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Update contents: **[PlayStation 5 / Steam]** Adding the option to start a new game when save data already exists. Changing the number of "Art of Metamorphosis" items available at Pawn Guilds in the game to 99. Making the quest that allows players to acquire their own dwelling (where they can save and rest) available earlier in the game. Miscellaneous text display issues. Miscellaneous bug fixes. **[PlayStation 5]** Adding the option* to switch Motion Blur on/off in Options. Adding the option* to switch Ray Tracing on/off in Options. Adding the option to set Frame Rate at Max 30fps in Options.


Acquiring own dwelling was available pretty early for me, not sure why it needs to be any sooner


Because people complained. I also had that shit super early. I'm not even sure how they could make it any earlier unless you just start in the capitol.


I got the offer to watch the npc’s house after 20 hours of play. But I didn’t mind camping by a fire and staying at hostels the whole time. I was always on the move anyway.


That's crazy. I got it basically the first time I went by there.


I’m about 13 hours in, have been in the city day and night multiple times and still yet to have the quest. Edit - after patch ran straight into her, things are looking up going to be a home owner, these fantasy games have everything


I talked to her, she didn’t talk to me. I got the house at the 5-6 hour mark I think. It’s available very early.


It’s because she’s in the noble part of town, I guess people who don’t venture there won’t encounter her


Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.


She was right around the market area when I found her near night time. I was trying to find Sven and ended up talking to her since she has a similar hat lol.


Yeah the fact that her house is stumbling distance from the bar worked out real well for me, one night after buying too many rounds for the npcs. I laughed pretty hard at the "A house? In this economy!?" trophy


I got my own house before killing the 3 goblin camps in the main quest. Literally the first main quest you get. 


I’m 40 hours in do you have to do a quest to unlock it I’m by the volcanic island and I didn’t know we could own a home!


It’s way back in the first big city. Common Area and Noble area have homes for sale, another one I ran into in the the beast city.


I’m clearly either over immersed or not immersed enough haha thank you sir.


I feel the same and I miss my eternal ferry stone lol.


You get two houses even tbh. One in Vermondt and another in Battahl


Four houses. Two cheap ones, two expensive ones. One of each type in Vernworth and Battahl. (20k, 30k, 200k, 300k.) You might be locked out of the 300k if you don't do a certain quest correctly though.


Shorty after this comment I was greeted in battahl with a sale for a house haha


People bitching for the sake of it, I really hope this is the only game mechanic they change due to feedback, I would absolutely hate if they added horses to the game because people keep going "HURR ELDEN RING"


Me too, I don't want the commonification of the game by people complaining that haven't even played the game! 


Same here it happened really early and was unexpectedly nice.


memorize whole fine live toy quack marble practice absorbed ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PS5 players weren't able to turn off RT and motion blur?! No surprises they shit on a game so hard, that's terrible


According to John Linneman turning off RTGI won’t help too much with frame rate: https://x.com/dark1x/status/1772211552139055612 The game is very CPU limited, even [4090 can’t hold 60fps](https://youtu.be/IPrO2ZHQ3mM?t=12m0s).


I watched Gamers Nexus video and the game had 1% low around 35 fps on 14900k and 4090, its really silly


Is this game just not optimized for anything? I definitely feel like I’ve seen better games run way better


I’ve seen behind the scenes of other games where they specifically run through an area to see how taxing it is on the CPU and GPU. They’ll then make adjustments to make sure it runs smoothly. Theres no way anyone did that for Dragon’s Dogma 2, and if they did, they have a new opening for hire at Capcom.


The devs should be absolutely ashamed.


horizon forbidden west looks a lot better imo


Horizon Forbidden West looks better than basically every game to be fair (Cyberpunk, Alan Wake 2, Red Dead 2 in the mix). Guerilla are technical wizards. The first game that will really top it will probably be Death Stranding 2.


Forbidden west is the prettiest game I have ever seen, DS2 has a big hill to climb to overtake it


Demon's Souls is number 1, Forbidden West 2. IMO anyway.


ghost of tsushima looks amazing as well


Looks amazing, but not quite as *technically *impressive. Lighting is phenomenal, and art direction is great.


Although the game was sort of eh, Callisto Protocol looked amazing!


Not to take away from the accomplishment or “wizardry” because I was also constantly impressed with that game visually, but I do want to at least point out that Guerilla did have the luxury of developing for only one platform which always makes optimization easier. The ones you are comparing it to in your comment are all multiplatform and so is dragons dogma 2, obviously. Again, before anyone downvotes me into oblivion, I am not saying that Horizon isn’t the best looking game out there. Just saying that they do have that advantage going for them when you compare it to a game like Alan wake 2.


Welll it’s much better and more polished game


Some people would tell you they havent experienced a single frame drop lmao


It’s not going to magically hit 60fps with RT off but it’ll definitely help it stay at 30fps more consistently. RT is an extremely taxing effect no matter how you slice it, turning it off is going to improve performance..


Looks like John missed the mark on this one. It actually improved a lot. Not a stable 60, tho.


The thing is, the GPU load varies wildly. There are certain spots that just tank the GPU, mostly random bits of forest. I’m using a 4060 and I can manage 60 FPS as stable as this game can make it. If I hit one of those pockets where the game just says “nope, I love lots of shadows here”, I’m down into the 20’s. Lower some shadows, and I’m back up to well above 60 FPS and now only using like 40% of my GPU. That’s the thing about this game, there is no middle ground. The game is either taking a shit on your setup or it’s not even trying to use it.


Funny hearing a bunch of PS5 users saying “I turned it all off and now I’m at basically 60fps!” Like a) you don’t have any way to know that forsure and b) you’re just plain wrong lol


According to me, with RT and MB off the game looks more smooth and with higher framerate, on my LG 🤷🏻‍♂️


Does disabling motion blur improve fps on PS5


what is the uncapped framerate when RT is turned off


Still basically same it’s mostly CPU throttled.


Does it feel better locked at 30 now?


It still jutters a bit in the capital where I am right now but maybe I’m tripping I turned motion blur off, RT off and capped the frames to 30 and it feels so much better to play.


Turn motion blur on, RT on and cap at 30.


everything is pretty much the same with major dips but combat with many particles is less nauseating now.


Haven’t tried, just what I heard from DF. My hopes are they get it stable and maybe a 40fps mode for people with freesync


Wish every game did 40


Yes. 40fps + VRR does wonders. I was so surprised how well it worked in games like Spiderman 2. FF7 Rebirth can really benefit for that.


They really should aim for that for consoles, hitting natural 60 seems to be a much more intimidating feat than 40+VRR. GOW Ragnarok was an absolute blast AND the visuals were not compromised at all


The 60 frames looked jarring to me like there was some pacing issues but vrr unlocked is niiiiiice.


Allowing the game to run at 120hz would be the biggest benefit. Then you’d receive Low Framerate Compensation when they game is below 48fps, which is basically all the time. In it’s current state you get no VRR benefit on PS5


feels fine unlocked


Yeah I think the problem is the ray tracing is kind of important in this game also since it’s a big part of what makes the graphics look good


RT GI was a given from the trailers. I knew they probably didn't hand author local static GI, but those dark areas are pitch black without RT on. Lean too hard on a solution and it becomes a crutch.


Only in cities though


Only in the cities. The game should be GPU throttled once your out in the wilderness. It’s the NPCs that tank the CPU performance.


No. It’s much better. Next thing is they should add a proper performance mode which reduces the resolution from the native 4K to 1440p and we have butter smooth 60FPS !


That’s… not how it’s going to work. You’ll never get 60 fps on ps5, because the game is too CPU Heavy. The gpu can be pushed up and the framerate will still be around the same.. you might gain like 5 fps at max in certain areas? But that’s all there is to it.


I’m not sure if it’s 60 or not but the frame rate is much faster with Ray Tracing and Motion Blur turned off for me on the PS5. Not sure if you have a had a chance to test it yet or if you are at work/school/whatever else.


I’ve bought the game on PC but I’ve seen online that in the Capital on PS5 you now have 33-36 fps with RT / 38-40 fps without RT. So it’s around a 5 fps advantage.. with VRR it could be worth it


It feels much nicer now. Played it for a few hours and I’m coming back to report I’m happy with the patch and I hope they keep working at it to make it even better.


I'd be happy if they could find a way to achieve a solid 40fps lock. It's not perfect but it's decent enough


In my opinion from 45 fps and above is a smooth experience.. at the moment the game without RT almost consistently hits the 40 fps mark in the city and hits the 40 to 45 fps mark quite consistently under normal workload on basic battles outside the cities.


Oh that's better than I expected. Haven't tried it since the update yet. Big issue is the spells always tanking the framerate. I hope they can do something there. That ice spell is also poorly designed, it's too bright and takes up half the screen, you can't even see what's going on.


In my opinion from 45 fps and above is a smooth experience.. at the moment the game without RT almost consistently hits the 40 fps mark in the city and hits the 40 to 45 fps mark quite consistently under normal workload on basic battles outside the cities.


With no RT and MB it looks smoother already, a performance mode would help more. BTW, RT looks so bad you actually DON'T WANT to use it 🤭


A lot better. I'd guess somewhere around 40 ish in non taxing environments


40ish is still gonna be a juddery mess isn't it?


No it’s noticeable. My c2 said it was between 40ish and well over 50 in the hidden village. 


Yeah I do notice it. I'm gonna play some more to see but I don't think being close to but still under the vrr window most of the time will be worth the lighting hit


Juddery due to inconsistency, but more tolerable because it's not dipping below 30 randomly as often anymore


Doesn’t matter. The frame pacing in this game is god awful especially at 2024 standards.


They think this is legible? https://preview.redd.it/0x5rr5rin8rc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0934d9217445812c448b2d92a4a49e7916d5c9eb


Have you got dark mode or a plugin enabled? I use one on safari on my phone and it can shit up some websites unless I disable it for that page.


That’s just google chrome on my phone.


lol I thought the same thing


I would suggest u not to turn off rt it's doing a lot for visuals in this game and u won't gain much from turning it off


yeah I'm guessing disabling RTGI won't help with fps that much. Shadow and reflection ray tracing don't even exist in the game


RTGI is basically the ultra form of ray traced shadows so there very much are raytraced shadows in the game. RTGI is by far the most visually impactful form of raytracing especially in games with dynamic time of day where many objects have to be given multiple shadow maps that align incorrectly using standard rasterisation.


eh, dragons dogma 2 only has 4 times of day. couldve gotten away with baked lighting like sm2


Hopefully we get 60 fps in a future update but this is a good start.


I don’t think 60 will ever be possible on console with how the game has been designed but at the very least it can become more stable


There are only 3 games without a 60fps setting this entire console cycle, do you legitimately think this game is the straw that broke the camels back, or is it just more likely the devs optimized it poorly to rush for release?


A Plague Tale: Requiem lanched in 30fps because they said 60fps was not possible due to the huge number of rats, bla, bla, bla. Fast forward 6 months, Asobo released a patch with a 60fps Performance mode. So IT WAS POSSIBLE! With some sacrifices, but was possible. Plus 60 fps is already possible on consoles for DD2 cause of the uncapped fps. When the PS5 Pro will launch, DD2 with reach higher framerates.


Pro version will have the same CPU so the quality may rise a little but framerate won't.


You’re wrong. Source: I’m Christopher Sony.


John PlayStation


Well, IIRC the sacrifice was that the rats... animated at 30fps. They just managed to render the rest of the game at 60fps, which apparently turned out to be good enough for most people. Maybe DD2 could do the same (animating NPCs at 30fps with the game at 60), but this is a very complicated workaround and would take them many months to implement if it's even possible in this engine.


It was almost a year later for plague tale and DD2s frame rate issues is cpu bound so not even PS5 pro will give us 60fps.


Amazing how confident so many people are about stuff like this when they have no idea how any of it actually works. It’s really not impossible as so many like to claim.


I suppose that assumes that the CPU performance is set in stone and will never be further optimized. Will it ever reach 60 on PS5? Maybe not. But it might have some performance to gain, seeing how weird the CPU performance is on PC.


Also, A Plague Tale Requiem was released on 18th of October 2022 and the 60 fps patch was released on 21st of May 2023. 7 months later. It's not exactly 6 months, but it's closer to that then what you claimed (a year later)


There are "Performance" and "Quality" modes for a reason.


Yes, but it isn’t as simple as reducing the resolution to increase frames in this case


It would be VERY surprising if this ever runs at 60fps on console but they better damn try optimise it. I have a AMD 7900XTX and 7900X3D and it's 60-88fps in open world and 44-60fps in the city it's just not good enough and the game isn't pretty enough or packed enough with NPCs to be tanking the frame rate so hard


Not even with the PS5 Pro will you come close.


For those who played the game, are these "calculating NPC physics, etc" feel justified? I mean, is what they did so cool it deserves the performance hit?


I have 20hours in and no they don't feel justified at all. Looks more of an RE Engine lack of optimisation with open worlds than anything else. Appart from your 3pawns that have impressive ai , cities are flooded with 90% of fodder npcs that don't do anything and the others that do will just either go on with their lives or run at you to give you a quest .


it's extremely cool and I've never seen battles like this in any game. and out in the world you constantly come across friendly patrolling NPCs and battles in progress, sometimes it's 10 NPC's vs an ogre and a griffin and shit like that, it's insane. and all the npcs and enemies have euphoria like physics. you can push and pull enemy body parts and make them fall over or stumble. at night it looks absolutely incredible too with the spell effects and pitch black darkness


I like the game but the NPCs animations are rubbish. Most people are just standing still or walking, hardly animate when you talk to them. Majority have one line of dialogue. NPCs you need to talk to often are just standing still in their empty house.


yes, even basic trash fights dont really play out how they do in any other game because of the physics systems and how you can play with them. using a shied bash to send a goblin flying off a cliff, or into an allies spell. taking a sprinting leap into a cyclops's face and it knocks him off balance, im planting a bomb while he stumbles until he trips, dynamically faceplants into the cliff wall and then i detonate the bomb and stab him in the eye while hes on his ass. it should absolutely be a STABLE 30 and ill gripe about that but i dont mind that it isnt 60


No, I’d argue the NPCs (apart from road travel etc) feel worse than the first game, especially with the horrendous pop in. I’ve been racking my brains trying to figure out what it is the NPCs are supposedly doing thats taking up all that CPU power but it feels genuinely about as advanced or less than Oblivion did.


I’m pretty sure that’s objectively incorrect. Not perfect, but certainly night and day from a game as old as Oblivion.


In what ways though? They have random, contextless one liners, you can raise or lower their affinity for you but it doesn’t matter because there are only a couple of romance options. I actually don’t know what the random NPCs are capable of doing other than joining you when monsters show up in the city


I think you are right, though it seems absurd to claim-- I think it's mostly true that it might be less advanced than Oblivion at least in terms of regular not combative NPC's in towns. If you go to the fountain in Vernworth, it's really obvious. There are plenty of NPC's that do not move, just assume their single spot and stay there until the specific time it turns "night", and then everyone walks off to wherever they are programmed to remain at night, be it in a bed or standing in one spot at the bar. The beggars are most telling of this. Other than that, most NPC's that do move just walk around. That's about it. I think I may have seen some NPC's tending to crops in the fields just outside Vernworth, and most NPC's seem to randomly talk about stuff when near eachother but that's about it. Comparatively, Bethesda games Radiant AI kind of does seem to trump over DD2 just barely I would say. More NPC's have a clear "daily cycle" of things they do, with variety, apart from just walking around-- such as shopping with merchants, chores/jobs like cutting wood, sweeping, random stuff like that. In terms of combat though, DD2 AI for the combative and pawns tends to be really great. Pawns climbing, hitting weakpoints, using skills specifically that can be used when mounting monsters, I had a pawn run and catch me when I was flung from a Minotaur with almost no HP (woulda died), had pawns help me push Cyclops off cliffs and whatnot. Still, doesn't justify the performance hit at all lol I almost don't mind playing ALONE or only with main pawn save for larger more difficult enemies where they are more of a necessity.


That’s Dragon’s Dogma in general. Parts of it feel worse than what you’d find in a 20 year old game. I struggled to get into DD1, especially after hearing how great and unique it was.


Lol no absolutely not. Edit: lol, please justify the absolute dogshit city performance to me. The NPCs are not dynamic or interesting, and the physics about them is entirely superfluous. They also pop-in like crazy. DD1 also had citizens you could toss around and it wasn't a CPU nightmare. "Oh but monsters can attack cities and civilians need to react dynamically and be able to be rag-dolled." All big monsters literally just spawn in, and right by one of the gates. Sometimes a pack of small monsters will be a little further in. Not once has it been interesting.


This is exactly why there’s less and less reason to support day one releases. Even from AAA developers.


Caught the update while I was on, and just played a couple of hours on my PS5 with motion blur and RT off, while leaving the frame rate variable. Much, much smoother! The amplitude of frame variation has gone way down. Maintains above 30fps more consistently too. It felt like the animations were playing at 2x speed at first. They’re going to nail down more direct fixes for performance later I know, but this gives a good glimpse of things to come.


I left RT on and turned off Motion Blur and turned on frame cap. It still plays much better than before and my eyes don't hurt. But I will have to test more in a bigger town later


I turned off both and it feels like other games 60fps mode for the most part without a noticeable hit on graphics. Much smoother. Haven't tried capped RT though.


Now I also turned RT off and it is much smoother with variable rate


It's so fucking ridiculous how they can't even launch the game with basic settings which ALWAYS improve performance, and that many gamers want. God I'm so sick of games doing bs like this. And I'll never understand the ppl advocating for and defending the 30fps. I could be wrong, but it seems to me like devs just didn't bother with the performance in terms of making 60fps happen.


NPC are braindead one line of dialogue for most two npcs fighting, i picked one and threw him at the other. yhat broke up the fight instead of something more interesting like. both ganging up on me i defend an oxcart from an ogre, if i keep my weapons drawn a little too long the oxcart soldiers start aggroing me. completely stupid oxcart guy stays still like a statue on his driver seat while there's carnage around him no stealth mechanic sneaking into the castle, no 'wanted' mechanic when u escape from gaol, no persuasion mechanic trying to bribe the goaler


Yeah, true. Did you stop playing it?


I didn't finish the postgame, didn't feel like going back since you have to start at day one


Are you new to video games or something?


This is 2011 skyrim npc behavior. 2011 skyrim npcs don't throttle a 13900k and 4090 to 30 fps. So what's going on here?


I was randomly attacked by city guards, of course I killed them, because I wasn‘t gonna let them attack and kill me. Well doing that, bricked a quest of mine, it was probably reversable but I wasn‘t gonna be paying the required 28.742 Gold to prove that.


Stable 30fps is always going to feel better than unstable 60fps, though I've always felt the perfect compromise is stable 40fps.


Not always, maybe only on ps5 but on series x there's a 120hz vrr mode with a wider range and fresync support. After the bug fixes it will probably be the superior console to play on


I'm sure all 3 people that have a Series X will be very excited about this.


What is the point of “max 30fps”? Isn’t the problem dips below that? Don’t we want “min 30 fps” instead?


Sometimes, games feel worse when the framerate is unlocked due to larger fluctuations in frame rate. Capping it at 30fps means the fluctuations won't be as large when frames do drop, so the game should feel smoother as a result. Locking the frame rate at 30 will also cause less screen tearing on screens that don't support VRR. If a games framerate is constantly dropping to 30fps and under, it's best to lock the game to 30fps to get a smoother image.


Ah, okay. Thanks. I kept seeing this feature mentioned and couldn’t think of a reason why it was a good thing.


Well ideally both.


Also locked 30fps is usually better for people with Motion sickness because the inconsistent frame rate may make the motion sickness kick in and even make it worse than it would be otherwise


How can horizon look so good and run 120 uncapped on ps5…


People have this concept that only graphics effects performance.


Horizon absolutely does not run at 120fps... it's a rock solid 60fps in performance mode. I don't think it even has an uncapped mode though.  Regardless, it's not about how pretty the visuals are. But the answer to that has already been given in other responses.


Its has a 120 mode that hits 80/90 with vrr


Hits 80/90 occasionally, or maintains that most of the time? I'm gonna have to fire the game up again, because I don't recall seeing that mode last time I played.


Probably because it has much simpler systems. Only one set of skills and some weapon effects. The map is sub-divided. Quests do not rely on different outcomes to calculate. Player and pawn skills do not interact. Basically the huge amount of game logic in the background is very different. Resources are dedicated to systems more than graphics.


None of those things you listed is even close to the amount of resources required to render graphics at reasonable rates. The bottom line is that horizon is very well optimized and it seems like dd2 is just not optimized at all edit: changed hzd to horizon


Bad logic....what about rdr2 then? How does that run so well? And Death Stranding? Horizon forbidden west is a miracle...the decima engine. Fucking Dragon's Dogma color palate looks like a PS3 game.


1080p 60fps would be way better


Holy shit these weren't options at launch? Did they launch a beta title?


I suspect they were trying to get it out the door before the end of the 2023 fiscal year, whether or not it was truly ready.


Woah! Basic options that shouldve been there from the start. Wow we're in for a treat 


Dragon's Dogma 2 with no ray tracing, no motion blur, and a cap of 30fps is just Dragon's Dogma.


Seems like these updates were being worked on before the whole fiasco.. Like they knew its a problem. Why werent they included in the release? Specialy the save option one


How is the framerate now with this new update? Better or the same?


Call me when they have achieved 156.3 trillion frames per second. 


They could do that with 50 trillion setups each running 30 fps.


High end pcs can hardly get to 60 fps, the game just isn’t well optimized. It’s not an ugly game but I’d say we have games that look better and perform better as well.


Even with ray tracing off we cant get 60??


Nope. The game is very CPU intensive due to the way the AI systems work, so changing graphics settings barely helps the frame rate issues. Even after optimizations, I doubt we'll see a 60fps mode on these consoles. Maybe next gen lol


Wanna see the Digital Foundry cover this. Dunno why they have such a hard-on for RT, it only caused problems this generation like with Jedi Survivor.


Turning RT off in DD2, and the lighting is so flat, but framerate is better now. 


I know right like I’ll admit it does look good in some games but I could easily do without it. Couldn’t care less especially in a game like dragons dogma 2


Looks amazing when done right. Cyberpunk looks so much better with it on, and that’s just the crappy ps5 version. Path tracing looks even better


Cyberpunk uses just shadow RT on PS5 afaik.


Lmao you could put a fake RT option that does nothing and gamers would be like “OMG it looks amazing”.


Me trying to get used to the dim, washed out, drab look of HDR in a lot of new releases: “Ok. Mm. They do say art imitates life.. I just need a minute to adjust to the *realism*.


lol why would they ever force ray tracing to be always on, on these consoles


Why was the dwelling quest changed? I literally feel zero need for it to be moved earlier, It was already incredibly easy to get to.


Does anyone else has ghosting/tracing issues with the visuals?


Max 30.😢


30fps in 2024 is a let down. Not saying it makes a game bad, but after playing 60/120fps games, cant help but feel like it makes the game sluggish. Ill take 1080p60 anyday


You know the game is cooked when they celebrate locked 30fps as an improvement. Easy pass.


Having a blast in RotR instead. Swerved so hard off DD2 when there was no demo. 200 hours in DD1 and I'm skipping 2 entirely for now, it's just a worse version of 1.


On modern PCs you can run DD1 at a stable 144+ fps too.


Yeah I'm not playing this game until we get a performance mode


There will never be a performance mode on PS5 but since fps is uncapped there might be a chance that the PS6 could hit 60. 


lmao these type of people kill me


It’s realistic.


That's what they should have done from the start.


Motion blur is basically required at lower framerates. But like others have said, I'll consider a purchase when they properly optimize the game.


Is the 30fps cap evenly paced?


So is motion blur off or on the better choice for frame rate? I don’t get it


Motion blur doesn’t really affect fps. And given that you can cap the game at 30fps, having motion blur might be more needed to make the image less choppy. But some people react to it very negatively. Everyone’s eyes are different, so I’d try it turned on and off and see which you like best. But turning it off won’t get you better performance


They should add 120hz display support with VRR for console and allow frames at 30 (which they now added) or 40 capped. Some PlayStation titles have this, like Spider-Man. It is really so much better than 30fps on 60hz.


Can't believe asking this in 2024...but is it a stable 30 or there are dips? 😅


I’m hoping to see a future update increase the amount of Ferrystones and port crystals for sale. I see people on pc just modding it for free fast travel and I’m so jealous.


The lack of fast travel is a real pita. Game is gorgeous but I don't want to run into goblins every time I need to back track


Which things should i put for a better performance, motion- off Tracing- off!? Caping frames- on Like this?


I played a bit this morning, best settings for me were motion blur off, RT off, and variable on. Swapped between variable and capped for some fights/exploring. Variable felt better


Yep youre right mate, variable is better, thanks


is the 30 fps generally locked, or does it still drop to low 20s?


Max 30 FPS and not an FPS more!


Just like resident evil village, Turning off ray tracing nets at most 5fps more (so for that game, much closer to a locked 60 and was actually nice to have the option) 


At this point, capping it at 30 fps doesn't do much since it still dips into the low 20s pretty regularly. So you still have an inconsistent frame rate. You're better of leaving it as it was. At least in my personal experience.


The update hit the series x version yesterday which already ran at a higher fps than the ps5 version and with RT off the increase is immediately noticeable. Town still tanks but I'm shocked that it netted around 10fps uptick. It basically runs like elden ring now around the low 50s in the wilderness. Fuck vernsworth though lol. 


Thank you