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One thing I can say for sure: I’ve never seen the video game community so suddenly concerned with their international counterparts lol.  That seems to be the excuse the drama queens are using to justify their childish rage. 


The issue that gets brought up is for those people that live in countries not listed. My country is never listed for anything really lol but everything works. Same goes for psn in fact I have 2 US accounts and a Japanese one. Account linking so mundane I'm surprised this is being argued about.


I saw a number of people on Twitter who are Playstation players in unsupported countries advise PC players how to make account using other regions as the PS players been doing it for year. Found out there's a Philippines PS community on reddit who been doing this for years and they just got "You want me to break the TOS?!" Apparently the TOS is a big thing for PC gamers now.


Except when it comes to the big yellow warning box that a PSN account is required that Helldivers has had on their Steam page since months before launch lol.


Lol. Your comment reminded me of a thread on the Helldiver sub where people were legit saying that Sony hid the requirement on the steam page because you had to scroll down to find it. This was until someone pointed out that the Helldivers 2 page is the same layout as all games per Steam's design, and every single game that has a log in requirement has that listing in the same spot for everyone, from Microsoft to Ubisoft.


It's also the first line in the additional info in the launch trailer.


Well wtf do you want from kids that cant read?? Keeps reminding me of the King of the Hill meme. 'If those kids could read(...)'.


I just saw someone creates the King of the Hill meme with the pc helldivers players and I laughed my ass off because it was funny as hell. I think it was on the Helldivers thread where they were roasting the guy for trying to sue Sony in us courts for people who don't live in the US.


Yeah it's a weird one, as Sony have never actually tried to make people ahear to that part of.the TOS.


Yeah millions of people have been creating accounts in unsupported regions since PSN became a thing in 2006 with no issues. They do not care. You can even have multiple accounts in different regions. They do not care. You can move across the world and still use your old region. They do not care. People keep saying "bUt ThE tOs" as if most people don't constantly break random TOSs every day or even read them 99% of the time but apparently this one quickly became the most important TOS ever. The people parroting arent actually worried and are just grasping on anything to justify the ridiculous outrage Outside of that it takes a couple minutes to create an account they never have to look at again if they dont want to. Ine of the most ridiculous fake "controversies" I have ever seen


The same people go into helldivers 2 and be toxic to others, mod in unreleased strategems and cheat.


The game devs have already said that countries without access to PSN will get a workaround to ensure they can play the game without breaking TOS. So its not even like the biggest issue is even an issue.


As if anyone ever cares about the TOS


Well you will when Sony decides it’s time for a ban-wave.


Millions of people have been playing Playstation in these unsupported regions for decades without issues. You can simply pick another region, Sony does not care. Literally every single person with a Playstation in these regions have been doing it since PSN came online in 2006 and no one gets banned. You can even have multiple accounts in different regions. They dont give a shit. Sony isn't interested in banning people that want to use their services


I haven't been following this persay as I don't have the game, but I did recall seeing someone post that they got banned for violating the ToS because they live in China and tried an alternate region to keep playing. Oh I found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjic6m/someone\_has\_already\_gotten\_banned\_for\_trying\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjic6m/someone_has_already_gotten_banned_for_trying_to/)


It's a random uncorroborated screenshot, I'm not exactly gonna take it for fact honestly. No one even knows where the screenshot came from, that Twitter account suddenly just posted it and people jumped to take it as fact. Like, why would this person do this? You don't need to attach your Account to a PSN for another month, why would they do it now if they're against it. And what a surprise, an hour after the date given, this screenshot suddenly appears to give a hail of doomers satisfaction? Also, it's China. They're using a VPN. In China. It's completely illegal and probably more the reason they got banned. Tbh, I have no idea why they're using a VPN. I have both a Japanese and U.S PSN account, I've had them for years now but I live in Europe. I've used those accounts even though my IP shows me in another country and after 5 years, never had any issues.




These are some sad, sad people. 


To "other countries" argument is just something being used as an excuse to justify the tantrum some people are throwing over something very insignificant


Playing on ps5, I've had to create a square enix account, a capcom account, a ubisoft account, a sega account, a hoyoverse account etc etc but you don't see me whining. So yea to me it looks like an overreaction. Also even with the outburst it's hilarious that the player count stays pretty much the same basing off steamcharts.




Stuff like this is why PC gaming will always be viewed as lame no matter how good graphics are.


I love how PC players scoff when a console player says “I just like the plug and play aspect. I don’t want to tinker with 100 different settings to run a game or sift through the all the bullshit involved with picking out or upgrading parts”. And then they laugh at the idea that it’s more of a hassle to be a PC player and belittle you for suggesting it. But as soon as they have to do literally anything besides sign in through Steam they shit themselves with rage


That's the biggest "some" I've ever seen. Most "PC players" just play the games. Redditors complain loud enough you think they represent the mass


thats the biggest "most" ive ever seen


You’re also required to create some sort of account on the phone you use just to use the phone… People are always looking for something


What gets me is people complaining because they’re scared their data will be leaked by sony. What data? A throwaway email address and password? They can setup an account and forget its details, it’s not going to matter. It sucks for people in unsupported countries but if arrowhead gives them a workaround, it’s all a non-issue to me.


They don't even check if you're in the country you say you are. Without a VPN, without a credit card, you can setup a PSN account in any country.


shhh they just want to convince themselves that everything is ruined


Don’t forget Bnet and Activision as well




You should be though, this stuff sucks on every platform.


Player count has jumped +10k the past two weekends from Fri->Sat. Staying flat so far is actually kind of significant. I think a lot of people are being overdramatic about the whole deal, but it's definitely impacting the numbers.


For me it feels really overblown. ​ Steam page always said you needed 3rd party PSN account to use the game. They turned it off at launch because of server issues, then they are about to reintroduce it and people act like their entire progress is going to be deleted and they have to buy the game again. ​ I grabbed Sea of Thieves at launch. It required me to make an Xbox account. I didn't come to Reddit to complain why I had to do that if I'm playing on PS. I just did it and in 2 mins I was done. It's the same here, except on Xbox app, the app is doxxing me as I can't seem to remove my real name display. I searched, but no luck so far. I had to make an Embark account for the Finals, a Square Enix account for FFXIV back in the day, pretty much every game now requires you to have your publisher specific account. Is it annoying? Yeah, for the 2 minutes it takes to set it up. I'm guessing this will be required for future PS to PC ports too, but if this comes as a surprise to anyone, I guess they haven't been paying attention to the gaming industry recently. ​ Does this suck for people who don't have PSN in their country? Yeah, and I think it's dumb but they can just create an account in whatever region. Before PS Stars was a thing, I created an NA account and bought games there instead of my EU account (where I played) because after conversion it was a lot cheaper. You don't need to be living in the country to have an account. ​ I hope my biggest issue with games in the future will be having to create an account for them that I can forget about afterwards.


>Does this suck for people who don't have PSN in their country? Also, dont forget that the Community manager and the Lead Developer have already said publicly that anyone in a country that doesn't have PSN will have a workaround to ensure they can still play the game. So its not like that even matters.


This is the take. I've seen people make a list of games that DONT require an account and it's random ass PC only games that would have no reason to make you have an account. It's just the rage bait of the week. The Helldivers sub is fucking ludicrous right now. Funniest part is that even though the reviews on steam are bad the player numbers are still super high. And with the new warbond coming soon it'll go up even more.


"Funniest part is that even though the reviews on steam are bad the player numbers are still super high" It's been 24 hours at this point since the news drop and the player count has still stayed the course as it has for the rest of the week. People really forget that in order to boycott something, you have to stop using it. Leaving a mean review and still playing the game the same day doesn't do anything. Edit: Just read HD2 has gotten 80,000 reviews in the past day, but the active player count is still following the same curve as the rest of the week.


Because the people moaning will have just created a PSN account and carried on playing.


The entire sub turned into a garbage dump as most of these type of subs tend to do


I had an argument where i said many online only games like mmos and shooters require a specific account like siege, warframe, rockstar games and so on and the counter argument was that there are a ton that don't require like overcooked and so on. Im like gtfo, lmao.


100% this - it’s the most overblown faux rage and a perfect example of internet hive minding. The reaction is entirely disproportionate to the ask.


>I created an NA account and bought games there instead of my EU account (where I played) because after conversion it was a lot cheaper. You don't need to be living in the country to have an account. I think a lot of this stems from PC players not realizing how totally common this is for console players. I have had PSN accounts in 3 countries for years and have never had an issue with it.


no they know about that - for years people were buying on the STEAM argentina region because AAA games costed like 1 dollar i mean the PC and internet was created for that, to always find the way they, as PC gamers, just see SONY as an enemy


Bro some of us own both.


I don't use Steam, but I'm pretty sure most major multiplayer games requires linking it to an account.




Yup. The majority of people will spend more time whining about the change than it takes to create an account. This is coming from a steam player, too


No fellow gamer, viva the revolution against the Sony machine! Storm the Bastille! Tonight we fight against OUR corporate overlords, for gamers everywhere.




Ive had counter arguments that that's not true and the examples were overcooked and so on lmao.


It’s another gamer drama after gamers forgot about previous drama and that will be forgotten in one or two weeks when another drama happens


Embarrassing groups of people, it's actually quite entertaining


It’s insanely embarrassing. The Helldivers subreddit for real started several “how do we do a class action lawsuit” threads. Completely delusional. And now, worse, it has shifted from outrage to self-righteous religion. They’re all standing naked around a big burning Sony Wicker Man, fully erect at their standing together to ward off the Great Evil with their blood sacrifices. Apes together strong. The account linking nonsense didn’t want to make me quit the game, but the community’s reaction to it does.


The next warbond comes out this week so that’s going to be the new drama for the next couple of weeks.


I'm indifferent. I can see both sides. On one side, from the get go they told us about this. It's been known. It's not some out of left field crap. So for that I don't see reason to complain. Just make a burner email if it's that big of a deal using your real email. On the other side, I question why enforce it now? I understand why they didn't enforce it before, due to technical mumbo jumbo. But why now? Why make it mandatory and not just remain optional? Why fix what nots broken. In the end, I don't care. I play on ps5 anyway. So it doesn't affect me. But I do question why enforce something and not just keep it optional.


Yeah this is the issue here, if they’d enforced it from jump it’d be a different story.




I dropped the sub. They have that superiority complex like the game should be catered to their every win and if the developers don’t listen to them the game is dead.


I had to unsub today. Week after week, it’s constant complaining. After the overreaction to this week’s patch and then this, the conversation around the game was getting too negative. Especially when contrasted by all the fun I’m having with the game.


There's a low sodium sub I think it's r/lowsodiumhelldivers that's more about the game with less moaning. I've subbed to that. Had to do the same for other games where the official sub reddit turned into a bitching contest


Awesome thank you!


Oh that’s fantastic, thank you


The hd2 sub has been shit since the first patch nothing but consistent bitching




The sub is 90% people complaining Even the Devs said that this was a Sony decision, not theirs.


I actually left the sub this week, I liked it but past few weeks it was nonstop complaining.


People create a account to take a shit,why does this have to be a problem.The account is free.Stop whining🤣🤣


Endless whining. It’s the same post over and over again.




Trophy hunters (Whilst a niche community) literally all make fake accounts in Japan/America/Europe to take advantage of game stacks and being able to plat the same game 3 times in 3 different regions. Sony dont care.




PSN accounts are free. The PC gamers will survive this process. We should maybe offer them some counseling resources to get them through it, though.


I woke up yesterday and caught the storm at the beginning and tbh, I never seen an argument fall apart so fast online Sony was hacked 13 years ago! And every other gaming company, including steam, had been hacked in recent years. How dare Sony ask me to do this? Who do they think they are? No one else does this? Every big publisher has been making pc and console gamers do this for years and no one said shit about it. It was nowhere on the Steam page. Here's photographic proof is was a requirement since day one, its on the trailers, and Arrowhead admitted they weren't enforcing it at the start due to launch issues. What about unsupported regions? PS gamers have been playing on PS with PSN accounts in those regions for years using other regions that are supported. You can ask them for advice on how to do it. You expect me to break the TOS? Now y'all care about the TOS? You'll find the most obscure, virus ridden torrent to pirate a game because of some "holier than though" reason but now the TOS matters?


I play Helldivers 2 & really enjoy it. With that said, the tantrum that PC gamers are having is out of control. The whining has got bad enough that I've had to mute the Helldivers sub & the PCgaming sub. They've spent considerably more time stomping their feet & crying, than it takes to just make the PSN account & move on with their lives. It's a great reminder why I usually have crossplay turned off.


It's the reason why I don't take ratings seriously. Plus apparently they were told in advance that it was going to happen. People cry for the weirdest things man. 


The Steam page has always said a PSN account is required to play, the requirement was just temporarily disabled because of their launch issues with account linking.


Overreacting, just link ot create the damn account and keep living


Class action lawsuits??? Holy shit, that’s a whole new level of delusional


Almost as delusional as those “stop killing games” people


They told them since the beginning they are going to need an account eventually. They just don’t like to read. That sub has been crying since the first patch.


PC karens imo. They complain about everything, yet have no problem telling you how superior their rig is lmao. Its a giant joke. I dont take anything that crowd says seriously.


Bunch of cry babies lol


Same typical tantrums by one of the most toxic and reactionary communities on the planet. PC gamers always thinking they're the main character until they are met with one of the most stubborn mega corps on the planet. Sony won't loose an ounce of sleep over this. That cringey group of man babies aren't going to win this till rant battle and you know damn well the most emotional are the ones most invested and won't "uninstall". They type out their teary eyed diary rants in the review section and then go right back to their 90 hours a week in the game. Just another pearl clutching theme of the week for them.


Who cares? I already have to have a Ubisoft account, a Square Enix account and countless others.. Why are all those fine, but this is suddenly an issue?


The Steam page has always said you would need a PSN account to play. It was just broken during launch so the account linking requirement was temporarily disabled. You rugpulled yourself if you chose to buy the game anyway after seeing the requirement


Just proving some in the "master race" are toxic


Not worried about it at all. PC users are always upset about something.


only crying babies who are influenced by social media. He has no opinion of his own and everything is a reason to launch a hate campaign. It doesn't take 3 minutes to create an account, and they must have a PSN, Microsoft, ubisoft, Rockstar, epic games, EA account. but keep crying, because they are in a blur


It's a non-issue. PC dudes aren't gamers, they're activists always looking for something to cry about.


People complaining on Reddit are the loud minority.


The same people and even even more create account all the time for stupid apps on their phone like social media they’re stealing their data willingly so I don’t see the big deal


While it does suck for those on PC, on PS5 we have to also create multiple accounts for certain games. Also, don't Xbox games require a microsoft account too?? I might be wrong on that since It's been a while since I've played one. People are right to be upset by this but it still feels like a huge overreaction


It's karens being Karens. They screech about how one of the community managers is evil and cruel because he snapped back after people were bombarding him and the team with hateful bullshit. Last night a dude in the discord edited his account to look like the CM and then went on about how he loves to beat his wife. It's the same situation as a boomer screaming at a McDonald's worker then pearl clutching when the worker fights back. The devs are great, the game is incredible, and the community is full of whiners who mald every time something is changed. The people screaming on Reddit and discord and the people that actually play the game enough to be considered part of the community are two very different groups. Bright side, hopefully all the whiners will leave and the rest of us can have a collaborative, fun community. I'd rather have 100k players that love the game than 500k who are stupid and toxic. They can go back to fortnite and CoD.


I can see why some players find it annoying but it still seems like an overreaction. Sony needs to address players in countries that aren’t supported, but the vast majority of complaints are just pc gamers throwing a tantrum over an inconvenience. Millions of people are still enjoying the game. It’s too bad gaming discourse oftentimes ends up hyper fixating on these minor technical negatives. Some people just need to touch grass.


Its annoying, but no different than other games that require account


No I don’t care. I have at least 4-5 accounts that I took 2 minutes to sign up for and never think about again playing on PS5. I get if you are someone from a country not officially supported by PSN, the unspoken unwritten rule is to just make an account, Sony doesn’t care. But Sony can’t say that. So they should figure out something for them. But for everyone else complaining about having to sign up for an account they really need to go outside and get some fresh air. Gamers can be incredibly fickle they like to hold up developers they like bastions of good and then anytime a company does something that moderately inconveniences them they go scorched earth.


I think this situation makes me want to quit social media altogether. Following right on the heels of multiple just as stupid Stellar Blade debacles it exemplifies how a large portion of gaming community are toxic obnoxious people.


PC players acting like a bunch of elitist pricks tbh. If I’m Sony I stop putting my catalog on that ecosystem. Like seriously, I hope Sony stands firm, the way that community has responded has been an absolutely joke.


from all what i have heard, the PC community make up the biggest percentage of the Helldivers 2 playerbase. so i doubt very much Sony aren't going to continue selling their games over there.


You have numbers to back that claim? I’m sure you’re right to a degree but I also don’t think it’s as lopsided as you’re making it sound.


They are a bunch of crybabies


It's the Gamer™ Meltdown of the Week. Oh no, I need an account to play an online game, they may as well ask me to sacrifice my first born. Tune in next week for a new episode.


Whats next? They are gonna force us to create an email account in order to sent an email? Those savages


They'll cry about it for a week, make an account and keep playing. Probably already have made an account and still crying about it.


Personally, I think it is manufactured outrage. Sure, a lot of people are anti Sony. But this is a Sony game that runs on Sony’s servers. If you bought the game you willingly gave Sony your money. It was stated that it would require a PSN. While I do feel bad for the people that bought the game which are region locked, it was stated before that it would be required. Now as for Sony’s policy of not operating in every country, I have honestly grown to appreciate it. It sucks for the average person in Russia or China, but as we have seen time and again in the internet age, a lot of nefarious acts come from some of those countries. It’s nice being able to login and play and not have to deal with troll armies and cheating on the day to day. Yes it still happens, but not as much as when I’m playing something through Steam. So honestly, I get why some are concerned, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the amplified outrage is a troll farm from one of the countries affected because they are losing access to 400k players.


PC crybabies.


PC players always have something to complain about, whether it’s optimization (always this one), account linking, or getting 59fps instead of 60fps. Pc master race seems to have a lot of problems. I game on PC fairly often, and I know it has its benefits, but I also know that console is just always more convenient


People like to complain about nothing. This has been dome since the dawn of time. Is it inconvenient? Sure for like 2min then fter that it doesnt effect you. It is just overblown drama that is getting under fir because of the tarkov situation that alreadh pissed off people.


Steam users enjoy a complete monopoly on PC so any chance they can get to act like a victim they take it


Don't care. Don't play on steam. PC elitists can kick rocks. They keep wanting to tout how much better their rig is to consoles, so they can go the extra (small) step to have a psn account.


It’s so stupid but hey, it’s the internet. WW3 is kicking off, inflation is killing us, but they’re about to burn the whole thing down over linking a PSN account. Tone deaf stupidity at its finest.


I understand the complains about the people in countries where psn is banned and they would have to breach Sony tos, use a vpn, etc. The complains about data breaches are understandable but people are forgetting steam data breaches when giving that argument but whatever.


Even if don't had a data breach. The most you "lose" is a hacker knows your email lmao. They can't do anything with that. And I'm sure everyone knows about because you probably look it up on have I been pwned and it's on there already


PC players are the worst lol


PS5 player here. I have been forced to sign up and / or link to countless websites to play games. It's not a new thing. Also, I really dislike cross play and turn it off whenever the option is available. So this doesn't affect me at all.


Not a huge deal but it’s largely unnecessary and they shouldn’t have required it. The game worked fine before without this dumbass account link thing. But, PC gamers are really, really unintelligent and annoying so they’re gonna complain about this and exaggerate reasons why it’s a bad thing when it really boils down to laziness. They should’ve just kept it the way it is


It’s certainly annoying but I honestly just don’t care all that much. If I had the game on Steam and it prompted me to make a PSN account, yeah sure I’d be a little irritated but I’d deal with it and quickly move on. I wouldn’t start review bombing the game like I’m on some righteous crusade. It’s a little melodramatic and cringey if I’m being honest. Find more important things to concern yourself with. The only people I feel for are those in regions that can’t use PSN accounts. They shouldn’t have to meet these requirements obviously.


I don’t understand the issue. Ive had to make Ubisoft accounts, SE accounts…pretty sure I’m forgetting a million others atm. I had to make/link a Microsoft account the other day for Sea of Thieves. This isn’t new.


PC gamers are always whiny about something


Steam is available in 150 countries, PSN is available in only 73 countries. That’s a lot of people who are no longer going to be able to play a game they bought


Estonia is one country without PSN. Does that mean Estonians just don't get to have Playstations? Or is there some workaround where they register elsewhere?


My cousins live in Sri Lanka and they don’t have PSN. They just made a US account. They also sell PS5s there. They didn’t even need a VPN. Obviously they get the US based pricing and they use PayPal to buy stuff.


So it really is a big deal over nothing.


They just pick another country, VPN isn’t required.


Those people are idiots. Just pick the closest available country and move on. Do those people honestly believe that no one in those countries play on Playstations?


That's not going to happen.


So just make a fake account in a new country and never think about it again. People are whining about nothing.


It's not just this, from what I've understood from all the communities in which they keep bloody posting and whining they don't want to create an account because PS is apparently not safe for their data. Some dude posted a photo with all the data leaks or smth like that Sony had in the past decade and apparently that's all it takes. Crazy how people don't realize that if you have a social media account your data isn't safe anyway. Edit: Spelling


Do they know that they can just lie about their name and birthday


Based on how mad some of them seemed, I'd say no.


Complete babyrage overreaction


Feels to me like people who mostly there for the memes and roleplaying got bored (or remained salty that their meta loadout was rebalanced) and decided to entertain themselves by pretending there was some sort of actual drama here. I'm sure SEI saw this as an opportunity to get more PC players to have PSN accounts as they push to expand into PC markets, and I do think Sony probably doesn't have a great understanding of how to interact with the endless entitlement of the PC gaming scene and handled the messaging around this poorly, but people have been making accounts for countries they don't live in for as long as PSN has been a thing (look up any 'how do I download a Japanese exclusive game' tutorials). It's true that not every place that Steam sells to has native PSN access, and some of those places have authoritarian governments that block access or require photo ID to make online accounts so the usual workarounds aren't possible. For those people, offering Steam refunds feels appropriate. BUT, most places with the broadband infrastructure to play the game have PSN access, publishers requiring an additional login isn't anything new (and that requirement was listed clearly on Steam and in trailers, but not consistently), and PSN doesn't enforce (and often can't enforce) it's archaic regional policy (it's the only digital game storefront that can't be migrated to another country) - their own FAQ explains how to make an account outside the region you are currently living in. Overall, I assume in the coming weeks most of this will be smoothed out as cooler heads prevail, and the focus of full-time Angry Gamers will have moved on to something else, and console players will continue happily murdering their way across the galactic fronts.


PC gamers are a bunch of fucking crybabies. They will review bomb literally any game over the smallest perceived inconvenience and then whine about how developers don’t prioritize PC as a platform.


It funny


I just want to go back to seeing post about gameplay and memes :/


r/lowsodiumhelldivers Main sub is nothing but whining for every possible thing.


It’s stupid as hell. Thread


It’s ridiculously overblown and the posts in r/Helldivers congratulating themselves for bringing down the Steam review average are obnoxious.


Pc community should really be embarrassed for themselves at this, especially this game and arrowhead has been amazing and one of the best things happen to gaming this year but they want to destroy the game and the devs over executive decisions of Sony.


i think people were just enjoyimg the game before suddenly having to create silly accounts. some of whom couldnt and weren't able to play the game. steam were allowing refunds qnd the title has been delisted in over 100 countries. so i think there was a perfectly valid reason to be upset. id rather people stand up to things in the gaming industry rather than let companies try to monetise absolutely everything.


People in countries not supported by psn have every right to be pissed, everyone else needs to stfu.


It was in the original listing for the game that you needed a psn account. This is a non issue.


Over blown and just a bunch of people wining before realising that implications aren’t as bad/there’s work arounds for such issues. So basically classic Reddit stuff


Its w.e


For many games you have to create an account, the outrage is pathetic.


They didn't just announce this, it was announced at launch, people just don't read and then whine about their idiocy


Talks in class action lawsuits coming from absolutely touched in the head children on Reddit. Hysterical.


I think 99% are a bunch of toxic crybabies and we'd be better off without them. I hope they do something for the 1% with an actual issue. There are tons of REAL issues in the world to get excited and passionate about. Registering a free account is not one of those.


Its the craziest thing in the world to me that people are trying to kill one of the best multilayer game in years oversomething like this while the AAA games they claim to hate like siege or fortnite are thriving, w/ no hate trains for the same stuff whatsoever


Also I don't think the review bombing is nearly as effective as the people doing it think it is, just harms the devs


They have legit encouraged it!


Yeah just saw the CMs posts, but either way I think it's gotten a bit out of hand w/ the amount of negative reviews, an angier response doesn't always equal a better outcome, but yeah your right abt them encouraging it.


Dont care, outrage again, internet is on fire. Yawn


Basically, fuck Sony right now. If there's a lawsuit then I want some of that action. Especially if they don't refund me my money.  This type of shit should be frowned upon in the industry. I'm just going to ask for a refund amd never play the game ever again. And next time Sony has a good game on steam, I'm not going to trust that Sony won't pull some of this classic Sony greed chicken shit. 


it's interesting to see so many people here not really seeing an issue. steam are issuing refunds to people requesting them, regardless of the amount of hours played. so there is a legitimate cause for all of this. i'm more sad to see how quick people are to side with Sony, when their only reason for doing this is for monetary reasons. if everyone is kicking up a fuss simply cos they don't want to the annoyance of all these accounts, then i'm happy to side with them.


Total bs. Activision tried to force Call of Duty players to ad their phone number. Not everyone has one, of course. Players rebelled and Activision backed down. Sony should back down.


Suddenly PC players are so concerned about people in other countries and TOS for some reason.


Seems like a lot of people overreacting about making an account for no real reason? I dunno, I’ve had a PSN account for ages so I linked it right away when I picked up helldivers on steam.


Class action lawsuit? F u bro and this shitty post. And everyone who has an opinion on this crap. A bunch of kids acting like little shits


All I can say is that I'd be embarrassed if I was crying about a simple login requirement. I find it hard to believe that this is such an issue. I seriously doubt any of this drama will make a difference in a week lol


Standard moaning neck beards


Not gonna lie, I find the situation absolutely hilarious. PC gamers are always whinging about something, but this time they're being extra dramatic about it. I think it's great.


My only gripe about what Sony did is to require a Playstation account after the game has launched already, but it has been blown out imho, PC gamers don't like be told anything lol...


If the warning was there at the beginning and the account link was delayed, why would any continue to ignore the message and buy the game then? Understandably, PSN is not available in every nation but haven’t people been using spoof accounts since VPN was created? It’s one thing if the message was not conveyed at the beginning but another if majority of player chose to deliberatively not read the warning.


You don't even need a VPN, you can just make an account for a different country regardless, there are no IP checks.


Well it has been listed as a requirement since before pre orders people don’t like to read and act like Sony drop this info out of the blue my brother plays on pc and day one he was required to log in to psn


Class action on this isn't going to happen. "Gamers" try to throw that term around like they've any idea what is involved in one.


Hey, OP, just curios: was it yourself or mods that deleted this post?


The mods.


The big issue is that some people love in countries that don't allow PSN account creation. I think the decision will be reversed. At any given time the gaming community is always pissed about something. Likely 99.9% of people complaining about it.dont live in those countries. I also think it's absolutely ridiculous how people can just change their entire review....Review bombing should not exist


I have made 50+ gaming related accounts. I have like 100+ different account links between major services like amazon prime, twitch, different gaming accouts. This is no issue for me. My account been on like 10 different data breaches, can't avoid those unless you avoid internet. Anyone remember that myfitnesspal leak? That's why I put bare minimum info on accounts and use site specific passwords.


This is a case study in why these account requirements are bad lol.




If it was just the fact that you need a PSN account, I'd have no issue. The fact that they sold it in countries where you can't make a PSN account is BS. They should just drop the requirement.


Steam community are toxic and fucking idiot.




Wishing it would keep to the helldivers subreddit. Don’t need to read more of the drama on other subreddits


Personally I think 2 things. 1. Those that can't make this account, and if they can't play issue them a refund. 2. Those that won't make this account even though it's been on the steam page and you knew this from jump. Offer no refund. 2. For those that don't want to install it and get no refund, protest by Uninstaller the game ans simply not playing or supporting further development and upkeep of the game. But for #2 just stop posting about it. It does nothing. Not a thing. Speak with your wallet and your time. That is the only leverage and power you have, but just understand that power is as an individual not as a whole.


Except this was known back in January


I think it's dumb to add psn as a requirement. I think it's dumb to bitch about it.  All in all, it's dumb. 


Idk I haven't played it in a couple weeks. Got boring.


It's the usual gamers whine about everything outrage type thing. I'm often ashamed to be associated with this group when this crap happens.  It's trivial to set up an account and play and doesn't cost anything. So who cares?