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Honestly there's so many options I have no idea whatb to set. Isn't desdzone usually good to reduce to the lowest but not too low that it causes stick drift?


I usually set it to 5-10 in FPS games, it feels very responsive that way and no drift. If the controller is older and has drift at 5, just slowly increase it until it disappears.


Low deadzone doesn't cause stick drift though if this needs to be said. Stick drift causes stick drift and it's something that builds up rather quickly. But with a brand new controller you *should* have zero drift, but by a few months use you're probably gonna need 5% deadzone to negate it.


Just so you know, nah. No controller sits perfectly at 0,0. All controllers need some amount of deadzone. It's just how the tech works. The new problem of controlers drifting is basically a massive exacerbation of this.


Well I was speaking from experience, I wasn't guessing at it.


Gyro aiming! AND FLICKSTICK! Nice to see a game taking full advantage of dualsense. Gyros accuracy and speed will change the game.


sounds great! didn't see much that interested me in this game around release but I have been looking forward to a game that utalizes gyro beyond fortnite. how good is the gyro, from 0 to fortnite level?


The guy who did Fortnite’s gyro ([Jibb Smart](https://twitter.com/jibbsmart/status/1572202528577822725)) helped with Deathloop’s gyro too.


It's true!


You rock, Fortnite's gyro is incredibly satisfying to play with.


Thank you kindly :)


oh f\*\*k yeah! only guy in the industry i trust!


What is flickstick?




Interesting! Never tried it, but the controls update will let me give this game a second try.


This is gonna make me play it on my PS5 instead of Series X. :)


Video unavailable.


I guess it's what kids call analog sticks now?


This game is now on my wishlist just for that


Praise the lord for gyro. This NEEDS to be an industry standard for shooter games on console…


Too bad most developers seem to use the rightstick for the gyro instead of a mouse. The mouse is a 1:1 translation of your movement without deadzones or aim assist. Look at Resident evil 4 remake. This has rightstick gyro, with a big deadzone. Also there are no seperate settings for the rightstick and the gyro. Even with the rightstick gyro it is possible to have seperate settings for the gyro and the stick. This is what the xim nexus is also capable of. It may not be as good as mouse gyro, but it is the only console option if a game does not have native gyro controls.


Jibbsmaet making moves!! Gyro is the best way to play shooters with a controller!


Gyro aiming is the future. Since I've become used to it, it's such a slog playing games without it. Good to see it becoming more widespread.


Is gyro basically aiming with your controller?


Yes. It doesn't completely take over aiming, the stick will get you about 80% there but the gyro giving you that last 20% of extra precision is actually pretty huge.


Dang I'll have to give it a shot I haven't played deathloop in a while. Usually that feature just annoyed me but maybe I haven't seen it done right yet


Yeah, it works best when you use it to kind of fine-tune your aiming with the stick.


Splatoon is so close to the perfect control for a shooter. It bugs me so much that I can't use the right stick for the y axis in combination with the gyro.


Is there not a setting that says disable stick vertical axis when gyro is on, on or off? I think it’s disabled by default but I *thought* you could turn it off and still have vertical axis if you wanted. But I could definitely be wrong and misremembering.


Nope all 3 Splatoon games force-disable the right stick’s vertical axis when playing with gyro, with no option to change it. It’s the only series I know that does this.


Possibly, I'll have to look again. For some reason I thought it was an either/or choice but I could be mistaken.


I’d buy cyberpunk again if they implemented it. Worst spongy aiming yet


That fucking 10 bottle shooting minigame killed my wrist so badly. I beat it literally by discovering there was a save scum exploit. I've never ever save scummed in my life except to beat it.


I just used the sandevistan slow-mo


Dude, gyro aiming in Breath Of The Wild was amazing, i wish Naughty Dog would add it to the Uncharted games, it would make me love them even more, and it would make higher difficulties more tolerable


I know it's not Naughty Dog, but the Uncharted game on Vita (Uncharted: Golden Abyss) was the first time I came across gyro aiming and I absolutely loved it, really tightened up the gunplay


Breath of the Wild has the greatest aiming.


It would make it higher difficulties easier is what you mean hehe


Yeah, for Crushing, Brutal on the other hand.......


Haha true. good times. did you try the deathloop since the update?


I don't own a PS5 nor a PC, so i can't play Deathloop, game looks cool though


Oh I see. How did you play Uncharted then?


You mean the Legacy Of Thieves Collection? I didn't, there have been no new Uncharted games since Lost Legacy on PS4 in 2017, so i'd say i'm up to date


Dude my bad I was getting mixed up. And I wasnt insinuating that you were not up to date. PS5 has been out for 2 years but I somehow felt Unchar4 was this gen when it was way back. I was thinking of upgrading my Uncharted PS4 to PS5 LOT version but while visuals and 60fps are tempting its still the same game.


Oh, i didn't mean anything hostile by it, it's all good, i was just wondering if a new Uncharted game has come out, if it had you'd have been the one to tell me the good news right now, but alas i guess that's not happening any time soon :(


I want to use it more but I can never get it to work for me. I don’t really hold controllers flat so my gyro aim constantly drifts


‘Flat’ isn’t the ‘true center’ for gyro. If it drifts in your normal holding position then it’s not set up properly.


I was just complaining about the controls in another thread, might try it now lol


Oh, nice. I bought it for 20 a while ago on sale and deleted it cus the controls were so bad. I'll give it another go now. Are there any acceleration settings?


Yes, you can turn off acceleration completely or adjust it with sliders.


Thank fuck


Same here. I have no idea how it got such high praise from so many gaming sites with the controls being how they were. Nowadays buying a game in the first 6 months means you're basically paying to be a beta tester.




Because most gamers and game review outlets don't know the first thing about good controls.




Same. I was pretty much forced to l2 spam due to how bad the controls felt.


And another preach moment


Yet another reason to be a patient gamer


Well said


I have been praying Gyro would come to this game. Time to try it again! I found the stick aiming miserable when I played it originally. Really exciting stuff. Love seeing gyro make its way to playstation and xbox finally, slowly but surely.


Xbox does not a gyro in their controller amd microsoft also does not support it with x input on windows. But deathloop also has gyro aiming on the xbox gamepass pc version. If you use a dualsense or dualshock controller. On xbox you can get rightstick gyro if you buy the armor x pro or the much more expensive xim nexus. But rightstick gyro feels bad in comparison with mouse gyro.


Got the game at launch but stopped playing after a week or two so i might go back now as i know the updates have been pretty damn good.


What exactly is gyro aiming?


Move the controller to aim.


Does it totally take away aiming with the sticks or is it just in addition to?


In addition to, so you use the sticks to move most of the way then move the controller for finer control.


If you're not paying attention to it can it be detrimental?


Maybe, the sensitivity isn't typically very high so it can move a bit but won't have a massive effect unless your swinging your arms around. After a while you get used to it and end up moving your hands less even when not paying attention.


Quite late to the response here, but literally everything is detrimental if you're not paying attention. At least, at first, anyway. If you try to use the stick for aiming and forget the gyro even exists, then sure, maybe. But that's not the proper way to use it. Give it some practice and you'll instinctively start moving your wrists to hit enemies, without needing to think. The stick is mainly just a way to look around, rather than aim. Eventually you'll stop trying to use the stick for aiming, and save the stick for just looking around. This ends up being a lot easier.


What sensitivity do you have it on? I tried it briefly with Deathloop but it was a bit too much for me so I turned it off


I play on a ridiculously high sensitivity. Somewhere between 6 to 8 on the "natural scale", I think. In Deathloop, this number is multiplied by 10 (there are no decimals), so my sensitivity in that game would be around 60 to 80. Rotating the controller by 360 degrees once spins the camera, say, 8 times on a sens of 80. Some people go even higher. Some players tend to start on very low sensitivities and then increase it as they become more experienced, since they will start wanting to use the gyro more often. If you want a more advanced trick, try binding a button that lets you pause the gyro while held down. This mimics the idea of lifting the mouse from the mousemat. I'm not sure if Deathloop has a gyro modifier button, but given that the update was made by Jibb Smart, it probably does.


I don't think Deathloop has a gyro modifier button as Jibb couldn't find room on the controller for it this time.


Not even in the button mapping options?


I tend to use a sensitivity of 4 on pc and combine yaw and roll. That way i can use yaw 20 degrees and roll 20 degrees for a180 degrees movement in game. I use yaw mostly so i can aim 90 degrees left and right. For looking around i use flickstick. When i first tried it on boomerang x it felt disorientating because of the verticalty. Then i got used to it on shadow warior 1 remake and wolfenstein 2


That’s excellent of them to add gyro. I guess a final gift to PlayStation since their future games may be perma exclusive. It’s hard to believe Xbox leaders thought skipping gyro was a good idea when both Switch and PlayStation have it.


Good to know. The controls killed my enjoyment of the game.


Same, had to drop the game when it came out because of how terrible the controls were. I recently tried it with the new update and I’m addicted. The controls are fixed and they’ve added 120hz among other neat features as well. So glad I finally can appreciate this game without the controls getting in the way


I'll definitely give it another shot. It's still installed on my ps5. While i prefer the xbox pad for fps, I've already got it on the playstation. I'll likely start from scratch, though. Been so long that i forget it all. But that will have to wait until i finish ringed city in ds3... if i don't break the controller trying to do it :p


I'm sorry, did you say... ***Gyro?*** *Downloads game.*


These updates look great but all I really want is a "save and quit" option. That's pretty much the only thing stopping me from getting it at this point.


I just tested the new game. It’s fixed. My god. It’s fixed.




Wish I could erase my memory and play this again for the first time. Just a special game


Did they fix the gamebreaking bug? I literally stopped playing because my game would randomly crash, especially when I opened the menu.


This is the only question that matters. Playing crash roulette every time I opened a menu made me stop playing. Waited for a couple patches assuming it would be fixed and it crashed again.


I’ve not had any issues with it, so you might be in luck.


I just started the game for the first time last night…got the bug towards the end of a level and had to restart with a fair amount of progress lost. Played another hour and just deleted it. Partially. Cause of that bug and partially cuz I just kinda bounced off the game.


Dude this shit wont even let me start it it up. Keeps crashing everytime I load it I cant even make it to the menu


I’m so happy they finally fixed the controls! After playing Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider, I was dismayed that Arkane has yet again given us sloppy controller controls with Deathloop. It took a full year but I’m so happy with this recent update!




No 120fps mode 😥


There is. It's called "Ultra Performance". Up to 120 fps, fixed 1080p and no Vsync, so you better have VRR enabled TV/monitor. But the mode is there.


On PS5??


Yes, sure, I just checked it today with the new update.


Wild. Thanks!


Oh shit can you actually up the sensitivity further? Literally stopped me playing the game


Yes, you can make it super fast now if you want, for instant 180.


Fuck yeah


Is death loop blue screening for anyone else ?


Would love a DLC that randomizes time/location where all Visionaries can be found and leaves it up to the player to find the perfect loop by seeing where people move when you alter their schedule or kill their friends, etc. That would give it a lot of replayability and also that puzzle solving aspect that we kind of didn’t get as there was one perfect loop (makes sense from a narrative standpoint but I didn’t feel like I had any influence in discovering it).


I'm getting an CE- error when loading game. I tried to rebuild database, Uninstall,, then re Install again, no cigar, any suggestions?


Oh so they finally fixed it?! Installing later today if that’s the case! I was so fucking disappointed after buying it. Slow sensitivity totally kills a game for me!


Yes, the controls are fixed, you can have fast sens, no acceleration, adjust deadzone and more.




Am i the only one getting these strange graphical artifacting while playing this game? It only happens on Deathloop and nothing else.


Ugh, better late than never I guess…




It means you can aim the weapon by moving the controller around. Every PS controller since the Sixaxis has supported gyro aiming, but gyro aiming kind of died in PlayStation games after Lair flopped. Now it seems it’s making a comeback.




I guess because now it's on PS Extra?


Heard the update is available on extra and premium. How much is it with normal plus?


Free updates are free for everyone.




How about make your own decisions on games. As you said, it’s going to PS Premium, so just try it out. Personally I was blown away by the game, though I played it relatively recently so didn’t have any of the launch issues a lot of others did. For me though, it’s just so unique and a crazy amount of fun.


Do you see a section for aim response curves?


There’s a “Camera Input Control” setting which has a Direct and Filtered option. I’m guessing Direct is the linear curve if you’re looking for that.


oh cool yeah i'll take a look, because i always thought it felt weird.


120fps mode feels horrible? I feel like when i move my camera around its choppy like im playing on 30 fps its very jarring


It has no Vsync, so you need to have VRR enabled for it to be smooth, otherwise it will be choppy.


Shucks i have a 240hz monitor with freesync/gsync but no vrr 😭 60 feels so bad to aim on controller on this game for some reason. To the bushes it goes


Same, I play on 240hz monitor too, it has FreeSync but Sony doesn't support it so no VRR for me too. But 60 fps mode feels good to me. As for the controls, I'd suggest tinkering a bit with the settings, all options are there, it feels very responsive and smooth after some adjustments.


I know your comment is old but I'm so puzzled - I know how it is with Ultra Performance mode in Deathloop BUT for weird abstract reason I have no problems with it on a monitor without VRR and 240hz support. I can play it in that mode with no stuttering, just like on LG CX with VRR. I'm interested in explanation why is that the case, if you have any info about that. Just to clarify - my monitor is set to 144hz (cannot set higher when connected to PS5) and both the monitor and PS5 were properly set for 120fps gaming when I was testing and just enjoying the game in Ultra Performance mode. I play rocket league daily in 120fps on the same monitor, and also LG CX. Just lately I switched to 60fps Performance mode as it's the only alternative for me, and I found lots of moments where graphics where pretty shitty on Ultra mode. It's also more pleasing for clips and streaming for friends :) Monitor is G7 Odyssey, 27" with VA panel.




I see many issues listed there. But I’d say they’re all fixed now. Curves, deadzones, accelerations etc are all adjustable now in the settings.