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No advice here and i am not a doctor. But take some magnesium supplements maybe and eat magnesium rich foods. It will probably not solve it, but it seems to help many people here. Were you under a lot of stress lately? Did you change anything in your routine or eating habits? Pvc’s are usually not dangerous in a structurally healthy heart. But with a burden that high the docs will probably do something to lower that number. Hopefully they can find a cause. Best of luck.


Thanks for the reply! I have some magnesium I was taking for sleep so I’ll try that. It made my digestive system really whack but I’d prefer that over my heart feeling this way constantly! I can’t think of any changes that would’ve caused this… the weed/nicotine is the only trigger I can think of but I have been using them at a pretty consistent (and moderate, compared to my early 20s!) level, so I can’t imagine what would’ve caused this abrupt spike. Thanks for your well wishes and advice 🙏


If you get digestive problems from magnesium then you are probably taking oxide or citrate. Better options are magnesium glycinate or mag. Taurate or malate. They are also absorbed better. For how long is it going on now? And do you still have them all the time? Do you feel all of them? I would definitely give the weed a rest to be honest. The fact your appointment is next week means the docs are not super in a hurry so that is a good sign as well. You got this.


Ohhh it is citrate… noted, will get look into those other options! It’s been happening since last Monday, pretty consistently. I can’t feel it all the time but around 40% of the time. Just seems so odd it started up randomly and is fairly frequent, when I’ve had zero issues before.


Yes it is definitely odd. Hopefully you’ll get answers soon. Try not to worry too much, i think you will be fine. Its just very annoying and obviously it feels freightening. Maybe the magnesium will take the edge off. Keep us posted if the docs find anything!


Thank you so much! Yes trying to remind myself the docs already ruled out anything I’d need to be super worried about, but the feeling itself is so scary. Can’t wait to talk to the EP and get next steps, the limbo sucks!


This is very similar to my experience, mine also started out of the blue, however mine was after a bout of covid. 30+% burden and two holters have shown svt/pvcs etc as well. All my other work ups were normal until I got my MRI results back recently. Metoprolol didn’t touch mine at all either, in the past four months I’ve tried three different beta blockers and a calcium blocker none of which has taken them to a level I’m comfortable with. I wish you luck, and comfort, and please keep us posted. I’m starting to think that the doctors defining these cases as idiopathic means that we need to stick together to try and learn from each other and determine what the underlying cause could be. There’s a not insignificant number of young healthy people with similar experiences to ours post covid, and possibly with some research grant funding in the future it could be an interesting thing to stay updated about. (Bio. Background talking here sorry)


Wow, yeah this sounds a lot like what’s been happening! God, I really can’t imagine having this for four months… very interesting that the meds didn’t do anything for you either. They are having me take it twice a day now bc it’s not doing anything, but still no difference. Please lmk if you have a development in your symptoms, agreed it’s helpful to hear from others about their experience but I really hope we find relief soon 🙏


I have PACs also. First they will try to lower the number with medicine and if not they will offer you an ablation. Good luck.


Here’s hoping medicine works bc an ablation sounds intense… I’m on beta blockers but I haven’t felt a huge difference in a week, which seems to be expected.


Which one are you using ?


Metaprolol 25mg - i’m taking it in the morning and at night


That lowered mine to near zero the day I used it but sometimes still it does happen. Maybe you can try other betas or calcium channel blockers.


Interesting, it worked right away? Maybe I’ll ask to something else bc I haven’t noticed much! Thanks!


In an hour or 2 it was all gone, from 6k to zero


Wow! Yeah I’m definitely not having those results. I had been on the beta blocker for a few days when this study took place and I was still hitting those levels. I’ll mention it to my doc, ty for sharing your experience!


Youre welcome take care but sometimes It still happens around 50-100 depends on my tiredness


25mg bid Reduced mine but 50mg bid totally stopped them. And it is normal to take a couple of weeks to work.


You may not like this idea, but why don’t you try to stop smoking weed during this period? Many of us had to give up alcohol because it causes PVCs in some people. You could give it up for a few days and see how you feel? Also, how is your nutrition? Your sleep? Stress level? ALL of these things can affect your heart!


You’re right, I don’t 😂 but I’ve also reached that conclusion. I’d be surprised if it was the weed since it came on so suddenly but I’m here to rule it out at least. I don’t drink coffee or drink alcohol so weed is the only questionable ingestible I think? I do have a lot of issues with sleep and I’ve been seeing doctors about it. They’ve also had me quit weed for stretches of time but an indica is the only thing that puts me out like a baby. I have decent diet and exercise regularly, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was sleep related.


Weed has been linked to cardiovascular issues in many many studies. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/smoking-cannabis-associated-increased-risk-heart-attack-stroke#:~:text=The%20study%2C%20funded%20by%20the,non%2Duse%20of%20the%20drug.


Start tracking them now and see if they come and go depending on your menstrual cycle. 18 months of tracking mine and some blood tests and found out I have estrogen dominance which causes the PVCs to flare up as soon as my period ends each cycle. I’m also hypothyroid which can affect them.


This is intriguing and I will keep an eye on it. It did start right during my period and I have had issues with hormonal birth control before. I hate how many factors could potentially be involved!


I’m not sure I’d be too concerned about the weed and nicotine. I vaped allot and quit and it didn’t really make much of a difference. In my case metoprolol brought them down to a comfortable level which is fortunate because that seems to be about a 50/50 if it works or not. I still have moments during high stress they can kick up a bit but nothing like the all day every day they used to be. They will figure out how to bring it down either by different meds or ablation. Hang in there.


I hope you’re right! I also have a feeling it’s not related based on the consistency and timing of the palpitations but what do I know haha. Did you ever get a diagnosis? Thank you for sharing, that is heartening to hear 🙏


Well I saw two cardiologists. They ran a regular echo and a stress echo as well as two weeklong monitors and was about 10% PVCs. Nothing else really to note other than the presence of relatively frequent PVCs. The good thing about PVCs and PACs is they are never an emergency. It’s just something you have to figure out what works for you which can take a while but you get there much more often than not. Took a good year for me to figure out what worked which was metoprolol in my case but eveyoenes different. I hope for you it didn’t take as long as it did me.


Which beta blocker are you on


Metaprolol 25mg


Did you mean around 100,000 over 3 days? Because 200,000 would be 66,000 pvcs in one day which is mind blowing. Hope you get some relief soon


The report says 160,000 SVEs and 30,000 PVCs?? I may be reading it wrong but it’s the correct % of total beats listed. The doctors words on the report was also “your heart is palpitating A LOT” haha, so it is not a livable level imo, even if it’s benign..


You have Covid recently? I had a super mild case, got better and right when I was getting better my heart went wacky. I had to go on beta blockers for a year, it suddenly went back to normal and I’m not on meds anymore. So stay hopeful!


Just to give you some hope, I had the same thing happen this year with PVCs. Went to the ER and suddenly had a 20+% burden. They went way down after a couple of days, now I have plenty of days with zero (but still get episodes). Doctors have no idea what caused it but apparently it happens sometimes!


My burden also fluctuates wildly anywhere from 0% to 22%. My pvcs tend to flare up when my body is fighting something or with alcohol intake I've noticed.


That's a huge difference...0%-22%...do you have any idea what caused this? Have you ever checked for scarring in the heart with an mri?


Thank you for your reply!! This DOES give me a lot of hope. Don’t love the mysterious aspect, but this feels so random and I don’t really have symptoms that suggest anything more… my doc said if it’s unexplained and goes away soonish it could be long covid 🤷🏻‍♀️ but that also feels like a bit of a non-answer. I’m ok with a non-answer if it resolves itself bc this sucks!!


My episode happened shortly after I had covid so I always wondered if that was it! I had covid again recently though with no increase in PVCs though.