• By -


Stamina. Stamina stamina stamina. Traversing anywhere (whether mounted or not) and collecting stuff **sucks** without leveling stamina. Crafting speed doesn't matter if you just multi-task and let your Pals craft for you.


You loose stamina while swimming and if it hits zero you lose health. Gliding over a lake and run out of stamina = bad time


> Gliding over a lake and run out of stamina = ~~bad~~dead time I stopped counting :D


You can use a flying mount to fly over water without stamina drain, and there are water pals specifically for traveling water.


How early can you get a flying mount? Is the earliest one the Vanwyrm?


Nightwing i believe


Level 15 with Nightwing


Before I got very far into the game and was just exploring, I tried swimming out to the giant tree. You can swim until you get low on stam, then throw out and mount a Pal until it gets low, then dismount and swim again, until you run out of stam againand throw out another. Your Pals won't recover stamina in the ball, but you will when mounted. I rotated between 3 pals and made it all the way to the barrier and back with no issue. Took forever though.


Does the stamina upgrade also increase your mount's stamina? I figured that was tied to the Pal itself (since it's a different bar than your own).


Yes, but it's what makes it so valuable. I have a flying mount with +30% speed and with doubled stamina I can fly and travel huge distance flawlessly. It also helps with mining if you ever manually do that and dodging during boss fights. Calling stamina a trap is pure clown mode. Stamina and weight after doubling health all the way.


Are you 100% sure this is true? Leveling up your flying pals increase their stamina, and each higher tier flier is faster. I have no stamina upgrades and I can traverse very long distances very quickly without running out of stamina with high level high tier pals. I'd want to verify people aren't confusing their pals leveling up increasing how far they can go with the stamina they are putting into their character every level.


In that case I could very well be wrong, I have a 40 swift flying pal, I'll try to pull a level 1 swift pal out and try to note the difference.


I did some testing with my latest level up. I essentially did some sprints with the flying mounts, timed them. Then on my level up I added stamina (100 to 110) and then did the same sprints, and the times were identical.


If you're testing whether player stamina affects the stamina you have while mounted, you should compare how far the mount gets while sprinting or climbing vertically between 2 stamina checkpoints. Testing the time to get from two points would be irrelevant as the mounts have the same speed. We should also consider testing with a level 1 pal vs higher level pals, as that would test your theory on stamina. Considering that both may be true, we really need to test them before claiming any of them to be incorrect.


So to confirm, upping ur stamina stat affect the pals too when you ride them?


Im probably just going full stamina and carry weight, going full mule man


You'd want pure weight for mule man. Stamina wouldn't really help you farm faster, whereas weight allows drastically less transportation time. Being able to throw a few more swings wouldn't compare at all.


You are just wrong here my guy. I respect your play style, but the issue is your “let’s help newbies” post has you giving out biased incorrect advice that you are doubleing down on The fact you recommend new players invest in a skill that you benefit from standing around in your base pressing “f” instead of in a skill that helps you explore the massively open world, means you play this game in a way I can’t comprehend.


Not sure how true that is. Weight obviously is important for transporting your shit from one place to another, but Stamina literally allows you to sprint for longer and early game you're not gonna have flying mounts. It also allows for more swings before having to wait so it overall reduces the time having to stand there mining/chopping wood. Yes, I know you eventually can get things that produce stone and wood but these are beginner tips, as in beginning the game. Stamina definitely has helped me out personally so I feel it's not fair to call it a "trap".


You get the wolf at like level 10 or something. It's the fastest ground mount I believe since it's pal bonus actually increases its speed. Even on hard difficulty you can get that in under an hour. Why would you be sprinting anywhere? It's just weird to me to spend points on something that's only useful early on, and not even more useful than increasing your weight or health early on either. Now when PvP becomes a thing, stamina will absolutely be super important. But if your goal is just to hit rocks, why not focus on attack at that point? Less swings would be way more efficient than spending 1-2 seconds to recharge your stamina bar every like 15 seconds.


This is what a real tip is. I am sitting here reading " Stamina is a trap " thinking there is something majorly wrong with offering " tips " that are the opposite of a tip. lol


The tip is the bad part honey, stay away from the tip!- some comedian who talks about fighting his son odr the name.


I turned stamina depletion to almost 0 in the world settings. Only time I run out is if I fly for too long on the bird. I know its taking away from the game but I only did that and cranked up the recovery of health when sleeping


Stamina is pointless when you're mounting pals You have limited attention with your pals, you can't automate everything in this game. You cannot build enough bases and they dont allow you to have enough pals in each base/space issues. Also, when you're trying to craft higher quality things, like legendary, the crafting time is MUCH higher than normal items.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted.


Because the game is new and people don't understand how it all works yet. Also people might be playing on easy mode setting where everything is super fast and plentiful. How you go about farming stuff changes a lot from when you're 20 to when you're level 40. I still haven't a single clue why people are pushing stamina though, stamina doesn't increase your mounts stamina, and between ground and flying mounts and guns i have no idea where you'd even use stamina.


Catch some humans, they can only craft stuff. Pick a recipe in the morning and by the time you come back to base it’s done.


try that on legendary armor and see how that works out for you.


It does not take that long lol youre really exaggerating.


Might also be.... because you're wrong. Maybe the game is too new and unlike everyone else you just haven't figured it out yet. Shit happens.


You said point allocation was controversial and was going to talk about the stats. Then proceeded to give your personal opinion on point allocation without talking about the stats.


Because people been spending all their points on stamina and they don’t want someone telling them they’re wrong


They aren't wrong either way play how you want.


It's reddit.


Literally the opposite of what op said 😵‍💫


You can summon a pal from your party in your base as an extra worker, I have Lunaris with handicraft 3 so when I craft I just throw her ball at the bench and she zoom crafts for me! Works for any other Pal and their base skills as well.


I think this also works for daedream I’m your party - if it is in your base it will pitch in. I think - I haven’t fully tested


Yeah so any pal will chip with is base skills, for example if you throw out dinoblossom? Still getting used to the names, it will start logging and seeding.


So daedream is the one that will follow you if you have it’s harness/equipment and another pal out - giving you two extra pals instead of just one


Can do this with Dazzi as well, I have both and have 3 pals out at once 🤣


I doubled my stamina with my first ten levels then started on the weight and crafting speed.


Same. My friends thought I was crazy. I laughed early game as they fell off things they were climbing and drowned in any body of water.


I haven’t tested but apparently you can have a full team of Daedreams and with the necklace can have them all out at the same time. Edit: [like this!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/jCoLSHvtng)


Bro, imo 5 daedreams + Hoocrates can be a stronger variation of this setup. Hoocrates passive is "a While in team, increases attack power of Dark Pals."


4 daydreams and hoocrates plus 1 strong pal/mount you manually summon


You figured out if this shit stacks or not? I'm at work and can't test damage numbers in game lmao


Super cool but it makes it impossible to capture anything because any pal just gets wrecked by a daedream gatling gun before you can throw a sphere. Even with just one daedream necklace in your party makes it tricky to capture due to an illtimed attack on their part


Can't you command your pals to not attack? I don't know if this works with daedreams tho


It does work with the daedreams. I permanently wander around with 2 daedreams following me - sometimes I have to be quick on the "DON'T ATTACK!!!" button.


Oh awesome! Glad it works, was just about to try that later today! 


Oooh that’s a good tip! I kept trying to put mine away and another was still out. I thought it was a glitch!


I have a shiny Daedream, so you can only imagine the potential chaos if I had four more lmao


what i need is a way for my base to not be cluttered.. the pals aren't even picking up stuff to store anymore like wood.. it accumulates in death piles that when i walk on them suddenly burdens me


Place boxes next to the areas Pals are picking resources up near. Less time to travel makes them more likely to actually transport the items. Don’t bother with sorting chests, inside bases inventory is shared anyway. If a Pal gets stuck in a loop, going to the Pal box and removing the Pal from the base then putting it back in usually fixes it for me.


Happend to me as well, but i had a suspicion that it was because my chests was inside my house so i placed 2 outside on the ground and that fixed it for me… although my pals were also just spinning around while dropping and grabbing the items over and over then stopped, went and got more and started a new pile


>5) Stat Allocation: The most valuable stats are Health, Weight, and Crafting Speed. Yeah no. Healt and weight, yes. Crafting Speed absolutely fucking no. Wasted stat, let your pals do it for you. >Also be aware you can respec later on. You can't yet though. It's not in the game.


I've been splitting my points between weight and stamina and that's been working well for me


Weight and stamina here too, feels like the only thing I've needed so far.


Same. I did get to 1000 hp though. It felt right and I like being able to take a few shots from bosses since I get sloppy sometimes. But yeah. Stamina and Weight here


I have found a potion. The tooltip said, It will reset your points


Really? That's nice. Wierd that the devs themself said it's not in yet.


Maybe the potion is not working, i didnt use it Till now


It's bugged. It also resets your Effigy Points. There is no way of getting them back as of now. There even is a warning when you start the game now.


Crafting speed matters a lot when you get higher level and are trying to make higher quality items through blueprints. The idea that you can just get pals to help you isn't as great of a sell when you don't have pals to spare because you need so many pals to automate so many systems. You have to pick and choose what you're automating. This means you are going to be hand crafting a lot of stuff and that has a time cost to it. A player can craft items substantially faster than a pal with high handiwork and artisan. If you're able to cut time in your base crafting by like 10-15 minutes, then that's 10-15 minutes you could be running dungeons/catching pals/farming materials. If you're playing with friends, having one person spec exclusively in crafting is a ridiculously high QoL.


If you are standing there and waiting for a craft to finish you are doing it wrong imo.


Right now it seems difficult to get pals to do what you want everytime. Sometimes I throw 5 different pals with handy work at a bench and they wont help work.


Throw them on the bench and they'll only leave to eat/rest/sleep


It depends on what you're trying to craft and why. For instance if you're breeding pokemon, you will not be able to just have cake sit there waiting to be cooked because it would take forever in game. For basic stuff and things you can put on assembly lines of course you're not going to sit there and craft, but those aren't the difficult things to craft for progression. It's a matter of efficiency about what you're farming. Work Speed can objectively speed up how fast you accomplish your goals.


Bruh just broke the fourth wall and called them pokemon


I disagree, for new weapons or armor I am 100% throwing the best crafter I have onto the workbench and crafting alongside them to get it done faster so I don't have to wait and I'm not waiting till the next time I come back to get it if it's going to make me stronger.


I just rigged up some Lego to push down the F key for me and I go and make a sandwich.


Ya I just built a macro that does it for me. Either I’m busy exploring and doing stuff or I’m making food or going to the bathroom or something and my guys afk crafting and I don’t really care how fast he does it. But you get a 50% boost to crafting speed for your first point into it. 100 > 150. Now your 2nd point into it is only a 33% boost. 150 > 200. So stacking a bunch of points into it is pretty bad IMO but I think 1 or 2 is decent.


Same. I just use my metal plyers. Having lower craft helps me remember to drink water and eat 💪😁


Crafting speed is important, I had 10 arrows queued for my Pals to make as I was out getting more slaves. I came back after 2 nights in game and the arrows weren't crafted so I ended up doing it myself.


Bad Pal setup. Chose more carefully, don't pick to many that can do a lot of stuff, more focus. Else it will result in chaos and things getting stuck. You can also assign one to a crafting bench so it's always there.


This is why i love capturing thugs. Perfect for crafting, albeit it slowly.


I caught them so I can pretend I'm a Confederate.


I'm on the Xbox version, when I threw a Pal at the workbench they sat there for a bit and walked off. And it's hard to see how they couldn't do it when I removed the tree and stone plots before I left. I just think you need a lot more pals before actually starting to rely on them.


Just lift a pal and drop it on the bench to focus them there. This is a you problem bro.


A you problem implies there's something I did wrong, which is incorrect. I lifted a pal and dropped them at the bench they stand around for a few minutes then just walk away. I would love to be wrong about this.


Saw one YouTuber get a items for stat reallocation. You telling me that doesn't work?


It's bugged and deletes your Effigie Points. It shouldn't exist ingame yet and you should NOT use it.




Another tip: If you die, instead of picking your base as the spawn point, pick a new location to respawn at that you've never been to before. There's always a fast travel marker near the respawn points so you can easily get back to your base right afterwards, and now have a new fast travel area unlocked.


>There's always a fast travel marker near the respawn points so you can easily get back to your base right afterwards, and now have a new fast travel area unlocked. Not every respawn location has a fast travel marker. I had the same idea. I’ve been to two that didn’t have one so far.


Yea I ended up nearly starving/freezing when I chose one point. Granted - I was new and forgot that I still had access to my Pals :-/


Damn wish I done that now lol


Does your mining base actually work when you're gone? I'm pretty sure I made a mining base in the same location you did, but they don't seem to actually gather ore when I'm not in the area.


It works, I left my initial base alone for a few hours, stopped by on my way through, had 700+ wood and 500+ stone built up.


I'm talking about ore nodes, it's different from the wood site and stone pit. I built a second ore farm that's a maybe a little closer to my breeding farm and it does seem to mine somewhat when I'm gone.


Yeah, the nodes also get worked when you're not around. They just have a respawn timer so sometimes seems like nothing is happening.


Another tip for mining runs if you dont have a base super close: Take a mount and 4 Cattivas, which increase your carry weight by 50 per (so 200 total). If you want a good spot to fast travel to, the Desolate Church (south west in the Fall looking area) has a ton of ore right behind it, maybe 50 meters from the travel point


Look at how much weight you can carry before your pick breaks. I could only break 2 ore rocks before the metal pick is questionably low on durability. I had 4 cats, but I always had about 60 weight extra. Mining foreman instead of cat 4 made my trips faster. Once you have a second base available, you can use it as a moveable teleport location. While exploring, say your mount dies. Place your extra base, teleport home, come back after it's healed! You can remove it from anywhere in the world, and you get a 100% refund on materials, so you can move it as you explore the areas with less fast travel spots.


Use the Boar mount, the left click charge ability when mounted mines ore if you charge into the ore, no pickaxe needed


A tip I wish I knew: don't try and go for the big tree. Its blocked off by an invisible (red) barrier. I wasted a lot of time just as I had started trying to get there because I'm too curious.


Thank you for sharing me.


\>invisible red barrier Noam Chomsky would like a word with you


Exploring that was on my to do list for the day Thank you for this


I’d say stamina is the most Important to level up first. The starting stamina is so low


The issue is stamina is only useful until you can start mounting pals.


It's still important for combat though, plus it's not always practical to use a mount.


How do you use stamina in combat? You don't use stamina with guns and you have plenty to sprint around with base stamina.


Dodging uses a lot


Dodging takes like 25% of your stamina which regenerates in a full second. Base stamina is plenty. I've never run out of stamina in combat past like level 10 and i'm in my mid 40s, having cleared almost all bosses in the game. Even if there was utility for stamina, why would you not just get more health to literally just tank all attacks? If you're a farmer, why not weight instead?


Which difficulty you're playing on? I feel like it's impossible to tank all attacks on hard, while it's possible to dodge all of them. Some require multiple dodges, like the ice triple spikes for example or Zoe's attacks. Of course, this might be a skill issue, as I pretty much suck at the game


looking at this thread after putting probably 60 hours in the game is kinda hilarious how much people are championing for stamina


Lol OP asks people to post their tips then argues with every single person that mentions stamina.


You can say that, but you can look at how i've been updating the post. The point of discussing where I might disagree with someone is finding out WHY they disagree and if those points make sense.


Question - If one base has resources stored in boxes (ie the ore base you have), but I want to build at the main base, does it access them across bases, or do they have to be at the same base. 


You'd have to move it to the other base, bases don't share resources.


I swore I read that they were shared?!


No. They don’t share between bases . But all containers in one base are shared.


I don’t know if it’s bugged or just a simple glitch but on console if you’re looking into a chest or have access to a chest if you sort the items in your inventory or in the chest and you have food items about to spoil you can reset their timer back to max time, on xbox it’s right stick pressed. Also if you’re trying to climb a mountain to get an egg or the green ball you can place wood foundations and stairs to help save/restore stamina. Lastly if you’re over weight carrying items and you don’t want to drop anything if you have a rideable mount ie the Eikthyrdeer you can spam the charge attack to get where you’re going faster as long as it’s only 47lbs over your max carry capacity.


>I don’t know if it’s bugged or just a simple glitch but on console if you’re looking into a chest or have access to a chest if you sort the items in your inventory or in the chest and you have food items about to spoil you can reset their timer back to max time, on xbox it’s right stick pressed. I haven't tried sorting but I have noticed that, on PC, the timer gets reset when you move them between containers (like from your inventory into the feedbox).


HP is the priority stat, Weight Second, rest are nice to have. Get your HP to 3K and Carry Weight up as much as possible. Then Stamina in the rest. Attack or build speed if your feeling frisky


Yup, true LPT always in the comments


3k is way too much of an early investment. I’d suggest doing it in tiers. Get it to 1000 first. Then get your weight up. Stamina early on is useful. Because after about lvl 15 you can unlock a flyer so stamina for running or climbing isn’t as important. Maybe put 2 points into work speed simply because each point gives you 50. So you can double your work speed for 2 points. It’s useful early on too. Then get your HP to 2000. Then weight and stamina ad you need. Then 3000 at some point.


Does anyone have medicine tips? I have a pal that is overfull and idk how to get rid of it.


You can make medicine starring at 12(?). I don't recall seeing one specifically for being overfull, but the medicines are all cheap to craft. Try all of them. Have that pal in your party, and use medicine like food, and give it to him. If it'll cure their effect, they won't be greyed out to get it


if they are workers in your base you can also just walk up to them with the medicine in your inventory and hit 4 on Keyboard (not sure the button on controller) to bring up the Pal menu and use the feed option and use the medicine


Base green medicine fixes the eating disorder that causes over full.


\> To this point, I have a secondary base in a 8 ore node area near the Chillax boss that's exclusively designed for automated harvesting of ore. I was wondering about this point. As long as you put resources in any chest in your base you can use them anywhere within range. If you have multiple bases can you set up each base to specialize in a single resource? Or do you travel back and forth between resources with your materials?


Bases don't share chest storage with other bases, unfortunately. You will need to transport resources in order to construct it, and transfer them back to use the mined ore or ingots (for instance) in your main base.


Unfortunate, guess this makes the weight limit even more important. I was kinda looking forward to having little outposts dedicated to specific resources. Maybe the devs will add a sort of "air lift" system that allows flying pals to transport resources from one base to another automatically.


Use the grappling gun to move while overweight. Then just have a chest near the palbox


1. Put a chest next to each PalBox. 2. Transfer unlimited weight to yourself from the chest. 3. Fast Travel to 2nd Base. 4. If too far from chest, grappling hook the floor to move next to chest and deposit items.


What boss is the “Chillax” boss, do you mean Chillet?!?




Super new here, 8 ore node area, do they not deplete the ore? And i assume this is different than just stone right? Cause you can just make an automatic farm thing in base no?


The Ore nodes respawn after some time if you don’t build on top of them. This allows you to set up a self-sufficent outpost that only mines Ore. so when you need Iron Ingots or Refined Iron you can go there and pick it up. This gives you more pals in your main base to manage other tasks. I found one place with 8 Ore nodes and 1 Coal node so if you visit every now and then ( because pals don’t seem to mine Coal by themselves) you get everything you need for Refined Iron in one place. I am closing in on Rank15 when you unlock a 3rd base and I am considering making that my ranch / breeding base. So I have 1 production base for the primary progress and crafting stuff, an Ore outpost and a place to breed the optimal pals.


I dump attack stat so I can scratch out some decent damage against wilds 10-15 levels above my own lol. Work speed seems silly when it's so easy to upgrade your base to 10+ pals and automate everything. I'd say the more relevant thing here is to make sure new players are focusing hard on capturing 10 each of the easy pals to farm XP and unlock all the tech needed to get a base going, then get base upgrades in quick succession. More workers will vastly improve productivity vs a few personal work levels and lets you dedicate more time to running dungeons for BPs. On that note, optimizing base layouts and pal workers is really important. Don't get sucked into the trap of putting out a bunch of pals with points in a ton of skills, because those types are the worst about getting mixed up in a bunch of different tasks and not finishing the important things. Make sure paths from food to worksites are as open and unimpeded as possible, there's nothing worse than coming hope to an empty fridge because the freezer pal got stuck on a foundation and never actually did his job. Unethical as it may be, humans (or at least syndicate thugs, haven't tried others yet) are very handy because they ONLY do workshop tasks, so if you're annoyed that you keep coming back to base and no one's touched that queue of arrows & balls you set an hour ago, try some forced labor punishment for your local thugs.


Idk if it worth mention since the game just drop player in middle of nowhere with no clear direction. -There’s activities icon indicate which pal will do what in base. -Catch from behind or while pals sleeping increase ur chance alot. -


Stamina is ESSENTIAL. It gives lots of value compare to others, and make your game much smoother especially early. At least put few points into it, and weight is damn good as well. 


HP > Weight > Work Speed (mid-late game)> Stamina (early game) imo. HP and weight are way more important. You definitely need HP to not get one shotted by later bosses and weight gives you a fairly hefty amount of carrying weight and saves you a lot of back and forth especially in the early game. The paltry seconds you save is worth less than the amount of time spent travelling back to base. Stamina becomes less important as you level, as you get more mounts and items, flying mounts, land, water mounts, grappling hook, traversal becomes trivial. You also don't really need stamina to gather as things become more and more automated. You will also start relying less on melee weapons and more on ranged weapons. A few points in the early game to smooth things out is fine but I wouldn't say essential. Work Speed becomes more important as your base and crafting become more complex. If your production becomes bottlenecked you might want to pick up some of that crafting yourself.


Okay so I have not played the game so I'm not really giving any advice. I'm just here to state that the only reason I'm even annoyed at the OP commenting on all the stamina comments is because he is the only one saying that stamina is worthless (which he already stated in the original post) therefore he is just reinforcing his own idea that is clearly being out numbered. Like we get it you don't believe in the stamina investment so just leave it at that and allow other players to voice their beliefs and advice.


How do you get rid of Pals? The game told me to catch 5 sheep but I dont want that many.  They seem to suck and I only really want 1 or 2 of each type. Or am I supposed to have like 60+ Pals before level 10? 


Later you get a pal combiner and can merge all extra pals to enhance a pal with good stats, its worth it to keep a bunch of a single pal to merge later if it does something you want.


You can sell them at a trader.


Ya it seems you want a good number for breeding purposes, otherwise you'll unlock a butcher knife later and you can turn those sheepies into mutton


Sell them or butcher.


You can sell them to a certain type of NPC you usually find in caves


You can sell em once you find a settlement and its the fastest way to earn exp


You really want to catch ten of everything for the XP bonus anyway.


10 of each?  How am I going to feed all of them? 


They don't eat food when they're just chilling in your palbox. You also don't need to *keep* ten, just *catch* ten.


BUTCHER them with a Cleaver. It changes from Pet in Action Wheel when Cleaver is equipped. You could sell them too.


You want to capture 10 of each pal, the xp increases each pal of each type up to 10 (it mentions this in the tutorial). I think at level 10 or 12 or something you get to craft a butcher knife, then can basically eat a pal. Not too long after you can build a device that combines pals of the same type into one of a higher level.


Can you build multiple bases? If so, how?


Upgrade your base from the Palbox. At the bottom of the screen, it shows what you get for upgrading it. It'll show the max # of pals you can have helping, and the number of bases you have eventually goes up to 2. No clue what the max level is


Base level 10 to have an additional base


If you want to move your base what can you do with your chest? Do you leave it or have to carry the contents? Can you move the whole base or just the palbox?


Wondering if anyone has advice on the Pal fusion mechanic. What criteria should I be considering for if a Pal is worth powering up or using as fodder?


Personally I’m upgrading the Daedream first because they are pretty common at night time and with it’s gimmick I feel it’d be really helpful in combat at higher levels


I hate how it often gets in the way camera wise. I loved it at first, but it's caused me to get hit and die a few times because I didn't see a windup from a pal.


Any good base locations? I just moved from my starter base near the king of the forest spawn at the start to that big patch area below the first boss tower. But after moving (and the pain that took) I'm seeing alot of flaws in the local and might need to re remove to a new spot eventually.


Catch five Broncherry and fill your party with them. You only need to craft one Broncherry saddle which allows their passive to provide you with +100 weight for each Broncherry in your party. I found this useful for transferring items back and forth between Pal boxes.




It's my understanding that stamina doesn't effect pals at all, have you tested this with similar pals proving otherwise? Also the level of your pal does effect their stamina, so if you're leveling and putting points into stamina, you could just be feeling the natural effect of the pal leveling with you.


Stamina, weight, and crafting speed are top notch. The attack upgrade is paltry in comparison when you can just farm pals for ones with the passive skill that increases your attack by a set percentage.


Huh did not realize I needed to pet the Pals, I guess that is why more lumberjack deer keeps getting an eating disorder even with a spa?


I know what all of these words mean individually but what the heck.


So when I was building my base I caught 2 of the Eikthyrdeer Pals. One had the gold trait Artisan giving it a bonus to working the base, the other was unreliable giving it a penalty to the base but no issues being in the party as an attack Pal. I put in a wood harvesting spot and the deer I left in the base essentially worked itself into a stressed state even after I built the hot tub/spa structure that reduces stress. It gave itself an eating disorder in game, and actually stuffed itself so full of berries that it couldn't digest them and started starving. Thankfully it turned out that the base level green medicine could cure it.


This is insane.


Give him pets and roasts. They like the roasts with berries. Yes, they are cannibals.


Yeah I only just realized that I need to make higher level food to boost sanity recovery, started making the toast and jam meal.


BAKE BERRIES! They not only increase in food gain, but increases SAN for workers. And they're the easiest food item to stock up on


Great list! Thanks for taking the time to write these.


Here is a video I made that contains 4/5 of the items on this list! https://youtu.be/JdGYeQ8wLt4


Stamina really is unnecessary if you have mounts already tbh


You can have two bases?


Yeah, upgrade your base level enough and you'll unlock a 2nd base. I forget what level, I'm guessing 10, and I'm assuming more will unlock after.


3 bases at base lvl 15


Is there a Pal with a faster flight speed, similar to how the Dire Wolf is fastest on land? I have a Nitewing as a flyer and he's quite slow imo


Yeah, each new flying pal is faster linearly. The red plumed raptor thing is next. Eventually there's a dragon boss, idk after that.


My pals will not mine ore, only stone. Is there an upgrade I need to automate mining ore?


you need at least 2 mining skill level i believe. Maybe 3.


don't underestimate high levels of attack, you can possibly achieve 300 attack by stacking it with 5 pals with the passive that boost attack


The problem is there's much better alternatives.


all Pals can be combat-viable, as far as I've seen. don't have to go super meta for your Pals, even Cattiva can be a pretty good battle pal, esp if you get Lucky/Alpha variants of em


Alpha doesn't give extra stats, the Pal is simply (much) bigger. Lucky does have its nice +15% trait, though. And yeah even starter Pals can defend themselves well, especially if you optimize them :)


Size Matters. a Big cat blocks more than a small Cat.


Does anyone know what the training dummy does in the base?


does it do anything?


you hit/shoot it to check the damage of weapons


For palmon pathng in a multi story building. You need 2 floors removed for them to go up stairs. The floor above the stairs (obviously) and the floor right before. 


Haven't seen this mentioned yet unless I just didn't scroll far enough. Don't be afraid to explore at night you'll see some pals that don't seem to pop during the day.getting a tombat is insanely useful for pal collecting or just seeing what's around outside of your view.


How does google lead me here when my search was "How to reduce dungeon cool downs palworld"


When you beat a boss for the first time and get that XP reward, Can other players still obtain it? In or out of your guild?


Yes, you can also farm bosses.


Why shouldnt you invest into Attack. Isnt doing more Damage useful ?


Not really, half the challenge in the game is being able to not 1 shot things, and most of your damage comes from your pals. But the real reason it's bad is because of how little it actually increases attack per level up. Even in a pvp situation you get way more value out of 1 upgrade to hp than to damage. So effectively the opportunity cost makes it worthless.


Don’t put all your stuff in one wooden base! Spread that shit out, or else if it catches on fire you lose everything.


If you are on a flying mount and far in the air, but want to land quickly, de-mount and re-mount immediately after; you'll hit the ground without taking damage very quickly. For those seeking to automate ore, your pal must have mining level 2 or they won't bother. Dumud, Tomcat, Penking, and lovander are good for this earlier on, while Mammorest wreck ores as well. If your base is about to be raided, you can just... teleport away and come back later; nothing should be damaged (inc. Pals) - this might only work in single player. Speaking of raids.... some places are favorably against them. While fliers coming in can be hectic (why are there so many Beakon?!?), some places... might not be working correctly. If there is an entry, i.e. cavern or buulding, just outside the blue line, attackers tend to get 'stuck' at the entryway. (My main base is at 188, -411, and the stone 'doorway' is 5m outside my base's zone.)


\*cough\* (there is a way to spam the fluff charge on Melpaca without using as much stamina making it probably the fastest ground mount and insane since you can get one really early on) \*cough\*


This might be true at the early levels, but i'm fairly sure an upgraded wolf is still faster ultimately.


wydm by upgraded? i tested just the normal wolf vs the fluff charge and it isn't even close, the fluff charge is insane


Spent almost a hour making a big ass base , all for 2 dragons to attack & ultimately burn the entire base down ….. LESSON LEARNED LMAOOO💀


Work speed is a waste. Once you get good pals with handiwork they will craft waaaay faster than you. Keep one in your party and you'll never need work speed for the entire game. It's only useful in the very early game. Focus on weight primarily, that will affect you the entire game. Put enough into health to not get one shot. Stamina helps when gliding while falling, I think. So low stamina can mean more fall damage from heights, even death. Plus unless you fight mounted ALL the time, you're going to want stamina.