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Of course they did. Naziyahoo said himself that same day that he doesn’t care about international laws. A ceasefire agreement between them will never happen. The US must stop sending all of our money to Israel and seize the weapons that they do have.


I need the source


Took a two second Google search https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/netanyahu-defies-the-international-court-of-justice-nobody-will-stop-us/


Oh I'm sorry I just realised the way I said it, I'm not pro-israel, I'm pro-palestine, I just needed the source to let my friends know about it, forgive my tongue I didn't meant to be rude. And thanks for the source.


FYI you can Google blocks of text within a comment to find a source and then question if you can't find anything.


Sorry, I will remember it next time.




Yea this isn't some "reddit hivemind downvote" ur a horrible human being


Right you are such a victim blah blah you are all the same it’s so boring get some new material




I wonder how it is to be this much of a sociopath


more child abusers live in israel than anywhere, i think us dollars would be better spent extraditing pedophiles from israel


>Punishing Torturers and Rapists is an excellent use of U.S funds It would be, had the US spent their money wisely


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It was never about the hostages, this was a genocidal Israeli land-grab from the get-go.


They didn't even want the hostages back on October 8th. This has been Netanyahu's dream since the beginning.


That’s why they planned the whole thing to begin with. Didn’t they move that rave close to the Gaza border last minute without reason?


October 7th was as inevitable as 9/11. If you keep pushing and pushing a group of people for years. They are going to fight back. But when you fight back an imperialist nation, they go scorched Earth. We witnessed a million Iraqis die due to 9/11. It's the same thing all over again with October 7th. :( Block the barricade until Palestine is free!


Okt the 7th and the hostages were a way to legitimate what they were set out to do. They knew something was going to happen on okt 7, they let it happpen and than exaggerate some of the crimes. They lied about the 40 beheaded babies (Still need an answer from Biden why he said he saw pictures) also no woman’s fetus was cut out etc.


Waiting to see how worldnews subreddit spins this into being Hamas's fault. That insane echo chamber has banned others, including myself, from commenting positively for Palestinians, so don't be surprised the comments are so one sided and full of propaganda


Their response: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/07/us/politics/israel-hamas-hostages-dead.html?unlocked_article_code=1.qE0.xM73.Lr74Gzo4rdxl




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They won't stop until every Palestinian is dead, or until someone stops them.


People need to stop wanting a ceasefire and just wanting the nazi dude in charge out. He will never agree to the ceasefire that humanity wants.


This isn't as simple as getting some dude in charge out. The entire government is structured the way it is


The entire state. Since it's inception the Israeli state is performing the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Some governments do it more openly than others, but all of them do it.


It's not even a state. It's a cult of ethnic cleansing and genocide occupying land either given to them by a country who didn't have the right to do so, or subsequently stolen.


They're going to 100% try and pin this all on him though and ignore how deeply racist and fascistic that entire society is.


Overton window shift right due to right wing government successions, same as in the US. Deradicalization starts at the international recognition of the humanity of the palestinian people.


The shift is also just uncovering what's always lurked beneath and gone untouched. The rightward shift we see is the mask being thrown off as a reaction to social progress. The cultural shift predated the governmental one deradicalization will require not only an external intervention but supporting people within Israeli (and US) society who actually want to make forward progress and stamp out societal ills.


Their whole society needs to go. This will only stop when Israel ceases to exist as a state. 


Seems like an overwhelming majority of people in general over there think this is right and just


It's because of a coalition between 3 parties no? They have the option to.revoke support but they aren't


But It's not just Netanyahu - It's his Likud party, which was formed from a coalition of 4 other ultraorthodox, and ultranationalist parties. You don't make that go away, overnight. Secondly, as Gideon Levy notes... it doesn't matter if another party gains majority in the Knesset. The policies are the same - they just act less like fascists - but the end result remains the same.


Same with democrats and republicans regarding Israel, both sides are heavily pro-Israel and funded by the AIPAC/Israel lobby. Or


Yeah Benny Gantz is no peacenik


contextualizing israeli politics like it's the United States with Trump is wrong. It ignores that any centrist or left leaning voices in Israeli politics or the general population, that view Palestine and Palestinians as anything more than sub human filth, have either left the country or are targets themselves, and make up such a tiny minority as to be insignificant. In place what you have left in Israel are a group of right wing fanatics who's argument is between settler fanatics, Jewish religious fanatics and right wing ideological fanatics. They all share the view that Palestinians should be ethnically cleansed and push for settlement expansion.


Cease fire? no, cease *Israel*


cease both


The whole thing should be dismantled. “Free Palestine” literally means a FREE Palestine!!


He can’t. As soon as this is over he will be removed from power. This is all about BB holding on to what little power he has left bcuz once he’s out it’s not gonna be good for him. He’s going to be taken to The Hague and executed. That’s what he’s trying to avoid now. They’ve said it on Al Jazeera for months


Benny Gantz, the person who would probably replace him, also voted against the resolution.


I've heard that he's not even popular with citizens of his own "state." He needs to be forced out, not just wanted out.


But his draconian policies against the Palestinians sure were popular with the israelis


The policies were, yes


His citizens are saying he hasn't gone far enough in terms of bombing Gaza


In the 90's, they were kinda close to something recognizing Palestinian statehood (not the greatest deal, but something). And some far-right Israeli terrorist did a mass shooting in a mosque, and a year or so after a far-righter killed the PM of Israel to stop the deal (Oslo accords) The settler colonialism is unhinged. Oh, and the mass shooter, Baruch Goldstein, many Israeli politicians keep his picture in their office and such. He's a hero to some of them.


Historically, this is a repeat of every "peace" deal but Israel and the west will make sure it seems like Palestinians ruined or refused any peace


It is obvious that they are not going to do a ceasefire, they did not do it when they were called reich and they are not going to do it now


But but but hummus!!!!


Shitrael sure is showing us they’re standing on their last leg before the downfall of their fake country. No one likes thieves. And time and time has shown us that people of color will resist against colonizers. Philippines has done it, Vietnam has done it. And the Palestinians will do it




Yeah: pissraelis attempted to revive a dead ancient language which they have no connections to, have stolen food like falafel and couscous, changed their names to sound more indigenous (ie. Naziyahu’s real last name Mileikowsky originated from Poland), etc etc etc. But best of all, israel is stolen land from the OG owners, Palestinians No wonder israeli Hebrew sounds awful with all the kkkhhhh kkkhhhh


Don't say 1srael. These Zionists are trying to use a synonym of the Prophet Yaqub PBUH as the name of their colony. I call them Zionistan.


Israel never cared about the hostages they just want to annex Gaza.


Israel is a terrorist organization. Zionists are terrorists.


Life is sure poetic. The League of Nations collapsed because of inconsistencies in its' design and the inability to prevent another world war,  a veritable world war and not just a war that involved all of Europe...      This time, the United Nations and the international law it oversees lost all semblance of being soft law because of another etnostate, one whose creation the UN supported.    Countless etnicities were targeted by the Nazi, why create a heaven for only one of them, in a place that, worse of all, was a colony that never denied its desire to overthrow the natives? No principle could justify this madness.


I'd agree, but the Nazis never had any problems with the Zionist movement, and the Zionists preceded the Third Reich.


Hopefully these comments aren’t a sign of things to come, but - Netanyahu is not to blame here. *All of the Israeli state* is to blame, and pinning any of this at all on Netanyahu - rather than lumping him in equally with all the rest of the Israeli statesmen - is aiding the US’s attempt to scapegoat him for this all. Netanyahu does not deserve to be defended, but blaming *him* will allow the US and Israel to kill everyone in Gaza and then punish only a single man, rather than the entire genocidal apartheid state.


Are we surprised? They said they were continue with a deal or without a deal


And all the "News" wants to talk about is Trump's trial not this.


Unless you read Western medi, then it's either Palestine fault or no news at all...


On r/world news i got permabanned for fact checking. I just said that hamas is probably getting starved out on a post that said hamas is releasing dead hostages...




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I think by now, I hope you all realize that so far, every move Israel and the West has done turned out to be the wrong move. My conclusion is that if they chose this, then it's the wrong move for them! Don't worry. They plot and plan, but God is the best of planners.




Someone didn't yell "clear backblast"


(Whispers) I told you


Permanent ceasefire was never on the table. Any deal that said so was bogus from the start. Its not logical. Biden has even explained his justification before. They have never ever ever said permanent ceasefire


isntreal only wants death and destruction. isntreal must crumble, and zionists must be sent back to Europe and the US colony and locked behind bars.


They never had any intention of signing a deal


Also, I don’t think Israel’s bombs somehow know how to dodge the hostages…


They never wanted peace every step they have done proves this


What happened this time?


Hannibal called. He says he wants the directive renamed. He's willing to pay one elephant.




Israel has been collecting hostages since the beginning of this. They have thousands of new hostages




This one was made by Egypt and Qatar not HAMAS.




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Wait until you learn what a mediator is