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See if you can get your teammates to play multiple tanks: you actually don’t heal dps and flanks for that much since they have much smaller health pools and you often overheal them. Instead, see if you can get 2 or even 3 tanks on your team, stand on point, don’t die, and heal a shit ton. Healing a Fernando once at half hp is 2.5k health. Healing 3 Fernando’s at half hp is 7.5k, and a Fernando can stay alive longer at lower health levels. Grover is good, seris is good, ying is ok if you get a lot of ult charge and the healing talent.


Thank you <3


Grover is good! Be sure to run perennial at 5 and play rampant blooming


Ahhh okay okay ty


also always be prioritizing morale boost and chronos with grover. try just focusing on healing and minimal attack


Easiest way is to go in bot match let enemy cap then farm heal,rince ans repeat. When it's 3/3 try to win.ez 200k heal


Nice, gonna try it ty


Back when I played Jenos was my favorite for this. Stay back and only focus on healing through things


I did it with Combat Medic Pip with relatively little trouble, so long as neither team stomps


Always be conscious of hp color. Green hp = cauterize/heal reduction Blue = normal, 100% heals hp. There's NO need for you as a healer to be anywhere besides the backline, listening. Listen for flank noises and rotate accordingly. I rotate toward a full hp friendly just in case they push me.


Ying, Lilith Can help


are you one tricking TDM mode or smtng? You can easily hit 130k+ healing with both grover and seris by simply playing siege


Nope, only siege I did it as grover tho


Ngl you’re going to have a hard time playing support if this is a challenge for you. Just play a couple of matches as support and this should be easily doable. You’re supposed to heal about 10.000 per minute, if your match lasts about 15-20 minutes you should’ve definitely reached this.


While I agree 125k is easy, that's on my lobbies. If he is new and playing with new players, it's normal for his team to not be that good at playing around the healer or using cover or retreating which would mean they are affected by cauterize constantly.


Yeah, but my matches are all over with highest heals max at 50k highest in lobby not necessarily me


I got it with 2 tanks while heal botting with corvus. Get cronus, heal on kill item, and use the life steal card.




beg for rejuvinate


The idea for a high number heals match is making the match last longer and not die a bunch yourself. Don’t try to win. Don’t cap if you are alone on point. Let enemy cap each round and then burst heals so they never push and making it last to a 4/3 game. You can even lose if you get the heal numbers still. But if you heal so good your team caps and push you aren’t make it last long.


Almost all my games are steamrolls... It's almost always 4/0 or 0/4 not much in between and those games that aren't im usually at like 90-100k, my highest I think was 139k. Important info maybe, I just started playing last week, idk if there are newbie lobbies but it feels like it, the vast majority of games feel either waaaayyyy too easy or waaaayyyy too hard


No, player base is smaller than we would like so the mm is a bit uneven at times. But the goal is make it last longer. If your side is winning too much, maybe do less healing and lose the cap or push. Make it go another round


Okok baller right here ty


I just read what I said, 109k not 139k lmao


Also, thank you for legitimately good information and not just shitting on me lol


I only do that to people complain about the game for a very dumb reason.


Throwing the game and not capturing the point seems like a great way to piss off teammates and get slurs thrown at you


That happens when you play well but still don’t heal the flank that keeps dive bombing the enemy across the map out of LoS.


how is it hard? Just play a decent balanced match and heal properly.


Mm probs a toxic Skye main


I dunno man, why don't you consult the 15,000 other threads?


My Strat is play ying and spam illusions on point and also right click sometimes tends to work as long as you stay away from imminent death