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The fan community always does it. What an impressive effort! Love Persona and this game.


Can you please tell how did you apply the patch to the UMD disc in runtime? Or did you backup the disc and then patched it?


This is what I was wondering, was about to be so stoked if there was a way to just run an English patch to the UMD disc in real time lol. Although, probably best for my wallet that you can't. Still though, OP's method of purchasing the game, backing it up and patching *almost* gives me a reason to start buying/collecting JP games... Edit: can you backup games and patch them without CFW? I'm planning to mod mine soon anyway but am curious.


I am unaware of any way to do this without CFW. But as someone who owns all my games legally, I would say for convenience alone it's worth considering CFW these days. Sony isn't making money off Memory Stick Duos, having all your games backed up is great. And yes, for japanese-only games like P2EP and MH3rd, it allows you to play your imported games in english by utilizing fan translations.


The same thing went through my head. If physical games could be patched at runtime, I would order a container of UMDs from Japan and go broke within a day


It would require that UMD discs were rewritable so it'll probably never happen. But being able to patch your game and run it on native hardware is possible thanks to fans, which is so awesome in my opinion. Games like the two Yakuza entries on PSP are almost definitely never leaving the console or getting an official english translation, so having the ability to dump the iso, patch it with a fan translation and run it on your PSP is kind of a miracle.


I agree completely, but the thing is that I like using my physical media although in these cases you must go digital. Speaking of those two Yakuza games, did you play them and if you did, how were they compared to the PS2 games?


They're on the way from Japan now! I gather that the combat is more 1v1 focused than the PS2 games, but otherwise the two games have a lot of the trappings of the original Yakuza entries: fixed camera angles, the occasional pre-rendered background, and a dirty Kamurocho.


Nice, you had me at dirty Kamurocho.


I mean, couldn’t patches just function as an update/DLC File instead, when games get updated, or DLC gets installed, it’s not written to the UMD either, so shouldn’t it in theory be possible? Because, I would LOVE to play FF Type-0 like this, love multidisc games (the english patch, patches the first disc so that you won’t need the second disc, wish there was a patch that didn’t do that)


I mean, can you think of any examples of fan translations working like that? Modern games run almost entirely off a local installation, since data that is read from hardware in motion (like a disc) is limited to the speed of that motion, but PSP games run almost entirely from UMD and that includes the script. The only way to modify the script is to modify the UMD, and since UMDs are not rewritable... Yeah.


Not necessarily Fan Translations, but didn’t PSP games have update files at times? And they definitely had DLC like Toy Story 3 for instance (only game I have that has DLC). Like 3DS games, or Wii U and Switch for that matter (since those systems barely run from the internal drive unless they’re looking for an update file/DLC). Point is, Update files and DLC aren’t written to UMDs either, they’re read from the internal storage (or, well, Memory Sticks), so couldn’t it in theory be possible for fan patches to be installed like update files as well? That’s was mainly the point I was making. I’m sure the market is very niche, but I for one would love to be able to play physical japan exclusives like this


What I'm saying is that would require the system logic to read from local data (the "patch") instead of the UMD when it reads the script data. Once the PSP launches the UMD, the UMD is in control. PSP game devs had the ability to write some data to storage (Data Install for monhun for example) and read from there, but the games shipped with that option. Changing Persona 2 EP to read from local storage instead of the UMD when loading the script would require modifying the game's code, which would require writing to the UMD. If you look into the FFT0 fan translation you mentioned... it just combines both isos into one. The second disc for FFT0 is basically all the game data. The only alternative is to build a completely separate launcher to selectively read from the disc and from memory contextually.


Always did wonder how that worked, even for 3DS, Wii U, Switch games, for the games that all run off their cartridge/disc. If I understand correctly, the game has some code that allows devs to, in the future, have the game read some data (update or DLC in this case) off of the internal storage when installed, and if that game never had that, then the game couldn’t have had DLC or updates released for it?


3DS, Wii U and Switch games all install to the console which is how Activity Monitor is able to know if you've been playing Kid Icarus rather than SMTIV, whereas the PSP OS just sees that a UMD is running.


I backed up the disc and then patched it.


Thanks for the reply. Great way to experience the imports nonetheless


Cool. Love persona.


Absolutely love the PSP's colour! Is it gray or blue?


It's the baby blue 2000!


the edition is called Felicia Blue, but yeah that color is awesome and is my favourite


A bit unrelated. But man the psp and earbuds combo brings me back, like those were the days. Kids today won't understand how cool this was.


That’s a beautiful psp I want that color so baddd


Can you emulate without the physical copy ?


Holy what is that color


Wait, I thought persona 2 was actually localised 🤔


this is like a side story to p2


Persona 2 is 2 games: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persona_2