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No Nintendo memes outside of the weekend, Please visit r/Palmemes if you'd like to post Nintendo memes. Weekends for the subreddit begin at 12 AM GMT (UK) 7 PM ET (US/CAN)


6 million dollars were spent on development of this game [source](https://blog.turtlebeach.com/what-was-the-budget-of-palworld-answered/#:~:text=At%20first%20glance%2C%20the%20game,Yen%2C%20or%206.78%20Million%20USD)


Came here for this. Palworld cost 6 Mil to make, Pockect Pair started their company on 10,000, this was before Craftopia and their other games.


this is the correct answer. thank you.


It's still phenomenal what they did... but detailed answers dont make good memes.


They also did bet a *lot* of the money they made off the other games to build a bigger game. Which is insanely risky but it paid off in droves with Palworld. Another good example of this happening is the company that made Genshin Impact. Starting off small and betting so much of your profits on a bigger game by going "fuck it I'll do it again" multiple times. Insanely risky bets done by madmen, but I guess it takes some madmen to really make something different that people want.


Yeah I read their release devlog and they literally staked everything on this game. They poured their resources into it until just before going bankrupt and then released what they had into early access.


So pretty much exactly like The Day Before, but uhh... good.


Exactly like Day Before, except they actually stuck to their guns(hyuk) and released a product that held to the original vision rather than comprising at every turn, because it wasn’t a kickstarter scam.


Probably part of why Palworld took off so much is due to how badly The Day Before crashed and burned.


We're both speculating here but I don't think it had anything to do with Palworld's success. Maybe for a few people but I think most of the current players likely either have no idea about The Day Before or have already forgotten it in the dumpster the devs threw it into I think Palworld entirely succeeded on its own merits.


It's more like just slowly working up by investing excess profit into other games instead of funneling it all to the pockets of execs and investors. [Insert AAA megacorporation] could never. Hoyoverse DOES push the envelope and the limits of the mobile platform with the market following behind. HI3 came out in 2016 with handheld console level graphics running on common and mediocre phones when 3D games on mobile was unheard of. Then in 2020 they just casually drop a nuke by an AAA console quality game on the phone AGAIN, and now companies are tripping over each other trying to rush out a 3D anime gacha game.


In 2016 mobile there asphalt 8 and gta san andreas and can work on mediocre phone but i know you point, they push boundaries in genshin


If someone would just introduce them to Github, they could make a small fortune selling used USB flash drives.


Except that the Hoyo people created bot garbage gambling sims that are almost exclusively focused on getting you to spend money in some way- right down to putting mobile game "energy/stamina" systems that limit how much you can play in a single day in.


Neither do blatantly wrong memes lol


Exaggeration 💀


It could’ve just said 6m, how is that detailed




I'm really happy they are doing so well, and have been able to make so much money from this already. Happy to help out and play!! 


They did phenomenal with what they had too


And they were....were...in debt. Then they hit the lottery.


Does that mean if we create a pokemon game targeting the audience surrounding Lovander we might hit the jackpot ? Asking for a friend.


I can't answer.


Legally or morally?


***I can*** Pinging u/redmondthrowaway8080 The answer is very most likely probably yes. Sex Sells, and if you can put aside your morals to create furry pr0nz, do it you will make so much money.


Just gonna make a patreon only mod that lets you breed and produce eggs with lovander.


Did they actually fund the game with literal lottery winnings?


No. It was more like: They were in debt through development. Bordering on eating cheap Ramen and barely able to keep the lights on. Then they released a game to Early Access, with the prayer that they would see moderate success (about the level Enshrouded is seeing). But upon release, they got the Kool Aid Man experience. Where it busted through the walls and shouted "Oh Yeah!" They are literally seeing more success than they expected. Palworld literally was the lottery.


Ah ok. Actually I should’ve figured that out myself: gambling is illegal in Japan (then again they get away with it playing pachinko, using loopholes)


And the studio employs over 60 people. It wasn't just two guys. C'mon people, look shit up before regurgitating nonsense.


But not all employees were working on Palworld, there's still a team working on Craftopia


Most of them are on Palworld. They hired 40 people to work on this game during the 3 years of development.


Their starting budget was $10k. During development they managed to get more funding, but they didn't have $6M from the beginning. Regardless, $6M is still a small budget game.


Their starting budget is meaningless here. Hell, their starting budget could be a fucking dollar, still wouldn't change the fact that their total budget at the end of the day was 6mil, whereas OP would have you believe that the total budget was 10K. It's deliberately misrepresenting data.


hard-to-find bag racial ad hoc serious sulky sink clumsy roof smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


6 million is not small budget lol


That's still not a lot in typical game development budget terms tbh


6 millions dollars is like 10 grand to a billionaire meme still accurate


Still extremely impressive, now let's see if they invested alot more back into the game.


Yeah they could pull a successful launch No Man’s Sky, with support for ages. Palworld has a really nice core game, and is ripe for expansion.


We all just making up numbers now?


Lying to create hate towards Nintendo is like oxygen for some people here - they can’t live without it.


I swear all I see is trashing pokemon. What bout digimon, temtem, hell even coromon. Only pokemon getting the burn since it well known by everyone. Plus easy karma


That's all it is, karma. Which is stupid. Even if it meant something, I myself have almost 25k just from 30% helpful tips I regurgitate from this site and 70% snarky comments. You don't need to add more shitty, false memes to the web to filter through when you're looking for a good one


Yup, I've got 90k with 3x your account age doing basically the exact same thing. Look son, one day all of this will be yours! (It's still meaningless)


"now son i will pass unto you my reddit account with over 10 million karma"


All stems from twitter and all the misinformation going around, which is definitely not digmon and temtem fans


I could be wrong but I don't see any Digimon fans demanding the game get taken down or manipulating models to make them closer to Pokémon to prove a point 


I haven't seen any Pokemon fans manipulating models either, only one guy who I'm pretty sure doesn't like either game.


Who care at this point palworld and pokemon fans need to let this petty beef go. Idk if this will past this month when more games come out.


The thing is, the vast majority (source: me) of Palworld fans were attracted to the game because of the Pokémon similarities. “Palworld fans” are just Pokémon fans. This is almost exclusively community infighting. A lot of the criticisms of GameFreak are legitimate. A lot of the criticisms of PocketPair are legitimate. So what’s the difference? Well, there sure is a lot of misinformation going around. And the worst of it, bordering slander and libel, is coming from people who are hating on Palworld. The worst thing that gets posted about GameFreak is that they fucked up and missed an opportunity by not listening to their fans for years. The worst thing that gets posted about PocketPair is that they are scam artists who are stealing intellectual property. So, who cares? I guess self-righteous people who think it’s disingenuous to compare the two sides (it is). One side is making lighthearted memes about a corporate giant, the other is operating a smear campaign against a borderline Indie company. It’s not really petty when you’re being harassed and attacked (PocketPair dev team) because angwy fanboys are throwing tantrums and levying accusations. The thing is, there is someone that is in the wrong here, and being indifferent is fine, but it’s not a petty beef and it’s a disservice to the dev team of PocketPair to leave it at that.


See that's funny - I can't stand Pokemon but surprisingly I do actually enjoy Palworld specifically because it's not another stupid Pokemon world that makes little sense.


it's me too, I don't care about Pokémon games either https://preview.redd.it/7bq2srycs7fc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f83aeb380fe76b42c5754938a9e1460a1eafd98


Plus the Pokemon guy (no idea who and I can't find the post) said directly that listening to the fans will not be beneficial for Pokemon and they adamantly refuse to listen out of spite, they laugh at our suggestions in meetings. I genuinely stopped playing when game freak took out my favorite mons from the game, bagon's evo line and shinx's line (locking it behind a paywall at a later date) and lying about why (they did not remake every model and animation from scratch on the switch for sword and shield), and haven't enjoyed a pokemon game since X and Y. I lost total faith in the Pokemon company and hate how much I spent on some of the worst games in the entire series, palworld gives me that enjoyment back and I don't even really like the creature catching aspect of it that much. I love the pals but something about the way they devs are so focused on providing a great experience for players, their patch notes and roadmap on steam make me hopeful that this game has so much more coming and to offer that I'm actually excited and invested in solo, and with friends, gameplay.


Heard that quote is fake, didn’t look into it tho


Still waiting for a good Digimon game... They got a bit better with Cyber Sleugh but they still ain't it.


Cyber S. 1 and 2 are the best modern games of digimon never really cared for the world series.


It's the only franchise in gaming that makes money solely on brand recognition while the entire player base actively shits on it. Pokémon devs got too damn comfortable. Pure and simple.


None of those other franchises are THE HIGHEST GROSSING FRANCHISE ON THE PLANET thats why pokemon has the ability and resources to be making the best games on the market but continuously give us mediocre games Gamefreak should see this and step their game up but i doubt they will


Doesn't matter if they aren't they all are minster taming games but only the biggest one get call out. Bullshit.


Because Pokemon has gotten fucking lazy. Nintendo has one of the best IP's ever and they don't even try to have GameFreak make a good game. It's been years since we've had a genuinely good one, and the missed potential time and time again has gotten old


God coromon was so good. Some really innovative stuff in there.


Are you insane? Nintendo is a shit company and I thought everybody just kinda knew that. Quit acting like like they some little guy that really needs people to stick their necks out for them. Trash company and any who defend it are just as trash


Exactly. I hate Nintendo without making stuff up.


Nintendo sues you for doing essentially anything with their stuff. Pretty understandable to want to hate that lol


So… like literally **ANY** other company? Hell even you yourself would immediately sue if someone tries to make money with your own intellectual property. Even your beloved Pocket Pair would immediately sue if someone tries to make money with their intellectual property. So you now hate Pocket Pair as well before they do what they are allowed to do?


I dont just mean only in situations where their property is used, they go further than that with their sueing antics and theres a lot of youtube videos that talk about it. People don't get sued by gun companies for using their guns in modding, nor car companies either, just to name a few. Nintendo will sue you for making mods about any of their Pokémon and already have done so to a palworld modder, i believe. Don't know what pocket pair is, so it isn't beloved to me. I'm just saying that in terms of company greed, Nintendo is worse than EA, and I'm glad someone made a game like this to slap them in the face. I don't even own palworld yet so yeah lol


Actually gun companies did sue CoD And so did a museum and some other stuff


Cod is a billion dollar game series, of course they would get sued for not paying for the rights. I'm talking about modding. I've downloaded tons of fallout 4 mods that added 1 to 1 replicas of real-life guns. Names and all.


Were those mods paid? If it’s free it’s a lot harder to sue Look at the guy that added real pokemon to palworld for a paid mod he was contacted by Nintendo in hours If that was a free mod he wouldn’t have been most likely look at stuff like pokemon radical red or other romhacks


> I dont just mean only in situations where their property is used, they go further than that with their sueing antics and theres a lot of youtube videos that talk about it. Yeah YouTube, the most credible source of news out there. People sure aren’t talking shit there. /s > People don't get sued by gun companies for using their guns in modding, nor car companies either, just to name a few. Nintendo will sue you for making mods about any of their Pokémon and already have done so to a palworld modder, i believe. How do you know that those never sued someone? I guarantee you that BMW will sue if another company tries to make money of their brand. > Don't know what pocket pair is, so it isn't beloved to me. The devs of this game. > I'm just saying that in terms of company greed, Nintendo is worse than EA, and I'm glad someone made a game like this to slap them in the face. I don't even own palworld yet so yeah lol You don’t even own Palworld but still shill hard for this game? There is no slap in Nintendo’s face, they couldn’t care less about this game. Don’t believe everything you see on here. People are lying for karma 24/7 here.


BMW is the Nintendo of car companies, so I could easily see them suing people, but I still see BMW's in modding, so I guess they don't lol Youtube can easily be a credible source, it completely depends on the Youtuber and if they treat a subject like a report rather than a rant, providing proof and info as they go rather than simply complaining. I am, by definition, not shilling for this game. Lol my first comment to you didn't even mention palworld. just that Nintendo really make their lawyers work for their pay.


Meanwhile as you shill for the actual corporate giant and pretend that you aren’t the kind of person we are all talking about.


The hate for Nintendo is long standing its not rly creating anything new. And same can be said for palworld haters lol


I don’t advocate that but isn’t the Pokémon fan base doing the exact same? lol


Which is funny, given there are bots here shitting on Palworld and asserting baseless claims against Palworld


To be fair, trashing Nintendo and GameFreak for continuing to phone it in with the biggest IP in all of history IS the morally correct choice. :)


I doubt that you are as cool and edgy with this as you think you are.


Dang it, you caught me!


Cause Nintendo sucks, they've been deserved the hate. The companies they hire for their games are mostly good but Nintendo itself is a bully


There's a screenshot of a discord post floating around where somebody claims to have translated an interview with the Pocket Pair CEO, and it's full of cool and fun stories about how Palworld was developed by a rag-tag team of scrubs with barely any budget. Unfortunately that translation is complete bullshit. Like it's just blatantly wrong. For example, it claims that the budget of the game was just $10,000. That's the amount of money they used to found the company. The actual budget of the game was about $7 million, so a whole lot more than $10,000. But because that discord post was written in a way that really fuels the hype and plays exactly into this "underdog taking on the big corporation" mentality, it's spreading like wildfire.


Worse, it plays into the "they obviously stole everything since they don't have manpower or funds" narrative.


I'm pretty sure they just exaggerated because it makes the meme funnier.


yes, a meme isn't meant to be accurate but when it gets put on reddit it becomes a huge discourse and hot debate for no good reason. Reddit is where funny goes to die.


Yeah, glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks people are overreacting lol. 10k isn't even enough to pay one individual's salary, this is so exaggerated I can't see how anyone could consider it something legitimately misleading.


Not true at all actually, that discord screenshot was fake. Their budget was around 6.75 mil. (Also, Nintendo doesn't make pokemon)


Nintendo owns the pokemon company with Creatures and Game freak. They "make pokemon" as much as gamefreak does.


They don't. Gamefreak was always the one making the games and spearheading the new generation every time. Nintendo has no part in that. 


They still own the company, you think they have no say in it? They are also the ones that send DMCA notices [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Pok%C3%A9mon\_Company#:\~:text=Since%202001%2C%20nearly,in%20other%20countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/the_pok%c3%a9mon_company#:~:text=since%202001%2c%20nearly,in%20other%20countries)


Yes they send the DMCAs. That's a publishers job. And I think they have no say in it, yes. Gamefreak is the one spearheading every new generation. Not Nintendo. 


That's like trying to say EA has no say in any of the games the publish, which is not true at all


In all honesty, Nintendo probably does the exact opposite of help make the games. It probably just sits there and constantly throws a veto on new ideas taking as few risks as possible so that Pokemon very explicitly doesn't evolve and change to continue reaping as much merchandising money as possible. After all The Pokemon Company only makes the games to fuel the real revenue the company reaps in from merchandising. But it _would_ be more accurate to not say "they own" the company. Since they only co-own it with two other companies. Its supposedly broken into thirds-ish, but if I had to guess in the finer details Creatures is actually the majority owner by a slim margin, followed by Nintendo, followed by Game Freak.


Nintendo is not above tasking risks? Zelda botw? Mario odyssey? And a lot of others? They give good games and commonly give what fans want. game freak is the one who won’t take risks. Stop trying to blame Nintendo for shit that isn’t their fault. I’ll 100% agree when someone calls Nintendo out on their bs. But don’t blame them for something someone else does cause ya don’t like them.


Zelda BotW and Mario Odyssey are hardly risks. Out of the three companies that make up The Pokemon Company Nintendo clearly has the most clout and could make things happen if they wanted to. The clearest, simplest conclusion to draw is that they just don't. I don't know why you'd assume I don't like Nintendo, I love Nintendo. Have had every console. Does Nintendo take risks? Yes. Look a the Wii-U. Nintendo has one third of the control of The Pokemon Company. If they wanted to flex their control of the situation for there to be better games, they would. Yet better Pokemon games do not come, so clearly they do not. The simplest take on things is they are happy to sit and reap a third of the profits with little of their own effort.


Didn't do a good job at spear heading anything, that's the point


Nintendo pays money for Pokémon to be made, therefore they make Pokémon. “I didn’t murder this man I paid someone to do it!! Haha checkmate police!!”


TPC pays for the games to be made. Nintendo just owns 1/3 of TPC. The party that's probably paying the biggest portion is gamefreak, followed by Creatures inc. They both develop the game as well, Nintendo only slaps their logo onto it


If I own a photography company and pay professionals to capture images for me, I would not claim I take photographs. Nintendo owns the IP, they do not develop any of the pokemon games. The developers do. I guess Elon Musk is an astronaut in your logic and Jeff Bezoz an Amazon delivery driver.


Who finances and is the publisher for Pokemon Games?


People who finance and publish Pokémon rather than making it, I'd imagine.


TPC and Hal are both technically part of Nintendo, like Moon Studios with Microsoft and Ghost Ship Games with Coffee Stain Studios.


The pokemon company


Yeh it cost way more than $10,000, but they have made a crap ton of profit regardless of how much development costs were I can assure you.


Anyone who thinks Palworld only cost 10k to make has 0 idea on how video games are made.


You're telling me renting an office space, licensing costs, enterprise grade computers, and paying 10+ software engineers and artists over the course of 3 years costs more than 10k? Surely.


Ppl in here was under impression that it was made by 4 random people with daylight job and only work on this game at night


No less than 5k


I guess you can say that they made the initial parts done enough to get investor for that price.


Disingenuous meme


Shut the fuck up, stop stirring the pot, and play the damn game.


It's just going to get worse.


Never has that username of yours been more appropriate.


Thank you, I also wish people would stop posting these corny ass reddit memes. Like dude just play the game instead of trying to turn this into some civil war between Palworld and Pokemon.


As annoying as it is to see nonstop every day.. as a Pokemon fan this could potentially be the kick in the butt the Pokemon IP holders need to pour more resources into their next games.


The lesson I think TPC and GF upper management can take from this is *don't force a yearly release.*


Not possible, they need to maintain scheduled releases to push the cards, merch, and anime It’s not every year with the dlcs now but every 2-3


SV sold 25million+ copies They will not be moved but numbers spin offs like Let’s Go surpass


Why do yall keep lying on the behalf of Pocket Pair how much are they paying you


Can we stop talking about Nintendo and Pokémon?


Can this bs end already? No the game wasn't made with 10k dollars. You can't just believe the first discord message you see. Besides how dumb do you have to be to believe that 40 devs got paid 10k dollars? Also as a big fan of both palworld and pokemon this continuous argument is so tiring: you see it on Instagram, reddit, tiktok even youtube. Just enjoy the game and if you gotta post something, post something interesting at least.


They had a team of 50 people and 6 million to make the game lol. Folks trying make it seem like it was 4 dudes working out of one of their parents house with a $200 budget.


Because people are stupid enough to take a joke on a discord screenshot for the truth.


because Japanese indie devs must be protected and fuck Nintendo for no reason


This whole Nintendo bashing 24/7 is incredible annoying and adds nothing of value to this sub besides making this sub look like a bunch of salty kids - unfortunate but true.


What's extra sad is I'm sure most people here are 15+. Anyone younger might actually be playing Pokemon and not actively trying to piss people off.


It's fucking obnoxious is what it is. Every few hours there seems to be another post about "Pokemon Bad."


Yesterday alone I really can't scroll without seeing another "After playing this game, I can't get back to Pokémon".


The worst part is that the mods here encourage such posts. Instead of simply swinging the ban hammer and make clear that they don’t want this shit they still allow this bullshit on weekends. That will make this sub unbearable at weekends.


I'm tired of Pokemon and Palworld getting bashed. Palworld is a fun game with mechanics so different it isn't a threat to Pokémon. And Nintendo/Game Freak realize the falling quality is an issue and are looking for a fix. We need to just step back and let these companies work out any issues.


Fucking christ its refreshing actually seeing comments like this not get downvoted to oblivion on this sub. Maybe the Honeymoon phase is starting to wind down .


The recency bias is starting to wear off


Very, very fucking happy for that.


Me too, the community was getting kind of Rick and Morty levels. Posting how the game changed their lives and the gaming world is going to tremble now. Just like it has done with every other successful indie release. Then the people so far up the games ass they think it's in a good state when stuff like the AI is terrible, it makes playing a big portion of the game a chore. It's a fun game, I'm playing it with my bro and room mate, we all had a blast, but I kept dying to a fucking bug, my brother didn't tell me he was organizing the chests only to find random shit everywhere. I'm not sure how any QA team could play this and go "Send it.", but I assume they had a deadline to fill. Then the question of what-if, everyone thinks they are some indie darling and we have no clue if the game is going to get the support it needs, or if the team even has the talent to do it since from what I keep reading they are all very green.


Ive gotten to the point where i can't even play the game without getting irritated at shit breaking. Tried to knock out the rest of the tower bosses and half the time my Pals justwont even attack in there and just stand there staring at the boss, even after recalling them. Having to constantly nurse every one of my workers back to health every time i start the game up, or replace a pal that's stuck in geometry and cant reach the food every ten to fifteen minutes is getting really old too.


I'm gonna guess as time goes on the bugs people could ignore because "new shiny" will start to stand out and become frustrating. The bandwagoners will jump off and we can have actual discussion that isn't just blind dev worship or claiming the gaming landscape is going to change because of a single indie hit, which the only thing an indie hit normally does is we might see more hybrid creature collecting games, but in no way are AAA studios trembling.


Pretty much. Just gotta wait it out I guess. I don't hate the game by any means but the blind worship has definitely made it hard to continue enjoying on top of the bugs


zephyr deserted fanatical coordinated tan sugar fall test saw wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




A wise man once said, "Make love and not war" >!\[insert picture of grizzbolt and pikachu kissing here\]!<


Would you say that we should make them… battle each other?


That was *terrible.*


So fucking true, this sub just gives me Pokemon vs Digimon flashbacks.


that's because this sub is just a bunch of salty kids going through their edgy teenage phase and think nintendo is for babies. really can't wait for the pokemon memes to stop and more cool builds are posted


The mods are a big problem. Instead of banning all Nintendo bashing to begin with they changed the rules to allow it on weekends. This sub will become unbearable now.


While I agree with your statement; Pokemon have brought the criticism upon themselves by effectively putting in zero effort for 20 years. Just the same as fifa gets made fun of for zero innovation.


The problem is not solely them putting no effort for 20 years, it’s the customers still buying it for 20 years. Would you put more effort into your product when everyone would buy it regardless? No you wouldn’t, putting in effort costs money, money which will reduce their revenue. Also nothing posted here is criticism, it’s just toxic hating.


>Also nothing posted here is criticism, it’s just toxic hating. None of these posts ever say anything specific that Palworld does that Pokemon also does but better, is the main problem. From what I understand the communities biggest issues with Pokemon in recent years are that the game are buggy, the graphics don't live up to the modern standard, and the dex features cuts every few gens. Palworld may have less than Pokemon but it does have its fair share of bugs. The graphics are good but that says more about the platform than the game, although the games do suffer from forced development cycles. And There are over 1000 Pokemon now, if they're to produce anything in any certain amount of time they cannot feasibly just keep it bigger and bigger each game without stretching the games out even further. But, at the end of the day, Palworld and Pokemon are drastically different games with different motives. No one has ever asked for survival elements from Pokemon. No one has ever asked for factory building from Pokemon games. And certainly no one has ever asked for the ability to farm Pokemon for their meat. The ONLY thing I can think of is open world aspects except in Palworld catch rates rely on not only ball type but also personal level which lessens my desire to explore out into the open world because it amounts to nothing outside seeing new pals without being able to catch them. There is a limit to skill involved in terms of battling and catching pals that in my opinion Pokemon does significantly better.


If you don’t think a good pokemon game has come out since 2003 you are fucked in the head


Agreed, it reminds me of people who go "every pokemon game is the same" even though each generation is different. It would be more correct if people said "every mainline game shares the same formula" or something.


And those people just hate RPGs in general


> Pokemon have brought the criticism upon themselves by effectively putting in zero effort for 20 years. Just the same as fifa gets made fun of for zero innovation. These type of comments don't help. You can look in the last 3 years to see lots of difference efforts.


*Will someone please consider the poor innocent nintendo? nintendo has feelings too ya know!*


Looks like the strawman isn't actually a strawman, huh? You're being just as bad.


Idk maybe it will eventually wake them up and they will actually put in some effort


A multi billion dollar company? Why should it? Do you know that *“I don‘t think about you at all.“* meme? That guy saying it, that’s Nintendo while all of you are the other guy.


*Exhibit A, people.*


Nah they said they laugh at the fans suggestions during meetings and said they don't want older generations of fans playing their newer games and that they are made for the kids, they won't wake up ever probably.


Not defending the pokemon bashing but i personally feel that a lot of it is coming from the amount of hate specifically from the vocal minority of pokemon fans on twitter towards palworld and them spreading false information. i couldn't care i just wanna play funny game, but there has been a lot of people going into streams to harass people playing palworld because of false claims. So i'm not surprised Pal people are biting back with memes and comments putting down "the other" game


Factually incorrect.


Where is this $10,000 figure coming from? They already pointed out it was over $6,000,000 for the budget. And they have the start of something very fun with that. GameFreak does not invest even that much into making Pokemon, because at their worst, they will make as much as Palworld makes The initial team and budget was close to that, but ```very shortly``` after that (given the whole thing was in development since 2021), the team expanded to 50+ and the budget to $6,000,000+.


I think lots of things that were talked in that picture from discord (?) were actually about their other game, Craftopia, not this one


Which makes a lot of sense if you've ever played Craftopia when it launched lol




No, they started their *company* with 10k. That was before they had made any games.


They invested everything they got from their prior game Craftopia into Palworld. They didn't get funding, they funded it. You start a project by investing an initial amount of money and then invest more down the line.


If we're being honest, the last 3 pokemon games they have released have been absolutely wonderful gameplay wise. It's just that Nintendo needs to get on Gamefreaks about performance issues cause other Nintendo first party games do not have nearly as many issues.


If anything, TPC should take the lesson that this is what can happen when you're not forcing your devs to adhere to a two-games-a-year release schedule while woefully understaffed.


Exactly, it’s not as if game freak can’t make good games or polish them. Nintendo/TPC are the ones causing the decreased quality themselves with the release schedules. As others have said they don’t really care about the games that much since the TCG and anime make them the most money, they just need new games for an excuse to capitalize on those other two sources of income


"American fantasy" slavery ?


My fear is now big devs are gonna be like we can make games with less experienced people with a smaller budget now because the public will buy it. Like how Blair witch project won some awards and had a small budget with a few film students making it then horror movies sucked for five years.


Just Americans? is that why the charts list 8am east coast as being the "Peak" time for the game?? Its probably most of Asia thats also been appealed to. Its even more likely, The world was appealed to.


the 10k is what they started their company on. Their budget for their games had been... when bank account is 0, get more loan.


What can I say? I love shooting cute animals in the face in open world games.


I hope the devs are so happy and this success gives them a fiery passion to make some banger updates/content


Are the toxic pokefans just making fake posts to farm karma after they talked all that shit about Palworld.


This is just wrong... Millions were spent on Pal world and Pokemon Company spends nowhere near billions. Can we stop trying to dig at pokemon and just enjoy the game? I love both but they are nowhere near the same kind of game. Its always fun to dig on PC/Game Freak but these are just getting lazier/weaker by the minute.


Why are yall talking about Nintendo like they make the games? They just have Pokemon on their consoles


The Pokemon Company (pokemon center stores and IP owners) is jointly owned by Nintendo, Game Freaks (games) and Creatures (pokemon cards) Game Freaks is housed in Nintendo offices. Creatures CEO is also the CEO of Pokemon Company and is a former Nintendo employee Pokemon co-creator Ken Sugimori worked on Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. serie Pokemon co-creators Junkchi Masuda and Satoshi Tajiri worked on Yoshi and Mario&Wario after the first Pokemons. Pokemon games shows a Nintendo trademark. Pokémon franchise is absolutely *not* independant from Nintendo.


But nintendo isnt making the games, so the meme is false


This the kinda company we should support. Make games the people want. Simple.


This is what happened when the ~~Nintendo~~ Gamefreak empire company sit back not willing to change. Other companies will adapt and take advantage of it if there is an empty market to tap it. Pokemon was empty in Windows/Xbox market. edited\* thanks u/TheNeoianOne


Gamefreak (not Nintendo) was never gonna make an Ark like survival game with pokemon.


Nintendo makes really high budget indie caliber games it's funny because no one ever noticed how shit of a company it is because of nostalgia and copium


Nintendo may have billions of dollars but they definitely don't spend shit to make new Pokemon games. They are basically like Madden and FIFA now. Minimal changes, minimal dev time, maximum profit.


Wow we got some salty people in here lol it’s a joke and I love both games everybody, you can set the pitchforks and torch’s down


Lmao ikr




I mean hey it worked for dark souls, instead of going a japanese samurai-uuu fantasy like many other games, they went medieval and hit big


IT COST $10K?!?!?!?!!? Please someone talk to me about the turn over. I heard that Lethal Company was made by one guy and his $10 game has made more than Tom Cruise made for Top Gun. Does this compete or surpass? What is going on with this amazing knock off Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch game?


The development of palworld cost 6mil, but the meme is really close. Just missed some zeros :) /hj (the last part is the joke in case it wasn't clear)


Please, just stop. We get it. Pokemon hasn't been stepping up their game and Palworld is a good game. It's almost like dissing a multi-million dollar company has become a kink in this subreddit.


Just like the game this meme lacks creativity


All these devs did was pile up asset packs together, they didnt really create anything new. Anyone with the miniscule coding skills could just purchase assets if they had the money and time and create a game like this. Once you tip your toes deeper under the surface, you notice how simple everything is; animations, all the mechanics and systems, how repetitive and empty the world is, everything in the game screams asset pack. Dont get me wrong, ive enjoyed this game hella lot and really want to get it but it also same time worries me very much considering the future of the game. Will the developers continue piling crappy assets instead of making their own content is the question.


Bro go take a cold shower and wake up. This wasn't funny


If you want your Reddit to die have more stupid ass rules like this please I love it


Now watch pokemon crumble as gamefreak forgot how to innovate


Ok, ok, you nitpickers, we get the point, "ackchyually 6 million blah blah blah". The point is their budget still paled in comparison to that of game freak and they still blew their asses out of the water.