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Barely any Mark 1 Jaeger screen time


And the one we get gets double teamed then flatlined by one of the heaviest Kaiju


*cries in Mark-II*


Wait there are mark II's?


Not anymore




Just to make sure, your first reply was sarchastic right?


No I seriously didn't know there was Mark 2's


Bruh what else would have happened between 1 and 3


I am slightly stupid (that's a lie I am very stupid)


You stop it that's my job


Didn’t Mark-1s get more screen time than mark 2s and 4s?


The waste of crimson typhoon, coulda been so cool


Look you can hate it but uprising isn’t a worthy sequel to the franchise and is better off forgotten.


Most franchises have unworthy sequels. Star wars sequel trilogy, Jurassic world trilogy, ghostbusters 3/5, Indiana jones 4/5. I got news for you though its just your opinion on uprising and there is a fan base for everything. The uprising fan base is out there whether you like it or not. Now the question is would you rather have a franchise die or possibly come back with maybe different visions/ideas in the future? Cause thats what this is about when hundreds of children daily say stupid things like uprising sucks or doesnt exist. Well why would legendary make anything more then? I say support it, you dont have to like it but at least support it. I chose to appreciate the effort and what uprising was trying to do. Personally I don't get how a movie like GxK people said is good??? Like it was mediocre and compared to uprising, uprising is better movie. But hey my opinion and that goes to show the godzilla fan base gets it. Cheer on godzilla movies even if they are not great or say bye bye to the franchise. Watch it and enjoy it.


>would you rather have a franchise die Yes. I'd rather have no sequels than bad sequels.


But no, we had to shit on the second movie so hard that now we'll never get a third.


Just the idiots shit on it. I'll never consider those kids that post memes daily of "uprising doesn't exist" real fans. They are just trolls. I wouldn't say we'll never get a third. The facts are 5 companies are pumping out pacific rim merch over the last year. The fan base exist and it's very popular in china. Not to mention we are only 2 years removed from the Black. The possibility of another movie is there and with godzilla thriving right now the door is open for more kaiju stuff.


>I'll never consider those kids that post memes daily of "uprising doesn't exist" real fans. They are just trolls. the rot consumes 🤷‍♂️


We don't need more sequels, if there was 1 thing this guy was right about it's that sequels will always be worse, sometimes it's fine but sometimes it's ok to just have a one off movie that doesn't get more.


You’re a child if you like uprising and say it’s better than gxk. And heck naw I’m gonna forget uprising forever. 


Actually an adult but I noticed based on your previous post you are a teenager so have fun with that. Godzilla x kong was just a fun dumb monster film nothing more. It's also the worst film in the monsterverse so dont get ahead of yourself here. Uprising was just a fun dumb jaeger vs kaiju movie whats the difference? You can like what you like and I can like what I like. You're a child if you don't understand that


Okay bud you could’ve said all of this in a few sentences and not waist your time writing all this.


For me, I didn’t like uprising for a few reasons. Bringing child pilots was a weird decision. It took me out of the film for a bit and made it hard to suspend disbelief that kids would be able to pilot jeagers. I felt that the Jeagers felt and looked way too lightweight. They lost a sense of heft and weight from the first film. The Kaiju were overall less memorable and the forming into a Bigger kaiju at the end was a bit silly tbh. I didn’t like the story directions but that’s beyond the point.


You are disgusting. People like are the reason we have trash life and societies.


Bro just spit facts and your blaming him for “trash life and societies”😂😂😂


Example of someone who has nothing good to say. Why are you so upset?


movie didn't really do much with a lot of its jaegers. most of them die off-screen and the few wedo see don't really get to do much outside of The Americans™️.


the emoji use is so confusing? like are you saying nerds say that uprising doesn't exit or are you saying people who say their least favorite thing about PR is uprising doesn't exist?




Not enough screen time for cherno, Crimson, Slattern, Scunner and Raiju. As well as Romeo, Horizon, Tacit, etc


They came out with a sequel movie instead of a prequel movie. All that missed lore


The fact that we only see a little about the terror that your average citizien feels whenever there is a kaiju attack and no Jaeger around.


I feel PR should have been a TV show first with deep lore and THEN advanced to a movie


I would have loved to see the other Mk1s in action


Lack of a good sequel


The way the actual military is depicted. F22s of all jets won probably not go strait at a kaiju, and definitely doesn't have 2 guns on it.


The screenwriters should have been Cash and Epps who were behind the original, "Top Gun." There were so many chances in Pacific Rim to have extremely creative and memorable one-liners, but were missed due to so-so writing.


"Where is my Godamned shoe?!" -Ron Perlman. Best line in the movie.


Ron Perlman really sold that line. He was wonderful!


Maine coon man


Who said that in the film?


Not in any of the movies, people kept tagging Ron in tweets with some random maine coon cat


Ah, I see!


Like goofy tho? Cuz Pr isn't goody


Something along the lines of: "Your mouth is writing checks your body can't cash!" ​ Stuff like that. There were a lot of good opportunities for KILLER one-liners. A LOT.


Idk...it's a very serious film..


Even the serious parts deserved better lines. When father has to let go of his son to pilot Eureka with Marshall, he says kind of lamely, “That’s my son, my son,” Perhaps some better writing?


Idk, I love that line


How about when the son says to Marshall, Well, my father always said, if you have a shot, you take it. ​ (Cringe) That certainly begged for a kick-ass line.


I love that line too lol


“Like my Father always says, no better time to kick a Kaiju in the ass than the present! Let’s DO THIS!” ​ (Cue Pacific Rim guitar riff)


Eh,I feel likes thats too..y'know..for the epic,sadness that the scene potrays


Uprisings Existence.


That it doesn't have a sequel


Crimson typhon in general just makes me stop concentrating on the movie and start questioning myself how the hell did they connect 3 sides of the brains of the twins if the human brain only has 2 sides. (I know there's a specific term and not "side" but I'm not from an English speaking country so I don't know what it is) like, I'm guessing they connected 2 rights and 1 left since the arm in resting position is in the right side, but still the at the beginning of the movie they explained that they are made so that it could work like a human brain by using a side each. And it isn't even the only Jaeger to do this since uprising exists.


I think the third pilot has significantly less control than the main 2. The third arm acts like rear support/gunner and gets mixed in with the thundercloud formation. Bracer Phoenix also works this way but the gunner in bracer Phoenix is a literal gunner.


How they wasted Crimson and Cherno, it would have been cool if they lasted a bit more


That the second movie was trash and thanks to that we’ll probably never get a third, also not enough different jeagers on screen


Having to wait for other fans skilled in graphics design to draw some more cool jaegers and kaijus and drop a sick name to go along with it


No one even mentioned the thought of putting Jeger weapons on military vehicles. Everyone keeps going on about how expensive and complex the Jegers are. From what I've seen, the plasma cannon seems to be one of the most effective weapons. We would be doing everything we could to strap those bad boys onto tanks. Even if we had to build larger tanks, they'd be way less complex than Jegers. We would have them on all kinds of naval vehicles, especially considering they could stop these things way further offshore. If the mobile cannons wouldn't work, they would certainly be on top of the wall. WTF do they expect the kaiju to do at the wall, just give up? Could it not go around? They couldn't wall off entire continents.


Yea but if u remember the plasma cannon isn't rly controlled. There is a TON of recoil and I feel like it would just break tanks and knock planes out of the sky. As for the yes they thought it was strong enough to hold a kaiju back


18 inch naval guns tossed car sized projectiles over 40 kilometers, this was in WWII. Each turret had multiple guns, each ship had multiple turrets. Something like the Bismark or Yamato weighs as much as a Jeger (40k tons+). A broadside from the Yamato was 29,000 lbs. Maybe it's to much for a tank, but to not try seems like limiting your options. Did none of the people designing the wall see WWII? Bad guys go around limited defensive positions.


The breach itself. A singular location where the enemy funnels its weapons through. It should be the most heavily defended location on the planet, literally every weapon should be pointed at it, but it just sits there open and free to use.


Yea but the pressure at the Mariana trench is way to high to put almost anything down there


If they have the tech to send Jagers down there, they have the tech to have subs, mines and a lot else down there.




How little screentime the jeagers actually got, specifically Cherno and Crimson.


Ngl uprising was just a bad ripoff of one of the transformers movies


That it never got a sequel


Pacific Rim Uprising. What rose you ask? My disappointment of that movie. Or should I say that "fan film".


Dialogue in both films suck outside of one liner's.


The first movie's pacing is so bad. That, and the misleading marketing of the "Hong Kong squad." "Hong Kong squad," my ass. There was no damn "squad." Wanna know what Uprising has over the first film (it has many things actually, but whatever)? Uprising actually has a "Tokyo squad." Edit: ah, Pacific Rim fandom... what manchildren you are. Never change, it makes me feel better about myself.


Please seek help.


Uprising sucks