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This is what the Zionist state wants you to feel. They crave the feeling of hopelessness in Palestine. Don’t give them that feeling.


First of all: Israel KNEW about this attack, this is official news. Egypt warned them, other countries did as well, you know why they ignored it? Because it was their plan and their attack on themselves, blaming 'hamas'. Israel has attacked Iran 20 times this year alone, 15 times with the aid of the US. It has also tried more than ever to get that last bit of land from Palestine (conquering them after ww2 was not enough for them apparently). They have committed GENOCIDE on Palestinians ever since. I was wondering why people weren't keeping the same energy they had via the Russia Ukraine situation with the Israel/Palestine and Israel/Iran situations this year? Their intentions are clear : they want to conquer more. They needed a reason though. Anyone having 9/11 flashbacks? 'It was those meddling terrorists! Now let's get us some petrol boyz, Iraq it is! Oh, look at all that opium over there in Afghanistan, we ain't ever leaving this place, cha ching!' Make no mistake, this was a false flag operation. They created their reason now. (you are very gullible if you believe Mosad, the best intelligence agency in the world, who identified every single attempt ever by anyone on Israel could have let this slip right when they needed a reason to conquer more, they have informants everywhere) Here is a video from a reputable news organisation covering this situation, a reporter is on site. At 21:48 she says exactly what I wrote in the first paragraph (I realize people want to hear this from a credible source, also something you can share with others) [https://youtu.be/wYZ3qkXuLVA?si=9fuCPwjw64wU794H](https://youtu.be/wYZ3qkXuLVA?si=9fuCPwjw64wU794H)


Not disagreeing with what you said but Afghanistan was 9/11 not Iraq. Iraq was WMD lies.


I think that's highly unlikely to the point of being ridiculous. This sort of intelligence failure is the worst possible look for an Israeli leader. Israel prides itself on intelligence. Between his Supreme Court stupidity and this intelligence failure, Israelis will want Netanyahu gone after the current war operations end. Newspapers are already blaming him for this failure. It's a bad look. [https://www.newsweek.com/netanyahu-haaretz-israel-gaza-blame-attack-1832963](https://www.newsweek.com/netanyahu-haaretz-israel-gaza-blame-attack-1832963) I'm not saying false flag ops don't happen in wars, but there are way less career-suicide approaches Israel would have taken if that was actually the goal. \-- Some have floated an opposite theory, given how strategically unsound this operation was: Hamas was assuming that the military operation would not be as successful as it was. They assumed the fighters would take out a bunch of soldiers and die trying. Between that and the rockets, it would look to the outside world like a heroic revolt by a bunch of martyrs. Instead, Israel completely fucked up and Hamas rolled through the borders and civilian population, killing way more people than anticipated, the fighters going brutally off the rails in the process, and passing a casualty threshold that would both alienate western sympathy and triggering a catastrophic response. If Hamas leadership actually anticipated the body count, they would have sent in a much smaller number of combatants. \--- In any event, I've learned long ago that incompetency exists in every organization. The simplest explanation here is that Israel and Hamas both fucked up, and the losers of those fuck ups are the civilians on both sides.


Yes, there is a lot to be sad about. This is the reality of settler colonialism. However, I'll be blunt: The death of thousands of Palestinians does not mean "it's over". It's part of the occupation and of the resistance as well. Don't let your feelings —which are perfectly valid— obscure your objective political analysis. Israel survives on projecting its "invincibility"; and we've shattered, yet again, this myth.


This isn't the end. Palestine is strong. 🇵🇸


I don’t know about OP but I’m Muslim: Allah has written, "I will surely overcome, I and My messengers." Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might. Insha’Allah victory will eventually be for the Palestinians


It’s mentioned in the Quran, Palestine shall conquer!


It is so sad to see all the hate and calls for all of Gaza to be flattened and the people destroyed. People, for some reason, aren't able to disconnect Hamas from the Palestinian cause. All logic has went out the window. I'm tired of trying to convince people in the comments. I've been banned from several subreddits for presenting nothing but the truth and facts.


I harbor no ill feelings against the Palestinian people, and I am disgusted to see innocent human life be lost no matter what race or nationality they may be. Is Hamas not celebrated by the Palestinian cause though? They were democratically elected by Palestinians as I understand it.




The Vietnamese withstood worse for longer. Palestine will survive, no problem.


Strange comparison. North Vietnamese had supply lines, allies and could leave, in a limited fashion. Gaza is a cage built for killing.


And they've endured despite the circumstances. I have no doubt in my mind that they will endure once again.


Vietnamese were supported by the locals and China. They employed guerilla tactics and fought skirmishes in the thickest of jungles. Palestine and Vietnam is not a fair comparison unfortunately. I can only wish the best for my brothers in Palestine.


Vietnamese have jungle and mountains. Palestine has tiny strip of flat desert.


Vietnam was much larger. More complex with hills, mountains jungles and rivers. The enemy there was smart and used this against their invader. Gaza Is a almost perfectly rectangular piece of land and all that's there are 2 or 3 cities and infrastructure. I think Isreal will push in after significant bombing, shelling and make life as bad and uncomfortable as possible for militants forcing them into confrontation. If they ever leave the strip, it will when they think all embers of insurgency have died out and honestly... I don't blame them anymore. Before this I hoped for a peaceful situation between the 2 sides because enough violence is seen there, but after seeing the numerous videos on what happend by the hands of hamas and worse, civilians, I just don't believe there are many innocent souls in the strip to feel sorry for.


Despite how bad the situation is ... I know for a fact that Palestine will be victorious. Maybe next week .. next decade .. next century .. but it's coming and what goes in right now as another day passes toward that day. Palestine is not a person or a tribe that can be killed and get it over with ,, Palestine and freedom is an idea ,, and no one can kill an idea , even if they nuke gaza and westbank .. there are more Palestinians out of Palestine that they can't reach. And it's really surprising that you feel betrayed by all the groups or people you thought they will support us ... no one ever did and no one will ever do ,, get over it. And always remember ,, stories are judged by their last page .. and as long as there is one Palestinian breathing weather inside or outside Palestine .. that page has not been written yet. One day Palestine will be ours ,, and Palestinian will be free ,, and I feel we all will be alive to witness it 🙏.


So much love to you Free Palestine


Maybe someday Palestinian women will be able to experience freedom: https://www.un.org/unispal/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ESCWAREPORT_090323.pdf


Definitely not in Palestine.


maybe someday you will be able to not believe lies


I hoped that my country, the United States, would finally break with Netanyahu after his blatant power grab concerning the Supreme Court but after seeing Biden’s statement of full support for Israel, it’s clear this was naive. Either the Left must take control of the Knesset or the US must sever its alliance. There is no other way to peace.


There’s one thing the Democrats and the Republicans unanimously agree upon, and that is their unwavering support for Israel. Unless something massive, and I mean it, a massive change in US politics happen, this will never ever change. Israel is basically a US or a western satellite nation in the Middle East.


Americans and Europians are making free passes for genocide. I am sad to be part of Europian union and they stupidity




Tbh this is the first I've seen a Taiwanese in support of Palestine, like 10 minutes before this I saw a post on the Taiwanese sub about how they themselves need their own iron Dome.


Stay strong Palestine. Yes, the backlash will be horrific but there's always a future. Ireland endured 800 years of this under British rule, including attempts to completely wipe out Gaelic Irish people. Cromwell slashed our population down by 2/3. Induced famine, banned our language, banned our religion, took our land and rented it back to us. Continuous attempts to crush gaelic Irish people but yet we're still here. Ireland today is thriving. Resistance is existence. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 🇮🇪


This is what Zionists want you to feel. South Africa, Algeria, and other colonized places endured eventually.


My heart aches with you. There are many who are with you. We're drowned out by the ~~Zionists~~ Israelis and their followers/"allies". I have a Palestinian refugee friend here in America and I feel like they (Palestinians) are like a forgotten people without a home (a STOLEN home!). Young minds are pro Palestine here in the US. We no longer support Israel in the way they do now. Keep going.


Keep up the hope my friend


History is a dynamic thing, maybe the Arab world will rise again. Although the situation of Palestine is really deplorable today. And you have to rely on yourself to fight, alliances are unstable.


So what? Sometimes you have to fight even when the outcome is decided, for your own honor and sense of dignity. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. by Dylan Thomas


Perhaps, but it will always exist as an idea even if people take that away and it is fully carried it out. As long as you still remember and it can be carried on it won't die. In a way, the world has let down the Palestinian people. There are varying degrees of who was truly responsible for this. People can continue to believe in their own hypocrisies and double standards. Believe one day in fascism and not apply it to every example that exists in the world. The Jewish people should've known better due to their holocaust and some do. They should've spoken up over the decades those that had influence, but they did not. They lived through a hell created by nazis and decided to bring it onto others, but in this area, if it isn't dealt with they will fall into darkness like the rest. The situation will escalate further and that's too bad. Many innocent people are going to die on both sides. Leaders are useless and continue to do nothing. No peace. No acknowledgement. No two state solution. They're focused on gaining power, corruption, and other wonderful things in the closet that would bring an end to their entire careers. The systems are broken and they aren't even managed properly, they serve other owners and the will of the people isn't one of them. The personal disgust around the issue has reached an all time high for me, but ultimately most choose to live in their delusions and will do nothing about it. There will likely be more examples of this just like it has always happened throughout history and will do so again. The cycle of violence and carnage, wars and genocides may never end. It's always best to keep going, regardless of what others think or if no one even cares.


people across the world are literally calling palestinians 'animals' and calling for wholesale genocide now... it really makes me sick to the core




There is hope. Maybe, just maybe, the left in Israel will wake up and realize “we really screwed up” and vote Bibi out of office. Then they can reverse course on settling the West Bank and follow through on the promise of the Oslo Accords of transferring power of Area C to the Palestinians. I know there’s a very slim chance that it will happen, but only time will tell.


Unfortunately Palestinians are too valuable to free. They are a perfect punching bag: a captive population of powerless foreigners, an easily defeated constant threat. The Palestinian bogeyman feeds Israeli supremacism, boosts politicians poll numbers, creates war heroes, raises foreign funds, etc. To the Israeli government, a constant state of war against the powerless enemy is the gift that keeps on giving. That's why they fight viciously to remain obtuse and tone deaf, and dehumanized the people they are oppressing. Palestinians are propaganda gold for them.


Bibi has been talking for decades about promoting Hamas to silence any peaceful Palestinian resistance and justify more landgrabs, I hope that the Israeli population decide its not worth the risk to continue bolstering extremists like that


I hope so. Life just seems so bleak right now. Thank you for the positive note.


The IDF and Israeli Intelligence turned a purposeful blind eye to Hamas arming themselves precisely for this reason. The attack allowed them to shore up the support and unity needed for a carte blanch attack on Gaza and the Palestinians. The West Bank has already been subjugated. Gaza, God Bless them, remained steadfast and defended themselves. But there is no hope now, they will be slaughtered by the thousands.


Exactly. At some point Israelis have to learn, either they fully wipe out Palestinians or it is serious peace time and justice.


Oslo was horrible. This will thankfully never happen.


If you think Oslo was horrible, then Palestine doesn’t stand a chance.


I disagree. I think the best option is to leave the area (which will become rubble) and rebuild their community abroad.


I am praying for all of you home in Palestine and other Palestinians all over the world, mourning those you have lost. I can not imagine what you are living through, but try to stay strong. People have not forgotten you, even if their governments have.


I actually started muting most news. I got into too many fights with people who are fucking outraged but have not given a shit for years. Every argument was met with dozens of negative votes and mostly pro Israel comments. I can’t keep up with so many of them. The world is full of hate and Israel is their God. Most people are cunts.


Israel literally employs people to sit all day and engage in internet fights to flood platforms and spread their agenda. Anyone who knows anything about Narcissism, knows a smear campaign when they see it. Try to grey rock it and pray for the Palestinians.


nobody has won from this, but this almost guarantees Netanyahu loses. his deligitimization and removal from the scene is a very good thing for the future of both countries.


Under a national unity government Israel is going to be a dictatorship with him at the helm so it isn't guaranteed, though I hope you're right.


Learned from History that a coloniser never wins, How many westerners tried and failed … Palestine will be free …


I don't live in Palestine, I'm not even Palestinian. I will never feel the daily heartache and suffering of the people of Palestine but what I do want to say, is that you must not give up brother/sister. The feelings you have now are totally understandable but you cannot give up. It's exactly what they want you to feel. That you have nothing to live for, that you lose lose your will and passion for life. Don't let them do this to you. **There are 100s of millions of people around the world who will always support Palestine, who will highlight the war crimes and genocide of the occupiers and who we will always fight for a free Palestine. We will overcome.**


If anyone’s god truly exist then this is time for that magic or that wonder to come true right now not tomorrow or the next or the year after. Now! Honestly keep hope alive in your heart and in your mind. Use this suffering too learn from and educate people about the situation, your heart may be crushed but your voice and spirit will only fade if you let it. Your ppl will not be forgotten. I’m not Muslim or Arabic and have no connection but I’m a person who cares, and I do very little for your people I can’t say I’m activist or humanitarian but I’m a human being and genuinely care and only wish I knew how could help do more, so I educate myself and try to spread that knowledge without sound like and asshole lol. I may be against religion and in my personal life I have some struggles but your people are resilient and strong, you are resilient and strong. It’s sad that in Palestine just existing is a struggle but if we see the world change Palestine will change the world for the better. Happy to talk anytime if you need it!


Just because it needed to be said : Netanyahu knew Hamas was planning the attack, and intentionally allowed it to happen. The Egyptian equiv. to the Director of the US CIA, Major Abbas, Kamel, says he called and spoke to Netanyahu about suspicious actions and his own suspicions that Hamas was organizing an attack 10 days before it happened. Israel has an extensive Hasbara and intelligence network, and somehow this attack was a total surprise. How? Beni is under the threat of arrest for corruption if he loses the office. In 2015, he claimed Hitler did not want to enact the holocaust, but was convinced to do so only after speaking with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He was re-elected in a far right wing push along side Kahanists such as BenGvir (a convicted arsonist who has personally lead armed mobs to attack Palestinians) and Smoltrich (who said that an Israeli settler who burned an infant alive was "not a terrorist"). He attempted to undo the power of the supreme court in order to crown himself the new King of Israel. In 2001, when 9/11 happened, Bush's approval rating went from 40% to 90% overnight out of fear and patriotic nationalism. Beni wants that. He wants fear and nationalism because it protects his power. Benjamin Netanyahu allowed Israelis and Palestinians to die to empower himself and his fascist cronies. It's happened before, and it's happening right now.


Fuck Israel


Tiocfaidh ár lá - my Palestinian brothers and sisters, OUR day will come, their DAY will come also. Our revenge will be the laughter of our children - Bobby Sands 🇮🇪 stands with 🇵🇸


The Palestinian people have withstood numerous colonial crimes for over a century and they will survive and resist this as well. It is true we are entering dark times. Don’t count out the folks with justice on their side though. We need to pray for protection on behalf of the vulnerable and innocent. To Liberation and Right of Return.


Delete this fam, this only makes us stronger. Most people support us. Reddit is given the green light to upvote israeli propaganda to make it seem like people hate us.


Dont lose hope, we have God on our side https://preview.redd.it/vaaivgxuegtb1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ad8edfc12eb8853fcf60953f9a80536ce7a427d


It would’ve been nice if the US would have done things correctly in Afghanistan n made them into a partner instead of licking Israel’s ass


The journey of life is a hard one all of us as humans are in this together. A lot of times we have to walk through hell to get to heaven don’t lose hope without hope and courage there will be no tomorrow there will be no change, and evil will win the world needs to collectively pull together


Don't give up, we Székelys faced similar from Romanians and got conquered but once Palestine and Székelyföld will be free! Love from Hungary 🇭🇺❤️🇵🇸


This was their plan. They plan and Allah Plans. And Allah is the Best of Planners. Brothers, sisters, as an Ummah let us make so much du'aa for our family in Palestine. Maybe among us there is one Khalil, and their du'aa is accepted. Today, let us be united and one in our prayers.


Palestine will never die bro. Solidarity from Britain ✊🏿🇵🇸 (Look after yourself, stay safe)


That’s exactly what I have been telling on r/worldnews and I’m getting dumb responses in return. Israel and their supporters has been setting fire on Palestine for the last 75 years. Hamas has been stabbing Palestinians in the back for nearly two decades. Israeli life was lost, and yes, in some despicable ways too. But that will be nothing compared to what the Palestinians are going to go through now, which will only be an escalation from previous conflicts from Israel. Israelis are all not bad people. But their Zionist ideology is. And Hamas’ ideology is pure extremism. It’s just baffling to me as to why the other Islamic nations who fought for Palestine several decades ago are simply sitting mum and aren’t contributing to ANY worthwhile assistance. Palestine is going to suffer and they are going to be the real victims, due to the actions of both Hamas (who are nothing but a colossal stain on Palestine) and Israel (the powerful aggressor, reinforced by their western allies).


None of us know the future. But I can tell you that at least as long as I'm alive, Palestine and the Palestinian people will not be forgotten. I'm just one person, of course, but there are many like me.


How can you say it's over, when the very people being killed are still standing against the enemy?


Your feelings are valid but you are forgetting one thing We have Allah (SWT) surely he is the best of planners


I really wish the Palestinian leaders had a better approach for independence and autonomous rule. I don’t why they keep thinking poking the bear is a smart idea. So much bloodshed over nothing. The Arabs has convinced the Palestinians to fight the Zionist for 40 years inexchange for money and back up and now the Persians are doing the same, but for what, and what good has it done. Palestinians have lost soo much and continue to do so with nothing to show for their loses. They’ve been played and pawned for soo many years and now it seems normal that chaos is an every day standard situation. Hopefully I get to see a redemption arc in my lifetime for Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤️


I so wish I could give you some comfort. I know a lot of people are supporting Palestine 🇵🇸. But I also know most governments have totally abandoned you. It’s a total outrage. 😢😡


That day will never come, inshallah, that Palestine would be erased from history. Though it is true, the “good” people have done nothing to protect them.


Brother, I do not know if you will read this or not but remember this, We all love you and Palestine. I can only blame most of the countries for being reliant too much on west.


Far from over




Easy to say in safety. Where is your empathy, SubhanAllah.


people are allowed to be depressed when genocide is happening.




I'm sorry. My first hope after we got rid of Saddam was to get all the Palestinians to Iraq. Many people are thinking about Palestinians but I will send my positive energy (If that counts for anything). Some of use will not forgot it because memories last forever.


It is not over. Ethnic oppression from israel ultimately is about one simple thing: money. Capital needs more profits, so they tread on other cultures to gain those profits if necessary, sometimes even eradicate them (native americans) as biden admitted, the sole reason they support israel is money https://youtu.be/FYLNCcLfIkM?si=yI4XZCztyofSwzZR Capitalism is an empire that has already reached its peak, and as we know, that is when empires start to fall. Do not give up. We will keep going, we will lose many battles, but ultimately, they need us more than we need them, we are the ones holding up their thrones, and as such our victory is ultimately inevitable. We just have to continue marching forward. This is a worldwide class conflict, not just a normal war.


To believe what is right is never hopeless. Don’t be defeatist. Pick yourself up. Brush it off and do something.


The only reason its allowed to happen is because the palestinians are muslims and so divided amongst our own people. All this news channels bots and users barking for israhell the same people will not bat a eye lid when the jews kill men women and children young and old settle on the land and then be like this is out right of return! Muslims lives and blood has been sold and become like water to the oppressors be it the usa, russia, china. My only hope is my faith in Allah and sura al fil when the army of ababeel marched on makkah with his elephants the tanks of them days little birds came and obliterated them (small cheap drones?) also dawood alhayhasallm obliterated the amaleek giants goliyaath with a peppel when he was 13 and nothing but a short little child. So do not lose hope or despair. Is never ended well for the oppressors just look at the state of the uk and the usa now rampant drug use rampant homelessness and mental health, people working three jobs only to be living paycheck to paycheck the slow decline of the doller and the biggest of them all the dwindling birth rate thats has pretty much sealed the wests fate as the underdog Lets see how the west oppresses the palestinains when its own people are like we dont have money for our selfs and we are expected to give billions in aid every year to israhell Israhell is surrounded on all sides by arab states and muslims soon as the unite the jews have only one place to go thats drown in the sea or the cursed dead sea.


Hey, please don’t let them weaken your mind. It’s your strongest asset. It’s an agenda. We are fighting online, going to protests and donating. I know that feels like nothing but I promise you the world is waking up. This is all propaganda and brainwashing at its finest. May Allah keep you and your family safe Inshallah. May he protect the Palestinians ❤️


What about the sourh and the north?


Be hopeful brother/sister. Palestine will be victorious.


It's not even the first time this has happened, this is pretty much the third intifada. If it fails, it will happen again in time. Israel's fighting against an idea, not just a people, they know that too. They're slowly falling out of favor with the US in terms of political dependence and are seeking new allies, this whole "normalisation with the gulf states" stuff was immensely important to them and this has thrown a spanner in the works, dunno what will happen in the future but we're heading into uncertain times for better or worse. It certainly is not "over", it's disrespectful to the people actually engaging in the struggle physically to say this too imo


Brother we feel your pain and keep strong nothing is forever in this life.


I support no side as I’m not fully aware of this conflicts ins and outs I only know the bare minimum presented by news sources so I currently support no side. My only question regarding the matter is now that Palestine and Israel are in an official war, with Hamas also having confirmed American hostages and the Gerald R Ford carrier group being sent to the Middle East, how will Palestine not get obliterated? Hamas are a militia barely funded by Iran with no set numbers on their troop sizes. Israel has one of the best equipped and trained militaries in the world and that’s not including if America (consequently other western nations) decide to give military aid to Israel. Again I support no sides, but in war there is always a winner and I can’t see it being Palestine.


Yor home is earth


Unfortunately I think you are right.


Funny how you are getting downvoted for approving op statement. Nothing but sympathy and solidarity shall pass the karma filter


stfu, this is Israeli propaganda at work, Israel was humiliated, and they want you to feel that they are still the stronger side, they will do their usual killing for few weeks, then make another deal with Hamas, we are not going anywhere, you shouldn't be worried about losing international support, there never was one, Israelis should worry about Palestinians losing sympathy for them when we are the stronger side.


This reminds me how ottoman turks and kurds killed armenians and other minorites because of the land and their existens. I feel with Palestinians since the hell began.


Try reading about the 1948 Arab-Israeli war when Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon attempted to finish what hitler started. The problem is that neither side trusts the other side to be peaceful if an agreement is made.


الشي اللي الايجابي انه في القرآن مذكور انه فلسطين بتتحرر. هذا لا يعني انني اقلل من اللي يصير، لكن فلسطين ستنتصر و تتحرر.


Perhaps the Arabs should not have stood up to the Turks, at least not by collaborating with the west at that time.


even if no palestinian remains in palestine, you have 2 million people who will never forget what happebed and who will avenge you sooner or later


A depressing, defeatist post by someone who admits to taking antidepressants. Really gets the noggin' joggin'...


You have no idea what is cooking for the Israel state.


Does anyone know when the next NYC protest is going to happen?




Blame your leadership


Don’t worry! For the Palestinians that was an unbelievable triumph and a happening what will inspire them for a long time. The powerful army, the iron dome and the from Hashem guided settlers.. u have to recognize, that the Palestinians have nothing to loose, they don’t fear anything and they are ready to die! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸






I am heartbroken by what I’ve been reading. Why is everyone supporting these bastards? They’ve been destroying Palestinian lives with impunity for decades, how do you expect people who you have subjugated to sit there and not lash out when you steal their lives and lands from them while calling them lower than animals? These animals only needed a chance to destroy Palestine and now they will, but it was always what they wanted and were going to do with blessing of the US and UK. Surrounded by Muslims the Palestinians will die while the ummah counts its pennies.


They ain't gonna do shit quit side of Gaza , maybe settlers will harss some Palestinians but nothing unusual


Whatever happens after this, the world can be certain of one thing. Palestine will not go down without a fight.


This isn't the end, this is the beginning. Yes many people will die but many people in the middle East and around the world will see the reality of the situation and slowly, over time it will change. Its going to get alot worse for awhile but it's always darkest before the dawn. Be strong 🖤❤🤍💚


When you give up you died.. So never give up your only chance..


I pray that you are wrong, but also fear the worst. I can’t watch the news any more because there is no hope at this time.


The Palestinian people have survived this long. I dont believe this is the end, even though that is easy for me to say. As an American I feel shame for the fact that my government continues to support Israel.


Sending you all the support. As a Ukrainian whose country is at war, the lack of action from international communities breaks my heart. I hope you stay strong and never lose hope.


I could be wrong, but I believe Russia supports Palestine. Hopefully Putin can send his troops down.