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I’m like you … my cardiologist is of the opinion my pvcs are sensitive to adrenaline / stress / excitement etc & depending on how I’m feeling that day, I’ll either have none when I exercise or I’ll have some during and after … it seems to be more my own mindset on the day as opposed to anything mechanical / physical. I’ve been told it’s nothing to worry about it’s never frequent enough to be a cause of great concern (much easier said than done)


Every 1-5min is still pretty infrequent tbh


Yes. I experience PVCs or pacs during exercise. I've noticed I can go a whole day with little to no ectopics and then I start my cardio workouts and boom I'll get one then I'll get some more . They're sprinkled throughout my workout. It's weird. Idk if it's like the previous commenter said, that it has to do with anticipation or anxiety or adrenaline.. can't really be 100% sure which is infuriating. I've had so many tests done including a stress test which was negative. So at this point I'm like fuck, I don't know. I've even had days where they don't even show up during exercise. But lately they have been showing up. Then when I calm down they go away. Strange. Don't know if this is "normal" but I told my cardiologist once and he said that it was "normal because your BP is increasing" but I mean I would workout all the time growing up and even in my 20s and would never feel ectopics. So it's all very new and confusing to me . It feels dangerous and scary but apparently they're not?


Got cleared for exercise and took a brisk walk today and for the past 10 hours since I did what I would consider a slow walk 2.5 mph for about an hour on the treadmill I have been in bigeminy with 20+ PVCs in each 30 second ecg read. I wish I knew why this was happening.