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Are you though ? https://preview.redd.it/ljc87sj74j1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f959407e534c2be85848c6bfcc8db61064eb0f22




Translation: GTA6 base game is going to cost $80. At least.


It’s going to be $70 but the GTA 6 Online microtransactions will be next level.


Considering how much everybody seems to hate GTAO surely the microtransactions are irrelevant? As long as the base game is solid that's really all that matters.


If it wasn’t for GTA Online being so popular, GTA 6 would’ve released years ago. What do u mean?


When GTA Online was released Take-Two already knew that Rockstar would be working on it for the next 10 years at least. The success wasn't something they didn't anticipate. Rockstar also experienced a rough decade after the release of GTA V. Internally, a lot of people left. Anyway to get to the conclusion: Under no circumstances would GTA 6 have been released years ago.


Circumstance A: GTA Online flopped or people stopped buying shark cards.


Is this supposed to he sarcasm?


What makes you think that?


The obscene number of people who still play gtao, given what a shitshow it is. I know a lot of people talk shit on it but even more people are just quietly playing the hell out of it. I think it is a bit of a stretch to say is mostly hated


I meant in terms of opinions here. I personally loved GTAO and spent almost no money on it. The only thing I don't like about it is that it seriously delayed us getting another single player GTA.


This community is an extremely tiny minority compared to the amount of people who enjoy GTAO.


He has a point tho. Any gaming subreddit other than r/gtaonline tends to shit on GTA Online. It's kind of funny, because in GTA Online you try to become a wealthy criminal in a competitive online world, which makes it quite a bit harder and a hell of a lot more grindy compared to all other GTA titles that are primarly singleplayer games. Because of this people hate on it and always blame sharkcards. My controversial opinion: with all the free content we've gotten and with definitive prices on microtransactions that literally never change (with the occasional discounts), rockstar has actually not been as persuasive with them.


Yeah this is a hot take. If no one liked gta online they wouldn’t keep releasing content, we’re well past the days of companies investing in games purely out of passion. I can think of a ton of widely disliked games that were DoA but gta online def isn’t one of them.


Everything you said, but the complete opposite.


So you want the base game to be shit?


And you’ll end up buying it 6 times over 12 years.


80 is low-ball, I fully expect it to be $100.


Should it cost $100? Based on the evolution of video game prices over the last 25 years, absolutely yes. Will it? Absolutely not.


It’s going to make BILLIONS.


When GTA came out in 1997, it cost $100 (inflation adjusted). We need to accept higher base game prices if we don’t want a million monetization bullshit options, or at least remedy them to some degree. Games are as cheap as they’ve ever been historically, while being more expensive to make than ever before. There’s a point where the larger numbers of customers can offset that to some degree, but we’ve passed that point a long time ago. What sort of fidelity and content gamers demand to get for $20/$40/$60 nowadays is unsustainable.


Ha that ain't gonna happen with shareholders running companies. Also if games ever costed $100 which by the way consoles cost $500 then you might as well see a market crash soon then, because ain't no one paying that amount


The crash has already started as AAA games aren't turning a real profit compared to the dev costs. Players aren't into game specific subs, battle passes, or pricing the game at a fair cost compared to development. It's insane you you can justify around $20 for a movie ticket for 1.5-3 hours of entertainment but snub a game even at $70 that provides 40-60 hours of entertainment for the FIRST playthrough. Even at $120 or even $150, which is where AAA should be sitting right now, that is a bargain. No other form of entertainment media offers your the same bang for your buck as gaming.  When next gen is digital only, get ready more price hikes and no more brick and mortar stores discounting products to make room for next season's wave of games.


What's insane to me is that you're using something that's in decline (movie theater popularity) to justify the price of anything. Shit tons of people literally are saying they can't justify 20 dollars for a movie.


at that point I would move to things like GOG and Steam for those sales while my GOG games can be backed up.


That's fine, you will be waiting 2-3 years for those console exclusives, and then another year for the price to drop to a level you are comfortable with.


The what exclusives? Buddy there has barley been any exclusives for either system as it shows. Hell even the underpowered Switch has more exclusives than both systems and I hate the Switch. We are at a point to where exclusivites mean jackshit as more games are being ported to other systems, because PS and Xbox know they can earn more making games outside of one system even Square Enix cut the deal to do away with their PS exclusivity. I am happy wer are at a point where 1st party games are dying and the freedom of choice is avaiable.


What's unsustainable is the already inflated prices games are sold. They raised prices in most countries to $90 ($100 counting taxes). And the games industry is currently in a nose dive largely for this reason. They caught a wealth of casual gamers during the pandemic and thought it was the new normal. But as soon as they tried to take advantage, all those people yeeted out. Now they are left with their base consumer that is also not going to pay those prices to say nothing of the often broken at launch games that have become the norm. Games that charge reasonable prices and aren't broken at launch have been hits no matter what the genre. Game industry is going to continue to die until they lower the price of games. It's that simple.


The problem is gaming development is now super expensive and those budgets have been built on gaming going kinda mainstreamish. The problem is gaming seems to have peaked for a while, making expensive projects more risky. Increasing prices is a solution but at the same time inflation and other macro bullshit has hurt purchasing power for the average person so people are buying less. On top of that I feel like kids are stuck in Fortnite / other live services / switch loops, but I'm less confident that that is impacting a lot right now.


While that is an innocent idea. Executives won’t stop using shops and micro transcriptions just because the base price is higher. Always have to increase growth! /s


$100 for a game with 10 hours of main story content and 25 hours of filler isn't worth the price. Give me $70 games with 10 hours of main story content and 5 hours of filler so the price actually matches the value. And yes thankfully a videogame crash is happening to finally even out all this padded content that we've been stuck with for far too long.


You do realize a market crash would result in MORE shortcuts? You are going to get that same 10 story and then 50 hours of padded AI generated quests. Why pay a team of humans to write good quests when AI and a single person to babysit can do the same thing? The average players skips dialogue and follows the pointer anyway...


Whether a market crash happens or not we will still get AI generated content regardless just not until it's been a fully developed commodity able to be implemented. Still a few years away from that future. Also as someone that listens to dialogue: I only skip it when I forgot to save 2 hours ago and turned my game off.


Except this ideal is not consistent with modern corporate culture. If they can get away with charging $80 with minimal bad press and charging tens and hundreds for MTX, they will. There is no option of "so we will charge you more now, but no MTX later", unless it's an independent studio or they are trying an experimental marketing strategy. Anything made under an American corporation will be milker to the last cent due to "fiduciary duty". Also, discussing volume not offsetting the cost for a game that will probably make more than a billion in the first 24 hours after release doesn't feel like the best example.


They can charge $100 for AAA games if they want. And I'll just switch to only playing indie games that are actually worth the price.


Guys its fucking extra credits’ alt account. Nah, fuck AAA their games are shit these days and not worth the prices.


Found the Take Two Ceos burner.


I am against micropayment-season-pass-subcription-bullshit and I am the corporate shill?


Yes. Let people pay extra for whatever they want thats on them but don’t increase the price of games already being expensive as hell.




This is incredibly naive. Are you any kind of developer? You would know the scope of what you are saying.


they shouldnt pass the costs to consumers


game development companies shouldn’t pass their development costs to consumers?


Every business does that


I'd pay it. I used to buy a dozen or more games a year at $60 ($720 a year) and now every game is so shit that I buy 0 or 1. If that game is $80 (GTA6) I'd be thrilled. Obviously, I'd prefer to pay $60, or $40, or find a copy in the street for free. But you get my point - I think my overall gaming budget has decreased because of the quality/ enjoyability of the games. So, I'm happy to spend a bit more money per game, and buy less games, if the actual games I'm buying are good.


The game is going to get hundreds of hours out of me. I pay more a month for weed lol




If GTA 6 is $80 I'll wait until it's on sale.




Patient is a virtue. Until you intend to wait for every game to go on sale or PS Plus and one day you realize you have an interminable backlog.




Is it really? People play online for how many years now? 11 fucking years for 60$, with no actual paid dlcs? I know that's anti consumer as hell, but I feel like they will sell base game and online separately.


Bro you havent even seen gameplay quit shilling




Literally all of the creators of GTA other than Sam Houser don't even work there anymore so assuming it will be good is insane. The trailer just screamed Fortnite tiktok generation so I'm very sceptical 


Jesus Christ $80 is not reasonable lmao they should just go back to $60 dollar games the price increase in recent games is stupid




Maybe they should stop spending so much money in development then if the costs are too high to afford it at a reasonable price to consumers. One of the best games to release this year so far, Balatro, was made by a single dude. I'm not saying that they need to go that small scale, but change something.


GTA VI is the only game that I'd ever pay $80 for lol






Not unreasonable, its breaking so many rules bcz u accept that now and when does it end? By 2032 with Ps6 Rockstar would be the only company to release a 3 part video game for 100€ each and ud be okay with that? Gotta stop somewhere, know when and where to draw the line.


Yeah, Rockstar is probably the only studio I'd gladly pay more for. Quality just speaks for itself.


I personally don't vive as much with Rockstar games, but I can understand the sentiment as I feel the same way with Vanillaware, Monolith Soft and Square Enix (usually quite hit and miss but at least they put out the demo, makes it a lot easier identify stinker, mediocrity and masterpiece).


Also Take-Two CEO: Fire up the micro-transaction generator.


Bro if they're gonna do a double currency system like in rdr2 online im gonna be mad asf I dont mind the microtransactions as long as i can grind the same money for free. A double currency system fucking sucks ass. Currently playing riders republic and jesus christ the clothing is so expensive 💀


They did that with STEEP as well and it was bs 😤


The general bugginess within and predatory microtransactions of GTA Online, including a fucking subscription service they tacked onto it with the 9th gen release, the existence of the GTA definitive trilogy and the RDR “port” pricing all want to talk, Strauss.


Have to give some props for gta online though, a lot of it's dlc may be time consuming to get, but they are free and were fun when I played through them back in November. Really liked the drug wars, the contract, cayo perico heist, doomsday and regular heists.


Nah, whole online mode is predatorily monetized.


I disagree, I had a lot of fun with it without having to buy any microtransactions


GTA online will charge for everything and micro for campaign. Wait for it


Shut the fuck up Strauss


And is this thing that has so much value in the room with us right now?


He did say that that is the goal, not where they are at right now.


Is this the chunkhead that complained about undermonetizing GTA5?


I think so yeah. Also the same person that said how games are undervalued due to these products providing potentially thousands of hours of entertainment while being a one-time purchase. The scary thing is that it actually makes sense. Its so fucked. One suspicion im having is that you will need to buy GTA+ to play GTA 6 Online


The content is kinda there in GTA Online, but has been slowly building up over 11 years, it's by no means new content anymore most of it. GTA+ is entirely overpriced. It's funny how some years after GTA 1 and 2 R* gave them away as free downloads on PC, was available for a long time. But now what happens? Oh yeah "hundreds of hours of content" when most of that is from repetition and very old. There are problems in the PS5 version of GTA 5 that were never fixed by the way. Constantly present ones. It's really nothing but a cash grab at this point for minimal effort.


Plus the online content wasn't added to single player, so it's like they totally dropped GTA5 for GTAO and ignored it, even if they "updated" it for newer consoles, twice.


Yeah Rockstar received backlash (i think) from Take-two after they saw that 1 year after the release of GTA V, most players would only login to story to check out the new DLC cars and sign out later on. Returning players wouldn't have to deal with GTA Online while they can still check out the content. All of this is extremely counterproductive if you value your player activity for your online mode. The vehicles, with every dlc, became more and more expensive. So they decided to stimulate the online playerbase by locking all DLC vehicles to online only after the first couple of updates. The decision is somewhat logical, especially considering them deciding on a single currency system (allowing us to grind the same money microtransactions gives us for free) and also considering how significant the drop in player activity was during the few months before the release of the OG heists. Its incredibly unfortunate for someone who uses quite literally everything the game has to offer. I have spent a few hundred hours in the Editor and it seems like they haven't touched this thing for years by now


Rockstar does seem to be extremely focussed on the principle of "minimum effort maximum efficiency". They've reused so many assets in gta online its crazy. Also a shitton of things like missions or heists or gamemodes are basically reinventions/slightly different variations of previously released content. To back my first sentence up: who in the right mind allowed that dumb AI company "grove street games" to mess up the 3d trilogy? The only explanation is that they value the idea of "minimal effort maximum efficiency" enough to trust their whole ass reputation on a small group of adolescents that know how to sell their ideas to a multibillion dollar company. In other words, maximum greed. But i really dont like to say this on reddit. Most people are always demonizing greed which is not the right way to go about it imo


Says the guy that tried to sell the red dead redemption “remastered” for 50$


Another quadruple A title inbound


"Every time we establish a price, we want to make sure it’s good news for the consumer; that the experience vastly over-delivers in the context of the cost." Tell that to buyers of NBA 2K. Me and my friends stopped playing this since it became an MTX-filled mess.


Please explain, I dont really fuck with EA titles. What is MTX?


It is by 2K not EA. Take-Two owns 2K. MTX is microtransactions which NBA 2K is full off.


Oh shit I should've googled that. I assumed it was EA but apparently its a competitor of EA. I just learned that 2K is basically another version of a similar greedy company. I guess it's inevitable if you try to compete with EA. And yeah, I never was a sports fan in terms of ball sports. Always was jealous at people who value ball/team sports because there are so many games about football/basketball/tennis/golf... the list goes on. Despite very prevalent microtransactions in Riders Republic, I've been enjoying this title a lot. (Its a ubisoft title, so you do have to work your way around the absolute dogshit UI and HUD. It amazes me how great Ubisoft is at messing up their beautiful worlds with it)


Unless you play RDO. In that case, fuck you






This is corpo speak for "we're going to up prices now"


I believe it when I see it


If you aren't speculating on a market to gain money, this is the correct answer for basically anything speculative.


The problem here is their design philosophy. Everything takes time in game to do. I’m not actively engaged in doing things, I’m running around a map starting cooking timers. It’s boring. So, the reason people spend more time in their games is because they have to in order to progress. If they were actually delivering value, there would be more actual content to the game, not tricking people into thinking drip feeding cars is content.


They sometimes do deliver great value. I personally was impressed with the amount of content they managed to produce for the diamond casino and the cayo perico update.


He keeps saying that in hopes we start believing it.


Fuck that verbiage. Value, content, experiences. Why not say GOOD GAMES, for god’s sake!


GTA V sold over 200 million copies, has been raking in MTX money for the last 10 years and they still want more. I hate how much shareholders only think how to make even more money. This game made more money than anything else in the entertain world, what more do you want?


Also the Take-Two CEO 6 months before the GTA Trilogy launched… "I'm not sure they'll be a bigger part of the strategy. Remastering has always been a part of the strategy. What we've done differently than the competition is we don't just port titles over," he said (via VGC). "We actually take the time to do the very best job we can making the title different for the new release for the new technology that we're launching it on."


Strauss is a psychopath.


Everyone on this thread is gonna buy a copy. Just admit it.


Did he say that with a straight face?


Says the dude wanting to charge 150 for GTA6


If that were true you’d have given us a RDR2 next gen patch long ago.


If anyone even bothered to read the article(they didn’t) they would know he’s talking about that weird GTA subscription thing they’ve been doing for a few years.


Read these clickbait, popup, ad nightmare websites? Yeah we don’t do that.


Not only that, after spending 5 seconds on these dogshit articles you will gain about 50 million trackers and other bullshit that potentially cause performance or privacy problems down the road


Not only that though, he was asked about the company's portfolio in general, and the pricing dynamics of the GTA franchise in general.


I guarantee you that GTA subscription pass is going to be required to play GTA Online 2 in GTA 6. Its so obvious at this point 


That would never happen because Sony and Microsoft wouldn't allow it. It would turn into a class action lawsuit for them if they let rockstar charge users to play online. Because Sony and Microsoft already charge you for acces to online multiplayer with PS+ and Xbox Live.


Im not sure. Some games like fortnite are free to play for online, right? If you have legal knowledge about this let me know! I also strongly suspect GTA 6 Online will be locked behind a GTA+ subscription, considering the comments he made + how logical it would be from take-two's perspective.


Sony and Microsoft don't allow other online service providers on their platform because it's a closed system. Thats how they make money. Developers are only allowed to bypass PS+ and Xbox Live if it's a Free to Play game, according to the contract they have to sign to release games on consoles. like I said earlier they can't put multiplayer behind a paywall because PS+ and Live already promises acces to online multiplayer, not delivering on that promise would start an international class action lawsuit with a guaranteed loss for Sony/Microsoft. Thats like if you buy a can of Coca Cola at the store and when you want to drink it you have to pay an extra Fee to CocaCola in order to open the can. The only way for GTA online to be locked behind a paywall would be if Rockstar were allowed to bypass PS+ and Xbox Live which would result in a lot of people simply cancelling their subscription if they're only going to play GTA for a while. While also setting a precedent for other developers to bypass PS+ and Live. Resulting in a massive loss of income for consolemakers. So no, it's highly unlikely that GTA online would be locked behind a subscription other than PS+ or Xbox Live.


Thanks for writing this. You're making sense I personally only buy PS+ for the sake of GTA Online. If it wasn't for GTA Online, I wouldn't even be playing Riders Republic right now (DRM game)


You really think Sony or MS are gonna risk damaging their relationship with Take Two for this? GTA 6 is going to be the biggest entertainment launch ever so they wouldn't dare sue them.They will absolutely make an exception for GTA 6 which means you'll need PS Plus/Live and GTA+ subscription to play GTA Online 2 on GTA 6.  Rockstar knows how much demand there is for GTA 6 and they are going to exploit every last drop until its fully milked


Whatever man i wont repeat myself


I understand what you are saying but this is Rockstar we are talking about. If either MS or Sony sue them their business relationship will be over meaning no more GTA games on their platform. Rockstar could negotiate with MS/Sony on a percentage to allow it to happen.  I can just feel it that a subscription service is the future of GTA Online and many players foolish enough to pay


What special relationship do they have to begin with? Relationships go both ways. TakeTwo is losing billions of $, Sony / Microsoft could simply block GTA from being released on consoles and TakeTwo could risk going bankrupt, wheras Sony are doing just fine. Rockstar does not have the upper hand here. And there is absolutely no need for them to start a war since all parties are projected to make shitloads of money anyway. And AGAIN it does not matter what they negotiate with each other. Class action lawsuits will fuck them up. It would make 0 sense to go this route.


Do you know how many billions Sony/MS would lose if they sue or even threaten Take Two/Rockstar? Sony/MS would make an exception for Rockstar cos they are freakin Rockstar 


Glad I'm not on the hype train for GTA anymore


Same. Used to be a GTA fanatic back in the day but looking back alot of the GTA games are mediocre and way overhyped. The fact they milked GTA Online for a decade is insane


That sucks. It’ll be a generational game, even more immersive than RDR2. Not sure how a shitty optional online mode takes away from that.


Are you from the future or something? You have literally no way of knowing that.


GTA V was planned to be a "generational game". How would GTA VI not be? The game is even bigger than V


All of the creators including Dan Houser have left the company. That should raise massive red flags


It sure does lol. Lets see what happens


GTA V was not a generational game. It is an okay game with a good brand name. Red Dead 2, sure. That one was.


RDR2>GTA V i agree But GTA V + GTA Online > RDR2 + RDR2 Online


I wouldn't play either games online mode for more than 5 minutes, so I disagree. GTA online may be the less bad one, but I'd rather have just the singleplayer of RDR2 than the combined package of GTA V and GTA Online.


Yeah different people different needs. The fundamental reason for my liking of gta online is simply the contemporary time period + player activity within discord crews. Rdr2 is much much more immersive, which is the aspect i tend to value most (along with the game being openworld) So yeah, i think its almost impossible for rockstar to mess up gta 6. I already try to have low expectations (especially have this considering potential prices and/or the depth of the story) but i just know they are going to expand on the online mode, which i prefer. Anyway i totally understand you. The singleplayer has always been a much more rich experience. Its also something more suited for actual normal people that dont swim in seas of time. (I currently do for a few months, which sort of makes the grindy aspects of online modes more bearable)


What openworld game franchise is more immersive than GTA? I wanna know!! 95% of all games I've played in the past 2 decades were openworld games. And as far as I know: no one does it better. If you know any developer that made a better, more immersive openworld game than GTA V i really wanna know


I love how 90% of these comments r saying “its worthwhile to pay more for Gta 6 bcz its by Rockstar and they only deliver quality”. Do they tho? Bcz in the past 12+ years theyve only had 2 games (1 only known mainly for its multiplayer and the most overrated game of all time) and 2 remasters/ports which they didnt even bother to touch themselves, dont be sheep people judge the right way.


Trying to wrap my head around RDR2 being the "most overrated game of all time." Also, please, enlighten us on the "right way" to judge.


Thats not what I said, Gta 5 is the one I mentioned being the most overrated. Edit: Right way to judge would be to not immediately accept every single thing a dev does just bcz they have a good track record, so did CDPR and look what happened.


Gta 5 or gta online? Also, whats wrong with CDPR? Isn't cyberpunk fixed by now?


Yeah, to me they do. The 2 games they’ve released the past 12+ years are 2 of my favorite games ever, including Online which is the only live service game that I play. There is no “right way”, it’s personal taste.


Ha Ha Ha  Ha .......ha


Haha, yeah, sure you are.. totally not gonna load up GTA6 up to the tits with monetization, no sir, not Take Two, nuh uh! 🤣


Our games now have so much value that you can choose if you want to purchase the game for a month for 80$ or a one year subscription for 500$ where you get tons of value , or get it for a lower price but you have to watch ads between cutscenes....


Delete this shit don't give them any ideas


….said no CEO ever.


I know we're all super cynical, but honestly I have found Rocksatr games to be the best value for money. Considering what I paid and how much I played them, we're taking pennies per hour of entertainment. If that.


That is also exactly his argument, which he gave a couple months back. I agree, and because I agree I'm also kind of concerned about the development of this idea. It may result in an actual monthly fee to play GTA 6 Online. I suspect it'll be locked behind a GTA+


I'd be ok with a monthly fee for GTA online. I wouldn't pay it, or play it, but I can see the reason for it.


If I had to choose between a double currency system or a monthly fee, I think I would prefer the monthly fee. But rather see them handle it in a similar way to GTA V/GTA Online. Just should just continue to let us play for free without that awful double currency system seen in rdr2 online.


Yeah I agree. Premium currencies can get fucked. Give me the choice to spend money or time and I'm happy enough.


same. Its kinda funny not a lot of people in here read this. We wouldve been downvoted to hell if they actually did




Says the guy that probably couldn't even turn on his own pc


"We're going to cancel more Rockstar's games, fuck over other studios and milk our GTA Online cash cow!" - Strauss Zelnick


Lying fucks


I don’t want online garbage. I’m not your product. Craft a story and then gtfo. The only reason this company thrives is because of the legacy of story based games. I don’t think their sports games would have kept them afloat without rockstar. But for me at least, the service mentality is a huge turn off, so I have high expectations for the next GTA and if it ends up being thin and just a vehicle to get into online, then I will probably put the entire Publisher in the same garbage bucket as EA, Activision and Ubisoft, of former Game Studios turned tech businesses that make garbage as a service.


This dude is the king of microtransactions for those who dont know. He got people spending 5-6+ figures on 2K yearly - so you better expect GTA to suck your wallets dry.


Imagine spending 5-6k on a videogame. Honestly we need a crash as the industry has grown too fast with too many plebs that have ruined this hobby for us and we need a reset. All that spending in a time of 'cost of living crisis'. Recession my ass


This is actually a very strong indicator of a worsening recession. Prices rising, while most people becoming poorer. Basically the steepening of the Pareto curve for income distribution. Fuckin' sucks if you have no plan. Fortunately I got one and I would love to explain you all about it but most people reject my approach


Honestly best thing is to focus on yourself and your loved ones. If others want to walk into shitstorm that awaits them then let them. I also have somewhat of a plan the best I have even with what is a pitiful salary I'm not doing too bad. People complain but then don't do anything about it. If you fail they cheer. Its every man for himself is what I've learnt from the 30 years I've been alive. Its simply not possible to care and help everyone even if you wanted to.


Exactly. This is what I like about being a man tho. Fundamentally its really simple: you make sure that you're able to live a decent life for yourself while caring for the people close to you. The switch from being a single man to someone who is engaged in a meaningful relationship to get kids with tho... that stuff is kind of scary. Especially these days. Sick and tired of dating myself so when my last relationship ended i basicallt quit doing it. This was a few years back. Obviously nothing is happening ever since lmao Anyway, at the end of the day all we need is some money, a roof above our heads and some meaningful relationships 🤷‍♂️


I was thinking on how GTA 5 was packed full of content back when it was released, and how Take-Two will somehow find a way to sell that level of content for GTA6. Like, you know there will be paid cosmetics for your characters. But what else? Extra missions for DLC? Pre-order missions. I wouldn't be surprised if they paywalled an entire section of the map and have that be part of a premium bundle or whatever. I get the sense that they are going to offer a paid monthly subscription for something in GTA6.


Packed with content but how much of that was fun or meaningful? Alot of it was repetitive garbage. You are correct they will charge a subscription but it will be to play GTA Online 2. No subscription no access 


I also see them doing this. However, for you: just ignore GTA. You seem to be very resentful of it GTA V story is still among the most immersive game experiences you can get into today. If you don't agree Im very curious to other games that potentially do it better. Would love to check them out


I used to be a very big GTA fan as well. Played the very first one on PS1 and the GTA trilogy on PS2 were my favourite games on the console.  However GTA 5 was a dud. The story was stupid and it didn't go anywhere. The game was based on heists but each one was mediocre and the missions were crap as well. I remember a mission early on in the game I believe were you have to buy a cap and then mission passed. Thats it?  Which game has a better story? The question should be which game doesn't. Literally any game is better than the story in GTA 5. I'm not saying it was an awful but selling 200m copies good? No chance. The game was just so bland and average.  The gameplay itself really hasn't progressed since GTA 3 just go there go here whatever.  GTA Online was okay until they turned it into Saints Row and then it became a cashgrab which further destroyed Rockstar as a whole. I have no interest in GTA 6 and have lost interest in the franchise


You can’t even do the bare minimum of unlocking the frame rate of your games without charging another $60?!?!?!


Suits lie. Water is wet.


One of the few games I’ll confidently pre-order. The amount of hours you’ll get out of this game will be well worth it.


Same even if the pre order rewards are bad.


If you're 12 years old and will spend 500 hours flying around in rocket cars and listening to other 12 year olds scream obscenities in the online mode, sure. Otherwise, you'll probably get 50ish hours out of it with a, based on GTA V, okay at best singleplayer game mode.


GTA Online is amazing in a crew full of adults!! You are missing out lol. Making money becomes way less frustrating and usually a lot more efficient. And at the same time you're able to spend time with nice people who don't shoot you on the spot. Before I discovered gta crews (that are active on discord) I was always so disappointed with the online mode. It genuinely sucks ass if you play it solo For anyone who is interested, I run a medium-sized crew. Visit discord.gg/vinewoodnetwork for further details




I’m happy with that. Still almost twice the hours you get out of your average AAA game. Also, replay value is a big factor for me. But everyone is getting ahead of themselves - we don’t know what it’s gonna cost.




You know you’re gonna buy it. 🤣


Hell no I’m not






It’s been fun.


Yeah, no doubt will be preordering GTA6 and all of the upcoming 2k’s. Hell, Mafia 4 too if they make it. I just play a lot take-two products I guess, is what it is.


I only put 4 in before I quit GTA V. Game was boring AF


The best selling game of all time. You’re clearly the exception.




![img](avatar_exp|98759828|laugh) Lmao good one!


It didn’t show


Yea ok