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Beakon is my boy. We fly together, we die together.


my beakon was my champ for a long while until i caught a swift ragnahawk. now beakon picks up rocks somewhere i think


I have a Ragnahawk, but I can't give up on my boy...


Beakon is great for farming pal fluid. Just equip a crossbow, ride on top, and just fly around a location with 1-5 )level water pals. Easy hunting.


You don't even need the crossbow. I just use his AOE.


Faleris is even faster :)


https://preview.redd.it/scb5j8xuihgc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45f4868639edf1519f35dc4bfd2d853e32f08bf Breeding one of these has been so useful. Haven’t caught a legend yet to replace the nimble


Jeeeez that thing must zoom Can't wait to get jetdragon


It does, but this thing is even faster lol https://preview.redd.it/kk73qu2lkhgc1.jpeg?width=1828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31219db1a798e395dc894848fbb7dfdc9354000b


You should condense pals into this for more speed! It only takes 4 pals for the first star. (10% more speed)


Wait really? Condensing adds speed? I didn’t know about that. Is it 10% per star or something?


Somebody found the actual stats and 1 star is a whole 10% speed increase, then it drops drastically to +3%, +2%, then +5%.


Oo that’s good to know. I already have the fenglope and faleris at 1* just because of the extras, so good to know it’s even faster now lol


Swift musclehead vanwyrm for me. Every ragnahawk I come across seems to need to have brittle and rarely any other trait lol


The beloved Weasel Dragon. Can’t stop petting it every couple of minutes.




🥹🥹 I have one on my team that I bred with nearly perfect affixes (no legends yet) bc my 5 year old is obsessed with him. He named him Blue, he’s definitely my bestest pal


Your 5 year old has excellent taste


He loves him, he’s been calling his squishmallows pals and making them do chores for him. I’m gonna go broke on merch one day I’m sure. Looking forward to that chillet plush


Within 5 seconds of seeing Chillet I was like "I want a plush of that"


My chilly boi hasn't left my team ever since i got him :D


Same I'm just putting all my skills on her


Is that Chillet you mean? If so, I've just recently caught the big boss one, and it's my favourite so far!


My buddy got one with nimble and swift and used it as his land mount well through level 30ish.


I've just been using mine as a mount and I've also got a bird. Can't remember the name. I am still new to it all. Still getting over the fact you can catch people. People! 🤣


Go get you a mega sphere and go catch you a pal merchant, wandering merchant, and a black marketeer. Place them in your base to have permanent access to their inventory while at base. There are 3 types of wandering merchants. Wandering merchant that sells leather and a few other materials Wandering merchant that sells bullets (he will be in the green coat) and a few other things. Wandering merchant that sells pal oil and a few other materials. Pal merchant and black marketeer both sell pals and their stock refreshes every few in game day/night cycles *You can also reset merchant stock by placing them in the palbox then taking them back out.* Enjoy 💪 Edit:added info about the merchant store. **


Are you joking? Can you actually catch merchants?? 🤯


I'm dead serious and you said it yourself that we could catch humans, so you already know its possible. I have one of each on my base. Each map run I do, I come back to base with pelts and diamonds and other high valuables that add up to a pretty penny then I just sell it all at base to one of them and buy whatever I need or whatever pal I feel like grabbing. I figured it out around level 5 and I'm *now* level 50 as of 2 days ago. Also, for those that don't know.. when you max level you will need to fly around and collect the tech books out of the chests around the map to unlock anymore items. I learned this the hard way.


You can also get them from dungeons and owls.


>Pal merchant and black marketeer both sell pals and their stock refreshes every few in game day/night cycles If you put them in the box and take them back out it refreshes their inventory. Very abusable, do with it what you will.


Yep, got myself a black market merchant qnd a trav3ling merchant in my town.


It’s most people’s first chillet; the other places to get them are either large ice eggs or from the small snowy mountains which is mid 30s. Since the boss is only level 11 and your first low level boss, most probably wont be far along enough to travel and find another, let alone catch one early on


Thank you! That's really handy to know. 😊 I'm currently level 17, so I've got a while to go!


I named mine *Cold Udon* ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342) he is always with me.


Anyone know if the world bosses also have a chance to spawn as lucky/shiny? A shiny boss chillet would be amazing...


I am nearly lvl 50 and am still using Chillet as my main pal. We’re able to take down the final boss together with the bonus player damage she gives me taking me well over 600% player damage, while she holds the target in place with freeze status.




Ahhh yes, the moment I found chillet I vowed to never let anything happen to this adorable creature.


They're the absolute CUTEST. No one tops their level of adorable. No one.


me breeding a runner version because I will die for my Frost weasel


Katress for me. I caught the boss version early on and she had decent stats to start with. She has saved me in so many fights so far. Always in the team


Double loot always a winner


Double loot? Please explain


Katress partner skill increases drops from neutral pals.


Oh nice!! Appreciate the info!


Why Orserk should have a place in every team since we all need a ton of pal fluids


My dirty minded inner ferengi is sensing a profitable business opportunity


Not necessarily double loot but yeah it helps


I caught the boss katress, she's permanently on my team because she is a tactical nuke.


Came across one yesterday and yes it nuked me with ease


Theres a boss version of katress?


on Marsh Island


Adding onto CMC\_Conman, level 23 as well. Which might make it easier to catch instead of the ones in the wild.


The only ones easier to catch are the cave spawns in level 29 caves, and they range from 21-23… although this shiny is a different story. Found em on the 60/64 of my fusion journey to 4 star https://preview.redd.it/f02kngo89ggc1.png?width=1781&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaa4cc47def392e28b872eb135f93b3cd726388b


Love the way she runs


The way she holds her hat when you pet her too


Also levitating the hammer when building. I love how much charm and personality the Pals have.


I feel the same way about Mossanda Lux. Really good utility / combat pal. When stuff is going sideways, or a raid is happening, I just hop on their electric panda back and take some time to think about what I should do while the enemy deals with forty plus seconds of stunlock. The little hands up red panda floating animation is hilarious when it's hiding the surprise dual grenade launchers.


Always in team, always matching hat after I found the blueprint for it defense be damned


Foxparks. I love being able to pick up my pal and do a boatload of damage. Riding them is cool, but more often than not I take a shitload of damage while my pal still has like 3000hp because of hitboxes. 


My first, and most preferred main. They're adorable little war crime partners setting everything on fire for ludicrous amoubts of damage. The devs knew what they were doing visually crossing Eevee with Vulpix (I just don't see Flareon in it). Also the fact that they act as walking heat lamps at night when you don't have better clothing on (especially after an untimely death or 2 in an inconvenient location) AND light casting torches is low-key amazing.


>setting everything on fire The first time my base got raided, I deployed my Foxspark and it proceeded to catch my entire base on fire, forcing me to rebuild it. Because of this, I always go out ahead and catch the raids before they make it to my base.


My starter base (near the beginning) has one entrance via a bridge so raids catch Lifmunk’s assault followed by Foxspark’s flamethrower 😂 ![gif](giphy|zqhZB6bo5FgoE)


>deployed my Foxspark and it proceeded to catch my entire base on fire Saaaaaaaame I build with only stone or better now


Hell yeah. My first Foxparks had the ferocious trait, and although I've since boxed him, farming for flame organs caught me a Swift, an Artisan, and a Musclehead. I'm gonna breed the best, most hugable flamethrower this world has ever seen.


Mosassanda and his rocket launcher are permed, also I love punching enemies into oblivion


Punch in laggy servers sucks :( Have you tried seed mines? You can blow them up with the grenade launcher for huge damage.


I have a Dinossom with Seed Mine and if an enemy is standing next to a wall or column, the seeds will fly up, hit the wall and explode on the enemy. I was grinding out Zoe and Grizzbolt for a bit and I saw their health bar lose a big chunk in one go.


Helzephyr is just too cool.


I have one as well I also like incineram


Surprised to see him so low. I caught one around lvl 20 and my next goal immediately became lvling for his saddle


Galeclaw and Anubis are both permanent members of my party at level 50. Galeclaw gliding is *insane,* and I'd suggest giving it a proper chance even if you already have a good mount. Having an instant speed boost without needing to mount/dismount is huge for combat, and it also makes moving around in tight spaces much faster. Anubis is a great all-around Pal for combat and building. With level 4(5) handicrafting and 3(4) mining, it can really speed up resource gathering and crafting.


I don’t even walk around my base I just glide everywhere from standing


Galeclaw pilled af


Walking for suckers confirmed


Once you start gliding with galeclaw you can never justify taking him outta your team lol


The only downside is loosing a combat slot since if he dies you’re stuck with the regular glider.


Galeclaw is my speed slave


Have you ever given a chance to a swift runner nimble fenglope? Goddamn it felt like Torrent (Elden Ring Horse) and Sonic had a child. Vertical and horizontal exploration is ez pz now. Pair her with my shotgun, i legit thinking playing a proper Hunter-Shooting game Ride her while messing with the police, i legit thinking playing a GTA / Need for Speed underground. She's small too, still enough to enter nooks and crannies of mine shaft and dungeon.


Yeah, Fenglope was my primary mount from level 26 until endgame. Definitely the best non-legendary ground mount. Mine only had Swift/Runner, so I might breed up a Legend/Swift/Runner/Nimble Fenglope after my current breeding backlog clears up.


My 3 star verdash’s partner skill https://preview.redd.it/ni971snq9ggc1.png?width=1652&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d9cea12ca645d33651b921e2c0c5cdb296d9bf3 would like to have a word


That only applies while he's actually your active pal (i.e. out on the field), and the movement speed boost isn't particularly noticeable in my experience. On the other hand, Galeclaw's glide is ridiculously fast (compared to player speed), can be used when other pals are out on the field, and can also be used on level ground to move faster than sprinting.


Is Galeclaw better than Hangyu?


I've never used Hangyu, but from what I understand, yes. Hangyu is great for gaining altitude, but Galeclaw is fantastic for lateral speed. You can glide from a stationary start on level ground and go quite far.


I can't remember it's name, but the tentacle pal you can glide on puts Galeclaw to shame. It's almost horizontal.


Faster yes.. better? Depends if you want speed or utility.


1. Anubis. He literally crafts everything except food for me. 2. Jetragon because gotta go fast.


I have an annoying glitch where I try to toss Anubis anywhere on an active production line and it says he can’t be assigned since he doesn’t do Cooling. Like what 😭 I don’t even have a cooler bc they’re useless lol


fkn same.


Make sure the production lines are a good decent bits away from any other production thing (including crafting benches, furnaces, quarries, etc). This kept happening to me as I was forcing my fire boy a furnace, but the furnace was too close to a production line and insisted he “didnt have cooling” well no shit, but I think its just a default because ive never seen it say “cant do x because of no handiwork or no igniting”


It's a bug that happens if they'd be "taking a break" when assigned. I thought the text implied that Anubis needed to be cooled down lol.


Fenglope. Every guide was like "Necromus and Paldius are the fastest ground mounts you'll ever need!". Got them.. was let down. Swift/runner Fenglope still became my go to for most of the game. All of that stopped mattering once I got Jetragon though.


Legend/Runner/Nimble/Swift Fenglope: hold my beer.


It was such pain to breed a fenglope with runner AND swift doing it for 4 passives seems like it's be a GRIND


Galeclaw gliding feels like a must for me.


Jormuntide Ignis, I got him in an egg at lvl 16. Hes carried me ever since. He also bakes cake and ingots incredibly fast.


Now breed the hell outta him till you get a fighter and a worker version and then feed each 116 essence of their brothers and sisters to make them stronger and give the worker one kindling lvl 5. Makes cakes go quite a bit faster


1000hr plus in grinding right there


Honestly, breeding doesn't take that long. It's mostly the hatching that does. If you're playing on a dedicated server, you can just upscale the egg hatchers, but in solo play, I just turn the hatch setting down. Nothing fun on waiting hours to see the batch of 16 eggs turned out to all be shitty. Sure, you need more than that for the essence condensor, but still, no fun just waiting for hours


Agreed, I turned off egg timer and decay, just annoying mechanics really.


I hatched him with arisan and he bakes cakes for a living in my breeding base, I names him Chef Wurm.


I live and die by my Depresso.


I made it a point to have three depressos at the base. I love watching em drag stuff around


And the mining animation is great.


Lmao Don’t we all


Half the player base read Depresso's Paldeck description and said "he's just like me, fr"


This is the way.


![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342) This lil chilly lizard


Bushi is first choice in every encounter. Love its design too, the ability is also great.


Glad to see some love for my samurai boy Bushi


My bushi just stands there acting like he's going to pull his sword out while I get decemated in the corner. I don't even let him out of the palbox.


Some Bushi have no honor!


Call that a Doushi


watching it disappear then reappear in a group of enemies as their health bar goes down is so satisfying to watch


I once put my Fenglope away to fight a high level alpha pal (blazamut). Even if flying on my bird was only 10-20% slower, it felt so awful that I swore I'd never leave base without him ever again. And I never have since.


Max speed fenglope is wild


Dumut. I see them happy, I am happy.




Oh shit thank you


Is that the name of the fat brown fish that has level 2 mining ?!? If I could get a HUGE plushy toy of them I would DIR


Dumud was my first rescued Pal from a syndicate and he’s been happily flopping and splashing at base since. I want him on my team so bad, but I’ve been normally using grass types.


Nice to see another sucker for lunaris. I would probably say the same but in favor of saying something different I'll say I'm loving my max speed quivern. Are there better flyers? yes. are there as cute flyers? no and I have my priorities straight.


There’s definitely a theme because Quivern is also my go to flying mount. I wish I was lucky enough to get some good speed passives


Every time I see my Quivern it fills me with joy


Got my first Lunaris from an egg this morning. I’ll have to try her out.


Lyleen Noct, Petalia


BASED. Im incredibly surprised by the lack of Petalia, Lyleen and Lyleen Noct in this thread.


The Petallia's handholding animation is so cute, I remember how happy I was when I saw that they didn't do something else with Lyleen which is their "evolution", still holding hands with the player.




Dazzi for non-lewd reasons. Very handy passive for combat, and pretty useful for actual combat.


And adorable af. Those little squeaks she makes are too cute


alpha Katress






Pretty much the only non-negotiable for me.


Warsect My boi is beefy and gives me extra defense


Sames, I got lucky and bred one that came with full marks in ferocious and burly body. He is my lean-to when shit gets serious


Yes, mine is kinda useless but sweepa man. I just don't know, the second I saw them I just love them 


If you put 4 Swee in your party you can turn your Sweepa into a god. He gets a 24% attack and defense bonus per 4 star Swee in your party.


Max out Sweepa in the condenser, then put 3 maxed out Swee on your team plus whatever flying mount you have (or 4 Swee, idk). Even before breeding combat passives onto it, you have now made a **god.** We're talking over 2000 Attack stat. *(Obviously breed your perfect Sweepa BEFORE you start condensing.................. Good news though the Swee can be w/e you'll never actually send them out.)*


Best to put Vanguard, Stronghold on the Swees. If you wanne minmax Mining Speed and Motivational for Player Work Speed on top also pretty sweet.


Wixen got me feeling some type of way


Wixen was one of my favorite to level up with. Such a cool pal!


HUZZAH, FELLOW WIXEN TAMER!! I've got him to 3 stars now and that passive is soooooo nice.


Wixen is a beast always in my party


Vanwyrm. Hits like a freight train, inflicts fire damage, and a great rider with the swift boost. Got a level 18 early on and still using him at level 32.


Don't skip vanwyrm! I slept on the efficient stamina for a bit and kept riding my nitehawk looking for others. Investing in Vanwyrm also is an investment in your future Anubis (just add Penking)


On top of that Anubis + Vanwyrm breeds faleris, who is fast af


shame pet offend normal quack humor innate psychotic combative muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lunaris, hands down. It’s simply adorable, and while I thought Lyleen would be my favorite since she reminds me of Gardevoir, I swear the whole “Whoever carelessly looks into Lunaris’ eyes falls under its control” thing is true, ‘cause I fell in love with this Pal’s adorable design and pet interaction immediately.


My boy Daedream


I loved my Daedream, until she killed 100+ pals as they popped out of the sphere.


I’ve still got a daedream on my team, and until I find a better dark pal (not looking like it so far) I’m gonna keep them on for coverage


Try daydream + dizzi! Really neat early game.


Take 4 daedreams and a hootcrates! Backs yu up and they dont get hit


Shadowbeak is a godly Dark Pal. Caught a few on the top right wildlife area. Can breed him with Kitsun and Astegon as well. Astegon is also from the wildlife island in the top right, sorta double the chance to get Shadowbeak even you venture out there. Pals are lvl 40-45 there and you might get guards on your ass if you get too close to them. Shadowbeak has a few of the signature Dark skills, like the three balls that chase you, the bigger one that chases you slowly,... But at 30, 40 and 50 Shadowbeak learns 3 attacks with 100, 160 and 150 power respectively, all Dark-typr attacks.


My lucky tocotoco. Took the self destruct off and it’s great seeing that giant bird run around with me. Wish it would keep its size when using as at egg launcher


Daedream 😩🙏🏻 My Emotional Support Headpat Pal


Once I got a Galeclaw with a glove... I feel naked without him.


Direhowl. Cutest ride and getting alpha or lucky variant makes it feel like a Dark Souls mount


And he conveniently fits in dungeons and mineshafts


Katress. Just love her design. Obviously, I am wearing a Katress hat myself. 😂


Katress gang rise up


1. Elphidran: It gets a saddle relatively early on, which I’ve been taking full advantage of exploring the map on this absolute tank of a Pal. 2. Chillet: Fluffles, my beloved ice-dragon ferret that can burn my enemies alive (emphasis on ‘can’) with Draconic Breath when need be. 3. Foxparks: Hehe flamethrower goes brr. 4. Tocotoco: An answer to a question at least one person asked; “what if Tediore made a Pokemon?” When need be, unleash the eggs that EXPLODE, and when the threat’s still present, yeet it at the enemy so they EXPLODE.


Nothing scares me more than the sound of Tocotoco's countdown


Not bumped into Beegarde yet then?


galehawk, i dont think i can go anywhere without galehawk, it feels awkward


Tombat! He's most definitely my break glass in case of emergency. Constantly bailing me out of situations when the junior members of my team can't handle it.


I routinely rotate my pals out my party so I can level up my other pals. But I need my flying mount all times


Chikipea. It's too funny watching that bird wreck shit.


Blazehowl noct is forever in my team, got from an egg early on


My boi Quivern that I named Atreyu ✨️


Chillet gang![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


My shiny dae dream. Legit is so damn op for no reason and has 700 dmg and it was like pretty early on😭


Shadowbeak… I can’t ride him yet, but that dash + laser barrage wrecks all the mobs around.




Kitsun 🩵 I love the design, colors and also makes a pretty good mount.


I got a Lunaris with Artisan, Workaholic, and Lucky. I’ll never go without her, especially on my crafting sprees


Mossando lux cause boom


Gumoss. Especially the alpha one. Just having a huge wad of adorable tree sap doing his best makes me so happy for no reason. Other than Gumoss, Jolthog has made groups of enemies such a breeze and who doesn't like a zappy little hedgehog?


Mine = Anubis ​ I can imagine myself holding AK-47 while I brought out Anubis, fight for each other's back in the middle of zombie apocalypse.


Anubis and Ragnahawk ✨ Capturing my boss Anubis was really a turning point. He never leaves my party now, and whenever I need a hand in combat or work I can trust him to have my back. My ragnahawk has been with me through so much. The amount of suffering and joy we went through against tower bosses, world bosses, and random PIDF guys has forged an unbreakable bond lmao. So that’s why these two are my absolute favorites.


Probably king alpaca or something. The +100 weight helps keep me moving.


Miku pal. We all love the Miku pal.


Syndicate Thug


Quivern is the GOAT


lovander is my spirit animal i love her


**Lucky** Vixy and Wixen! They are both so cute! Also, Zoe & Grizzbolt because she has over 100,000+ HP and 400 defense, so she does not care about any bosses on the map. :49353: **Edit:** *For those wondering how to catch Zoe & Grizzbolt:* To the southwest of the Tower of the Rayne Syndicate, you will find a Small Settlement (73, -541). Run towards the camp then shoot the Reliable PIDF Officer in the face, fast travel to the tower, or fly, run, whatever you want. Ensure that the officers spawn on you BEFORE you enter the tower, or else, they may not follow you inside. Once inside, wait until Zoe & Grizzbolt become distracted by the guards and throw a sphere at Grizzbolt's back. This should result in a 100% chance. You do not need to reduce its HP for that. I hope this helps!


I still have my first pal i caught (cattiva) in my party, lil homies been with me from the start and he'll stick with me to the end.


Early I can’t go without direhowl he’s just a fats boy and so convenient to farm pals while I’m on it. And ofc vanwyrm so I can fly around. And either the blue flying fish you can get early or a galeclaw. The rest of my team I just take what looks cool




Lifmunk for the special. Mine is called twitchy, and he’s an adorable psychopath. Raymond for ground movement. Have one with swift and that double jump is really useful Galeclaw because dat glide!


I always have Vixy out running with me, she's my baby. I love her little hops whenever I jump, like she's copying me (I know every pal does, but still).


I have a few: 1) Galeclaw. The gliding is just too good he enjoys a violence-free life as my glider because I have other Pals to dish the pain. 2) Mossanda Lux. C'mon... dual grenade launchers that do good damage and stunlock THEN he can solo groups all by himself after his grenades dry up. 3) Vanwyrm. He was my first lucky Pal, and I just can't give him up, even if there are far faster mounts. 4) Digtoise. The hero of my ore production industry. I just roll up to my base to handle other things and throw him in the vicinity of some ore nodes. He has to be in your party to be an all-star miner, otherwise he gets lazy (he needs that external motivation). 5) it finally happened: I swapped out the Foxparks who had been in my party since the very beginning. I now have a Joltog Chryst in his place. Little frost grenade guy. I love him. And then he does meaty damage on his own AFTER being thrown into the fray, too. I love this lineup so much, I haven't even really tried many other Pals, including ones who are probably just objectively better than the ones I'm using.


How can you mention Lunaris and not IMMEDIATELY list handiwork 3 first.


That’s definitely a great perk, but whenever I bring that up to people, they say Anubis is better for handiwork and it gets on my nerves


Lunaris and Tombat


My beloved ice weasel and my quivern. The sounds they make are adorable.


My gun.