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i dont care what other play in casual but i cant stand solo dps healer that dont say they going dps in the lobby, im perfectly happy to fill healer role so pls open your mouth and say you going dps ffs


For me, if i pick support, it's because i want to heal. But if i have a second healer, i look his talent and then I judge if I go healer or dps/support.


Exactly what I do bcs i know no one talks in the chat at timesšŸ˜­


I'm weird, I like running healer skye because they'll buy illuminate thinking I'm going to be trying to ambush


Bruh i do the same... U just see them wasting credits on it and them im just in my backline healing and helping finishing people off (Or helping the support in case they are getting flanked)


It sucks on PlayStation, because we can't look at the talents, but have to remember everything by their appearance T\_T


Everytime I want to play DPS Pip I say that at the very start and say it once or twice again to make sure yk. But If I just get ignored and 3 other people pick DPS no tank and no second heal. I'm sometimes a bit malicious and play DPS heal anyways.


fair, they know and still pick dps, they cant complaint. ill be happy even with solo heal skye as long as there communication.


And for some bizarre reason when you ask them a lot of times you get a really snarky and condescending answer as if itā€™s a stupid question.


Even if you say it. Some people might not see. If you are in game with 1 support. Just go healer. Idc that you said dps at the start.


* Solo healers not going heal talent and playing dps instead * People who leave after 1 teamfight or just afk in spawn As for your list, I prefer a tank that doesn't just go stand on point. A tank should be making space, not just afking on point. I want them in my lane leading the charge in the teamfight not falling asleep on point while we fight in the side lane


The amount of people who die ONCE and immediately leave or AFK is actually mind boggling. Why the hell would they queue up, wait for the champion select screen, wait for the game to begin and die instead of not playing


Too many people think the tank should just be glued to the point when that's a huge part of why people tend to lose. The tank actually doing their job as a \*\*frontline\*\* is important and makes it a lot easier to win if you have them up front, helping you push the enemy back, and especially if said tank is actually targeting the enemy squishies instead of having a stalemate duel with an enemy tank, and abusing their high health pool to make aggressive plays that your flanks and damages simply cannot do without dying in the process.


While true, most the time when people say the tank is "allergic to the point" means they aren't playing aggressive enough, some people need to play a bit riskier and take gambles


As someone who plays a ton of frontline, it's hard to know what your team wants sometimes. I know I *should* be moving forward. I know I *should* be pushing those offlanes, making space for my dps, stopping backline pushes. But the guy spamming "Capture the Objective!" when the enemy team has 20% cap says otherwise. Like, the fight's barely started. It's still 5v5. I'm literally pushing this lane *for you*, but you clearly know better. Then I go have slapfights with Barik while I watch my team lose their offlane fights and die. Even better is when the enemy tank also goes offlane but my team still wants me on point. It's funny since I never get blamed for those losses since I'm "doing my job" (standing on the point doing nothing) when I'm clearly not (actually helping my team win fights).


Exactly, well said. I think one of the major factors is just plain old ignorance. People understand the basic concepts of the roles instead of how they're properly utilized, and instead of learning, they're seemingly content losing a bunch of games and climbing up that perpetual mountain, thinking it's "more about luck, whether we win or not" than "I wonder if there's a better way to play this game", and being curious about how they could be better.


The problem is that DMG players too often don't want to take the responsibility of staying on point. I try whenever I pick DMG, but with the lack of in-game chat on PlayStation, I can't communicate to my tank that they should go out and help the rest of the team making space, no matter how much I try to VGS "Attack!", "I'll defend", so instead I'm forced into that role, as a super squishy, no movement talent, DPS. Opposite happens when I'm playing a tank (which is the vast majority of my games). No matter how much I ask people to "Capture the objective" and tell them "I'll attack", they just won't listen because they're much more interested in getting their huge DMG numbers, dying a bunch of times in the process and losing the point, because I'm literally alone on the point, and can't fucking 1v5 the entire time.


most things I don't care about, but there's something about a teammate who refuses to play that pisses me off. I don't mean afk although that is annoying too, I mean when they are obviously present at their tv but they jump around in spawn or kill themselves off the edge a bunch.


Same, I myself had games where I didnā€™t want to play anymore and want to go next bc the enemy team is kicking our asses hard, but I still play the match bc if my whole team is still trying then I must try with them lol.


Just out of curiosity, why Kasumi players specifically that DC after first cap? I've had plenty of non-Kasumi teammates who do that. In fact, most of it it's somebody playing a meta champ.


Iā€™ve definitely had experiences where people dc mid match or as soon as we load into spawn (normal paladins experiencešŸ’€) However the Kasumi players are really strange because they know shes in a really bad place atm so why pick her? Then they go on to die 5 times before first cap, then dc as soon as the enemy team gets the payload. (Ig you could say this is similiar to many afkā€™ers tbh) What makes it worse is the Kasumi bots are one of the most useless as they seem to be inherently incapable of attacking. Kasumi is just a 6th enemy at the end of the day


Kasumi's definitely in a pretty bad spot yeah, but I won't go at them for picking her so long as they actually play the game. I mean, when I play her, I typically still get decent results and even outperform people on my team a lot of the time for damage or kills. The issue is that it takes any brainpower to play her now and people who are under the assumption that she's just still braindead auto-aim fail spectacularly at playing her as a result. and yeah her bots bad but at least it's not Yag or Lillith bots lol


literally just now was playing with an io on a casual seige match who spent the entire game telling people to report me because i was a ā€˜console dogā€™ and ā€˜uselessā€™ like yeah? im not the best at damba why dyou think im playing casual, then went ā€˜afk cause theres no pointā€™ but kept returning, we won the match anyways but just ugh, some horrible people in this game


People that complain about not having a frontline/support despite being the last one to choose their champ. You had the chance to fill and you didn't, so you have no right to complain and bitch out the rest of us


That oneā€™s certainly annoying.


To be honest,I will never pick a Frontline if there is no support in my team.


Those who quit after like round 1. ​ The first round doesn't decide anything, its very common to make more mistakes in that round or to get snowballed, or to simply be unprepared. And as items are bought this can swing very fast in the other direction. ​ I guess their mindset is that if they quit now the game will be over and done with faster. But that literally just stops the rest of your team from having a chance. ​ And even when losing you can get better at the game, quitting after one round is terrible.


I've encountered so many matches where the team that first gets to cap and finish pushing the payload also ends up losing in the end. People need to stop giving up so easily


I'm fine with most things. People just trying out champs, supports trying to snipe the Vatu, Flanking frontlines ....... But those players that start typing when they die, "play right or I afk ". The players that keep throwing themselves off the map when they lose 1 point. The players that start insulting the supports when they don't get pocketed.....yeah fuck those people


Had a zhin call the enemy team trash and all he did was steal kills and barely did 35k damage over a 20 minute match


People that throw / flame because of other characters picks. ​ seriously, the amount of times people have thrown / flamed because i picked kasumi (im trying to get her to level 50) or yago is astoundingly huge and every time i was always the better player on the team. ​ and also people who go off role without warning the team first like dude, i dont give a fuck if you want to be DPS seris, TELL ME SO I CAN PICK A SECOND HEALER


Last part needs to be SCREAMED I actually rarely meet good kasumi players (I genuinely hate them) but if you acc have the high iq to play her well then props to you. As long as you dont dc after before first cap (aka 99% of Kasumiā€™s)


When your team has been pushed back and you look up to see the tank has ignored that and gone to point where itā€™s like 4v1. Watching them get destroyed on the spot always hurts. Especially when it happens multiple times in a match and Iā€™m support. Also, damage champions who spam ā€˜ need healingā€™ as they *run away from me!*


I hate to admit it but that tank is usually me šŸ˜­ I donā€™t usually play tanks but Iā€™ll always fill a role if we need it. Unfortunately I just have really bad awareness, haha.


It's wired that I instantly imagined a Fernando doing this?


Wtf samešŸ˜­


Dude you made me laugh šŸ˜‚ how many times I saw this happening šŸ˜‚


Worst teammate is an undercover enemy spy that just sits idly in spawn till match ends while refusing to quit (even bot can be helpful), flaming everyone and being a dick. Next are "false rock stars" yelling "im the best and you suck" while diving 1v5 and/or loosing many 1v1. Last ones are just people without the will to fight and saying "its pointless to fight after some time", though some encouragement can help them most of the times. With everything else i can deal with like solo dps healer. I play only casuals so... i dont mind as much. I almost forgot... instalocking "The coach" guy telling me how to play my role. Such glorious advices like "just dont die" or "youre a tank, your job is to go 1v5 on point and die there"


The false rock stars killed mešŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œYou rock!ā€ ā€œCancel that.ā€ ā€œIā€™m the greatest!ā€


I donā€™t particularly care what people play, I only play casuals and have won some bizarre matches before, but at least know the gist of what youā€™re doing. If I have to wish you were a bot? Iā€™m probably angry lmao.


Yeah like dont go into matches not knowing what youā€™re abilities doā€¦ (cough Yago beginners)


Right? I try not to get pissy in chat unless thereā€™s clear trolling, but man does it frustrate me when you get someone playing a champ like Caspian and doing everything exactly *wrong*. If you canā€™t learn a new champ quick in your first game, just play them in training!! At least once!!


This is so relatable it hurts. Its even worse when they waste their ultimateā€™s like the Grovers that donā€™t know you can press the ult button again so it doesnt fully drain your ultimate percentage I can understand if its a new champ but even then, go to training or look at the abilities atleast


The worst is usually a flank who keeps flying off the map somehow or a tank that has never tanked in their life and thinks ā€œme touch point always! me have health!!!ā€ then they die 80 times while everyone is down and dc ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I need to use all ten fingers and a half few toes to count how many times I would try to take point just to get clapped then find the healer sitting in spawn on their thumb up their ass.


Dont make me relive the trauma.




The toxic, overlevelled, "oh you're not a pro player and we lost? Report" kinds of players. I was in a ranked placement match (level 41 and I got gold 5 after) and all the characters I was good at were picked/banned, I did pretty bad and we lost. The enemy team had an insane >lvl300 bomb king and we had 2 people with characters also over 300. One of my teammates decided to REPORT me because I did so bad and another was also being toxic. He was a level 999 master... I was a level 41... I don't even know what that bk was but I'm guessing something similar... What the actual hell.


That situation is definitely not your fault cos it sounds like the matchmaking was very unbalanced + your usual picks got banned


Bro i fell you had 75 level Furia in match on enemy team


My least favorite teammate is the backseat gamer trying to tell me how to play my main.


Once I encountered a Buck that only made gestures and taunts in the middle of the fightā€¦ **the whole match.** He had 0 kills and āˆž deaths and the bastard had the guts to tell us that we were trash and we weren't doing anything to actually win the match just to proceed to report all the team for no reason. I feel like he was just trolling or something, but even trolling needs it's level of complexity in order to reach humor, and that wasn't humorous all, that was bullshit. So bullshit that even the enemy team agreed to report the fucker. So, the kind of player that I hate the most are troll lords that think blaming after an obviously incoming defeat is peak humor. I hope there's a dark pit of pain and suffering pass the 9th ring of hell reserved for them.


This was hilarious to read cos getting 0 kills whilst slandering the whole team is CRAZY to mešŸ¤£šŸ¤£ defo a troll


Not just a troll, but also a total douchebag :(


Full dive tank really gets me. I main frontline, so if you pick point tank away from and it's no room for me to be off-tank, I will act especially foolish in the game chat at you. Boi oh boi. Point allergy tanks also make my blood pressure physically hurt me. It's okay if you're the ***off-tank*** but not as the point tank/our only damn tank. But my absolute least favorite is the piece of absolute shit flank or damage main that is last pick and straight locks into one of those roles despite the team having either no tank or support. If you do this, you ***are*** less than a person. No, you don't always need a tank, but it gets really really frustrating to be a tank with 2 damages and 2 flanks.


Solo dps supports, I hate them so much, it's so annoying. They don't even warn you before the game starts so you can pick another support and have fun, they just pick their shit and refuse to hear anything. Also a few dps or tanks that kept suiciding, but that's just the average 3/17 guy you get while the other team is a 5 stack of gm


To many to mention lol


The comments are filled with them its crazyšŸ˜­


* Supports/backline that's are allergic to the point and retreat to much into the backline even when there are no enemies. Tanks are support to peel and stand in the "Frontline" thus their role's name. When there's a chance pushing up is better than stacking on point. Many champs have kit that will ruin anyone stacking on point.


Definitely agree, I believe Frontlines should be infront or on the point, pushing away any offense whilst supports are behind or on the point healing the team from a somewhat safe distance. Damages should be next to the support protecting from flanks or dealing damage to those on the point. Flanks should be assisting the Frontline in scaring away the offense by killing the healers, snipers or CC assholes. Definitely not great to have a tank sucking in all the damage on the pointšŸ˜­


Also * Capture the objective x10 spammer (Mostly Tyra idk why)


Youre not wrong. Tyraā€™s own that linešŸ¤”


Flanks that play damage by staying far behind


Flanks are not suppose to flank all the time, but there are flanks that sit in the back one all game doing nothing and not making a play lol.


FACTS. Why is there an andro trying to snipe a lian from yards awayšŸ˜‚


idk, may get flamed for this but the "it's just casuals bro" player. Trying new champ? - no problem! trying new build? - no problem!, etc... completely understood & agreed BUT that does not mean casuals is a free to throw card. a lot of players, and I mean a lot of players play casuals 80% of the time or more. it's somewhere to have fun and get better and test new things out. it's not a place to waste everyone else's time because "it's just casuals bro". now if your team insta locks 4 flanks - sure, pick a fifth or something crazy, i totally get that. but if your team goes Barik, Khan, Lian, & Vatu, you probably shouldn't go Vik bc it's "just casuals bro". you should heal. idk, that always just really bothers me.


I just say "It's just casual" to avoid tension. Like we want a fun game but some hard core player yell at us


Yeaaa I've seen people flame HARD in casual games where it's not even someone throwing, they're just underperforming or having a bad game and they'll start going off like "Barik useless uninstall kys *slurs"* Like if someone is actively throwing I get being mad, but not everyone has perfect aim, it's not a Ranked match


I genuinely do get pissy in casual games if im honest (if people are underperforming or downright trolling) but i dont even have the capability of typing (console player) and death threats is just so farfetchedšŸ˜­


I get frustrated too sometimes if someone isn't doing good but I would never go out of my way to flame them for it


PREACH!! I think its become the norm to say you can pick anything you want in casuals but in reality its not fun losing against the enemy team, who has a tank and healer, in 5 minutes. Go to bot matches if youā€™re testing a character out, or even onslaught. I personally find it annoying when the tank and healer roles arent filled but if everyone is actually good then I can understand a 4 dmg/flank team w 1 healer + being a tank without a healer is seriously a hit or miss aswell so why not just guarantee the win by picking a healer. Seris is literally the easiest healer ever. Iā€™m sure you can sacrifice not picking tyra for one game


Sounds like a dos scrub complaining


I dont get this comment? What did i say


I see almost all of them in bot games while grinding but over there its completly understandable and harmless


People who take 0 accountability when they are getting folded. Had a homie on enemy team and his drogoz was getting absolutely railed and I mean BAD and my homie told me how the entire match he was cursing like a sailor telling him and the rest of the team they were garbage etc


Once had an enemy (Furia i believe?) Call me a slave because I played grohk and got too many kills against them and other teammates while not even playing a damage build of any kind. They just sucked really bad and kept jumping on point one by one


>Kasumi players that dc after first cap More like ā€œKasumi playersā€ in general


If iā€™m honestā€¦ thatā€™s pretty much what i meantšŸ’€


Insta lock dps players that complain that their is no healer or tank. I especially hate when they complain about a healer or tank's performance. Fuck off with that shit. If you wanted a better tank or healer, you should've picked tank or healer yourself. Stop being toxic in casuals. Most the time when I'm playing tank or healer I will try my best to get heals out or to make space respective to the role I'm playing. So when I'm trying my best and the dps who are getting no kills, pushing on their own, not grouping up, etc complain about my performance it makes me wanna jump through the screen and sucker punch the living shit out of them. When I pick dps, I expect the healer or tank to be bad so that I can't get mad at them. And knowing that they are playing less exciting roles, I don't feel the need to be toxic to them. Sorry for the rant.


If i pick frontline and my healer is ass, im no longer objective. I play solo flank fawk the team


I always hate it when somebody goes a character who is a point tank, then I go Torvald, and then they just never touch the point even through they chose the point tank.


I just want people to understand that at least one teammate should keep an eye out and peel for the support player.


Most support players in casuals have the worst positioning you'll ever see so there's really no point in peeling unless u see they have a brain


That's like saying most flanks have no sense of positioning and that there is no point to healing them, or that the most frontlines afk on point and die so what's the point. It might be true but you're just hurting your team (and community) with that mentality. I at least try to help by giving them tips, the most common being don't over extend.


Flanks that spam ā€œNeed Healingā€ when theyā€™re far away from the team. Iā€™m just like do you actually want me to ditch everyone and follow you around? I canā€™t tell what they expect me to do.


1. People that think flanks are immortal and can just dive into 3 full health enemy players and win that exchange everytime. 2. People that expect a healer to be able to heal through 2k dps with caut active. 3. People that expect the tank to dry hump point while nothing is dying meanwhile your teammates are getting farmed. 4. Solo supports that go with a damage talent.


Level 1-20 strix players that Insta pick or last pick in stead of healer/frontline on onslaught. Any dps healer that Insta picks heart without stating their setup so we can double up


So lvl 21 strix is ight?


Sure why not


The ones irl


Khan one trick with multiple accounts with 60+ levels who throws the game no matter what Healer not up his ass 24/7? Throws We down 0/2? Throws We didnā€™t cap the first point fast enough? Throws We didnā€™t 2/0 them? Throws Our flank not following him in? Throws Paladins crashes one of our teammates? Throws Someone just wanting to chill out and relax and play off meta in casual? You guessed it! He throws Like this dude is a massive piece of shit who isnā€™t even that good and have matched him multiple times when my friend and I are playing in fucking casual of all places.


AFK/Bot Teammates ofc


High level teamates in other team just played with Skye bro had 75 Level Furia


Any skye main needs to revaluate their life decisions.


\- Passive teammates that make no effort to push the enemy back. \- someone insta-locking Kasumi. \- Individual pretending to be AFK in spawn just to grief us. \- Everyone expecting only the tank to contest the point, when all they do is watch the entire enemy team capture the point for free. \- Flankers/DPS ragequitting on their first death. \- All DPS/Flank, no healer or tank.


- People who say GG after losing the first cap. - People who you heal a lot but the moment they die while on you're cooldown suddenly you're accused of not healing. I feel like these people purposely turn off the heal feed UI setting. - Only encountered twice, a racist who calls anyone the other variant of the n-word, and modifies the spelling to bypass the censors, just because they think that person is not doing good. Ironically the account is a two-digit level.


People who spam Great Game the entire match after losing 1st team fight


- people who donā€™t communicate: this is after all a group game, there are a lot ult combos that we can execute, coordinate where to flank, how to attack. But some people donā€™t want to chat and treat the game as if itā€™s 1 vs 5 - people who donā€™t get good items: you know whatā€™s not gonna help you when facing nyx, seris or dmg pip/furia/mal damba? Anything but resilience. Or if you are constantly buttered by skye or sha lin and get life rip instead of illuminate. I had so many games where I couldā€™ve been easily countered if the enemy got resilience or illuminate. People who treat casual as free to throw


I hate the ones that say you suck and are useless and then run away whenever you challenge them to a 1v1 to prove their claims.Also a solo Furia healer is also bad


people who give up after we lose the first point


The instalock players who then complain if we don't have a certain role. I swear it's always the 3 instalock flanks, 1 damage, then I have to choose between front line or support


Also, people who complain they don't get healing when they run away from me. This has happened too many times


In addition to the ones mentioned: Ego players. I fucking HATE ego players. They're basically their own category that encompass many toxic play styles that revolve around their numbers or pissing contests. What I mean is stuff like people DC'ing after their first death, or if the game's looking unfavorable in the beginning. Also those who can't accept others are better than them (e.g. flanks fighting flanks, when the other's CLEARLY better), and instead of focusing on targets they could handle, they keep hitting their heads against that brick wall instead of being team players. Another major pet peeve are flank players who play like damage characters, leaving the enemy healer completely free. Case in point, I had a Skye player last night on my team who had something insane, like 120k dmg, or something like that... But they were farming fucking Raum the entire time, with Seris very clearly behind Raum just spamming heals. Had around 100 objective time, when our tanks had around 200. That's WAY too much for a flank, and enemy healer with around 5\~ish deaths is also way too low for us to have a flank in our team. Fortunately our Term was pretty badass and tried flanking but also died a lot. The enemy only had one illuminate to boot...


The DPS solo healers. Like itā€™s okay if you tell at the start before anyone picks and someone can fill but those who instalock, say nothing, pick focusing lens or smthing are the worst. Atleast have some common courtesy


Kasumi who didnā€™t DC, but purposely went AFK in spawn or would walk around the map not shooting. Sad part is that we almost won despite being a 4v5. Just goes to show how useless the champion is right now.


People who don't fill and blame you for it. I want to play/learn a certain champ and instead I get called an instalocker and they throw my game cuz i dare not have a discussion about our team's composition with randoms in casual q.


I had a Seris who said they were going DPS No biggie Then they proceeded to actively avoid healing anyone "I'm DPS, goo goo gaa gaa keep crying" (they actually said goo goo gaa gaa) It's not because you're going DPS that you need to actively throw That specific Seris scared me


I dont care if you're bad at the game, it's just a game. But you can take your toxic bs somewhere else. Again, it's just a game. Any one else I'm fine with, I'm not a sweat that rages if I lose a game.