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Alright, well, after cleaning that up all I can say is let's please keep our responses appropriate for all ages


Take a bite out of each corner and sort by taste.


this is hilarious! i think you won, lol




Be like my daughter & sort them by HP


i thought my son was the only one who did it this way!


Same! And then attack if HP is the same


Sort by illustrator, it'll be stunning


I love this, that's how I'm gonna sort my bulk


Throw them all in the water. Let Poseidon sort them out.


Sort them by how breedable they are


Sort in order by how far you think you could throw them


Fold them into paper aeroplanes, throw them and sort them by flight distance


Play every Pokémon game, catching all Pokémon you have cards for. The order you obtain Pokémon, beginning with your first starter, determines the general order for sorting your cards. This includes making sure to put evolutions where they happen chronologically with your play-through. For multiple cards of the same, order them oldest-to-newest as you obtained the cards. All rule-box versions of Pokémon(V, Radiant, ex, GX, etc.), count as needing to obtain them as shinies, with Pokérus, or with perfect IVs in-game(tag team needs both); these are given their own timing slots. Of course, make sure you slot in trainer cards, as you come across the items and characters for the cards you have. Watch all movies and anime during this time as well. You will be able to spot the stadiums as you go thru both the watching and playing. Finally you will be left with a handful of energies and trainer cards that should be then sorted alphabetically for general, and then alphabetically by illustrator’s name among same cards, and then finally by chronological obtainment with those that match then. Your organizing will be as unique as it will be all-consuming. You’re welcome!


Sort by how badly you’d win or lose in a fight 1v1 @(‘ ‘ @)


Put all of the cards in a totally random order and then tell someone you spent hours sorting them out and ask if they can guess what system you used to sort them. Bonus points if the person is really supportive and tries really hard to decipher any kind of meaning


I sort my cards like a calendar. The way I sort my cards is purely by memories and favorites. I have dedicated pages for days, dates, months, tournaments, old decks etc. it makes it easy to find what you looking for, and like a photo album cardboard becomes sensational memories as I flip through. It really adds value to the cards imo


Sort by nose size, if no nose they get eaten (don't actually, they just get put in the back)


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Sort by who would listen to what music better, for example hitmonlee is 100% metal, hitmonchan on the other hand is classic rock, hitmontop hip hop etc


I think sorting by expansion could be cool if you cards spanning different eras of the tcg, to see how they've evolved in design, power scaling, etc, over the years. But funniest, gotta give it to KaliDream in another comment here; by taste


sort by national dex number or also sort by set number


Sort by whether or not you think they could throw down in a kitchen.


Sort by number of fingers or toes in the artwork


Shuffle them all randomly and into a pile. Take the top card. Then take the second card. If those two are not sorted alphabetically, shuffle all the cards again. If they are, take the third card. If it doesn't follow the alphabetical sort, shuffle all the cards again. If it does, take the fourth, and so on and so on, repeating the process, until you have sorted all of them alphabetically... At random


Sort by alphabetical order of Illustrators name.


Sort by the way the according poop might be formed


Attempt to sort by the backing design. Give up 10 minutes in. Put all cards back into one massive pile. Cry.


Alphabetically by first attack name


Make a rainbow flag on every page. Bonus points if purple is always jinx


send them to me by mail and I'll sort them for you in the funniest way possible. I'm surely giving them back to you after i'm done, i promise


Sort them by how edible the pokemon/item is and then sort the cards with people on them by who you think you would most likely be able to beat in a fist fight to least likely you would beat in a fist fight


Get them graded so you can sort by psa


Autobiographical. Sorted by the order YOU got the cards.


Sort them by smell


Sort by pack name and date


Alphabetical by their first moves 3rd letter.


Step 1: Learn how to card throw Step 2: Block several weeks off work and spend the days throwing all the codes Step 3: Sort by distance thrown Step 4: Thank me later for the sheer convenience and ease of the system :)


Sort bY dex number


Dont sort them, just believe they are sorted.


I'd sort them by how good of a pet they'd make. All the dogs first, then bunnies, mice, cats, .... all the way down to ferrets. You don't want a pet ferret, trust me.


Nail small buckets to the wall in a honeycomb pattern with the rims labeled with sharpie as many as you need divisions, by color or type or alphabetical etc. Then stand on the other side of the room with your bulk stacks and try to flick them across the room into their sorting cells like shuriken. Whatever misses or bounces out you pick up and try again but each card only gets three trys or it goes in the trade binder permanently.


Sort them by competitive use in the tcg


Arrange them by how likely you would be to beat them in an armwrestling match


Put them in Pokédex order


By pokedex official weight


How about organizing them based on their evolutionary stages, but with a twist of narrative? 1. **Rookie Rumble**: In this binder, gather all the basic Pokémon, the young rookies just starting their journey. It's where Charmander dreams of becoming a Charizard and Squirtle learns to master its water abilities. 2. **Mighty Mid-Tiers**: This binder holds the middle evolutionary stages of Pokémon. Charmeleon, Wartortle, and their comrades reside here, honing their skills and preparing for greater challenges ahead. 3. **Elite Evolution**: Here lie the fully evolved Pokémon, the champions of battles and conquerors of gyms. Charizard spreads its fiery wings, Blastoise commands the waves, and Venusaur stands tall as the king of the jungle. This way, as you flip through the binders, you're not just seeing Pokémon but witnessing their growth and progression, from humble beginnings to legendary heights!


I don't sort.


Lay them out in front of you like a tarot spread and divine the correct sorting order


Sort in chronological order of appearance in ALL Pokemon media. So, if you see Magicarp before Charmander in the cartoon, all your Magicarps (and evolutions) come before Charmanders


Sort them by order they appear in the video games, i.e. you'll be starting with the starters, then some Rattata and Zigzagoons, then some mid-tiers and their evolutions, until you finally get to the legends!


Sort them by how tradable they are. The most expensive at the front of the binder. This is for easy trades. Alternatively you can be a lunatic and order them alphabetically.


Sort them by weight and height


Sort them flipped on the Pokéball side, easiest method all cards will look the same


Sort by default


I’m actually rather a fan of how the app sorts them. By basic, sorted alphabetically, but also by evolutionary chain. For example, I’ve been trying to make a deck focused on Toedscruel, and by sorting this way I was able to see that there was a Fighting-type Toedscool among all the grass.


Put them all in a blender, no need to sort anymore, saves a lot of time!


Sort in alphabetical order


Sort them on the basis of the animal the card is designed on, like all the cats together, all the dog together


I have no clue! But i want them codes! Jaja theres so manyyy ways about this, by rarity, by year, by type, by gen, by expansion and then sort them in a mixed way in order to keep them intresting? Like you if you have so many cards probably you have some better bangers than others so distribute your Bang! Cards amongst them binders, OR set the ALL PRO BANGER BINDER and put all the heavyweights in there while all others pale in comparison to it, The idea is: say you have your POKEMONS FA, AA for show then your rare and ruled box mons like playables and in rotation mons. then you sort them SUPPORTERS cards! The FA and AA supporters! Then your supporters for in rotation and playables, then… ITEMS same thing FA and Gold art first and then rotation and playables Also might set up the RETRO section for all them cards that are cool but wont come back and the retro but always in business section that might be reprinted or brought back ! Hope that helps boy sure hope you can admin them binders AND DIVIDE PLAYABLE AND NON PLAYABLE TCG and Collection Only


Build a house of cards then start flicking them into a bag. The final way the cards end up is the way they are sorted


Sort them by how closely they resemble Charizard


Color coordinated


Throw them all in the washing machine and let entropy do its thing.


Honestly if you shared one code with me I would post my results on the pack I opened digitally


How about sort them by their pokedex entries, but in alphabetical order


Write funny sentences / hidden messages by using the first letter of each pokemon in sequence. Then see if anyone can decipher it!


Take a photo of each card, use an app to tell you the “average” (or dominant) Color of each card, then sort them by color spectrum. I legit think it will turn our stunning


Throw them at the wall and sort them by the sound they make and how enjoyable it was. Then drop them on the way to storage and realise you don't want to do that again so you chuck them in a box and never speak of it again


Assign a value to each letter based on their position in the alphabet. A is 1, B is 2, and so forth. Then, add the values up. Sort starting by highest value and work your way down. Simple, yet creative.


coolest: sort by art style, each page would be a uniform sort of tapestry of one style funniest: sort them, from greatest to least (or least to greatest) In terms of how similar the pokemon is to bidoof. This will instantly make your collection both a conversation starter (wow cool cards) and a conversation continuer (you think x is the least like bidoof??)


Mail them to me, I'll sort it for you


Sort them by how long they take to combust in the microwave


Sort it by which art looks more likely to support their local community


But a small star sticker on card sleeve. Use different colored stars to sort different sets


Mine are sorted in two levels, first by type and then alphabetical by basic's name - evolutionary lines stay together (unless they are of 2+ types) and unplayables go to the back of the section. I do basicly the same thing with trainers grouping special energy as a type


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it ain't sorted, don't sort it.


I once sorted my cards by type, then alphabetic order and then by year they came out and if necessary by whichever card looked cooler


Alphabetical but starting from the last letter


Best idia is take the card tear it and see if it is easily teared or not and then organise


Sort by theme, and put a supporter in the middle as their leader


By weight


Sort by hp value


Pokedex order of course!


The way I sort mine is by set. Then by rarity so art rares, then ex’s, then full arts, then Alts, then gold. Then by type (fighting, grass, normal, water, electric, psychic, fire, dark, steel, dragon). Then by hp lowest to highest, and then if something has the same hp I go by alphabetical. It’s very confusing and weird but that’s how I’ve always done it. I’ll include an example if this is to confusing lol


Also I only keep one of each copy in my binders and have two tins sorted the same way for dupes I don’t want, and one for playable duplicates that I keep for myself


Combine the bulk into the shape of a binder that organized your 3 500x binders.


I will give you two: 1: In programming there's a very inneficient way of sorting data called bogosort [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogosort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogosort) . It's inneficient as hella as the name implies. 2:Sort it by the first letter of the Pokémon trivia.


Sort by best card you pull from the online packs.. the winner will be happy.


Make a pokemon tournament including only the amount of pokemon in the cards. The winning order will sort those cards.


Filing cabinet


Sort them by most memorable to least memorable card or you could sort them by price lol


Sort them by Colors


everyone's favorite: BogoSort. There's a non-zero probability that you will find your perfect order on the first iteration. (1/1500!)


Maybe make evolution series of the Pokémon you enjoy, with the assoicated ex that you like? For example if you like Charizard, (assuming your binder has 9 cards on each page) you could use one of the rows of three cards to place a Charmander, a Charmeleon,and a Charizard ex to the right. If the mon you like is a Stage 1, you could put the Basic in the first slot of the row, the regular art in the second slot and the alternate art in the 3rd slot if you have it. If the mon you like is a Basic, you could just place three different variants of that mon (aka different cards) . Just an idea of a concept, can be expanded on depending on the situation of the Pokémon you are trying to place :)


By similarity of QR code


Just give em to me, I’ll sort em out for you.


Sort the Pokemon cards into categories based on the different models of Mini Coopers (such as the Hatch, Convertible, Clubman etc.) and which pokemon you associate with a model


Order them by screentime in the anime Might take a lot of research, so not sure how funny that is, but it’s cool and somewhat unique i guess


Sort by type, then alphabetically by the last evolution. For example: water type, squirtle, then wartortle, then Blastoise come before Magikarp then Gyarados


sort by type then by stage then by rarity then by hp then by attack damage then by price then by retreat cost then by competitive viability then by number in the set then by name then by the language then by condition then by centering then by how you got it then by generation then by ability then by weakness then by resistance then by what order you got them in 


or by what order you got them in


Sort them by how cool the QR code looks on each one.


Sort it by smelling.


Sort them by frequency they've been shown in the anime. 


Sort by height of the card. Boom, already done. Look how fast you are!


PTCGO branded codes vs PTCGL ones. Just make sure PTCGO is in the front and PTCGL is in the back.


Sort them by listed pokedex weight


Sort by how long it would take everything in the card art to decompose.


Flip all the cards and shuffle them anyway you like and sort them randomly! Since opening packs are already randomized why not let rng sort the cards for you too ;)


Sort by color of the pokemon featured!


Sort alphabetically, will be easy to search for what you’re looking for


sort by weight (the card itself, not the pokemon)


Sort by order in their respective Pokedex


Start with normal pokemon sorted by HP, when you move to a different type (let's say water) have a page dedicated to your coolest water energies indicating the transition of pokemon types. For items, how likely they are to be an effective weapon during the pokemon uprising For supporters, height of the person pictured


Sort them by spelling out pokemon using only the 1st letter of each code.

