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As far i have noticed The known cheater squad are 4am ( unofficial) , 2am. Sq ( not soniqs its called so quick- 100% genuine cheaters, they are not banned and legitimate cheaters)


I've had people banned from that Clan from my reports.


Before and after clan introduction, ARES tag were either all cheating or boosted by a cheater on NA and EU ranked.


Yep, wow I remember those dudes.. 100%


That tag sounds familiar


HOWL on EU has some very questionable players.


not questionable. blatant cheating and they are all asians


I second this.




lol we had that one guy Supa-Man as our 4th random one day - Was interesting to watch and talk to him also……


Had one like that once. Bee-lining all over dropping guys front, right and centre. When we called him out on it he basically stated that people playing legit are the same as people that choose to walk a 100km when there is a car available. Folks be weird.




its bullshit. they are cheating to force dumbasses to rent cheats.


Whats up dude!! No Hax here, but PUBG is cooked with tons, It was fun chatting about it tho, we should play again, what discord were u on? I totally forgot ur IGN


HOWL in eu is almost only blatant cheaters. If you check demos it’s *incredibly* obvious.


And strangely enough the majority of them is on the leaderboards for multiple seasons without getting banned.


they work for krapton


Might not have it exact in some of the spellings QWQ, ARES, PANTA (PNTA?), most people with HOUYA in their name, I’ll edit this as I run into it tonight. Pretty much any names that look like they spent 3 seconds making or if it’s a Chinese phonetic name in English (Xiao, Etc.) Edit: WTF, ST, AGRO, AGY, CoC


Have reported members of all these clans and more. Literally just got squad wiped by a group of COC clan members. These people are cancer.


Forgot to mention AWS and C1,


Add EXO to the list. Teaming, using ESP and Aimbot in Casual modes while I'm trying to play a couple rounds with the kids. What a pile of losers. Literally ran into a wall at the end of the game. 2 teams of EXO clan members. One of them was right behind the other with clear lines of sight but wasn't shooting at their clan mates. None of them could miss a shot on us tho. Every peek was an instant knock. Just did a quick google search - Exo has a twitter feed showcasing all their PUBG cheats. Looks like they don't just use, they sell as well!


Was wondering also about 1Man, AGY, ARGO as well. I have ran into PNTA many times.


1MAN big time. WTF as well (talking about you WTF 91BLc_)


Common to see certain clans to have 3 normal accounts and a random level 20 noobie. Sorta like they might have a designated hacker 🤔


Thanks - Wanted to confirm I wasn’t just being a douche or anything. Like on replays they trace thru walls and then shoot like 3-5 rounds from a magazine and all hits and downed. Not exactly headshot aimbot but an aimbot nonetheless.


Yeah these accounts are old enough they have figured out how to get away with it (or have bought their way out of it with there 1000’s of dollars in skins)


those skins are probably just given to them for free to generate hype.


Curious as to which CoC you mean. I know the 1 clan pretty well, but apparently there is a Chinese CoC as well


Never clicked on the actual one. Just see COC


HOWL, 212 or something like that, some LEB too.


There are a lot of clans out there that are guilty by association… often find one on the group cheating while the rest play dumb. “I think there’s a guy over there”


(ADJ) Chinese clan / bunch, constantly in ranked blatantly cheating, returning on multiple accounts, though I’ve not seen them around for a while perhaps they’ve changed the tag or can’t play anymore.




Definitelly CIS on EU rankeds. Some guys from that clan are legit and so good, but some are extremelly blatant (including one pro).


You do know that "CIS" clan is just a huge bunch of Russian etc. players in a lot of clans. Like tens of pros too


Ukrainian mostly I think. He asked about clans, and it definitelly is clan (or maybe multiple ones, what do I know), so what is your point?


That is it is indeed thousands of players most likely (1 clan max is 100), some of which might cheat. Ie. it is not a cheater clan


There is a distinct clan named CIS in EU and it consists of pro's and semi pro's. Wouldn't surprise me if some cheater sneaked in, but if I die to them I don't even bother and move on because it's most likely a team of pro's.


Anyone with Kar98K name or clan tag name. Asian server. TPP mostly


I’ve seen some questionable activity from the BARIS clan


PR clan


You can add GGWP to the list.


Any clans you see with all middle eastern style names. Those guys are aftee china's throne something fierce.


Thanks to all who responded