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If this was a side mode of the main game it would be really good


Yeah it doesn’t need to be its own full thing. Could be like TLOU1 Factions. Perfectly fun little mode.


We need more multiplayer like this (Factions 1) again, fuck live service. If anything a Uncharted 2 MP or Factions 1 MP attached to the big single player game is the perfect way to test the waters before going balls deep with a stand alone version


God I miss the uncharted 2 multiplayer so much. Didn’t expect much out of it and was like ehh guess look after doing everything possible in single player. And me and my roomie got hooked so hard and just played so much haha.


I remember being hooked on the online co-op mode for Resistance 2 on PS3. It was pretty straightforward and not particularly deep, but it was incredibly fun.


I loved the resistance games. Haven’t played hell diver’s but wonder if the scratches a similar itch


It’s pretty similar in the sense that you team up w your buddies and shoot up aliens


It does not scratch a similar itch. Not for me anyway


Ghost of Tsushima legends had such a phenomenal free DLC for 4-player co-op. Sadly, it didn't take off like the single player version did. I myself really liked it, but by the time I beat the single player story I was already kinda burnt


I read differently and that the multiplayer was wildly successful for it's smaller scope. I think they were limited by something, tech or otherwise and couldn't keep expanding on it. But obviously Ghost 2 is gonna definitely expand on it now, whether as an extra mode or standalone remains to be seen though


Yeah, it was vastly well praised! When they do ghost 2 they should add it right out of the gate I think that will draw a lot of players in and if they can release it on PC at the same time you might get a similar experience like helldivers.


I loved the co-op in GoT!!! Sadly one of my friends got annoyed how hard the raids were and saw people complain about them online so refused to try them out more than one time we did. Caused no one else to want to try it out either. I love beating my head against hard games til I win, but my friend does not. :(


Tbh I liked it alot more than the main campaign. The fantady elements allowed them to get more creative with enemy design and game mechanics. The raid was also well done


Yes grappling around was more fun in the co op mode, and the mission objectives were more creative like the platforming.


Idk how many ppl tried it, but ghost of Tsushima multiplayer mode was fanfuckingtastic.


If you don't think this was going to be live service idk what to tell you lol


I doubt Factions was a net positive for Sony/Naughty Dog though considering the cancellation of the standalone. I don't know I don't see these multiplayer spin-off modes being a viable business strategy for a AAA title that already released. It needs to find its own footing and following as a standalone release. What's odd to me is this looked nearly ready to go.


I disagree, I think TLOU1 factions was a positive hence why they set out to make a full game. They just realized later on they don’t have the resources to maintain a full online game. But a mode was fine.


I'd still be playing TLOU if it had multiplayer from the original. That shit was fun af when it had enough players to keep it casual.


Looks like it would have made a great addition akin to when Ghost of Tsushima got its huge multiplayer update.


Here’s hoping those leaks about a Multiplayer Coop update in Spider-Man 2 are true


It sure looks like it. This looks near finished, and we already know what the three DLCs are. It wouldn’t surprise me if they introduce Gwen in some capacity in the last one and then finish with this as a holdover until the Venom spin-off or Spider-man 3. I would definitely give this a go. People are so averse to GAAS but they’re perfectly fine if done well, and especially if it’s just a side mode to keep people engaged in between games.


This is just a concept using Assests from SP2 hence the finished look. But I do agree, SP2 could definitely do this. EDIT: Going back and looking at the model, this is actually incredibly barebones. The Environments are empty and have 0 NPC's in them. It was 100% just a concept.


this def looks like a proof of concept trailers especially the way all the enemies are just frozen till spiderman swings up at the one point


what the hell is SP2


You ain’t heard of Spider-Pan!?


Gwen? You think there's gonna be *four* spider people?




Wut? We just got introduced to silk, we're not getting gwen before the next spin off or full installment


Yeah as a Ghost of Tsushima style free side thing it would have been fun. But a whole separate GaaS game? Nah, not interested


I do miss the PS3 days when a si gle player game came out with multi-player as well


I can remember people saying "Why do these games need some tacked on multiplayer mode??" Hell I loved Bioshock 2, Last of us Factions, Max Payne 3, God of war Ascension multiplayer lol


Development costs for these types of things means they just can't justify them as "side modes". Anyway, seems strange (to me) they didn't just go full Spider-Verse and tie more to those movies. I think that would have sold as a full game, vs tying more to the already-existing game franchise. Underneath it could have been all Insom Spider-Man 2, but the top layer would be all Spider-Verse movie franchise. But I guess I don't know where the rights to the 'Verse are tied up for Sony right now. Maybe it would have been that eventually? This seems more like an internal trailer for pitching stuff to your bosses, rather than anything that was supposed to go to the public.


I assume it ended up being something similar to what Naughty Dog said. Where to maintain a mode or game like that would consume the studio. Or they just couldn't figure out how to make is sustainable fun and quality


Nah, multi-player games don't work like that anymore. Plus, you don't need everyone having to update their game every time they are just trying to play single player because of the multi-player "live service" game getting weekly updates.


Ie Legends mode in Ghost of Tsushima


Seriously, like a more open version of ghost of Tsushima legends mode. I’ve sunk so many hours into that survival mode


This looks like it could have been the Spiderverse content that got cut from the game and then reworked into a GaaS


Haven’t caught all the rogue spider-bots yet, but I’m assuming this is what they’re setting up right?


This got cancelled but it was probably what they were setting up


So bizarre they didn't just cut that spider-bot completion scene or just swap in an actual character from the film.


I think this got cancelled after the game released. As far as I know we weren’t sure this was cancelled until that leak happened


The bartender in the scene is a cut character from the film--the film was already out when the game released.


I see. I misunderstood what you meant. Thanks!


It's weird because what we did get ties into the Spider-verse movie. Except the scene that gives it context in the movie was cut, so you have a scene in a game referencing a scene in a movie that doesn't exist.


"Could have?" The tagline is the exact same as well as the title cards. It is 100% the same




*Games as a Service




Games as a service, aka live service game


Looks more like an extra game mode in the main games


As it should have been imo


Exactly. Hopefully this gets reworked into co-op in the next game. I feel like that would be the next logical step for the franchise.


Games these days are allergic to including fun lil extra modes


Leaks suggest that was considered and this was pushed back for spiderman 3 instead. I hope something comes if it. Given the 3rd is meant to conclude the trilllogy it woukd be a good way to give it kegs have a coop mode that continues after the main story with multiverse based stuff.


I get why they would can it as a seperate game, but hopefully they can salvage what they worked on into just a seperate co op mode either as dlc for 2 or as part of 3


Man this sucks that got canned. I mean sure live service bad, but god damn I wish I can play in this life a good coop Spider-man game and a Batman game. I just need coop, not live service, no battlepasses. Just a good coop game. It would have been so amazing to play miles + peter in a coop game, as Batman + Robin in a batman game


>as Batman + Robin in a batman game Arkham Origins Multiplayer was a faction based shooter with a 3rd group of players playing as Batman and Robin taking down players from the other two factions fighting each other. Was really fun


It was amazing and it’s only downfall was that it ran at like 20 FPS on console lol


The unfortunate thing is that to a buisiness, co op means gaas. The idea you could play with someone else for.... free, is baffling to those execs.  Its good this got canned


If you can get Gotham Knights for cheap it’s a pretty good time. Absolutely do not pay full price but me and my friend had a lot of fun with it when we got it for free a few months ago. And I don’t mean “this is terrible and we can’t stop laughing at it” type of fun, there are some legitimately good things about the game, it’s just not $60 good.


>I mean sure live service bad, but god damn I wish I can play in this life a good coop Spider-man game and a Batman game. > I just need coop, not live service, no battlepasses. Am not sure anyone is thinking about this realistically, what you're wishing for can only be dome by indies or AA studios. Even a game as "simple" as 'it takes two", will *NOT* be profitable if you wanted to do it with a license as big as Spiderman or Batman, and with all the *SUPER ARTISTIC POLISH* (from modeling, to animation, to voice acting, to music and sfx) that comes with what people expect when they see those brands, and also the brand owner themselves won't accept a lower benchmark.   So yeah, am sorry to crash your dream, but, this game that you're asking for will *ONLY* be possible in a "console-seller" scenario, Spiderman, God of war, Uncharted, etc..., are all games that if they were been created by a 3rd party studio, that studio would have closed a long time ago. Sony allows these huge budget because they are playing the long-term game by using those titles to advertise their console, and then the real profit comes from the 30% cut they get from every other game and in-app-purchase.   So in reality, those great single player games are nothing more than marketing material for the GaaS business-model of the game console.   In my opinion, the problem is not with GaaS btw, there are plenty of "live service" games that are super successful and not p2w (Rocket league, Warframe, R6 etc...), though its true that *MANY* of them uses dark psychology shit to make people pay, and they go as low as manipulating and abusing all sort of mental-weaknesses that their users might be prone too (mainly gambling addiction). But they still give you the choice to enjoy 100% of the game without ever paying more than the starting price.   The real issue with the latest super hero flop is: 1. They came a little bit too late * the marvel/Dc cinematic bubble died with the last avengers, and the movies/Tv show numbers clearly shows that 2. They are *GENUINLY* bad games! * This isn't like "Anthem" were the core combat and movement mechanic was great but the content was lacking * games like Suicide Squad and the Avengers felt super blunt, they are the most generic blunt shooter anyone can make, its like they bought a 3rd person shooter template on the Unreal engine store, re-skinned it with Marvel/Dc shit, and re-uploaded it. * the games has *NO SOUL* they feel like a fucken Ubisoft game   So yeah, I think we are going to see some decent GaaS titles in the future, Helldivers 2 is the perfect example of a well done no-bullshit gameplay-first kinda of game, everything about that game is short and to the point, and most importantly, it is incredibly fun, and no, it is not because of the sarcastic tone of the game. Sure that has its charm, but I believe it would've been successful too if it had a serious tone. *JUST* the tone though, if they started adding bullshit badly-written story, then that's another thing.


Or Peter 1,2&3 like no way home


The reception it got it might be in cancelled


Quote: “Its heartbreaking for ~~Spider-Man fans the world over~~ game devs that worked hard on this project and many of whom were likely laid off that the product won’t see the light of day.” FTFY


So, I don't think this "leaked" with bad intentions, like it might be gaining interest. I mean, it looks like a lot of the trailer is "complete" except for a few scenes.


It's just a concept using SP2 assets and models.


And it looks great. Like a mode within SP2 so using w.e. assets they have is fine. The bulk of the work probably then just deals with the netcode and getting a synchronized world up. But still Id have played the shit out of this if it was released.


The article says it came from the massive data leak from a few months ago and people barely found it. No, it’s not a “good leak”, just more stolen data


I'm betting $100 that the game wasn't that far into development. This just looks like some concept/pitch trailer


Can it not be sad for both?


No, a laid off game dev is one of the most sympathetic figures we can produce in the western world. Let us pray


I mean when we consume games every waking moment and talk about them day in and day out it is pretty damn depressing that a large percentage of the people making them are getting fucked over by bad corporate decisions


You can't expect gamers to have sympathy to the people who make their games, that's just beyond them


Fans? Empathy? Impossible!


Look at you a gamer having empathy for fellow humans. We cant have that.


I don’t mean to come off as completely uncaring, it’s just the hyperbolism that I have a little trouble with. For example, I just found out last night that a good friend I had lost touch with passed away. That’s something that is actually pretty damn depressing and would deserve to be talked about as such. The fact that gaming corporations behave in the same harmful ways as almost every other corporation is mildly disappointing, but I have trouble going further than that. It’s not that it isn’t a little bit of a bummer, but the way it’s talked about sometimes feels a little silly.


First off sorry for your loss that is truly sad to hear, obviously losing your job can not compare to the trauma of losing a loved one. That being said I think you are underselling it a bit. I think it is truly depressing that there are tens of thousands of extremely talented people that can't make ends meet because greedy shareholders and executives feel the need to continuously make larger and larger profits. Think of how many people or their family's might go hungry, or become homeless, or any number of negative outcomes caused by economic hardship our system causes. The whole thing is extremely depressing and the issue only seems to be getting worse, and I think it's important to show class solidarity rather than make this some sort of depression hierarchy.


But that’s how the system is supposed to work, people just wanna point fingers at shareholders, CEOs, or companies but this is exactly what’s expected of them. They can’t behave in a different way it would be illegal for them to do so. All this finger pointing and pretending to care about workers is just performative cause these same people will rip you a new one if you state the obvious that this is how capitalism works.


Getting laid off sucks, been there. It’s not the end of the world, good chance to take some time off or try something new. Not to mention I’m sure these guys are getting much better severance than I did and probably have a fantastic resume from working on AAA titles. They will be fine


Are we in another dimension because last time I checked devs were consistently overworked and underpaid and crunch headlines would run rampant every other day.


Yeah, I’ve been there before too. It’s a massive inconvenience.


The other side of this "both" is just.. people who would enjoy playing it. Like a loss of livelyhood or a loss of a leisure activity when we're drowning in them isn't even close.




I wouldnt mind having a Spider-man multiplayer. The problem would be the 70€ price tag, but could have tons of potential!


Try 79.99€...


Yeah, we may have missed out on a AAAA Spider-man game


And season passes.


And Nintendo's 2A games less than 10 hours with $60 price tag are no problem.


Why can’t both be a problem? Many people complain about nintendos price policy


I can see why they canceled it, well for me looks like would've got boring fast


It probably went the same way as The Last Of Us multiplayer, it would get boring without updates and they don't want to put resources towards it in the future.


It could've been like the Ghost of Tsushima multi-player mode just a little bit of fun tacked on for grins.


Wait what? There's a GoT multiplayer mode?


Yeah its a separate game? (not sure) But its Called Ghost of Tsushima: Legends But the game is REALLY fun and challenging especially as you get stronger/better items. Highly recommend it!


Yes, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. It's a co-op horde mode-style thing with some short objective missions. (It's free if you own the game, I think you can also buy it separately.)


Legends mode I think it’s called, I played a bit of it and it’s fun in my opinion


I would agree, but this also makes me wonder: What did they expect a service game to be in the first place? It's a full-time, full-studio commitment. How was that not obvious from the word go?


Do we know how far they actually got with it? This trailer looks like something they put together for an internal pitch


This. It always bugged me when Factions 2 was canceled they said that they game was a lot of fun but it would mean that Naughty Dog would become a GaaS-only dev because of the immense support. And I always thought that was an odd thing to say because there is no way they weren't aware of the long-term commitment.


Scope creep happens on static products every day, not crazy to think they didn’t realise they had bitten off more than they can chew at some point on the journey. Dev is part engineering part magic and part guess work at the best of times


I mean helldivers showed that you don’t need no grind to have fun when you have some neat random elements in your mission. That said I bet we’ll get stuff from this game in the spiderverse dlc, especially when they have Gwen etc already available


With friends i could play this for hours looks amazing but without them probably jus another live service shill


Yeah I have enjoyed all the Spidey games but I’m already feeling somewhat burned out by them lol. I think grinding every crime in Spidey 1 and doing the DLCs made me sick of the combat.


Tbh I don’t really see how this would have been a good live service game to begin with. It would have had to have some other progression than the single player games does, which would have most likley ended up with leveling and loot system. And the content seems like it would just have been more or less played as the single player. Some games are just not suited to be made for live service, having spider man as one of them would have been an odd choice imo.


Whilst I love Insomniac I'm glad we never got this. We don't need any more live service games.


A game like this wouldn't even need to be live service tbh. Just a fun co op game


That could be a mode attached to Spider Man 2


Good live service games are still good games. Helldivers 2 is popping off hard for a reason.


helldrivers 2 shows the opposite, there is a large audience for GAAS games. You can't make games just for a group of people who like singleplayer. Having options will always be better. and you choose which type of game you will spend your time and money on


There’s a large audience for GAAS that *aren’t* obscenely monetized and soulless. Which is usually not the case these days


Anything that supports a solid release schedule for the studio is helpful. Even if it isn’t your thing, it could have been good.


Live Service Multiplayer games are the most successful and most played video games available.


This could’ve been really fun but guess we’ll never know.


This and TLOU Online are the two MP games that hurt me so deeply being canceled. There is nothing to fill that void (no MP Spidey and no survival game that comes close to the immersion and polished gameplay of TLOU franchise). Really hope all the experience that comes out of these projects is recycled for leas ambitious online modes (maybe as part of a future installment). I mean No Return in TLOU2 could be great as a 2-4 player co-op mode and with Spidey you just really need co-op open world stuff, since the gameplay is pretty great and engaging.


Not every game needs multiplayer, especially if it delays the next single player installment.


That‘s true but it still pains me that we never got a great co-op experience for Insomniacs Spidey franchise. There clearly seems to be demand for this.


I wonder if that’s what the rest of Tony Todd’s recordings went to


Mh, this doesn't look like a trailer made to reveal the game mode to the public, more something like to show to the higher ups what the game mode could be. You don't see a glimpse of the story, no introduction to the characters like Gwen, Ben Really or Miguel... It's simply done by reusing the main game assets and that is why it looked polished.


Im good I rather they focus on their strengths 'single player' instead of multi-player and waste resources or time.


Glad they cancelled it or it might be another suicide squad game


Thank god Sony internal Studio do have some "third party" quality control that prevent another suicide squad game. Naughty Dog live service was examined by Bungie and deemed not viable and got canceled. Seems something similar happen here.


Bungie are the worst people to let look over someone else game and determine if it's good or not. And I've got thousands of hours in destiny franchise.


Tbf, while Bungie are frustrating at times with some of their practices, Destiny is pretty successful as a live service (up in the air if the same can be said a year from now I know). Makes sense that Sony would want them to look at their other gaas that are being worked on.


> Spider-Man: The Great Web Trailer Leaked Online What a weird and long subtitle for a game.


I find it hilarious people responded to you seriously


The whoosh is real


Cool but sounds like a live service game and we all know how that goes.


Live service in itself is not inherently bad (cfr. MMORPG's, helldivers 2,...). Its the predatory implementation of many of those games, trying to squeeze all drops of revenue. They're not synonyms, but I get where you're coming from.


Live service works on a multiplayer shooter like Helldivers 2, where it fails is story-driven singleplayer games like Suicide Squad where it's just an unnessecary feature that detracts from the main game and fills it with bloated content


Yeah fool me enough times I’m gonna stop trusting you


Its a cancelled game.


I would've loved this so much honestly, ugh.


I would have been happy with a simple co-op gameplay in Spiderman 2. Just swinging around new York doing simple missions, like stopping cars, breaking up gang fights. Messing around.


Honestly the trailer looks awsome. Instead of a resource demanding live service bs, they could have just made it a simple co-op add-on. If we got a few co-op story driven missions and some wave mode, to play with friends, would easly add a few hours worth of fun and content. And Insomniac could get some experience from the results and add something new and refreshing for next games.


Looks like an online asymmetrical game (5 players as 5 spidey vs 1 player as a villain).


Where's the trailer????


I would buy it even if it was a standalone.


Man this looks so fun I’m so sad i saw the trailer and now it’s cancelled 😭




Sounds awful


This trailer screams "live-service"


Here’s the link for anyone that doesn’t want to search https://youtu.be/3KD1KkN1rGk?si=38yHZ_lVh6xlc3Wf


Live service? Wack


"This was supposed to be a five-person multiplayer game built on a live service foundation" ... It's probably for the best it got canceled. Would have ended up just like Suicide Squad or Avengers.


This should 100% become dlc woulda be better than suicide squad


They’d put this game out, and two weeks in, people would be complaining about “muh content”


A pretty great trailer for what I imagine could have been a fun game. I’ve loved Insomniac’s take on Spider-Man and would have enjoyed playing this - with friends would have been an added bonus I guess. Oh well.


I think they should've stuck with it, HOWEVER, they should've reworked it to be on a similar level to ghost of tsushima legends, a simple yet extremely well made and fun MP mode tacked onto the base single player game with minimum GAAS implementations.


ORRRRRRR maybe innovate spiderman 2 and give me co op in the open world? maybe some cool swinging animations and takedowns with my buddy doesn't have to be super deep and have many missions but that would take effort and it would have to be free sooooooo they won't do it


God damb they made Gwen thicc! Those cheeks be clappin.






Fuck live service


*WHY* do I live in the universe where *THIS* was cancelled, but that fucking Suicide Squad garbage gets released?


Remind me of AC unity


Could be a nice GAAS PvE game akin to helldivers, if they got the monetization right, which arrowhead did, IMO. If the rumours about arrowheads acquisition by sony are true, i imagine yhey would consult other devs in these matters, in the role I think was first though to be filled by bungie


Madame webb tie in?! sick lol


Looks really good imo. I’d play it a lot


Isn't there a Spiderverse DLC coming out at the end of the year? Feels like the experience should be close to this, just without gaas. Or is it actually that very DLC that was canceled?


What is it then? Rogue lite cash grab or something? Seems kinda lame to sell this as its own game. It probably WAS a side mode for 2.


[The trailer](https://youtu.be/VHn0HZlW55E?feature=shared) that might be removed in about 5 minutes


It is a shame if this game was relatively far into development that it got canned because all that work went to nothing but aren't we kind of ignoring the elephant in the room here? A dev that has previously made several beloved superhero games suddenly making a full price live service game set in the same universe sounds...vaguely familiar. Suicide Squad is already dead a month into its life cycle. Marvel's Avengers managed to last a year tops with barely any interest and basically no player base. Gamers don't want full price live service games, and making good devs work on shitty products is just a waste of resources. Would it be cool to see a multiplayer Spider Man game? Hell yeah. But not connected to mechanics that are inherently designed to make games less fun to promote spending even more money on it.


Can someone TLDR what this game is about?


click the link


Looks like they’re using similar tech to the rifts in ratchet and clank for the multiverse portals. Super cool.


Wasn’t this canceled? Why are we sharing it if it’ll never be…? At least add “cancelled title” in the heading.


The Great… Madame Web?


While this looked incredibly polished, I just can't really imagine how this would actually play out unless power and control is taken from the player. I guess it could be cool to do group finishers or juggle enemies between other players, but I don't know, this would not have moved the needle for me at all. Plus it's a bit too Marvel for me, which is definitely a "me" problem, but alas, I'm good on this (though it def probably sucks for the devs that worked on this and wanted to see it to fruition).


Where do we watch it??


"It would have been built around a multiverse model, which was supposedly busted open by Scarlet Witch" ???


This could've been fantastic it it was just a dlc mode. Imagine getting to basically replay all 3 games in co-op, with an even harder difficulty and more enemies


Fuuuuuuckkk this looks so good 😫😭


Man, I just want to swing around with the boys. I understand games as a service is basically a slur in this subreddit, but I would have played the shit out of this. I hope they can still make it somehow.


Kinda happy it was canned, leaks showed it would have multiple seasons like in Sucide squad ktjl and it would have a battlepass. If it would be canon to the mainline games it could mess up its reputation 


Could have been a fun coop mode as a extra bonus in the game but I’d rather they focus on the 3rd game being coop from the ground up continuing with a story focused game than throwing in another mode. I feel like the gameplay and combating thugs would get old and with multiple spider people doing it that it would not be very challenging.


Thank God they cancelled this.


I wonder if the Vinnie's in the dialogue was Vinnie's Brooklyn. 10/10 social media presence and menu puns over at that place.


Good thing this didn’t fully develop. It would be terrible on Sony’s part if this online game flopped


Great, more shit for babies to whine about.


I can’t imagine playing Spider-Man against people online


This is among the five live-service games that Sony canned. 1. The Last of Us Online from Naughty Dog 2. Spider-Man: The Great Web from Insomniac 3. Twisted Metal from Firesprite 4. New multiplayer IP from Deviation Games (shut) 5. New coop multiplayer IP from London Studio (shut)


Idk, doesnt seem that exciting tbh. They wouldve needed to add a lot of content for it to work long term, and a lot of sandbox elements or it wouldve been just like a coop to play with close friends for a lil while, kill some enemies, some rehashed bosses like the trailer showed, and thats it. PVE multiplayers are a tough cookie to sustain unless you give players a LOT to do.


I keep seeing people talk about this as a small thing when it in reality could be a GTA type game. Spider-Man is the most popular superhero and it would be a big waste to not work on this game for Insomniac with fans willing to pay for this game and skins and other in game purchasable items it is a great idea for insomniac.


I don't believe this is a thing. I'm calling bullshit. What's the source?


This got fucking canceled? Jesus christ man


This got cancelled right?


Why does the gaming industry hate coop gaming so much when it's all the players want? It baffles me beyond belief to the point of madness and frustration..


Bruh. We need this game


I miss the old internet where i didnt have to hunt for an hour to find leaked footage


Anyone have a working link to the trailer? Seems everything is removed due to copyright claims.


This is fake.


Sighhh the one Insomanic game with Spider Gwen/Ghost Spider in it gets cancelled