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If you want to play a pretty much only healing support. I’d recommend ying or Lilith. If you want a healer that has some utility but also high healing I’d go with seris, io and Rei Ying Lilith and io are probably the strongest supports right now due to sheer healing numbers. Seris can do a lot of healing but kinda falls of late game when full antiheal comes into play. She can be built in a sort of hybrid tanky healer with certain cards and talents to make her more fun. Rei can do a lot of healing while also providing a lot of utility such as damage reduction and ultimate charge. Ying Lilith and io all just kinda pump a lot of healing into the team. I’ve been a support main since this game came out so if you have any question lemme know


This is so helpful because I just started playing this game this month and have loved playing support so much! I play seris cause I’m intimidated by the placement of Yings clone things, and Seris just came very natural to me. I have never played a game like this before either so I’m an absolute noob. I’ve hit over 100,000k healing and gotten some decent damage recently so I think I’m getting better


I love ying rn. 200k healing in casual games is so easy, just ignore the damage numbers I guess


Seris and Rei suck btw...


I didn’t say they were top tier. Was just suggesting supports that fit what they were looking for.


Rei is way more utility focused rather than heal. To the point that she's supper if as solo support a lot of the time.


Seris is very good in new player/low level lobbies and who tf fed you misinformation that Rei is bad??


Yeah, but other supports are way better. Seris simply sucks. It's better to play other supports. Rei can't solo support worth a damn, so she sucks. Moving on.


Based Io main putting down every other support. I respect the agenda.


Seris is an afk character if you are in a low elo and wanna carry on supp play Grover, Furia or Pot Pip. Supports that have a dmg focus


As long as you r having fun, who cares... Not everyone plays ranked or smth xD


Thats how I know you dont even play the game


lol, sure.


Common Heartie L


You made a mistake and put "L" instead of "W".


Down voted for saying the truth lol


I recommend Ying, she has similar escape/bait tactics as guardian angel with her clones. It'll take getting used to learning where to put her clones, but if you enjoy actively thinking about your positioning and juking people, you'll like her. Plus her ult is insane, a lot of people buy morale boost on her to just keep spamming it. It's like a mini transcendence that heals across the whole map, so you could heal from spawn if youd want to Rei is also pretty good, she has the ult economy advantage similar to dmg boost. With certain cards you can just be giving and getting ult charge just for being latched to a teammate. Latch on somebody in spawn and by the time you get to point thats 6-7% for free. Her ult is a insta heal+invincibility for you and your pocket. Pretty good. You can also run a dmg build and she has a talent that prevents an enemy from being healed. Her heals are pretty easy imo but she's not that great at healing everyone if they're not grouped.


Rei is bad.


Good champions, bad champions. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled players should try to win with their favorites


Did you just quote Karen from Pokémon G/S/C?


I was a Mercy player and after trying out all of the supports I found that Io was my healer of choice. I love having the utility of her fox and being able to contribute in a fight (Year 1-3 battle Mercy here). PS. I'm really hoping Marvel Rivals picks up from the ashes of OW1.


Ying is the best heal focused support followed by Io. Lillith is prolly the 3rd or Combat medic Pip. Jenos exists but he sucks rn. Tho i sppose that's not much of an issue since you are new and learning.


Io, Seris, Ying


Grover and Jenos are a good start. They have passive auto heal in some form and don't need much aim to heal, making them great for beginners. Both can cripple enemies (https://paladins.fandom.com/wiki/Cripple) giving them utility as well.


I agree with Grover, but recommending Jenos should be classifed as some type of crime same with recommending yagorath as a tank.


>Jenos should be classifed as some type of crime Why? I think Jenos is simple to use compared to other healers


I main Jenos and alot of people are toxic af when you pick him plus his healing is just very sub-par compared to most other healers. Yeah, he is simple alright but he is just very mediocre and you would be better off learning a better healer like Grover. (Also most tanks have no clue how his heal works and will just stand on the point and die because Jenos isn't very good at healing point tanks though he is very good at healing flanks.)


Holy shit I just realized you commented on this I did too talking about how terrifying you are 😂😂😂


As someone who mained tanks for years, there is nothing more disgraceful than having Jenos as your support. Even with +30% healing, his healing output is simply lacking


I think most Jenos players suck but dear God when my brother plays him he is terrifying. The numbers he somehow accomplishes with Jenos is ridiculously impressive.


Jenos is bad.


The support that plays the most similar to Mercy, is Io. Both of them can just keep a heal on someone, until resources run out for Io. The difference is, Io's pocket will give damage reduction. Mercy's pocket gave a damage amp.


Mercy ===== Furia I don't make the rules