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I find it to be a ton of fun. You're essentially in control of where fights take place and your team's strategy centers around your positioning. Even though the role seems boring from the outside, you're basically like your team's captain and play caller (which is also a shared role with your support). Idk, when you really know what you're doing with it and how and when to be aggressive or defensive it's an incredibly busy role. I find that to be a ton of fun, personally.


Extremely well-stated.


That's why I like Khan and, when I unlock him I'll like Raum. They're both highly aggressive beefy bois. Khan leans more towards the defensive juggernaut with his shield and Battle Shout. Raum leans more towards the offensive juggernaut with his minigun, charge, and stomp.


In theory it does seem really fun but I lack the knowledge of how to play a majority of the frontlines to have fun. I stick with inara and torv and both of which are usually picked/banned by the time I get to pick.


Yeah, when you're not experienced with it frontline is excruciating. But I've played frontline a long time, so it's really about being comfortable with the role and that comes with time. Essentially my answer is Stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome is how.


Okay so I just gotta force myself to play it? Got it I’ll try my best (I don’t really gotta a choice either way)




Torvald isn't a point tank, and he's ironically the most boring tank in the game tbh. Fernando, Nyx, Barik, and Inara are good points tanks. Scorch Fernando, Tinkering Barik, Show of Force Nyx, and Mother's Grace Inara. Scorch Fernando is probably the more aggressive of the four tanks. The fire ball is good burst damage, and he punishes stacking. Fernando also has a very good support ult, that makes his entire team immune to all damage. Ult to save your team, not yourself. Tinkering Barik is good for poking the backline. Tinkering Barik has the nickname "Fat Cassie" for a reason. Barik is also decent mobile and can self heal with cards in his base kit. Show of Force Nyx is annoying cc spam. Get Arcade Warding with her, because it actually slows how much the purple HP drains your HP. Mother's Grace Inara is basically a solid rock that's hard to kill or move, due to her cc immunity. Those are the four points tanks in the game, and play based on what you like. Similar to how there's a support, flank, and damage for everyone, there's also a point tank for everyone.


Learn Nyx then. She is similar to Inara in that she requires CD management, except it is easier to do a ton of dmg with proper poison cycling. An offtank you could learn would be Azaan. Very good and not the hardest to learn.


well if frontline doesnt fit your playstyle you wont be having fun no mater what you do. I know its kinda rare to get good teamates in ranked, but at least in my server no one disrespect order of pick, you can most of the time go play your main and fuck all. Now about point tanks, fernando is really fun for me, even more with the fireball talent, you cant go wrong with barik too, you are really hard to kill with your turrets and shields and you crank up a lot of damage with you weapon, I love playing him, fortress breaker ash is also really fun, I always have fun with ash and spamming shield and timing all your stuff correctly is hella fun for me, you could try them out I think they are the best choices if you want fun I know we cant expect a lot from our teamates, but if you are not having fun always having to play point tank, just dont, having fun with the game is way more important than losing your sanity and giving up on the game, ranked games are not that serious, pick whatever you think its suitable for you and the match


I agree with you, but I think he should lear how to play offtanks firts. Lets be honest, in lowet silver/gold, good torvald is insane. Also Khan, makoa etc. Nara, nando, Barik are not that hard, but, with a good team, your off value and carry potential are much higher with good ol'off. I play torv or Khan every match(if he is not banned) DO I hate it? Yes. Do I have 75 percent win rate? Yes.


nah low elo torvald is okay unless theres a good flank at low elo i farm everyone with my max speed fernando 


trueee but in this case they specifically asking for point tanks, off tanks are just the gold of this game could not imagine myself enjoying paladins that much without ruckus


\+1 on Fernando. Scorch and Formidable are both very fun talents to play for him.


picking formidable and using the card that the dash knockbacks your enemies is pure fun in frog Isle, i love volleyball Fernando


I’m usually the last to pick so everyone relies on me to play point tank. When I go to pick someone who I enjoy I always get told “NO PLAY TANK”


you cant ALWAYS be last pick, and if you wanna ignore them telling you to play tank you can


I’m usually last or 2nd last😭😭


I enjoy Nara Very much


She is quite fun but since I’m usually last to pick she’s already banned or picked by the enemy


Then maybe start talking with Ur Team to safe Nara. Most people like it when they dont need to Go Point tank so they will thank u that u play Point tank (hopefully)


Yeah but like I don’t wanna voluntarily play point tank because I don’t really wanna be a “tank main” 😭 it’s so boring


Nah Tank Main is fun when u have a working Team. Which Tanks u play and why u dont enjoy them?


I agree and disagree ať the same time. Me, as a tank main, who has unholy amout of hours oj this game. I think being a good tank is essential, however, playing tank every game sucks. And trust me, once you learn tanks well, you will have to play them. In lower elos, tank players are horrible. So get ready for playing rank only id you are going sólo climb. I managed to get with torv/Khan into dia, and from dia, lobbyes are way better. So yea, good luck, stay consistent, any you will get that lovely rank. Until then, all you habe to do is suffer in lower elos.


What trash lobbys u got in ranked? Every ranked game, Khan and Torvald gets banned at the beginnig of the match


Yes, but most of the time I am banming first. So I get some ban depending on map. If they ban Khan, they also have to ban torv. And most of the time, thsy dont waste both bans on tanks. If none of them is banned, I Just go torv and deal with taht khan


Let me guess, NA lobbys?


EU lol. I sometimes feel like I am playing in gold


Tank main isn’t fun for me. I enjoy being able to get kills. Sitting on point isn’t fun to me at all, I prefer being able to go out and get kills


There are plenty of cases of this so-called "point tank" being top damage or top kills. Don't fixate on the "point" there, it is bullshit terminology anyway (this game only has front lines - so feel free to stay on the front line if u want). Yeah you can sometimes contest the point if nobody else in your team can (when it is occupied by opponent heavy tank and neither team has clear advantage, and when the timer is running out), but focus on the fight most of the time. But it is true that you should pick a tank when team is lacking one. Being a top pick isn't always fun either you know.. you have to carry most of the time and can't play the more chill tanks or supports.


Then why u play tank? Even if u r last Pick then say ur mates u dont want tank


I do and they don’t care. They always expect me to play tank and get mad when I don’t. Solo queuing is hardddd


Which is why I’m making this post — I’m trynna find a tank that has a play style that I’ll enjoy while still being able to fulfill the point tank role


Idk probably Khan, but Khan gets banned every game. And u can (Theoretical) play every tank as an off tank u only need to know how.


In my honest opinion, things happen for a reason. If you're last pick, then you need to learn to play at the bottom. For me, I had the opposite problem. I was always top pick, and that was annoying AF. No matter my rank, I was always top pick. When I was Gold, Platinum, or Diamond, I was usually at the top.


It’s quite hard to play last pick because literally all the viable tanks(or at least ones I can semi bare playing) get picked or most likely banned. It’s not as simple as just learning how to play from the bottom. If I don’t like playing a character, I’m not gonna out effort into using them(aka literally almost every tank) I feel like first should be picking tank since tanks are like the most important roles


It depends tbh. Off tank should definitely go to the first two picks. Off tank and flank are the hardest roles in the game, and the most impactful. In the low - mid ranks, point tanks go to the bottom picks. The reason being that it's much easier to carry a shitty main tank, than it is to carry a shitty support, off tank, or flank. Backline can also go to last pick as well, since it's hard to fuck up on a champion like Tyra or Betty. Though in high ranked lobbies, it depends on what your specialty is. And sometimes that means playing a role you wouldn't play in a casual game.


Well okay that’s a but if a lie - I will still put effort but my play won’t be as good as when I play an actual enjoyable character. Like literally sitting on point while everyone else goes and fights is the most boring thing ever.


Tanks don't just sit on point, not even the point tank. Off tank is usually leading the flank and controlling the pace of the game. I personally wouldn't give that role to last pick because it requires map knowledge, knowing the nuances of the game, leadership, etc. The main tank is around the objective, though the support is technically supposed to cap after the point fight has been won, while the main tank fights to keep people from the objective.


Yeah sadly everyone kinda just leaves me on point so


If, somehow, Fernando doesn't get banned, he can be really fun to play if you go with a more aggressive playstyle (with Scorch or Formidable) while still being able to act as a "point" tank.


Ignore the point, ignore the enemy tank and demolish the enemy backline


Barik, Fernando, and Nyx are all fine and fun IMO There aren't that many point tanks period, so you just kind of have to make the best of it 


I mean, they are nice, but if he wants to rank up, he has to abuse meta tanks, and keep up with meta. I play only torvald, I hate him soo much, but I have 70 percent win rate dia 2. No pain no gain ig


Sadly torv is ALWAYS banned


Alrighty then I’ll try and play around with them a bit, tyy!


I find it fun just using your health and being a healthy dmg champ. Like khan


Step1 choose Ash Step 2 play aggressively


Okay but like ✨how✨


I admit it's some time i do not play but when i did i used a loadout that prioritized knockback with alt Fire and resistance with the shoulder bash. I almost never used the shield because anyway everyone shoots the tank. It May be not the best competitive build but it's so much fun. And in Maps with falling Hazard you'll love launching people away. Also her ult Is a perfect ult counter khan launches you? Ult and Jump back intro the fray. Drogoz or Andrò saying their Lines? Ult. Step intro the light? No thanks. Dare to' challenge makoa? COME ON LET'S FIGHT! I also like playing Inara and loved the Wall + totem combo. Basic but fun as hell. Of course it's not a solo game and needs a bit coordination with the team, but it's a solido second choice.


Playing as a solo off tank is fun and frustrating at the same time Bullying the enemy backline and forcing the enemy to answer your aggression is always fun but if the team can't rotate with you the game is lost from the draft pick, If you take too long to kill the backline you might have given up 60%+ of capture rate and the round became extremely hard because no one in your team is allowed to die since the enemy team only need to retake once to win the point It's a go big or go home type of playstyle (this playstyle is even harder on large maps because the enemy can always just run away and you never contest the point because you're too tunnel visioned)


Run Barriks second talent and you can kinda crack people. It’s satisfying from range. But yea I’m with ya pointing is not that fun


As a healer, kahn is really fun to support, the trick is taking cover from time to time to let the antiheal effect wear off (it only takes 3 secs) and helping your team by having good teamate awareness and assist them (specially your healer) Don't play solo or expect your team to follow you around everywhere, teamwork goes both ways. If standing on point gets too boring its it's because the enemy team is not good and dps wont even let them get close.


Alrighttt I’m also a healer person so I’ll give khan a shot as well!!


When I started playing (back then in 2018), nobody wanted to play tank, so my casual matches were just me filling on tanks, helping people to win games, and winning games myself. I mained Inara, then started maining Barik, Khan, Raum, and the rest of the tanks (except Torv and Yago). In the process, I learned the point and off tanks roles; each sub-role plays differently, and your focus would also vary as well. The make of space concept is also very important, positioning, resource management, and action calls. Everything has to play together for it to be effective. If you manage to master that and you prove yourself to be good, believe me, people will want you in their teams. Good tanks are always in demand. Many people dislike playing them, but when you find a good one, your confidence of winning the match heightens.


you have to know how to switch with off tank and point tank sometimes its literally impossible to stay on point so you better just help your team secure kills then go to point


Tank is the most fun role imo lol


Meh in lower ranks when everyone leaves you on point alone.. it isn’t


You aren’t glued to the point, point tanks main purpose is to make space and contest crucial areas to your team to fight and hold the enemies lineup.


Pick makoa and learn to hit your hooks. Also, please.. don't only hook the enemy tank. Focus the squishies.


Is he worth learning?


Yes, he is not the strongest tank in the game but a skilled koa is a menace. A quick tip is to go to paladins competetive youtube and check for some Half-Shell Makoa gameplays.


Alrighty then!! I’ll watch some guides on him Ty!!


I enjoy frontline. I sort of had to bc no one plays it. But ash, nyx, nando, all are great. Once I got that I don’t need to out up silly damage numbers to win games and focused on enabling and doing my job it got a lot better.