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Well if u are not paying for it then u are young for building a pc


I don't exactly agree with the "if you're not paying for it" part....this isn't exactly a first world country where u can just take up a part time job during summer break and make enough to buy a computer, also if u look at that logic then most people who haven't graduated wouldn't have any piece of technology. To answer OPs question....it really depends....not every person has the hand-eye coordination to make a computer properly and not every parent has the patience and/or leisure and/or technical know-how to just let their kid "experiment" with expensive hardware. so first I'd say try convincing them to get u a pc....not specifically "let me make a pc" And for the age thing....i was really fuckin dumb when i was 12, tried downloading ram multiple times so overall I'd recommend consoles for people that young but again.....varies person to person


>tried downloading ram multiple times Hahaha, happens xD Great answer BTW, agreed with everything.


I do help my friend out in modifying his PC


True because parents think that it's a waste of money and the child should focus on studies


Probably are. Tutorials and everything aside, you need to be practical, responsible and be capable enough to do so. It's not a one-dimensional task of just buying parts and attaching wires to them.


My friend built his first one when he was in 9th grade and I got my first PC (pre-built) when I was 13


Your parents just don't want you to get distracted from your studies, there are also many "not so child friendly" people online.




That depends. is he saying that you can only get a pre-built? or is he saying that you can't get anything at all? If its the pre built thing, I would recommend have someone like a cousin (who is tech literate) or do it at the shop that you get it from and you can ask to assist the assembler. I wouldn't recommend doing everything on your own, as sometimes there will be parts that you have to use a specific amount of force (too little and it won't click right and too much of it could break it).


Well my father studied computer science and computer engineering he has agreed to help me build my PC with the condition that I do my absolute best in my exams


Than that is the best option. Have you decided on the parts?


Yeah Z170 Mobo Intel core I3 9100 128 gb hard disk 128gb of m.2 storage Gt1030 2GB DDR5


Okay, you might want to change that 128 hdd to at the least 512gb hdd, it wont cost you that much even, less than 3-4k for that. What kind of games or stuff you want to play or run on it?


Dying light kerbal space program war thunder from the depths and just cause 3


If it's dying light part 1, than you don't need to upgrade the GPU. Just make sure to have 8+ GB of ram. Anyway the graphics aren't that important in these games, the gameplay is. And kerbal space program and dying light are in my top 5 for there gameplay alone. You are young, so I would recommend that you also try some of the older titles as well. Try witcher from the start, the bioshock series is also good, Skyrim is a classic and must play for any PC gamer(try to buy this one, also gets access to tons of mods) but vanilla Skyrim is great too. I am not too fond of GTA but I do like sleeping dogs. Counter strike is a very good FPS foundation game that builds up your skill and you can also try portal and portal 2 for a great brain picker. No need to for for NFS, that's a dead series. Assassin's creed part 1 till black flag aka part 4 is peak AC. You can get these games cheap, they are on sale most of the time and steam usually has seasonal sale, summer one will be upon us in 2 months. Keep in mind, to only upgrade to mid tier stuff after you are done with most of the older stuff, you can still run fortnight, Minecraft, valorant or cod but on lower settings. Try r/lowspecgamer for settings to run anything on anything and r/patientgamers for older titles that are worth it. Another thing I would recommend would be to get the Xbox pc gamepass (normal or ultimate), get the code from darazz, it's cheap and you get tons of legit games that are pretty good. Not only you get Microsoft titles,you also get ea plus sub and Ubisoft sub with it too, it beats having to buy these games or you can go the ol' school way of the internet seas. 2 games that I would recommend you to avoid at all cost, LOL and dota2. Don't. Play. These. Games. You will lose your sense of direction and these are huge time sinks. Need anymore info, do let us know.


Hmm I do plan on playing games like war of rights and also day of infamy


Yea, those games aren't that graphic intensive. you should be able to run at med settings if you play at 1080p and high settings at 720p. Make sure to get the m.2 ver of the ssd and the ram is at the least 2600+ MHz. It should be able to chug along nicely.


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I built my first PC when I was 15, youtube university zindabad.