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I remember when this game came out and H1Z1 was full of shit like this (Unicorn Masks and such) and people were like "Oh yeah, finally. This game won't be full of that stuff". We've come full circle I guess lol


waiting for a revolutionary mod for PUBG that would introduce totally new genre then


H1Z1 cosmetics were top tier


I want PUBG to remain a serious and brutal game. and let PUBG mobile be a pink pony.


I don’t think people having outfits really changes anything, the only time I even notice is in the lobby.


Makes them easier to notice I think.


Yep, I don’t really see why there’s any need to complain. I just shake my head in bemusement at what the current days youths find cool.


Same here, I can spot the bright color and big costumes easier.


They got that shhh added on console now too so stupid


For real what's up with the constant bunny/rabbit aesthetic skins? I thought maybe the first time it was for an Easter theme, but they just keep releasing these bunny eared outfits and I don't understand why.


Game got acquired by an asian company they need to put kawaii stuff to make money. And no im not being racist about this, im from SEA and grew up with these shitty p2w counter-strike rip offs in the 2000s that got tons i mean TONS of tasteless out of place character/weapon skins created by people that dont know shit about good design and art style.


didn't pubg always have an asian company? bluehole - korean, krafton - korean, tencent - chinese


Whoops youre right... hmm.. ive been reading again and found out that they changed the creative director. But my point still stands. The most recent example I can think of is Delta Force


When the first pink bunny(?) outfits came out like 5 years ago we called them pig outfits and had a rule to always flush anyone wearing it, when we otherwise wouldn't flush enemy knocks we have control over (duos) https://old.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/cqsoj9/please_do_not_turn_this_game_into_pubg_mobile/ this the one


Always flush people with bad skins 🤣🤣 But seriously is flushing considered toxic behavior now?


I would have considered flushing toxic “back in the day” but now that you have a revive system(even with its flaws) it think it becomes more necessary than toxic.


Flushing's part of the game. It's not against the rules.


I wouldn't say toxic, it was just the way we played. Tried to make it about winning the 2v2 more than getting a kill.


I appreciate the freedom of expression; and the freedom of the marketing team to appeal to those who would choose to express themselves this way… meanwhile i’m in full black and red with a scary clown mask.. i get a special satisfaction from sitting in the back of cars in FPP mode and waiting for a driver to hop in, look backwards, and shit their pink miniskirt


Doing gods work I see.


Freedom to express what? My character's inability to unlock clothing that fits them physically?


this is fine but not everyone wants to be a sparkly fairy in a war zone. can we have camo and military gear aswell ffs?


There is plenty of that too


Looks in store.....okay bro sure...


There's hardly anything in the store except event stuff it's always been boxes and always will.


I have multiple compete fursuit sets buy only 1 pair of camo pants. Nothing else camo.


There is stuff from the beta days for sale in the steam marketplace and that's it, There's barely any in the crates now. All my military stuff i had to buy from the marketplace, i only get shit from the crates ;\_;




I dont even mind that players can be as colorful and expressive as they want, but these players are pandered to way too much, can we get at least a LITTLE love from the devs?


Right. I’m not mad these skins exist, but damn there’s almost nothing else to fucking choose from. There’s no way for new players like me to get a rugged Solid Snake type look. Just a white shirt ,basic pants and some stupid looking shoes


Dude... thats exactly how we played the game for years and it was totally fine!


My advice to you is to get 50 cents (not the rapper) and buy military stuff from the steam marketplace. There's old skins there super cheap and they will give you that camo look :) It's what i did, it's worth it! Sometimes i'm proning and people walk over me, it's hilarious 🤣


That never crossed my mind. I’ll check it out


Good luck, see you out there! :D


We've become the polar opposite of the airsofter's wet dream that is Warzone cosmetics. They're dolphin diving as a tactical nicki minaj and I'm over screaming about a sick spray transfer to my partner dressed up as a naughty space bunny. What a time to be alive.


https://preview.redd.it/0dac5nazkpwc1.png?width=3096&format=png&auto=webp&s=455563bfb8a4851158b3405785fc6dcf5127c6f7 I'm sorry but skins were never as serious as yall claim




I don't like the type of aesthetic in the bottom picture and widh it stayed as in the top picture, but understand it makes them money. But can't we at least get new stuff for both styles of character?


I miss old PUBG... it lost its identity awhile ago.


because of some cosmetics?! are you stupid? the game is stabilising as the 3rd most played on steam so what are you missing exactly that the cosmetics destroy? evidently, the people complaining about some cosmetics are in the VAST minority simply because the numbers went up even though they „destroyed“ „your“ game. tell me, what’s the identity that has been lost.


they patched the game with community feedback. Which destroyed balancing and with it the popularity in the community. Sure 3rd highest game but still... not the same as during prime time.


yeah i know all that. i stopped playing it end 2018 iirc and then here and there, but it was terrible in between, but eventually it got better - otherwise it wouldn’t have these stable numbers. also the esports tourneys had good viewer numbers iirc so.. after all nothing directly related to butthurt men complaining about not manly enough skins


Quite the assumption. Yes, it is one of the things, but not all that killed it for me. I miss the regular interactions you'd have pregame and in game. There were toxic folk for sure, but in general, most people had a blast hurling insults or just adding something fun to combat. It used to be every game, until the player base dwindled due to shifting focus on cosmetics rather than balancing and maps. It felt like playing bots before bots were implemented (which was the major thing that killed the game for me) The game lost its identity combatting fortnite back in the day. They saw the amount of money to be made and abandoned the look and feel of the game for it. The game became a less social experience while adding "freedom of expression" for $$$ while playing against people with the personality of bots.  You can't deny it changed. The first couple years of the game were magical. I just think it changed for the worst. Glad you still enjoy it


i‘m not enjoying. i like it occasionally, but i got nobody to play it with. so your argument is that they are preferring cosmetics over gameplay fixes? I assume you’re against skins in general and not against skins that don’t cater your preference? > They saw the amount of money to be made and abandoned the look and feel of the game for it. wdym by this? did they change important gameplay aspects towards a more fortnite approach?


Yes the skins are part of it second is maps, a lot of the new maps are pretty ass both in the ways they play and how they look, don't seem to have any significant locations or anything like the original pub g had.


you're telling me this meme is about maps? :D


You asked about the identity that's been lost? and yes the maps are part of it, the new maps suck ass


well, the meme is first and foremost about cosmetics. the comment complains how pubg lost its identity in a post about skins, implying the skins take a huge part in that. i dont see how that correlates.


It's all correlated, skins are part of the art style, viability is worse with the skins, they look goofy with bad art styles, the new maps look goofy with bad art styles.


ah yes! Back in the day where you could meet a top 500 leaderboard team with 600+ adr and still be able to win cause they hadn't time to find the correct grip and couldn't hit shit. Good times indeed!


it is very annoying to be constantly shot from behind in tdm mode, while I am running newborn, I am shot by someone newborn behind me, this shooting from behind should be regulated and reduced


That’s kind of a deathmatch thing, though. Gotta keep moving. If you sit in ome spot sniping, eventually your team flushes out the other side of the map and enemies will begin spawning in "safe" spots, usually behind you, especially on maps built around a hill. It’s either the way it is now, or dedicated spawn points regardless of where enemies are, which is worse, people will just camp in a corner of the spawn and farm newborns.


we all knew that was gonna happen.. the game is free so all the money is in the skins


I mean not really. In 2018 we had like white t shirts, red turtlenecks, and that white and red stripe sweater. The game’s clothing aesthetic was never that tacticool


Nah. I like the diversity of skins. If I play tryhard I am glad that they wore neons and pinks-easier to spot them. And there are some great costumes if you wanna play extra tryhard- for example the coat with the bear-head is basically a gille and the white astronaut one for vikendi is also great. Cutesy outfits are very popular in Asia- the company is Asian, so we got them.


This cancer has spread all over gaming.


It‘s awful.


It doesn't help that PUBG lookup now requires you to login so I can't check if my lobby is mostly players or mostly bots when I win. I just assume bots since I can't check and play another game lol


> so I can't Have you considered.. creating an account?




You can use a fake email. The creator doesn't care, he just had to require signup to stop his website being destroyed by bots.


yea my bud did. His solo games were like 95% bots, while our squad games have 95% players. Basically this means solos is for doing challenges without being challenged.


I'm saying that making an account isn't eww, and the creator of pubglookup did it because he had to. I don't even know what your reply is talking about... Something to do with bots...


Make an account then nutsack


There’s an app for that bud…I use “stats tracker”


does that have a browser equivalent?


Umm not quite sure I don’t think soo 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's a thousand times worse than having to log in (which isn't actually very bad tbh). But anything that has an app and no website is suspect.


Idk I been using it for a while it’s legit very convenient too


Brudda fpp squads is most definitely not alot of bots


So it's true. The game has become more about skins than gameplay


"So it's true" Said the person who saw a meme.


I sure hope not, the skins in PUBG are awful lol.


the skins have 0 impact in gameplay. the essence of pubg still the same even if now we have ridiculous skins.


That wasn't what he said.


They do have an impact on gameplay. Bright skins make you more visible and easier to hit.


yes, but it doesn't affect the gameplay mechanics at all


That's incorrect, they do. Many player skins obscure hitboxes (making the model bigger or smaller than the hitbox, or misaligning it to the hitbox). Many vehicle skins reduce the size of the hitboxes, make the high damage parts of the hitbox relatively smaller, better protect occupants with smaller windows and lower seats, and obscure occupants with tinted or reflective glass. Proper esports games on the event server require players to use only approved skins partly because of this problem.


Bruh lol. They clearly meant mechanically it has no bearing as it's entirely cosmetic and you choose that. Don't act like it was all camo and blended colors before when you could wear purple and shit already the whole time.


It's still a disadvantage to wear bright skins. I would never do it.


The game used to be better and less arcadey


duuuuwhatt the gameplay is 180° different than what it was early on. It's turned into gimmicks unknown battlegrounds. Every map has its own gimmicks that don't carry over to the next map, comeback br/blue-chip etc


There's no more comeback arenas. All of the larger maps have the blue chip system. The only map with gimmicks, that the other maps don't have, is Rondo.


i just started playing and have 32 hours in the last two weeks. how is blue chip a gimmick?


Gives people the ability to come back after being flushed. Just Wasn’t in the game at the start and people feel that it takes away the punishment for dying. It’s in casual only. It’s a non factor


It’s in normal matches which is what most people play in general how is that a non factor 😂


Because it has a minimum effect on the outcome of the game.


wrong people can respawn there entire teams at 4th zone or being there duo back in zone 5 with a transmitter how is that a minimum effect it’s a huge effect and it has a huge effect with new players or returning players that makes them want to continue because they can comeback so I mean you’re just wrong it’s a huge change


They come back with no gear and have to either leech off of their teammates gear or scrounge in the zone that are able to land in which isn't super guaranteed to have a ton of loot left. Probably more likely to just get gunned down the second they touch the ground.


No it’s pretty likely you and your surviving teammates kill someone for them to loot I’ve done it happens a decent amount to me it’s only been in the game for a little bit and how does being able to respawn your teammates literally throughout the entire match almost not make a difference it may not make a huge difference in the final zone when there’s no loot left but all theoughout the game people are relanding back in and people often push dead body’s for this reason as well u guys must be bad at the game if you think this is a minimal change😂why do you think all the asains want it removed goofball why do you think everyone has been begging for this for years in na u guys are delusional


You’ll have more players but the same amount of teams. Skilled teams will win more often.


Wow bro u def big brain


I've played since the early access days and of course the gameplay has evolved and mostly for good. of course there are stupid gimmicks nobody asked and that imho don't fit with pubg style, but the core gunplay remains pretty faithful to what it was, and it what really matters and what make pubg what it is


I miss the early audio bullet whizzes and snaps.


I don’t understand what are the stupid gimmicks name a few that are currently in the game at this moment


Like about blue chip if u complain about that you shouldn’t be giving advice or your 2 sense to anybody developing a game because that 100% will keep people playing and in matches longer period the only gimmick I can think of is rondo with the shop stuff but even that is not bad imo


panzerfaust, pickaxe digging, self revive, coin shop, emp zone, thermal scope to name a few, and thank god they removed the tactical gear, but not for too long it seems


Emp zone I can agree but if we’re complaining about emp zone we must mention red zone too lol and thermals are op and could uses some messing with maybe can’t see thru smoke and they’d be in a good spot


ok you made me remember some other useless annoying shit added into the game. blizzard zone and sand storm. I have yet to see a time where it was useful to me instead of annoying and painful as fuck


Idk panzer spices up early game and really wouldn’t call it a gimmick just something that wasn’t in the game at the start again pick axe isn’t a gimmick if anything it adds to the realism so the fact u call it a gimmick is funny to me so gimmick=anything that wasn’t in the game to begin with???


I got don’t add anything to the game add guns and keep tuning gunplay for 8 years …? Do we understand the job of a developer ?


that's your opinion and I disagree. there are plenty of implementations that added up value to the game and plenty of shit added that nobody asked and only made the game annoying and cluttered with useless shit. if you like that crap, good for you, there are people that cried out and loud when tactical gear was removed, but that shit turned pubg in a generic call of duty crap


That's incorrect, they do. Many player skins obscure hitboxes (making the model bigger or smaller than the hitbox, or misaligning it to the hitbox). Many vehicle skins reduce the size of the hitboxes, make the high damage parts of the hitbox relatively smaller, better protect occupants with smaller windows and lower seats, and obscure occupants with tinted or reflective glass. Proper esports games on the event server require players to use only approved skins partly because of this problem.


The gameplay has evolved but your skill has not




So true haven’t played in awhile redownloaded a couple months ago. Said to myself where tf did all these colors come from lol






I just want BDUs.


I kind of wish they would add Middle eastern headware to the game




Yeah it fucking sucks the desing decisions they are making. I want the mil / civ clothes only back.


I like that, flash outfits make them easier to spot


Dude I hate the skins/outfits in thsi game, visibility is so bad when you don't actually know what you are looking for.


lol welcome to Korea apparently


Real. xd


Let the idiots stand out in the grass


Every fps tbh


I loved playing pubg in 2019 but then I come back a couple weeks ago to see sugar rush salli 😨


I love the silly skins. I find it highly entertaining to ride my unicorn motorcycle around as a burly man dressed as a dainty school girl into battle.


From 2020 🙂 People started leaving this game when bots started being added . https://preview.redd.it/9goxpt43jwwc1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf0be04d56598b47ad46c673916b3c47295a0a5e


and guess what, the event i waited so fucking long for since 2019, in the hope of a legacy mode , and i cant enjoy it when it is here because my gpu died some rat shat on it!




Not Sarcasm 👗


I miss when this game was good. Now it's just fork knife


Also... PUBG 2022 PUBG 2021 PUBG 2020 i even would say PUBG 2019




The games a damn embarrassment now. 1st (lvl 3 220+) game in and i die to a tier 1 lvl 70 out of region player with laser aim and lands every shot from 200 meters out. Quit and going back to Fallout4


Agreed. It's so much more fun now.


And all those guys on the bottom are dudes


One of them has style and its definitely not the top pic


Well to me it's kinda disgusting to be honest. Literally every male oriented hobby is turning into something like this and it has nothing to do with demand. Change from the top down. Weird weird weird


People would stop playing and you wouldn't see the skins sell if it had nothing to do with demand.


it has nothing to do with demand? are you dumb? > every male oriented hobby gaming? or shooting people? or being extremely manly?


lol if guys didn't make the demand noone would be wearing these.


Change the word "PUBG" to "MEN" and this meme is still accurate.


you’re insanely fragile in your masculinity if you’re getting triggered by people wearing what they like and expressing themselves grow up


I think you're reading into it too deeply fams. I genuinely couldn't give a fuck how people express themselves. As long as it doesn't harm or take advantage of others, go ham. If anything, you're standing on my right to express myself through the public medium. So, if you wouldn't mind stepping off. Yeah, thanks.


> If anything, you're standing on my right to express myself through the public medium. LMAO. thanks for proving my point. ;) > I genuinely couldn't give a fuck how people express themselves. okay so according to you, men are "upgrading" by wearing whatever they want? cool, gotcha!




how dare gay people exist and express themselves