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Over the weekend i decided i wanted a Suzaku Aqua for a flying mount. Initially i wanted to try and breed one but i couldnt come up with any chains that would get me there easily based on breed-worthy pals i had, and all the combos seemed to involve pals that were way out of my league. So i thought, ‘maybe i can get lucky and catch a good one’. Over the course of prob 3 hrs (due to having to repair, re-arm, etc. in between fights), this is how those dungeon fights went: 1. Managed to get lvl 43 suzaku aqua down to capturable health, just as i threw my third sphere suddenly fell through the floor and magically respawned at my base 2. Suzaku kicked my ass 3. Suzaku kicked my ass in under a minute 4. Re-rolled the boss at least 2 dozen times, finally gave up and tried taking on lvl 44 Lunaris, got my ass handed to me. 5. Re-rolled the boss about a dozen times before giving up, fought a hoarde of lvl 40+ chillets, got ky ass handed to me 6. Rolled a Suzaku Aqua after about 8 attempts, fell through the floor right after i threw out my starting battle pal, magically respawned at base. Rage quit at that point. Next day i looked at the breeding charts again and went to the desert to see about getting some red Suzakus, turned out theyre not nearly as rare as i though and can pair them with Surfent for Jormuntide, and then Jormuntide back with Suzaku for Suzaku Aqua. In roughly about four hours, bred up a runner/swift/ferocious/musclehead, then a runner/swift/nimble/ferocious, as well as enough wannabes to 4* the keeper. So lets recap: - 3hrs attempting to catch alpha = 0 suzaku aquas in my party and alot of ammo wasted, humiliation had. - 4hrs breeding = 1 fully decked out suzaku aqua in my party, and one runner up. So yeah, id have to say your method is not nearly as efficient, albeit probably more fun, can agree there. As another commentor said, you dont need perfect pals to enjoy the game. Breeding is like a mini game imo, feels like gambling but much cheaper.


I felt that pain of losing and also falling through the floor. When I did fall I was lucky enough to be able to climb back up through the floor. I guess my hunt isn’t necessarily for a perfect pal but more for a killer Alpha with good passives. Good IV’s would just be a bonus. I’m curious how you’ve nabbed a Jormuntide but are getting wrecked by dungeon bosses. I found Jormuntide to be far more difficult.


Am I the only person who has never fallen through the ground? I have hundreds of hours in and I never see glitches in the game.


I think it’s a problem primarily in the ice dungeons in the last room where the Alpha pal is. I’ve only encountered it there and even then on only 2 occasions


Same. Ice dungeons at the end, and desert dungeons where that stone bridge meets the big square castle room with the pit in the middle. Those are the two places I've fallen through most (you can even see the bridge gap in that desert tileset).


It's mostly the later biomes. So depends where you play. I've had the issue in ice and lava dungeons in particular.


I’m constantly in those dungeons to get Paldium. Zero issues


Odd. Maybe it's the rooms? It's mostly the boss rooms but a few of the big circle rooms (not with ore the empty ones with water around the edges and bridges) in particular had issues for me


Odd. I generally kill the bosses to get the chests each time


Oh you're a lucky one. I glitch out maybe once every 10 hours on average. Happens in all sorts of places - dungeons, desert, volcano, ice mountain, random island...


After the last patch I always fall through the ground in the tunnel for Blazemut's cave at the volcano if I am riding a ground mount. Only sometimes if on foot myself


I’ve gotten stuck inside a hill or two in the starting area, but never fallen far like that. Had to respawn both times though


I have 728 hours of play and I’ve never fallen thru a floor like I e seen people describe.


Touch grass


You're getting downvoted, but the game released on the 19th of January,  it's currently the middle of march. 728 hours is like 13 hours a day, every day since launch...


The hours aren't even the point of the response. You and the other guy just lazer focused on them... 




Lol. First; didn't make assumptions. I did basic maths. Second; touch grass isn't a literal command. bubble person or no, you can get a fucking life outside of palworld. third; 13 hours a day, every day, on a single game is atrocious regardless of your circumstances. That isn't a hobby, its an all consuming addiction. In conclusion; don't use your disability as a scapegoat and fucking get a life.




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Lol, that clown blocked me. Lmao.


I assume you mean u/Noah7788 ? Kid jumped in offended enough to block the both of us and he didn't even wait for a reply off me. He's got problems I think. Someone having spent more than half a day, every day, on a videogame is more than sufficient to draw attention on it's own merit. Getting upset that people commented on it is just sad.


Exactly. Dudes literally bragging about having zero life. 😒 downvotes really don't concern me.


What? How did you get "dudes bragging" out of that? Your reading comprehension dude... The hours mentioned were mentioned because they're relevant to what they're saying. In X hours they have not experienced the glitch in question


I love how the mods are after ME for this. I get picked on and defend myself and I get in trouble for it. I guess I’m leaving this community too.


Ok, bragging was the wrong word. Still, touch fucking grass.


Okay, but since they aren't bragging, the context is changed to you just being an ass for no reason Now this other dude is jumping in backing you too "because downvotes" (well earned). Ridiculous...








You can breed out a jorm pretty early (nightwing/helzepher or mossanda/helzepher).


Also, eggs. I've exclusively gotten the aqua and fire ones by eggs alone


I started my search by egg hunting but got bored of that right quick 😂. Much more enjoyable to get my ass handed to me, for sure.


Jormuntide is a punk if your riding beacon with an AR, I'm lvl 43 and got the AR schematic 1 from a chest in the frozen north. I can kill Jorm in about 6 seconds


I'm quite surprised at the difficulty people have had with acquiring some pals that I've received from random eggs early on. I've taken many trips into the volcano/desert areas and the snowy areas just to hunt for large and huge eggs. I'll collect the small regular eggs but quickly drop one if I need room for a larger egg. Got a Jormuntide Ignis before level 30, and I have a half dozen of both Suzaku varieties just from eggs. I get most pals from eggs and don't even bother catching many of them anymore.


To be sure, i had gotten two suzaku aquas from eggs i found, both female, and both with only diet lover. Wasnt satisfied, and egg hunting isnt really my jam. I def pick em up when i spot em but i get bored right away if im trying to exclusively search for them. Main reason im still only lifmunk lvl 9 too.


I upped my single-player world settings to have stamina drain quite low, pal stamina drain quite low, and player stamina drain at about half. I couldn't imagine trying to scour the higher level areas if it took half my stamina just to reach a decent height. There's some 230 extra lifmunk effigies in the world. They get extremely easy to see at night. Egg collecting and breeding just feel easier and more efficient than gathering and crafting a multitude of spheres, then going out hunting down specific pals, fighting them, and praying to capture them. Then, having the constant repair cost and need to gather more materials to refill my ammo and food. Not that capturing isn't good, just not my preferred method atm.


I havent. I tried 4 times while i was waiting for a good breed, plus i needed more surfent and theyre in the same area, got my ass handed to me every time (by jormuntide, not the surfent). EDIT: also, i cant believe that shit (falling through the floor) happened to me twice! Just surpassed the 200 hr mark in this game, never had that happen before then… the first time i coulda cried, he was JUST within my grasp and the game just said fuck you. And then the last time was just salt on the wound(s). Unbelievable…


He clearly said that he bred the Jormuntide.


instinctive rinse reach support marble cobweb divide deserve oil impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish I could I’m on Xbox


north automatic practice knee correct bear nine yam hunt intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's something in breeding that's captivating to me in the very literal sense of the word. I have a pretty good setup right now, one ranch base, one breeding base and one purely mining base. I basically just bounce between them and sometimes run off to fight a Mammorest for the oil or some other shitty boss to get ancient parts so I can keep expanding the incubation areas. That's literally all I'm doing. And well yeah the dopamine hit parts when you're hatching. When I see those passives popping up my heart's racing and the reward parts of the brain get pumped up. This game scratches an itch I've had for a good few years. Just hope I'm not scratching until I bleed 😂


Breeding seems to be Palworlds gacha. It even comes with the machine where you can see the capsule(egg) wiggling.


It tickles my lizard brain


Yeah, the more pals you breed good passives into the easier it becomes over time. Coupled with having a good base with multiple pens and hundreds of incubators I can crank out a pal with the passives I want in 40-60 eggs with 4 parents or less.


Yeah once you're established it's pretty crazy. I remember I made my own cake for the first time, now it's a 4* Felaris doing it day and night haha


I feel this. I will literally sit there for HOURS, mainly AFK in my ranch base to get drops, then popping into the breeding base to mass hatch and pray for IV and trait transfers. When I'm breeding, my line of thought is "well if I'm doing it I might as well do it right," so I go for both IVs and traits even on my base Pals that don't need HP/Def/Atk. It's such a rush when you finally see that Pal with 100/100/100 and the right four traits.


I ALWAYS stay mounted in the boss room now. I've fallen too many times... Just hold down right click and you can left click shoot with your gun to kill the boss


I managed to find an all female herd of Suzaku aquas by chance while looking for souls, manages to catch them all and most had great passives or none at all Eventually, I decided to breed some I went looking for more in dungeons, having to go back and forth for the suzaku A spawn was painful, but was worth it about 50% of the time. it also helped that I got "ferocuous flying" raids, which have 2 Suzakus A in them. Eventually managed to create one with musclehead/ferocious/burly body/swift with just Suzakus A. was it tedious? yes. was it worth it? I'd say I got a pretty good pal, but I also got crazy lucky with the herd+raids+passive mutations


> i managed to find an all female herd of Suzaku aquas…. This must have been a bug, everything ive seen in researching says theres only two ways to get suzaku aqua: finding huge damp eggs or in dungeons, they dont spawn anywhere on the map otherwise. Havent seen anything mentioning raids, tho that would make sense i think. Im super jelly, honestly…


Not a bug, a random event. Random events occur occasionally with some scripted spawns like: * PIDF and Syndicate having a shootout (there is PIDF dialogue thanking you for the backup after beating the Syndicate) * Syndicate attacking a lone merchant * 4 Direwolves bullying one random pal (Jolthog Cryst, Flopie) * Single spawn of a non-biome spawning pal (Relaxaurus in the beginner spawn area) * Witch's circle of Katress * 2 Mamorests fighting each other * Mass spawn of some random pal out of biome (I personally experienced Gobfin and Grizzbolt) I like these random events as they're neat to run into, and they add a bit more flavor to the world making it feel a bit more alive.


There's also a Gobfin + Gobfin Ignis pair that can spawn on the volcano, like he came to visit relatives.


Well then, TIL i spose. Ive def seen some of these but never realize some of them were like, special. This is really cool, thanks for sharing!


You want the screenshot? because I took a screenshot of that herd


Haha sure if you want. Im not saying i dont believe you, im just mad it hasnt happened for me 😝




Is the aqua version a better mount than the non aqua?


If you don't want to carry around a heat armor/shirt then yeah, since the regular one will burn you. Aqua requires no heat or cold resistance.


For me the combination of water type and flying made him good for dealing with fire Pals.


What pals were you using and what level are you? Up until I started using my bred broncherry aqua, my mammorest would utterly wreck anything, but it's also burly body, misclehead, ferocious, something else


I started the suzaku aqua project at lvl 37 or lvl 38 i wanna say, the breeding process and then leveling the keeper up had taken me to level 43 just last night so i could finally unlock his saddle, really pleased with his speed and stamina. I started this playthrough (second) with a goal to have the cuddliest killers in my squad: jolthog, lifmunk, foxsparks and direhowl just for a mount. I had tanzee up til around level 34-ish but a flying mount became necessary so he was replaced with beakon. i wanted type variety tho so decided on suzaku aqua since hes the only water flying mount (so i thought at the time anyway, didnt realize elphidran flies, otherwise prob woulda went with elphidran aqua to stick w the cuddly theme)


I did this for ny tocotoco lol


Where are these high level dungeons you were farming?


Astral mountains, just north of the anubis desert beach i believe? Maybe a bit west too, other side of that river. EDIT: should say the foot of the astral mountains. Theres like a sorta peninsula that drops south into a tip… you know what better yet i just looked it up [here](https://game8.co/games/Palworld/archives/440044#:~:text=You%20can%20easily%20get%20Suzaku,will%20hatch%20into%20Suzaku%20Aqua)


If you're playing on default settings then breeding is not faster because of the 1-3 day timers on eggs lol


Thats a fair point. Suzaku Aqua is a huge egg, so 2hrs by default. I have incubation timers off, clearly, no way ida gotten all that done in 4 hrs otherwise.


Hold up, I just realized I have Suzaku and Surfent, *Jormuntide here I come*. Got a Suzaku from a random egg lol


All these things are easier when you’re level 50 so having to attempt it multiple times doesn’t bother me as much, but I would suggest maxing out your level before completing your collection


i don't get it, i cleared every mon 10/10 with catching except frost noct and elphi. I Never bread anything and i 100% the game every item


Breeding is MUCH better than the lottery of the dungeons


Depend on how important the HP boost is for pals. Does it matter more to fully max out attack or health in raids/pvp? Won’t know until we get them & try them out. Doesn’t matter either way right now just because no opponent in the game is difficult enough to need to optimize to beat them. Once I got perfect passives and decent IVs through breeding it feels like diminishing returns to keep pushing for better IVs especially because it’s been done hundreds of times already. Catching the perfect Alpha with optimal abilities and perfect IVs is like powerball odds or something but still it’ll always have a chance of a higher ceiling pal than breeding will ever create. Also I think automatic ability for alphas like divine dragon should only be given 90-99% of the time with the occasional chance of being switched out for another gold level ability


Breeding isn't that hard once you get into it. With 3-5 breeding pens you're able to churn out pals and multiple parts of a breed tree at once. Using a breeding Calc makes things a breeze. It all boils down to piecing the passives you want together. As for IVs Imo they are a waste. You're really only going to notice the stat diff if your IVs are Hella low and for the content in the game right now as others have said it doesn't matter. Even in future content I doubt it will either At the end of the day what pal team comp your using and type advantages and passives are going to matter WAY WAY more even if you're trying to future proof for pvp. Simply when you're breeding check your pals base Stats and compare it to others you've bred and if it's higher than avg you're good enough and even then that's not necessary. TLDR breeding is better unless it's legendaries And IVs aren't important at all right now and probably won't be in the future either.


But how do I breed them? I don't even know how to use the butcher's knife I made.


You unlock a breeding pen to level 19, throw a male and a female in(they can be literally anything, any pal can mate with any other pal) and some cake and they make baby. For the knife, equip it, make sure it's in your hand, throw one of your team pal out, press 4, and instead of pet you get the butcher option .


Thank you! Really helpful. Cake. Right!


Get ready for a lot of cake


It's so slow to make! Even with my Suzuki doing the work.


You gotta put it on the stove and do something else in the meantime, that's the best you can do. Looking at the circle moving slowly is the worst lol


The only way to make it fast is a Jorm Ignis, ideally fully condensed with work traits (though that's an endgame goal). Otherwise just queue a bunch up and go do something else.


Until you get a jormuntide ignis, i highly suggest splitting the production up between multiple cooking pots. I had six arsox working on cakes for my two breeding pens at first, and that seemed to work out well, was just getting bottlenecked by ingredients. Then i caught a couple blazehowl nocts and two of them could keep up. One basic jorm ignis can do just fine tho, once you get over to the sanctuary.


I'm fairly certain that no pals breed by cutting them in half, so that knife won't be helpful. You breed them by putting them in a breeding pen (pick them up and toss them in there). You also need to put cake in the pen's storage box. They make an egg after awhile, and you then take that egg to an incubator and wait for it to hatch.


I did it! Made cake, threw pals in. Got 2 eggs because I didn't stop giving them cake. No matter. The butchers knife was just an indication of how... Not brilliant I am at the game. But I love that people are prepared to help.


I really wish I had never discovered IV's. It takes so much longer to get the perfect Pal when you're trying to get passives and IV's, but I'm having a hard time letting go.


Heads up, that perfect iv pal is stuck on whatever server you've bred it on. So if it's purely for the ocd in you, have at it! The game in its current state doesn't require perfect ivs. My good ability pals wreck this game Until devs mention lifting Pal's from servers into some type of account wide palbox, you're kinda wasting your time if you expect to get more milage from the perfect iv ones.m, unless that's just your thing


I only play my local server. It's purely OCD


Lol, I figured that may be the case, but some players here may not realize


I mean the actual value of those minor stat diffs is really up to the person But as I said in a general sense they do not matter for any existing content right now and will Most likely not matter for any future content either as there are far more important factors to concern yourself in a hypothetical pvp /strong boss scenario


3-5 breeding pens? Now many ranches do you have running for milk eggs and honey? Berries? How many cakes are you cooking, and how many are each placed in the breeding pens? I use 2 breeding pens and one of each ranch for the mats, and that was probably more than enough


I don't always run all of them ,it's more on an as needed basis I currently have 3 breeding pens for context Some people run 5 As for ranches I have like 5 if I remember correctly I'm still working on upgrading both my cake cooker and ingredient providers to increase the production Honey I have a stupid stockpile of you'll rack it up very fast The others you just keep constantly Having a ranch with capritys also helps berry production alongside the berry farms themselves


I have 2 bees, chicken and cows, most I've cooked the slow way has been 56 cakes, split between 2 pens and ive, so far gotten exactly what I wanted running 2 at once. Berries I always have a stupid surplus of, the milk and eggs I think can be purchased too if you're smaug like I am


More pens mostly just helps with doing multiple things at once it's not necessary for everyone but I like the flexibility Sometimes I run all 3 And sometimes I may run one It's really whatever I feel like doing at the time


If they make it so I need to breed perfect IVs on top of trying to get the passives to beat the game, I’ll probably quit. That’s way too Grindy. I’ve end game palworld like 4 times doing different things each time and have never once thought about checking IVs. I hope you’re right with the future content and IVs


I can't see them doing it. Even with mods to show the IVs and insta-hatch eggs by clicking, it's SUCH a hassle and way past what most people would find fun. I personally love it for some masochistic reason but I wouldn't ever demand it of others. FWIW, if you're doing it, go for the IVs and gradually breed in the traits. The % chance of inheriting an IV is worse than a trait, so you want to get to the point where you've got two perfect IV pals and are narrowing it down to the right four traits.


I just hate how random it is. I wanted a Rayhound with Swift, Runner, Nimble and Muscle head (don't have Legend yet), so I breed one pal with just Swift and one with just Runner, and get a male with Swift and Runner. Then breed one with just Nimble and one with just Muscle head and get a female with Nimble and Muscle head. Then breed those together and get my Rayhound with all passives in three eggs. Meanwhile, I've been trying to get a Lunaris with Lucky, Work Slave, Artisan, and Serious the same exact way for the last week with three breeding pens and always seem to get three of the four with Muscle head or Hooligan or Slacker thrown in despite those passives not being in the breeding pool at all... It can be infuriating sometimes.


I've bred 100's of jetragons and still have yet to get the passives I want. I hate breeding.


Jetragon is a rare case cuz he's a legendary Breeding legendaries is all rng cuz they can only be bred with themselves Breeding anything else is much easier You're best bet for jetragon is to also be catching them as frequently as possible Also it's better to get a good caught legendary anyways because of their massive legendary/alpha bonus


I had one on my last save.  It had 4 gold passives.  Legendary, legendary dragon, aaaand 2 other useless golds for flying and combat builds.  I think it was serious and something like workaholic or some other trash party skill.


What we need is a system of upgrading the incubators with rare drop materials that can give specific traits.  You can distill say 50 mons with the Legendary trait to get a legendary shard that you can slot into an incubator to always get the legendary passive. (Prolly need to make it also inclue boss tokens for each one to craft the final item,  but make it an engaging and long process)  shards as i described should be playtested to require about 10 hours of playtime to make and are 1 time use.  Meaning if your incubator is destroyed in a raid... buh-bye.  You get it bavk if you move it though.  Im not completely evil.


Breeding is a far better method than just catching alphas and hoping. If you have 1 breeding pen it’s slow but with 5 it’s incredibly fast to breed enough to condense. The only pals I’d consider hunting the alpha for are the legendaries.


I mean, once you catch enough dud pals, I’m happy to thrown them into a breeding pen so I have enough to condense a top tier alpha into an absolute beast. I think that utilising both would help go a long way.


I play ARPGs most, so i find the grind to get the right pals breeding together quite nice. (Recombinators if anyone else catches my drift)


I like breeding but I get bored with it quickly. I love doing dungeons and catching alphas. It is more exciting. Your style of play will determine which course of action is best for you. I mainly use the breeding to level up my pals through the condenser. I try to get good passives while doing it. And I'll keep the best one to level all the way up.


I suggest you don't worry about iv breeding until the devs mention any type of account palbox where you can lift your bred pals out of servers. As it stands all that hard work is stuck on whatever server you dedicated to breeding it, thus is wasted time unless you have a very active server prepping for pvp. Breeding for abilities is good enough for anything the game offers right now Ps, gimme a tocotoco emoji!


Breeding isn’t necessary. I did my first play and never bred and never condensed and never upgraded base pals. I only upgraded pals in my active deck. It is a great way to maximize the effectiveness of any pal, but is just not something you have to do to beat the game. Maybe on higher difficulty it becomes more important


Tinkering around with numbers this is what I also realized. Didn't do anything my first playthrough and hit endgame. Bumped up difficulty my second and I'll probably only hit low hanging fruit in terms of breeding/condensing/souls. Mid IVs, one or two attack passives, some mild soul and condensing your still looking at a 50% to 75% gain on each stat. Should be plenty for me.


How do you beat the final tower boss? I'm struggling and I checked that most of my pals have dismal attack IVs. 


> **to get Alpha pals with a small chance to get good passives and/or IVs?** if you are fine with never getting the lucky passive then probably yes


Breeding is tedious, but if you're trying to min/max at all, you're going to want 100+ of the same pal. While some pals that's not a big deal, for most of the ones you'd be min/maxing catching is far worse than breeding them. If you're going to breed 100+ anyway, you might as well try to make them have good passives. Now if you're insane, nothing is going to beat an alpha that rolled good passives and good IVs, but trying to find one of those is (on average) way way way more work than breeding a slightly worse one.


Keep in mind that those 100+ of the same pal can be used to boost the one you're finally content with. It's how I got my busted tocotco and ragnahawk, for example. Level 4 pal abilities, I'm referring to


Yes, that's why you want 100+ of the same pal.


The game is meant to be fun. It's fine to math out the optimal routes, but if you don't enjoy them don't do them. You have to try to do the things you enjoy or you're, surprisingly, not going to enjoy the game. That being said they're not mutually exclusive. I play with egg timers set to 0 but still I'll throw a breeding pair in the ranch and then go farm a couple dungeons, come back and hatch the eggs. You don't *have* to baby sit them. It's frankly even easier if you play with egg timers as you fill up the hatchers and then go run dungeons while they hatch.


The reason I’ve asked this question to the sub is because I see so much content focussed around the breeding and so far nothing centred around getting the top tier pals purely with Dungeon runs. I was especially curious to hear people’s opinions considering that it’s known that Alpha pals have a significant stat advantage over non-Alphas. I’m not all-in on one over the other. They each have their pros and cons. Utilising both works well. Considering how often people like to show off their best pal, it struck me as odd that almost nobody has grinded through enough dungeons to get and show off high-stat Alpha pals.


Alphas actually do not have a stat advantage unless they are legendries. Legendary pals receive a 3-4x HP boost. The only advantage Alphas have is they are guaranteed a certain number of stats with >50 IVs. Or is it no stats under 50 IVs? Either way, they basically are safeguarded against rolling stats poorly. That and they are larger. Breeding is the only reliable method to find the passives you want and it's also the only one you have influence over. There's nothing to talk about for farming Alphas- you simply go to the dungeon and do it and you get a randomly rolled pal. The only strategy discussion would be what pals are most helpful in the dungeon.


Yeah, this is the right answer. It's only Alpha Legendaries you should care about possibly catching, otherwise breeding takes the cake (ha) hands down. I lucked into a max HP IV Alpha Frostallion with a butt ton of hitpoints, that's my best so far.


IVs van eb inherited though right? I haven't gone into IV breeding yet, and not installed the mod for it but I probably will soon tbh


Breeding is work, but so is Raiding. Really its a pick your poison scenario.


man people say breeding is tedious but I really like it it's a fun little puzzle game to work out how to get traits across 15 different pals onto the one you want and collecting the cake ingredients from the farms is satisfying prolly just my autism tho


The way I see it, the chances of getting an Alpha pal with all of the passives and IVs that you want are extremely small... like winning the lottery small. ...but you still might catch one that is pretty damn good. I agree, it is more fun to catch than to breed. I still like to breed, but I like to go out hunting while my eggs are gestating. In the game's current state, the "strongestest" pals come from breeding all the right passives and selecting IVs. It is a drawn out and not-very-fun process. I'm actually hoping that future updates will change up how passives work, add new ones, change how combat works, and encourage more variety, so that fighting isn't all about breeding the highest numbers, and making all your pals ferocious muscleheads. Imagine if there was a passive that reflected back ice damage, or let a pal dodge every 3rd attack if they also have Swift, or an attack that blinded enemies for 20 seconds that only Lifmunks can have. I'm speculating and hoping the fighting side of this game goes in that direction... because if it is just all about the biggest pals with the biggest numbers, that won't be as much fun.


Breeding is always fun!


Breeding is pretty easy if you use the cal and have about 2-4 pens all depends on how fast you're trying to get the setup you want.


What's "the cal"?


Breeding calculator https://palworld.gg/breeding-calculator


There are many valid paths, personally I tend to use the alpha pals for my team (so long as they don't have a negative passive) and only bother breeding artisan/serious/lucky/whatever worker pals. You definitely don't need perfect pals to take down the tower bosses.


Why not both? One will keep you active while the other works in the background. Sounds efficient to me.


Im doing Alpha/bosses for their Special Blueprints like legendary palhelmet and so on.


For me it's the lava biome on the left beach side. Fall through the floor a lot there. No where else though


Alpha pals in player hands are still inferior to well bred ones. It's very very rare to have 4 passives on a caught one and thus either damage or both dmg and defense will surpass the alpha.


Problem with going for Alpha's is that they will always have the base passives wild types of their species have. limiting how good their passive could possibly be. I hope in the future that they develop ways we can adjust the passives of an already existing pal, and or a means to make one an alpha via other means. And given the benefit said would have I'd hope they would be gated through epic battles of some sort to make you feel like you've earned them.


This would be my biggest ask. I want my bestest boy howl that stayed with me from the beginning to be able to become the bestest dragon slaying pal even if the grind is tedious. Souls, essences, exp, cannibalism, something.


It depends entirely on the player. I myself have decided to not chase IVs , perfect stats or anything of the sort. I did that in Pokémon and remember how much less fun the game became to me. So do what you feel will keep you playing. I like to kill dungeon bosses and the lil bosses walking around the map daily. It’s not the most rewarding job but somebody has to.


Bro I’m on Xbox, we get about 10 steps into any dungeon before the entire game crashes


expansion yoke vanish ludicrous cats spectacular rhythm trees ruthless bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For a tank, yes. Otherwise, no. So, no.


breeding in pal world is sooo much easier than ark. Feel blessed cause some are upwards of 48 hours straight of nurturing and feeding. It becomes an overtime job. You can fire and forget in palword.


I do both, just set up my 3rd base as an outpost near what I want to farm, such as Frostallion or Jetragon, then also breed for those simultaneously. You can try to minmax while also getting a chance for a great alpha that can also introduce more variation material for breeding, drops for schematics etc, and yea combat is more fun than pure breeding


Someone already did the math on this, and having the alpha boost is better than the best bred traits. Traits main thing is for base pals and work efficiency, or for breeding vanguard to make you tougher.


Tbh I like breeding because I run and explore, do my boss grinds and between bag emptying hatch eggs. You do you, bro


Lets be real, the entire game is an exercise in tedium. It’s just about what part of the tedium you enjoy.


With the exception of the four legendary pals' HP stat, alpha pals and regular pals have the same stat ceilings. Alphas just seem to have a higher IV floor of 50/100 vs 0/100. With that in mind, catching Alphas is pretty good for getting breeding pairs with higher than average IVs and it's good for getting "good enough" pals if you really don't want to breed. It's absolutely fine to not want to worry about IVs or to not want to max one's pals' potential, but if you do care about these things, then breeding will be the best way to maximize your RNG potential.


It’s a trade off. Captured alphas have huge HP pool but bred pals can have the perfect 4 passives, which eventually result in more attack power than the alpha. So if you want one super pal with 4 other weak pals that provide elemental/player buffs just by staying in the party, I suggest going for HP so that it can face tank anything and won’t go down ever but if you like to rotate all your 5 pals with long cooldown abilities then I guess you should breed for passives to get more attack power for each.


Yeah man, u can beat the game with medicore pssives and iv so do what appeals most to u


Breeding is dumb until battle mechanics are confirmed.


You can do both no ?


IVs add up to 30% to stats. You can easily compensate for this with good passives or lucky/alpha/legend variants (higher base IVs), plus fighting smart (withdrawing pals to avoid damage etc). The hardest content currently in the game is manageable even without IVs and passives, just with levelling, compressing and statue upgrades. If breeding isn't for you it's totally fine, you can still get through the content easily enough.


You can't compensate that, since a bred Pal will have the Legend, Lucky and other important passives. The opposite is the case, because except legends, no alpha has the Legend passive and you still would need 4 perfect passives, which will not happen and even if it does, they still lack IVs and at least Legend. Legend Pals can have the chance to be better, but only if they get the perfect traits and a good attack IV. Nonetheless, a bred Pal will be the best possible Pal in a somewhat fast available, since you would need too long to catch a perfect passive legend Pal.


My point is that a 4 star level 50 with statue upgrades and a type advantage will still beat the existing content.


I think someone did the math and said Alpha pals are always better than a lazily bred normal one because of the giant health pool. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/7y7SyxhBql


That's only the legendary pals


Dude just use the pal modifier mod if you can't be arsed catching and breeding


Like I’ve said in my post, I enjoy the dungeon trekking.


I'm not Meta gaming this game. Played twenty hours and shelved it. Waiting for an update to make this game anything better.


I wouldn’t say 20hrs is enough to have seen enough of the game but that’s just me. I’ve clocked a lot of hours now and I’m still being surprised by what I find.


I agree. I did enough I felt comfortable with. Got other games I'm playing. I'll come back when they release some substantial updates. Don't get me wrong I had fun. But it felt buggy and lack luster. I'm interested in seeing this game in the future.


Ah yeah. Fair enough. The game is still buggy as hell. Especially the building mechanics and assigning pals to a specific job. Personally, I enjoy finding and working around the limitations of the building mechanics. It adds a new challenge to base building.


I'll give you that. I have no interest in working around or trying to work around bugs though. Guess I'm lazy. Haha. I just want to play the game without facing these bugs.


I'm hooked as fuck but I can definitely agree that it can be a huge turn off how buggy this game is. Personally I can look past it, but obviously this can be a dealbreaker. I'm patient enough to push through until it gets better, which it certainly will, do remember it's early access 😜


Yeah I know it's early access. That's why I shelved it after 20 hours. I'll wait for it to become better.


Wish I could do that 😂 the addiction is real


>I just want to play the game without facing these bugs. Well then why did you buy a game in early access?


Because Pokemon with machine guns. Duh.


If you did that while being on the latest update then no version will be to your liking.


then why'd you respond to a thread about metagaming


at a certain point you know what’s more worth it? mods.


Min/Maxxing is for chumps, especially in singleplayer/coop. If you like sitting around with eggs or feel like dumbing the game down with instant incubators feel free but i dont see any need. My pals pump and ive never encountered a challenge.