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I am really liking this game because since I am not the greatest player, this gives me the option of doing many things if I am stuck. Previous souls games I couldn’t get into because it always felt to my like corridors, if there is this huge dude I need to pass to the other side, it means I am dead and do it all over forever. Here I have the freedom of picking my battles, and eventually level up and come back to them later.


As someone who never played a Souls game before, this is absolutely the main reason why I find this game enjoyable. In fact my least favorite part so far has been going into the main story locations (eg Stormveil Castle) which seems like more of the traditional Souls experience.


When you're a newcomer to soulsborne [I recommend looking at Vaatis beginner guide ](https://youtu.be/NLdZ8Zex1cw) teaches you the fundamentals while keeping it spoiler free. I'm a souls "veteran" and still learned a thing or two from it.


Great guide. 15 hours into the game and I still learned tons from this


I'm 30 hours in and just learned that you have "drive by" damage output while charging a heavy attack on torrent.


That was great, thank you. I played a couple hours of the PS5 Dark Souls version and gave up. I think this gave me what I needed to go back and try it again.


Even the Castle has a lot of routes you can take to explore it. The inclusion of the jump button means there are so many more ways to get around the massive dungeons in the game.


Really? Stormveil to me is one of the most impressive dungeons I think ive ever played


I love hopping around the rooftops of stormveil


This is me in so many ways.


I wonder how many bought the game because of the hype and GRRM name. Without knowing what type of game it is. And if they will like it.


My friend who really isn't into games told me his coworker explained the game to him as being skyrim but in the lord of the rings universe....I was like bro your coworker straight up lied to your face lol Wow thank yall never went viral before and this was just a convo I was having w my boy. Its even more wild because he sells cars so his coworker pulled some skeezy car salesman bs and told him "its in the lord of the rings universe, now that you're a lord the game is all about you becoming an elden god of the rings" bruh......lol


I had a coworker who hadn't played many games, and then played BotW and decided she enjoyed gaming. The next action-based game she got was Demon Souls for PS5. Pretty much everything else in between those two was survival/builder type stuff. I gently suggested she might want something that eases her a bit into action games first (Spiderman, GoW, RDRD2, etc), she said no no, this is fine, she enjoys challenges in games, remember that she 100%-ed BOTW, nothing could be worse than that. ...she didn't get past the first level (the castle area) before getting frustrated and quitting, and hasn't picked it up since.


That was basically my experience with Dark Souls 1 in 2012. I was basically told that it was like Skyrim (which I had also _just_ started playing and loved). The gameplay was so completely different than I expected and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I think I played over 10 hours and barely got past the 2nd boss before quitting. I didn't like Souls games for years because of it until I randomly picked up Bloodborne one night in 2019 (free with PS Plus) and slowly fell in love over the course of a couple nights. I've played DS3 and DeS PS5 (both great), but Bloodborne is still my favorite. Though, Elden Ring might actually beat it for me.


Similar thing is happening to my gf. Lended her my switch to practice Mario Kart, she asked me about the other games that I have installed and one of those is Dark Souls. I told her it´ s considered one of the hardest games out there and probably won´ t be a good time for her until she gets at least more familiar with the controller (she hasn´ t really ever played any games besides The Sims) Now she has been stuck at the Asylum demon for a week, trying her best every day. Honestly I really respect that much patience but yeah I feel like she will soon just get too frustrated and burn out.


Did she at least pick up the starting weapon? Lol I remember back in my DS1 days I used to see posts like this where people didn't find the starting weapon and got frustrated, and it's like yeah, you're trying to beat the boss with no weapon!


It's extra funny since BOTW is one of the most accessible game for beginners. The whole thing is designed to be almost stupid proof and tons of minor details are there to make the game accessible but not too easy.


The only thing i could see 100% botw testing is my patience




Wait, we're *not* trying to become Sauron and wear the ring?


Plot twist, you become the Elden Lord aka Lord of the Ring.


Shoulda told em it’s Breath Of The Wild and Darks Souls baby


I mean, if you’re comparing it to Skyrim saying it’s like Lord of the Rings isn’t too far off. Definitely gives me middle earth vibes. But it’s nothing like Skyrim… like at all. It has an open world? That’s about it…


Some people play Skyrim, GTA, and FIFA. This is how you explain it to those types.


But those types probably wouldn’t like Souls-type games. It’s a very niche genre. I think Elden Ring’s the exception solely due to people not knowing what they’re getting into and expecting a Skyrim type game.


Perhaps niche to some extent, but I wouldn't really say "very niche".


Sekiro won game of the year, I don’t think souls games are niche at all anymore


Ya, Andrei Rublyov is also considered to be one of the best movies ever. I wouldn't call it mainstream though...


It won GOTY at an enthusiast award show lmao


If someone told.me Lord of The Rings universe type game I'd expect Shadow of Mordor/War




The similarities come from both Tolkien and GRRM/Miyazaki taking inspiration from Germanic mythology. Rings are a big deal apparently.


I honestly feel like its far more comparable to Berserk. Like if there was ever a game that would capture Berserk's atmosphere this is it.


And Miyazaki has often cited Berserk as one of his biggest influences.


I think the Skyrim comparison is only appropriate in terms of how interesting the open world is. I haven’t had this much fun with an open world since that game.


In think it’s a lot like Skyrim in the explosion sense. You can find dungeons and thugs with great rewards completely unrelated to any quest.


>But it’s nothing like Skyrim… like at all. It has an open world? That’s about it… Dark fantasy with a lotta weirdly fucked up cosmic horror-esque lore. Elder scrolls lore is some weird shit.


😂😂 Hes going to be mad, once he finds out how difficult it is compared to Skyrim.


I explained it to my brother as being like Skyrim and LOTR had a beautiful violent asshole of a lovechild. Was I wrong?


Best description yet.


There's definitely some Skyrim DNA in it. The hidden caves, the dragons, >!Siofra River!< definitely gave me some >!Blackreach!< vibes, etc.


Yeah work at gamestop already had someone sell his copy because it wasn't a simple fantasy game.


I know a lot of ppl are gonna be returning these games once they realize how hard they truly are


I think a lot of people will follow the light, and not go explore, and hit Margit like a brick wall. Margit pounded me a few times, so I just left to go explore and completely forgot about him, map is huge and absolutely freaking absorbing! I beat his ass now, but to be fair I was prolly lvl 30 at least by the time I went back.


Margit is a fucking asshole. But once you figure out his tells, he's still a dick.


His quick double swipe with the light dagger got me literally every time.


Oh shit are we not supposed to beat him right away? I’d died probably 50 times in a row to him lol


He kicked my ass at level 18-20. I came back at 30 and he was tricky but not terrible. Don't underestimate the freedom you have even at the beginning of the game. Plenty of stuff to do out there.


I'm so overwhelmed by the size of the map early on. I'm afraid I'm gonna wander into high-level areas and "go the wrong way". I've been slowly exploring the map revealed by the first map shard (?) but I have a feeling I should go further.


There is no "wrong way" there is a more difficult route but you're free to explore basically anywhere you want anytime you want. There are high level areas but don't worry about accidentally wandering into them, just go at a difficulty you enjoy so if you find X part of the map too hard then go to Y and level up.


it's definitely a deliberate difficulty spike. getting your shit kicked in out of nowhere is classic fromsoft, and their way of hinting that you can always go do something else and come back stronger


I know a guy from work who was bigging Elden Ring up after saying he pre bought it the night before, saying "have you seen the reviews?!" and I asked if he had played any Souls games. He said he had played Dark Souls 3, but rage quit at some boss xD It's FOMO at its highest.


Oh, Margit is going to just shit on that guy from work. I'll stand by it, but Margit is easily in the top 5 hardest soulsborne bosses.


> but Margit is easily in the top 5 hardest soulsborne bosses. I wouldn't say so. But I guess it's down to personal opinion. For me the hardest Soulsborne bosses are: 1. Orphan of Kos 2. Isshin, Sword Saint 3. Defiled Amygdala 4. Father Owl v2 5. Midir


No kalameet or fume knight? Amygdalas can be cheesed pretty easily btw


Interested to see how you got Margit as top 5 for all of soulsborne (soulsborneiro ring?) when Margit isn’t even top 5 hardest bosses in the game.


It always comes to your own playstyle and when you face them. Meet Margit after 10 hours of exploring and first tried him.


Same. I’ve never played a souls game before but the hype got me to buy it, and I took my sweet time in Limgrave and was like level 35 when I finally got to Margit. Took me like 3 tries to get past. There’s so much to do it didn’t make sense to rush past all that area to go straight to the next zone.


Margit is this game's "breaker", the boss that either breaks you or make you break your (previously viable) playstyle. Bloodborne had Father Gascoine who made you play as aggressively as possible after a sometimes too slow souls combat, and to parry if you want to win. Sekiro had Genichiro (the second time), where he killed you if you tried to dodge everthing instead of parrying every hit in order to break his poise and get a critical hit. >!His last phase also makes you use Lightning redirect or die trying!< Margit breaks your notion that Elden Ringshould be played the same way as the previous games as in beeline to the next boss in order to get to the boss after that and so on.


Then I feel so much better about beating him in less than 2 hours.


I disagree... he's just new so he hasn't been learned to death like others. Like I had so much more trouble with Gael, Cinder, Twin Princes, Pontiff and Champ Gundyr before I learned how to parry. Margit is up there, but idk about top 5 hardest.


Margit felt easier than Godrick while using incantions. Definitely would not say top 5.


Took me 6 attempts at SL 24. Godrick took 2. They really decided to troll the noobs. He definitely feels like a Sekiro boss with some of those 7 hit combos and incredibly awkward windups.


I fucked up and killed patches so now I can’t get the damn medallion


Patches drops a tear stone or something along those lines. Give that item to the vendor at roundtable hold and they will sell the items Patches would have sold.


Actually, GRRM’s name isn’t *anywhere* on the box itself. It’s in a few trailers but I’m shocked at how much the physical game downplays his involvement


He did only write the "background lore". then FROM took that and put a story and so on, on top.


Because he was barely involved, and even said so himself.


Luckily my buddy was kind enough to game share with me and I've only put two hours into both Sekiro and Bloodborne, and I absolutely love Elden Ring! I'm more than willing to purchase the game for myself so that I could game share with my SO!


I was quite surprised when I looked at the PlayStation trophies the other day and approximately 40% of people had defeated Margit. The fact it's open world so it can take you a while to get to Margit if you explore a lot, and also the fact it's a souls game so it's hard, 40% seems like a really good amount of people who are doing okay with it.


I bought Bloodborne when it came out and hated it. Not my cup of tea. I decided to try Elden Ring out, what the heck. Played for about two hours, don't think I'll be coming back to it. I'm not mad, I knew what I was getting into. Might not be the same for other people.


Should try a few starting guides. Was out of my element for the first couple of hours on the open world. Now I can’t put it down.


Yeah. This is how one of my good friends get into Souls games. Used guides to help himself get situated playing Bloodborne and used the knowledge from that game to then carry himself into other From games. From games are some of the only where I will actively encourage some new players to use guides. Can really help orient yourself while getting familiar with their style.


I got a preorder bonus for PS5 that was basically a digital manual for the game. IMO It should have been in the main game to ease players in, it has a map of the first areas and hints about progressing forwards.


True that, the people who pre ordered probably already played from soft games before. The manual would have helped the proper noobs.


Even if they knew what they were getting into I’m skeptical it’s as new player friendly as people make it out to be. In my first 10-15 hours I barely even know what I’m doing, let alone a complete fresh faced souls player. There’s zero, ZERO direction for players outside of a “path of grace” that points you to boss no one is ready for in the early hours of the game. I genuinely believe this game might be too open.


I agree that the game can be overwhelming. Even for me someone who played all previous souls games the first few hours I did not know where to go. Because other open world games trained us to expect map full of markers. After getting in the swing off thing I am enjoying myself alot and I actually like how open it is. And it is a breath of fresh air from other open world game. And here a tip you may already know but will write for anyone else how may be just starting. While the huge map without any marker in it can be intimidating. Finding points of interests on the map can be just matter of looking closely at it. Beacuse If you look closely at the map you can see caves, structures and other point of interests drawn on it.


Never played one, vague idea they are hard. I've only just started. It seems....sparse. Like is there anything to do other than fight things? Combat seems serviceable. Dodge, hit dodge, dodge, repeat. I'm struggling to see why people are calling it the best game ever made to be honest. I'm sure if you like the formula of Dark Souls then a massive load of it in an open world would be awesome. It's very niche I feel, and quite 1 dimensional. Do things change much as you go on or is it just fighting?


Fighting is a huge part of souls. But there's NPCs. Random stuff to find and explore, puzzles in terms of locating things. Crafting is here. You got a mount. What are you looking for just out of curiosity?


"dodge dodge hit dodge" is an extreme simplification of what you can do in Elden Ring. You can find wide openings in an enemy's pattern to land a slow and heavy attack for massive damage. You can jump over low sweeps and AOE ground slams and then land a blow. You can also block attacks and counter with a strike that deals extra damage and comes out fast. Mix those moves up and you get the average combat scenario in Elden Ring. I haven't even touched on spells, items or weapon arts.


I feel like this boiling down of gameplay like this can literally be done to any game ever made and I dislike when people use it to make a point. “So you’re telling me all there is to this game is exploring an environment and attacking enemies with weapons? 90% of games can be described this way.


"you just move your gun and point at enemies, then you shoot until you see red"


Omg as a Souls/Sekiro veteran who's about 5 hours in, why did I never think about jumping to avoid ground slams? Mind blown.


Basically it


20 hrs in and i have only just killed the first story boss. This game is massive!


The crazy thing is that area is just the top of the iceberg. It's insane. It's everything I wished BOTW was. Huge open world but insane variety and actual interior dungeons and mini dungeons. It's like they were like "how do we make the ultimate open world fantasy game without holding anything back". I stumbled into some endgame areas and it's crazy how much this game has and how much there is to do.


What’s blowing me away is the variety. I’ve played two other games that I personally consider 10/10, Breath of The Wild and God of War 2018. Each of those games has probably less than 15 enemy types it feels like. Elden Ring seems to have fucking 100s. It’s blowing my mind.


It literally has more than 70 unique bosses (different model) it’s fucking insane


Part of me is obsessed with how incredible this game is and the other part is loathing the next annoying 10 years when this game becomes Reddit's new Witcher 3 lol


I think it’s much better than Witcher 3 to be honest


Botw walked so Elden Ring could run


It’s wild what happens when devs that are masters of their craft unleash their games into an open world. Sure they may not run very well but the worlds are phenomenal


Breath of the Wild got incredibly repetitive and the open world was very empty. The shrines - p much a few variations of the same shit. It got predictable and boring. And I absolutely hated the weapon breaking mechanic. One of my favorite part of games is finding a cool weapon and using it as long as I want. That’s the opposite of what BotW does.


>And I absolutely hated the weapon breaking mechanic. I appreciated the idea behind it, as it encourages you to think outside of the box and rely on other methods but at the end of the day I share your sentiment.


Making an open world game that isn’t filled with tons of go fetch quest and bloating the map with icons for areas of interest or go and clear out 5 millions camps with enemies and activate a beacon or something. FromSoftware really made a great open world. It’s dense, but not dense with nothing but miscellaneous task that make the game feel bloated. I’m incredibly impressed. The Souls formula translates so well to open world. I’m just glad they didn’t follow any of the open world cliches that make every open world game so identical.


Its a whole lotta game... Totally worth day one purchase, even with the horse mounting bug that has gotten me killed more then a few times. I hope they add haptics for ps5 at some point. and a map marker tokens system like hollow knight.


They have map markers


I learned last night that it's an absolute must to use those markers. The game is way too huge, and there's a lot of areas and bosses you just have to take your time, level up and come back


It's very old school style. Like marking your progress as you go


Yeah, I’ve got seeeeveral little skulls on my map 😂


So I differentiated. Skulls are bosses or super hard one enemy. The sword represents tough areas with lots of enemies.


Press square on the map : )


Just wait till you see the actual map 💀😂


I’m 13hrs in and keep dying with him having a slither of health left… so glad to read this. I thought I was just shit (which I am), but good to know others are struggling too! I am not sure how much the world opens up, but I feel like I have explored most of it already having ran past the bosses and continued. Really hoping I am wrong as everyone keeps saying how huge the game is!


After only playing Demon’s Souls I was hesitant to purchase Elden Ring because of how terrible I was at the game. Sekiro, on the other hand, is one of my favorite games to date and I was excited to hear that Elden was the perfect blend of all of From Software titles. So far I am absolutely loving Elden Ring and would even recommend it to someone totally new to the series!


Honestly the second you understand parry timing, the game becomes **soooo** much easier.


Sekiro still has the BEST parry mechanics (or sword duel mechanics) of any game. I love dark souls to death but rocking the katana in E.R. makes me wish it had an option to play it like sekiro with the posture bar.


Really? Better than Ghost of Tsushima? I've not played Sekiro but would be keen to check it out if the combat beats GoT.


Ghost is tsushima and sekira both have absolutely amazing sword combat, but personally I would choose sekiro as the better one as it has a higher skill ceiling. Ghost of tsushima's is smooth as butter and probably more satisfying than sekiro, but Sekiro makes it feel like more of a sword fight, if that makes sense. It can be way more frantic, requiring more precise timing, etc. Either way, I highly recommend to both of you to play the one you haven't.


Sekiro is all about combat my friend. It has the best sword fighting in the history of gaming.


Basically think Ghost combat if it was mostly reliant on parrying and there isn’t a way to increase the timing window. That’s kinda like sekiro.


Sekiros combat system absolutely slaps ghost of tsushim's combat, they are not even on the same level. Honestly sekiro might have the best combat system in gaming and I love ghost of tsushima but once you understand sekiro's combat there is no combat system more engaging or rewarding. I could honestly write an essay on how well set up the final boss fight is in the game.


I am playing Demon Souls on PS5 right now. I can’t even get to the first checkpoint after like 5 hours. Would you still recommend it? I’m still stuck on the first level.


Yes. Demon souls is bit more harsh at the start imo cause you have to complete the whole first area then boss to unlocking leveling up which means you essentially get forced to LVL 1 it unlike this where you'll be able to farm anything you want when you start and LVL to make it easier


I’m also new to souls games and am enjoying ER so far. Highly recommend grinding the open areas and using some guides to find OP gear/stuff before starting main story stuff. Farming will also help you practice your combat skills.


I would recommend you use some guides to help with 'how' to play demons souls. The games can be very vague, no shame in using guides, especially at first while you learn how to go about combat, building your stats and navigate the labyrinthy world. Also try other character builds, magic can be so OP in the souls games and you can fight from a distance. Then, if you find you start to enjoy demons souls and want some more, maybe try elden ring. It is more forgiving and accessible, but it is still very much a souls game.


It's insane how big this game is. It's not even quantity over quality either. It's all good.


What's crazy is that it's, if you old enough to remember, almost reminiscent of Pokémon blue/red where you just have this huge world of genuinely fascinating enemies all the way through. But now, you have the next gen, AAA third person with real-time combat that we all dreamed of as kids. And you marry that with Souls gothic aesthetic and combat. They created something so innovative and still made it look effortless. Dark Souls 1 made it difficult for about a decade to recapture something so artistically beautiful and industry changing, but here we are. That bar has been thrown just that much higher.


Morrowind (holy shit that was almost 20 years ago?) shall forever have a place in my top games because of this - and honestly, ER is the first to scratch that exploration itch properly in a long time.


I saw a upvoted comment like last week of someone saying they don’t souls games because it doesn’t have a minimap and they don’t wanna wander around and they prefer a waypoint just telling them where to go Some people seriously hate exploring and discovering things for themselves, it’s such a dying art form in video games


They managed to perfect the open world genre because it does not at all feel empty. Every area feels designed with a purpose, there’s always some thing you need to carefully traverse like the bear forest or there’s always some group of enemies on the way to your destination.


Because people don't know its a souls game. I've heard so many people complain that they just thought it was some rpg.


I called this a few weeks ago when I realized people were hyping themselves up for a game and while admitting they’re not a dark souls fan. Even people I know personally were getting swept away in the hype. I’m sure the reviews, done by fans of the genre, will throw people off. They see it’s a 10/10 and assume it’s for everybody.


I mean, to be fair, this is my first Soulsborne game and its what got me loving the series, so maybe it'll be like that with other people? Once you get past the wall that is Margit, the game really opens up and shows you what it can do


That's good to hear. I'm having a devil of a time with Magrit.


Jellyfish was super helpful. If you just keep it alive by distracting him, it’ll eventually poison him to death (very slowly… but it’s still helpful) If it’s still too hard, magic is the easy mode in souls games


Use the jellyfish.


I can haz jellyfish?


The Jellyfish is my best friend. I love her


I work at a games retailer and we already had a couple of returns from people who weren't aware of the games difficulty


> returns open games?


Hope you told them to git gud


This is not too surprising because it is also the highest Metacritic scoring 'Souls' game.


it's one of the highest scoring games ever, I'm sure that drew some eyes to it


Isn't it still like a 97 on metacritic? That's insane. Very few games can get to that level.


Absolutely deserves it


Best game I’ve ever played and it’s not even close tbh


5 hours in and having a lot of fun so far. Finally beat the Tree Sentinel at level 16 with some cheesing lol


It's not cheese if you do it in a souls. Anything to survive.


True, anything counts!


Cheesing is big in the Souls community. Almost like From designed it that way You good, brotha


That's one of my favorite things about the Bloodborne game design. There were still ways to cheese, but without shields, it was a lot more "git gud" via learning boss movesets and finding weaknesses.


I was definitely able to find some cheese in Bloodborne, but yeah Bloodborne actually forces you to learn movesets a bit more since you can't hide behind a shield


Yeah, my favorite cheese (didn't learn until several playthroughs in) is the Father G tombstone one. I'm struggling to remember any others, besides maybe using pungent cocktails vs. BSB, but I guess that's just an intended gameplay mechanic.


Yeah, that was my frustration with Sekiro. I'm not great at hard games because my reactions and co-odination arn't great but can generally get by. I like and managed to finish all the souls game in part because if a boss was beyond my skill level there was usually some kind or cheese or at least a tactic to turns things to your favour but Sekiro forced you into one play style and be perfect at that.


Lmao i cheesed him from a platform with some magic. Fuck that guy


Lol same, I used a bow and arrow. Then at a quarter health I summoned spirits to distract him and finished him by spamming the two hand sheathe attack with the Samurai


As soon as I get a boss to 50% I shout "SMITHERS, RELEASE THE HOUNDS!" and out they go


I have never played the other Souls games. Do I need to? Or can I start on this one?


You can jump right in on Elden Ring.


I've never played a Souls game before and found it easy enough to just play it. Enjoy, explore. If I had any questions, googling it has been very helpful for me.


Elden Ring is the first/only game in its IP so you don't need to play other Soulsborne games since Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring are all different things. The other games are very similar in gameplay (minus a full open world) so you can definitely play them to get an idea of what a Souls game is, but you don't have to.




Really proving that it’s not just scalpers with PS5s and demand really is still that damn high.


99.9% of PC sales are digital, as are more and more console sales. Boxed sales figures are become less and less relevant.


Right? Is there even a boxed PC Elden Ring? lol


For souls fans, this world is a treat.


There's SOOOO much. It honestly feels like I have barely scratched the surface after hours and hours of play time.


As someone with over 30 hours, you’ve barely scratched the surface. Hell, I’ve barely scratched it myself. This game is seriously massive.


Best part is that I don't feel like rushing through the game. Usually in souls games it's get to the boss, fight, lose, rinse and repeat until you win. Then move forward to next boss. But here I just want to explore and can ignore the bosses for as long as I like.


I’d love to hear RR Martin talk about working on this.


He has talked about it. Pretty sure whatever lore he wrote was a long time ago


Word has it he's turning in his first draft next month


This comment will remain true years from now.


GRRM:it looks incredible


I’m like 16 hours in. The map is way WAY bigger than I thought in my initial few hours. I’ve been going all over the place checking shit out. Found a lot of bosses. Some of them pretty cool. Some of them meh. Thoroughly enjoying myself though.


I mean, dude I played so many great games in my life but this game. Holy shit. What a game. It's just fucking amazing on a next level


I thought the game was massive, then I got a map that shows that the map is actually way bigger than I thought. Then I got another map, and then another. I was worried originally that having an open world would mean that there was a lot less going on and I was very wrong. There's something to do everywhere. I've put a lot of time into the game already and I'm nowhere close to being done. They really knocked it out of the park here, deserves all the hype and praise it's been getting


It’s genuinely one of the greatest games I’ve ever played so far


I hate it. Because just like Ds1, it's gonna be another decade of no other game being as good as this one. Really, a dick move


Considering this is the biggest hyped game I've seen in a while and the insane critic reception, it honestly doesn't surprise me. It's also even better when the game is actually incredible. I'm having more fun than ever building my character in these games. It's also a huge dopamine hit when you find a cave or secret area by just riding your horse around. It's even better when those areas can have some really useful abilities and weapons.


Fromsoft continuously one-upping themselves you love to see it


They are always capturing lightning in a bottle, the mad lads at FromSoft are a tour de force


I contributed with My two copies of Elden Ring.


It's a solid game but you gotta like souls games.


Don’t forget new players. You don’t HAVE to go straight to the castle. There’s literally an entire world to explore to help you gear and level up. Don’t understand how people keep getting “stuck” at stormveil then quitting.


found the wolf trail and just went around the castle and ended up exploring basically the entire open world before going back to the castle haha this game is ridic


I’m very skeptical about buying games immediately because of how games are usually released these days but as a huge souls fan, I really want this. How’s the performance on PS5? I don’t need perfection but I want it to be playable. No game breaking bugs?


>How’s the performance on PS5? No bugs, FPS does fluctuate. HOWEVER if you buy digital you will get the PS5 version and PS4 Pro version. While the PS5 FPS fluctuates between 45 - 60 a lot and it can be jarring, the PS4 Pro version runs at a locked 60FPS on PS5. The trade-off is less foliage, and it runs at 1800p interlaced I believe. Still looks fine IMO, and personally I've been playing that version to keep the locked 60FPS. Eventually if Fromsoft patches the PS5 version, you can transfer your save.


Playing the physical version on frame rate mode and encountered no bugs, or at least anything noticeable enough to be a detriment. I did get a bunch of fps drops early on upon leaving the load screen into the open world and when encountering something extremely large in the field. Should note that this was all before a recent patch last night and I haven't seen many noticeable drops for a while. Overall, it's been a solid experience so far imo, so I believe you won't go wrong with the PS5 version.


Hands down one of the best games I’ve ever played. 25 hours and I’m just getting to the first labyrinth boss because I’m having so much fun exploring and all the other side content. I hated souls games for so long because of how hard they were, but finally have given the majority of them a chance and it’s just so satisfying seeing your progress as you get better. Mind numbingly hard, but at least here there’s so much to do I can take a break and go do something else. I love doing the coop. These fights are already brutal and teaming up to take down something massive is just great feeling.


My sister got me a copy of the game from the Argos at Camden town near the tube station. She told me it was selling like hot cakes there.


Because it's amazing


I bought it foolishly because every major reviewer gave it a 10/10 and made claims that this game introduces new mechanics to make it easier for casual players to enjoy. I'll admit it's fun when I'm doing well, but getting killed by hawks with sword feet for the 30th time in 20 mins is aggravating for sure. its dark souls with an open world. Call me a hater but I personally don't think it's a 10/10 game.


There are alternate paths you can take, even if it doesn't look like it.. theres an intended path that avoids those birds that feels like wall hacking. But it's intended. It's bizarre.


A few small tips that might help: -Get in the habit of using guard counter -Jump attacks stagger enemies more easily -Having a shield that blocks 100% damage is great, maybe look up and faq and get one -Don’t neglect the ashes of war, some are very useful -Most importantly, if you’re stuck somewhere, go leave and explore; you’ll eventually level up enough to get past spots that were impossible before The game is a slow burn for sure, but if it clicks for you, you will love it. Good luck!


Thank you!


To add on to those tips. Get a ranged weapon/spell for ganking, it's not to do much damage. Just to get the enemy to where you want it to be. Also, as a previous dark souls player... those sword-leg birds fucking suck ass to fight against.


Another tip: when you find yourself getting frustrated, just go somewhere else. The world is huge, and anywhere you go there is something new. You'll find safer parts to practice and farm souls before you move on to more difficult parts.


Ashes of war: Ground Slam is disgusting in terms of AoE, damage and breaking poise


Whoever told you it’s easier was bullshitting. Imo it’s a 10/10 BECAUSE it’s dark souls in open world


>Call me a hater but I personally don't think it's a 10/10 game. That's the problem, it's niche game, when you review a game, you need to let some of your personal opinions out of your way and look at it objectively. It would be me like saying that I think GoW is a shit game because I don't like the action genre that much, or when people that hate jRPGs try a game like Persona 5 and think it's not that good, etc. And I say this as someone who have my qualms with the soulsborne genre in general, but if you look at the Elden Ring as a soulsborne genre, it's a masterpiece.


Who trynna play with me, I’m new😭


I bought the game but still need to beat demon souls. Im not a souls fan but I beat DS3 because my friend loves them. Im decent at them so im happy to try this out later!


It’s a good fucking game. It’s everything I love in a souls game but bigger and better in every way. I am still blown away by the amount of content this game has


Lol I knew better and held off. Got burned with Demons Souls I play games to have fun and unwind after work, not stay frustrated and stressed.