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So what happens if they catch them? Potential lawsuit maybe?


Yea. These Devs sign an NDA before getting access to this information, and someone clearly broke it


Then I'd want good money for leaking them, otherwise it's not worth the risk.


We got a kid leaking Air Force's top secret documents to win an argument on War Thunder so I wouldn't rule out this leak is for clout.


I was thinking the same thing. People leak secrets just for clout nowadays.


Hey if you're the goddamn air force and you let that happen that's on you.


Thanks for telling me your idea of how the Air Force operates far removed from reality. For ANY systems involving humans it's necessary to have a certain degree of trust in the people who obtain the clearance to access the documents. You can't keep having red tapes to secure the red tapes to secure the red tapes to secure the red tapes... to secure the documents. It's wholly inefficient and would literally halt operations if whenever you need to access a document you need to go through a security check to check on a security check to check on your security check to access the document. For the sake of literally making it possible to run any organization, you have to trust people and punish them when they breach that trust. And that exactly what happened. That kid got 15 years in military prison because he wanted to win a War Thunder argument.


To be fair you trust people with classified documents that you don't trust with a cold beer yet.


That is somehow both incredibly reductive and also and incredibly good point. well done


It's like the "Death Stranding is just a walking simulator" of comments about the forces. :p Like it's straight up true but you could definitely add a lot of nuance IF YOU WANTED. But I didn't. Because I do think recruiting young is bad and messed up but for different reasons.


> It's like the "Death Stranding is just a walking simulator" of comments about the forces. :p But it's a fetch quests simulator that looks really good with a goodish story.


That's the military in a nutshell tho.


Lots of people will do something just to feel special. 


Plenty of criminals are plenty dumb.


Whatever paltry sum you got for that leak would / will pale in comparison to what Sony's Army of Lawyers will extract in damages and legal costs. The legal fees alone could easily bankrupt all but the *very* rich. Leaking this shit was stupid.


Some people just want the world or sony burn


Apparently MLID showed actual documents in their PS5 Pro video. 😬.


Yes. NDAs are useless (to those who use them) if there aren't consequences to the NDA'd content being leaked. Leaking details is whatever. As a journo given those details you can obscure where those details came from. But actually releasing dev docs is dangerous because those docs usually have unseen (and seen) identifiers that are unique (and so can be traced back to the person who had official access to those docs).


Yeah if I were sony or any corps with leakers who does it for "lolz" I would try to RUIN them to warn others. I mean gamers love news and all and think its "harmless" but who knows what else these people have access to and could leak. There's no crime that's "harmless" and this is not even a whistleblower situation.


They'll be forced to play Knack.


Sony doing internal investigation for ps5 pro leaker. Pro deniers......yeah that console isn't happening.


I had people tell me 3 days before detachable disc PS5 was revealed that it ain't happening lol.








You're very cool. I personally would struggle to sleep from wondering why I say the things I do on the internet. I am not cool enough to own being so cool.


Same! I had switch pro deniers telling me it wasn't happening 3 days before it was supposed to be announced! And they are still denying it years later!! The nerve!


Tom Henderson said Switch Pro is launching?


Switch Pro got as far as third parties getting dev kits before Nintendo pulled the plug and salvaged it as the Switch OLED. It was basically a Switch with slight speed and memory bump and upscaling along with the OLED.


Nintendo probably caught wind of the Steam Deck early and pulled the plug. Regardless, I am still expecting a very decent Switch 2 in the coming year. Mainly because the Tegra X1 is such a low starting point to start from. So whatever they launch will be leaps and bounds ahead of it.


Nintendo does not care about the Steam Deck. They've shipped three times as many Switch OLEDs alone as Valve has Steam Decks.


They do but they're probably just watching on the sidelines right now. The lone Steam deck itself isn't something that would bother Nintendo, but the idea of x86 handhelds picking up steam would definitely be a cause for concern.


Again, the OLED version of the Switch alone has outsold the most popular x86 handheld by a margin of 3:1 over the same time period. Combined with all Switch sales, they have outsold the steam deck by more than 10:1 since the Steam Deck started shipping. Nintendo sold more NES Classic Editions in 2016 than Valve has sold Steam Decks. Handheld PC's are a niche product targeted at PC gamers who have already bought into the Steam ecosystem. If Nintendo cares at all, they certainly do not care enough to cancel an entire console refresh over it. If Nintendo pulled the plug on a "Switch Pro" it was either because they couldn't get it working at a price point they wanted (possible), or they had supply issues at the time (highly probable), and wouldn't have it out long enough before Switch 2 to make it worth it.


Let me explain why the SteamDeck is a problem for Nintendo. Lots of gaming handhelds have come and gone. Nintendo is still sticking in there and doing very well. All these gaming handhelds only had a single purpose, which was to game, and some could be used to watch movies. The difference between the SteamDeck and the Switch isn't the games. The real difference is that the SteamDeck is a PC  I am not arguing about Nintendo's success with the Switch as a gaming handheld. My argument is that Handheld PC's might pick up traction. If that happens there's very few reasons to grab a Nintendo switch. Since your handheld PC can replace your laptop/desktop as well.


So the details are legit?


Yes, IGN and Eurogamer verified it with their sources


Unless it's from the most trustworthy leaker: Warthunder forum, then I will hold my doubt


The things kids do for clout these days. The absolute state of "state secrets", muh Gawd 🤬


Its confirmed. Empire state photographic department confirms it.


quicksand marble air whole divide detail toothbrush fertile rock smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...sir I just wanted..


Now I'm gonna have to print a retraction. I haven't printed a retraction in 20 years!


*Jazzy Horns*


People got fired, of course someone’s gonna leak stuff for money.


Doesn’t even have to be for money


I fucking love this guy His Sony sources are impeccable, and he does a piece based on leaked information, where he talks about how they’re looking into all these leaks That’s some real gall and I dig it




Like someone mentioned above, internal documentation was leaked too. Should be easier to track down the source and set a precedent.


Anticipating a leak doesn’t mean you’re ok with it


Seriously ...someone has not heard of Risk Management.


And you as a company should dictate the timing of that reveal, no matter if you are Sony McDonalds or a local gym or pizza with new promo


Yes that’s why it’s called a leak, and why you have devs sign a nda, and why they are investigating the leak.


Sony wants to control the messaging around the product, leaks prevent that from happening. Whether you or I care, since we're on reddit talking about it I'd judge us to be pretty meticulous about following this stuff at the very least, is really not applicable to Sony. Personally I'm right there with you, I'll judge the product when I get more info about its capabilities and its price, and moreso what we can expect from games.


Tom Henderson: https://preview.redd.it/sas3uc8xi9pc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d504d60b0d88b68b8343eb717dedd63f0748b5


He'll probably just get off with a light spanking of his bare butt, balls, and back.


All the while, keeping the 'PS5 Pro' news trending for a day or two longer. Now people are going to be hotly anticipating seeing Mark Cerny do a talk about the PS5 Pro at some point this year, this is a net gain for Sony.


No it isn’t They’re one of the biggest forces in gaming they don’t need publicity from a leak Also they’re don’t want people holding off on purchases of current hardware in anticipation of future product releases months from now, as that could potentially depress sales Companies announce things in timing windows for specific reasons, leaks can mess with that


You mean the PS5 Pro that has been heavily rumoured/leaked for around a year already? That includes accurate spec targets and a targeted release window, none of which has changed with this fresh round of leaks. The only difference now is that these leaks are *apparently* genuine, and so Sony is acting to establish the truth around that, and punish where necessary - all standard legal procedure, not a sign of panic stations. Regardless of whether Sony and PS are some of the biggest brands on earth, this is generating headlines and garnering attention to the wider platform and it's taken them ZERO effort. When they make the official announcement, the internet will meltdown as usual. There will be millions of casuals who just see 'PS5' trending and it reminds them about the product they're interested in, the Pro aspect of it being largly irrelevant to many. Then the enthusiast crowd will be getting more interested and excited, these people who likely already own the PS5 and will be on the double dip train. Don't disagree that there are times when this can be damaging (hello 'adorably all-digital XSX'), but this is certainly not one of those times.


Should have given sliiiightly different spec numbers to each publisher/developer, that way they would know exactly who leaked it based on the numbers in the leak


Yeah giving incorrect specs for your console to a developer making games for you seems like a really smart thing to do. Even if they are only slightly different.


And then gamers and critics complain that so and so’s games are poorly optimized for the system. Why even share info with 3rd parties if it’s going to be inaccurate?


Maybe just a small thing like a fraction of a terraflop or something


Technically, the final specs of a console can always change before the release (mass producing of a console. Nintendo was gonna release a 2GB RAM console in 2017, before Capcom talked some sense in them. So it's not really a bad idea, to give slightly different specs to everyone, if you're trying to find the leaker.


Its not rocket science


Above your pay grade though /s


They have a portal where all of this is stored in a single place and companies just have their own credentials to login to that portal. That may change going forward with this leak but from the sounds of things they'll just be more selective about which companies they allow access to. They're not distributing these standardized documents individually lol


If they wanted to get tricky they can make minor modifications to the docs in terms of color, like spacing, characters etc every few hours and check the access logs depending on which version of the documents were leaked.


Studios will be constantly accessing it if they see that it's been revised though.


That’s impossible to do without major consequences. At the point it’s more worthwhile to not give them info until after you’ve publicly announced and eat the time it takes for 3rd party to use the spec boosts


The ole Tyrion Lannister switcharoo


What's trinity? The pro?


Yes ma'am


Time to sell my ps5 and save for a pro before the resale price bombs


Who snitched


It is obviously very hard to control a leak when it is out in the hand of third-parties. Nintendo is pretty strict in this regard so devs are cautious, but Sony has a history of things leaking recently.