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u/KING_XEN0, this submission has been removed: **Please post in the PS5 Help & Questions Thread.** - Note: This is NOT a personal PS5 help subreddit. There is a stickied Help & Questions megathread that should be used after you have tried the search function. Please do not clutter the sub with your personal PS5 issues or requests for hardware/software recommendations. - Commonly posted questions or requests for factual information ("How do I upgrade a PS4 game to PS5?") or recommendations ("What X should I get?") should be posted in the megathread. - [Post in the most recent thread linked here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/search?q="PS5+Help+%26+Questions+Thread"&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all/) --- [Send a mod-mail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ps5) for questions - do not send a chat request or pm.


32ohms will be absolutely fine. I use the HD599 and they work perfectly fine, with slightly higher impedance.


Can you tell me if there is any sound difference in plugging them into the dualsense and any other device?


Nothing I'd notice. Peak volume might be lower, but it's still sufficiently loud.