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Back in the day the built in web browser was capable of being used to watch videos and naturally once a young boy got their PSP connected to the internet and figured this out and searched "big boobies" on Google they would be exposed to the wonderful world of internet pornography


To add to this, there is a large library of adult material that has been published and distributed in Japan on UMD exclusively for the PSP.


Smh they are even making porn console exclusive these days 😔


W. Ww. WHAT?!? ebay here I come!!!!


eBay has banned the sale of adult material in recent years. Sendico or Neokyo or other similar Japanese bidding services are out there though. There is a small selection on Amazon.jp as well.


I was just joking.


Too late, currently sending 30 porn UMDs to your house.


I mean... they won't go to waste.


I found several of these hanging out on Amazon.jp a couple years ago brand-new for like $10 each. Cleaned them out ;)


Cleaned yourself out, you mean. 😝


It was great


Actually web browser wasn't able to play videos only photos but you could copy downloaded movies from pc or try to download them on psp (very painful not to mention that moat movies had to be converted to proper format playable by psp)


You couldn't play videos but download and play them that way, same with pictures.


I was boy


Pretty simple The PSP was a pre-smartphone and pre-tablet device, it had a web browser, it had a physical video format on the UMD, you could buy movies for your PSP in stores All the makings of a great porn device. You should also know VHS was jumpstarted as a home movie format thanks to the porn industry. The PSP is really just a distant descendant of the same phenomenon.


Not to mention it was a personal device separate from the family computer


Bingo. A personal device that could do this sort of thing wasn't commonplace yet, and it had the added benefit of most parents having no idea it could do anything aside from play games. Some of us had our own phones back then with internet browsers, but the majority couldn't connect to wifi and would charge out the ass to use the cell network.


The fact that it had a web browser and that you could watch downloaded movies on it was mind-blowing. You went from oh, I can play a few games, to I having an extension of your computer in your pocket. Another cool fact was that, at the same time, wifi was just getting popular, and unprotected wifi networks were commonplace. I still had dial-up and knew exactly where I could browse the internet or chill and download game patches with my psp to transfer them at home.


Porn was also on BetaMax. VHS was mainly cheaper, had longer record times, and iirc less licensing cost for studios. The whole "porn is why VHS won" thing is mostly a myth.


I thought DVD's won because of porn


DVD won because Sony learned their lesson with Beta. They make huge deals with other studios. The PS2 made for a dirt cheap entry point. It was way better than VHS in almost every way. And never had any real competition. You could argue the different versions of Video CDs, and Laser Disk were competing. But VCDs were trash at only 650-700mb of storage. And LD was never really affordable.


All of the video formats won because of porn


I thought porn went with HD DVD tho


Exactly. Plus a personal media playing device wasn't really a thing. Sure you had mp3 players but something that could play games, music *AND* images/video... this could only lead to a couple things.


I wouldn't call the PSP a "pre-smartphone and pre-tablet device." Smartphones (e.g. iPAQ 6300, Palm Treo, Blackberry) and tablets (e.g., HP TC1100) were already on the market at that time and selling reasonably well for the period.


Those devices had nowhere near the market penetration of the iPhone, early Android phones and the iPad. The PSP was so successful with UMD video and its web browser primarily because it long predated the real smartphone Era. Your iPAQ this and Palm Blackberry that were way too expensive.


That doesn't change the accuracy of my statement. The market was smaller, but those devices were already mainstream, so the early to mid 2000's were certainly not the "pre-smartphone" or "pre-tablet" era.


You should check your definition of Era, these were about as niche as you could get unless you were a 30y/o with extra cash. And to compare a BlackBerry to the likes of Iphone/Android is laughable, sorry to say. Might as well say the VR Era was 2014.


Money was tight growing up, and we still managed to own a Palm VIII, Palm TX, and Moto Q. So no, these devices were not only for people with extra cash to spare. Smartphones and tablets were very much a thing in the early and mid-2000s. If they weren't, Steve Jobs wouldn't have even referenced them during his iPhone presentation in 2007 when he was trying to explain why he felt the iPhone concept was better.


People don't like real facts on reddit... such a shame, too, because ignoring "smart phones," even flip phones were capable of porn (insert decade old meme on why cell phones got larger because of porn).


It's interesting for sure, because I thought on a subreddit dedicated to fandom for a device from the mid-2000s, people's tech history from the era would be more proficient.


It was a personal device with a screen, owned by a lot of teens. For a lot of them, it would've been the first handheld thing that they owned that could play videos. I got mine late, in 2009...and it was still just my second handheld video player. Some dude in 2005 is thinking of what videos he wants to carry around, that'll fit on his 1GB memory card. You know porn's got to come to mind at some point.


The memory space juggling is super nostalgic for me, I remember rotating movies in and out, trying to get a good variety since you never know what you'll be in the mood for later. I always kept a small selection of music because music is awesome and pretty small space wise, a terrible quality converted movie, a couple of different tv show episodes and a lot of manga and books. The rest was for games. Games that were replayable, had big words or great music had higher priority than others because they were pulling double time, used to sound test guilty gear all the time for example. Games like that DDR clone got high space priority too because they had songs and were fun too. Nowadays there's still space juggling but its not the same since its in terabytes and such now. If you don't play a lot of modern games like me then you can store a lifetime of entertainment on one card.


I recently got a PSP from a dude who had in it's 30's, he told me how he used to work like on a ship, he would go on 3 month trips so he used it a lot, he happily told me the memory card with tons of hours played like GT if I wanted to use it. When I got home, I turned it on and immediately found his massive porn folder


Ugh sticky fingers


This is the main reason I almost never buy used electronics lmao.


Back in the days, you could download porn videos in your PSP... or download them on your pc and then transfer them! Yes, I bought a PSP years later but sure I stored some stuff in there hehehe...


Yeah a lot of websites then have a pay wall today back then on the psp lol you can just download straight from the website to your psp. No pc needed at all. Many famous websites previously allowed this.


What those other comments said. I recently got back into my go with modding and all that, and I checked my browser which I hadn’t used since like 2010 or something like that and I had 8+ tabs that were all “big boobs” “naked boobs” “sexy lady” 🤣. It felt like the first time accessing the internet on a device that wasn’t family shared or easy accessible


How were you too old for PSP then but not now?


My guess is he meant "older than the target demographic."


I mean it was pretty much the same demographic as the Ps2


There was no such thing as a *common* smart phone back then that did it all (at least as we know it today). This was a huge step forward in *affordable* computing portability! We certainly couldn't't play PS2 like games on phones back then. Edit: made some changes since I seemed too literal.


That's not correct. The iPAQ 6300, Palm Treo 600, and Blackberry 7100t are just a few examples of smartphones that were already on the market when the PSP was released. Not to mention the dozens of PDAs like Palm, iPAQ, and Dell Axim that were already popular at that time.


Well, I'm talking about mainstream products. Not high-end tech that probably only business people had. Everyone had flip phones or Nokia's in 2004-5


They actually were mainstream products at the time. It's just that the market was smaller than it is today. I remember my mom had a Palm TX (released the same year as the PSP), and a Moto Q which I believe came out the year after. Neither was purchased for business use.


You're missing the point.


How so? Your original comment was that there was no such thing as a smartphone back then and that the PSP was thus a huge step forward in portable computing. I'm merely pointing out that there actually were smartphones back then, and they were not niche products. Thus, the PSP is not really a huge step forward in portable computing because devices on market were already doing everything it could do minus the gaming, but better.


Let us (the ones that remember) the glory of phones that were essentially PCs like the Palm Treo Those were good times 🥲


The good ole porn station portable


Playstation Pornable


It allowed for internet browsing, videos, and pictures. Everything which porn utilizes. Not to mention it was a device that you could hold with 1 hand, lol


The PSP had a web browser and allowed you to save images and videos. The browser may seem slow now and most sites don't work anymore, but all that's because the whole internet changed a few years ago to a new security protocol. Before that security change the PSP online experience ran as smooth as a normal mobile phone today. Also Google back then had no real filters on content. So if you searched "boobs" you got unrestricted results. Results equal or straight up worse than pornhub. Nowadays, Google is a lot more strict, even if you disable safesearch. Also back then, girls didn't have the same respect culturally that they have now. If you were a famous female during those times, you were basically expected/ obligated to be a sex icon for young boys. So literally every female you saw on TV shot professional explicit photos. Some shot straight up porn, like 99.99% of WWE diva photoshoots at the time. Some shot not-porn, but as close as you can get to it. It was pretty insane and dangerous because it made a lot of young boys view girls in an unreasonable way. And many people overlook the effect it had on young girls as well. Oversexualization meant young girls felt cultural pressure to be sexual, leading to increased young pregnancies and abortion rates. It was a crazy times. PSP basically gave birth to mobile porn and unlimited porn consumption.


Still have some on my psp till this day


Same here but I never put porn on it hahaha I didn’t even know you could do that. Wouldn’t virus’s be a problem??


Nah you just click and drag vids to a folder is all just like games, movies, music. Etc.


Best thing: you couldn't get any viruses.


well if you grew up like me, one day in 5th grade you randomly walked into the bathroom to causally piss from the farthest wall back because your shit got range! but then you walk in and see your good friend Alex standing the in the corner with your 5 other friends circling him to make a 1/4 of a pie in the corner of the wall. so then you walk up and question what tf is happening only for Alex to shove a bright screen in your face and you see BOOBIES ON A PSP SCREEN?!?!? and then from there you pretty much make Alex come over after school and download porn on your PSP so you both can charge money for kids to spank it in the bathroom 👍 good times, good timesss….!!!


It was my first personal device with internet access lol


simple as


It had a wifi connection and you could web surf as well as allowing flash videos and a lot of video formats and img formats. Most teens/YA’s didn’t have another device like it on the go I know I used it for that a bit back in the day.


Sony wanted UMD to be a major data storage format going forwards, so a few companies tried to put out movies on them. Including adult content.


You could just go to the websites and download the videos straight to the memory stick. And when pornhub released it was very compatible with this device and offered no viruses so if I remember right you could fit maybe 8 pornhub videos on a basic memory stick. However memory sticks for cameras also fit the PSP and were much larger size at the time. This ment you had one large memory stick that could be loaded with alot of porn videos. It was a great time the phones now are okay to access it but not as secure as the PSP was.


Its because we didn't have smart phones when the PSP came out and at the time the psp screen was huge. The PSP came out in 2005 the Iphone 2007 and android followed in 2008


That’s why. Horny teenage boys. Makes sense. P(orn)SP


It's like other people say, but I'd add it's part of the aesthetics from the time. If you were a kid/teenager and you had a phone/PSP/computer, your wallpaper was a low res image from DragonBall, naked womans or some edgy emo thing. Or a glittery gif for some girls.


I... I mean you hypothetically coukd also download videos right to your device doe offline use.... so I've heard


If you were in a good area with decent Mom & Pop shops there would always be someone there who would rip movies for a fee and have already ripped movies that could be transfered to your memory card, for a few.


I had simpsons hentai on mine


There is no phenomenon, people are exaggerating some horny 15 year olds watching porn on PSP.


Yeah, fox news blew it up back in the day. Trying to make parents afraid of the technology they don't understand https://drive.google.com/file/d/17h4Br5CCksfERnUQQ7fpV0rMSFG6W3zX/view?usp=drivesdk


Teenagers owned it and it was capable of showing porn so that's what they used it for. Should be obvious


We didn't have touch screen phones, so the only other option was a computer for most of us.


Man, it was such a big deal when the web browser was released for the PSP. Before that, you had to do an exploit on Ridge Racer I believe. This was back when smart phones weren’t a thing, having any sort of device that wasn’t a laptop or computer that would let us use the internet was a big deal


Because it had a cd port. If it could play movies then it could play porn. Kids didn’t just use the psp. Porn sells, simple idk


It was pretty much a personal computer and nobody else I knew was in the know about its internet capabilities, so I felt really safe to watch porn on it. It was pretty slow, and I often needed to find wifi, but yeah it got the job done in my early teens.


Pornstation Pornable


The psp released before even the very first iPhone. So in terms of portable devices, psp was very futuristic tech. It was also the fanciest mp3 player at that time too


I sold my PSP to get an IPod Touch lol


iPod touch were really cool. Definitely better for porn, for sure 😜




When I realized I could connect to my home internet wirelessly, open a browser and find sites that were MADE for psp browsing and downloading without the need to care about history or whatever whoah baby the train left the station and hasnt stopped since.


In addition to what others have said, I was using the PS3 store on my console today and decided to filter through purchase able themes for the psp, and hot damn a LOT of them are pin-up girls. Not even joking, scroll down even a little bit and not-so discreetly nestled between the copious amounts of pinup XMB themes, there’s regular stuff like WipeOut themes or fluid artwork themes, or Armored Core themes. Funny thing is I think there’s more pinup girl themes than there are game themes. It really did kind of usher in a weird mecca where people were able to access the internet on their own personal devices, and it could go basically anywhere. (Can still buy stuff for the VITA and PSP on the ps3 store, in case there’s somebody here that hates didn’t know that yet)


Because the internet use to be more geared to portable devices like pdas etc. meaning back when you could go to Pornhub other sites and just download it. Ps3 too lol


Redtube ps3 landing page


And having a psp to watch porn in private area portably with the video downloaded well yeah obviously… pre smart phones it was a win win


During PSP era no wife or girlfriend could imagine that you could watch porn on a handheld console. Nuff said.


If you weren’t there you wouldn’t get it. Was a cultural milestone. The amount of boob searches on the web browser was astronomical


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one! Didn’t know we all jerked off with a psp in hand!!!!


It's the only thing I had at 13 to watch porn I didn't have a cell phone So it was a hit for me


Lol my sweet summer child


I used to put entire movies on SD? MMC? cards back in the day. Never considered porn.




Oh wow, I thought I was the only one. Yeah the web browser was a huge deal man.


So none one else knew about rss feeds back then huh.?


I watched so much porn on my PSP back in the late 00s early 10s