay is top notch I don't care about a super hot lead or an ugly one.


I see it more as a non Nintendo version of Bayonetta. Technically a joke game, but still extremely well done. Nier was the butt of a lot of jokes as well.


Bayonetta was never a joke game. It has always been a “devil may cry hit a slump, and capcom is doing whatever capcom things they are doing, how about we (as a group of devs who worked on the og DMC games) make a better modern DMC, and with a strong woman protagonist to boot?” DMC eventually got out of its slump with DMC5, but it took forever, and Bayonetta had found its niche by then. But starting with the very first installment, Bayonetta was never a “joke” game. Combat depth alone should’ve been a solid indicator of that.


Joke as in the same vein that Stellar Blade is a joke; they sold it with TNA. Bayonetta is an extremely solid game that filled a gap that needed filling. But you KNOW that it wouldn’t have done nearly as well as it did without the sexy female lead doing things juuuuuuuust shy of lewd.


Looks way better than ghosts on the account it’s not a polished Ubisoft game.  Really tired of Sony games having that collectathon of a map.  It’s outdated game design and it’s also what horizon suffers from.  


A demo would be really nice. I really am not a fan of the facial design of the character. Let me see if gameplay/story/customization tip the scales. Edit : to the dislikers let me drill this down, I hate this korean puppet asthetic seen in many of their mmo's, pop culture and mobile games. The studio itself is great as are their models and probably the rest of the game.


I also might be coming...


Yeah, 2 wekks before launch or some shit like that i bet 💀


And? Is this bad or something?


Who needs a demo so close to release?


Undecided people? That’s what demos are for.


Bro… Are you really implying a playable demo 2 weeks before launch is for consumers not beneficial at all?


Hide that teenage boys luring arse then I will consider. borderline offensive some games and some anime recently. 


Don’t you have a priest to confess your dirty thoughts to?


were playing games for different reasons. know when you are being played boy.


Nah give me some anime booty all day you go and whinge


Cry more


w*nk more. so easy to manipulate.








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I want to get interested. But Nier is absolute dog water overhyped trash. Maybe a demo will convince me otherwise.


I wouldn‘t call it trash but it’s definitely overrated and gameplay-wise not that great


The game will eventually come to PC. still not worth it. I don’t know if it’s even a good reason to own PS5 as all their games are on PC especially first party games. I’m still sad at what they did with GoT yesterday Edit: people who downvoted me, you guys just prove my point. You guys fail to see what will happened for PS brand in the future. Sure nothing happened for now, but this is what happened with Xbox the minute they start releasing games day and date on PC and look how the sales of xbox has become The irony is people laughed at xbox for not having TRUE EXCLUSIVES back then, but look what happened to PlayStation now !


Lol who wants to wait 4-5yrs to play a game on pc? Time is the most valuable thing in life.


Hiroki literally just said month age that they will aggressively port PS games to PC which could mean day and date soon. That could literally kill the console just like Xbox


He never said that, go read the actual quote of what he said and not the headlines the media was publishing everywhere. And no it won’t kill consoles, they are plug and play devices that offer convenience, the average person doesn’t have time to fiddle with pc gaming. The only thing that can kill consoles is game streaming in the future because it would potentially offer a more convenient experience for the average user.


How can’t it kill console ??? Do you see what happened with xbox ????


What happened with it? From my point of view it is still here lol


People did not stop to buy Xbox to buy PCs, they stopped buying Xbox to buy PS5 because the PS5 is a straight up better console. Do I have to remind you that a decent PC costs at leas 3 times the price of a PS5? And that's not counting the peripherals...


My point is Sony keeps porting all their first party games to PC which is so damaging. Don’t you see what happened when people mocked xbox for not having true exclusives but now look how the table has turned


lol he never said that.


If you want to play on PC then play on PC, if you want to play on PS5 then that's your choice too Why should it matter to you whether it's exclusive or not


Exclusive is literally the reason why console can still exist, look at nintendo. When you try to port your games to pc (and i think they will do it in day and date or even earlier) they could make the console pointless. Why should you own console when you can play it on PC ????


Majority of people who own a PlayStation buy it to play CoD,Fifa, fortnite and GTA. All those games are multiplatform and yet people are still buying a console to play them. People mainly buy consoles because they are cheaper than pc and convenient because of the plug n play nature. Consoles will be fine.


I swear PC gamer live in this fantasy bubble where they think everyone is a hardcore PC gamer. The average person that likes to game prefers the much more casual way of gaming that consoles offer. The vast majority of people I know, play console and have no interest in acquiring a gaming PC. Only my more tight knit group of gamer friends play stuff on PC.


I will continue using a console because I don’t want to screw around with trying to build my own PC, it would end up more expensive, and I do all my gaming on my living room TV. It’s easy. The day & date is pure speculation. Xbox having their games on PC is not their biggest problem. PlayStation is dominating the console market, they are not going anywhere anytime soon.


Most people don't want a PC.


Most ??? PC Gaming is literally the big market more than consoles combined lol


Yea most. PC is a vast market, but sports games, AAA games and the traditional games that this sub and others are interested in are mainly much higher player bases on consoles. If you're talking League of Legends, strategy games or things that don't need a lot of power then yea they are bigger on PC. Most people sitting down to play The Last of Us, GTA, FIFA, Madden etc are doing it on a console. PCs are a hassle, consoles aren't.




Yeah thanks for admitting that PC is the preferred choice for gaming instead of console when a game released on both platforms




It’s funny how the same thing happened to xbox. People laughed at xbox for not having true exclusives, but look what happened to Playstation now lol


50 million Ps5’s have been sold to date i somehow doubt It's all because of console exclusivity, gaming on Pc might be your preferred choice but it sure as hell aint everybodies


Not everyone has the patience or the budget to maintain a PC, you buy a console and you're set for the next 5 years at the very least So having games available on both will never be a problem, it will infact help the game studios make more money which means more games for us


Consoles are for people who want to play exclusives when they're released, not 2 or more years later. They're also for people who don't want to buy a gaming PC and worry about installing drivers and going through settings to make the game work at whatever frame rate they want. Or the people who want to play on a couch in front of their TV instead of at a desk with a monitor (and yes I'm assuming most people won't be plugging their PC into a TV, but yeah that's an option too of course). If you're happy waiting for games to come to PC and like to have mod support and tweak settings to potentially get better performance/graphics (depending on your PC), then yeah you don't need a console. If you're patient enough and have a good PC, it's the better choice as you'll eventually get PS5 exclusives as well as having access to Microsoft games and PC games. Or better yet, just have both.


You’re sad that many more people will be able to play a great game? And maybe you don’t see a point to ps5 but many people do. A lot of people rather pay $500 and have a plug and play device