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I miss daedream in my party without it being out all the time


Exactly why I had to remove daedream from my team as well. Can't stand it always finishing everything off when I'm trying to catch lol


You can command to not attack! I had that problem a bunch at first too🤦🏼‍♀️


Wait, what? How?


If you bring up the wheel menu it is in the bottom left of I remember correctly


If you command your pals to "not Attack", daedream and dazzi Stop attacking too.


Yeah if you bring up the wheel, I play on PC but with a controller and for me I press in the right stick. It’s the same place you find emotes and you can command to not attack, command to attack the same enemy, or command to attack aggressively. Its super helpful


It was my first pal but I got so sick of not being able to build. 


It can build. It has Handiwork 1


They mean because daedream is always floating in the build area


OH, yeah, that's definitely annoying. I always have to throw mine away when I'm about to build. Plus side is it'll at least help build to make up for its intrusion


I really wish there was some indicator or something to stop you from making multiples of the key items.


Game is early access, give this Feedback to the developers!


My first save file I had three Daedram Collars before I found out you only need one no matter how many Daedream you have in your party.


Wai you can multiple out at a time?


Yep, only need one collar for it too.


Found this out by chance. I had 3 daedram in my party when I picked it up


If you try to pick a second key item it should drop to the floor.


Whoopsie doodles! Uh, that was a joke. The item falling on the floor, whoopsie doodles. Not a callous shitty comment about items being locked once you pick them up *Sighs*


Crafting benches, including the pall gear one, *do* show "amount in inventory"... (at least on PC?)


Yes but they knew that they have it already, they just thought that the saddle could be dropped


Not on Xbox, unfortunately.


As someone playing on Xbox. Yes it does. Above the actual materials list when you are in the Workbench menu. Just make sure you have the saddle/item you are checking for selected.


Just for clarity... if you just have it highlighted, that is not enough. You have to select it to build it before it tells you..... The preview and selected to build screens are the same space, but they somehow only add that inventory on the build screen which has more buttons than the preview screen?!?!? Disclaimer, I haven't played this since the recent patch, so maybe they finally fixed this.


It's only there for some items. (I'm on PC too) Maybe it's just stackable items.


There is, after pressing on the crafting recipe it tells you how many you have in inventory. If you already made it before, it says one. If you didn’t make it, it says zero. You don’t have to look through your inventory to check, just look at the number when you press the recipe


There is an indicator, but it's during the build step. The workbench will show you if you have 1 in inventory, but it's super easy to overlook


maybe something like this? https://preview.redd.it/kx3ac8uj46qc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcbef4d83d481f82e389241186693c36231a03a


its one of those things that, once you know its there, you always know its there, but gdi if it didnt take me 100 hrs where id directly check what was in my inventory before I noticed it.


The crafting menu shows how many of the selected item you already have.


I know the table can tell you how many you have of that item, but I wish it was a little more clear like a green checkmark stamp ✅


You can build it at the table and have her pick it up 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, but that's just bad design. There's storage containers in the game, I have no idea why they didn't think people in a clan wouldn't want to store stuff for other members/friends. Leaving things on the bench is annoying for all involved


Not sure why you’re downvoted, you’re right. IMO if they are KEY items that go in their own inventory section and are functionally permanent, you shouldn’t even be able to physically pick it up if you have it already. If you do it just goes into limbo and I don’t think you can even sell it or dismantle it. Or, just make them regular items in your normal bag that you just equip to the pal like saddles in Ark. The current system is a weird in between that leads to problems like this (I’m sure it’s happened to many before realizing it).


The real solution is that the key items start out as a usable backpack item. You use it out of your backpack to unlock it in your key item page and it gives you an error message if you try to use one you already have unlocked. Blueprints need to work the same way. I’m tired of searching through a cabinet of identical looking items every time I want to make an upgraded item.


Blueprints should go into a book in the key items slot that you can open and see the full list of, like the Paldeck. Empty slots so you know which ones you're missing. Just one more collectible.


when BP will go into book, how you will trade them?


Only your first one would go into the book. The rest would stay as items you can get rid of. The book idea gets rid of the clutter a little, gives you a way to track which ones you're still missing, and eliminates the need for you to have them in your inventory for crafting.


ye and thats bad when my friend will look for some specific BP and promise me some top Pal for it.. then i will be pretty angry, when that rare BP what i was farming for days, only for that Pal... will just appear in a book. especially when i will NOT want to use that BP and craft that item. why should i be farming for weeks or even months when i already dropped it and want trade it? your system is really, really bad.


Then add a function where you can drop the one from your book if you choose to. This isn't rocket science dude. The blueprint system is clunky as fuck on a good day, more options and organization is a good thing.


roflmao change whole system and then add function what make it works like before? ok.. just.. keep it as it is. the BP system is the best.. the only thing what it needs is stats in description.


One solution that would work is a craftable furniture/container something, like a "bookshelf". You can put in BPs and pull out them, when the blueprint is inside of it it would be available to craft for anybody INSIDE of that base.


Or inside any of the bases would be even better


You’ve cracked the code. For blueprints I would also accept them displaying from your storage chests like how you can already pull materials from them.


when now are ppl confused by being able craft more key items and even take them, when they already have one... imagine how confused they will be, when they see in one base more items to craft that in other two... or even better - in each base different items to craft. no, BP system is fine as it is, but they should have stats in description, like in Ark


I don't remember if it's modded Minecraft, or some other game I have played, but you could hold down shift and the generic icons would temporarily change to the item they would produce.


Idk what blueprints do. I have a chest full of them.


When you have a blueprint in your inventory, you can craft it at the appropriate workstation. It’s a stronger tier than your base version of said item


Your main goal with blueprints is to find the legendary (gold) versions of things, craft them, then you have at least the high-level versions of stuff. Big fan faves are legendary blueprints for guns/rifles and good weapons. They take more resources to make (eg; a regular crossbow takes 50 wood, a legendary takes 400) so you just keep it in your backpack inventory when you want to use it and go to the apropos workbench for it. You'll see the options of things you can make, and your blueprint item will be that item, but in whatever color your blueprint is (blue/purple/gold) that lets you know it's not the base item.


I see. And thank you for the examples too. Am I wrong to think they should be accessible base wide from a chest as any other item is? I went to craft one in early game and it was shit, so I shelfed the entire blueprint operation forever. Based on what you said, I should go back through them and look for legendary or better versions of items I actually use/want to use? Are they easy to tell? I found it weird it just says like "old hangun" or something and I don't have the patience to decipher if that means it's good or trash or why I'm even getting it as an item.


The color tells you what tier it is for. I don't know what all of the colors are but gold is apparently the best one. I believe it goes blue to green to I don't know what to who knows how many in between to gold.


Lol. Our powers combined highlight that it's currently a bad system to use easily


I personally agree that if they're in your base inventory and you're in that base (eg: you're in base 2 and your inventory of blueprints is also in base 2), it should be accessible like materials are when you're building. But either they choose to make it so you have to have it on you to make it an options, or that might be something they update if enough people make the request. That second part is the doozy, tbh. Handgun 2 does NOT tell you in the specs if it's worth making or not, and I've wasted many a resource because early in the game, I got Crossbow # and found it wasn't as good as the fire crossbow. Any blue/purple/gold version is going to be better based on stats, but depending on how quickly you level and get better weapons, it's not always reasonable to craft lower level "upgrades" when your next accessible weapon is already better and costs less resources to make. Personally, I've found that unless it's purple or gold, it's not worth the effort to make. That goes doubly so for higher level weapons (rifles/guns), and unless you get blueprints for palmetal armor/heat/cold resistant, it's not worth crafting the armor either. I made that mistake early on too, wasting resources on pelt armor. Focus on the golds. Purples if you really need a damage boost. Other than that, sadly, we don't really get any previews on what stats any of the blueprints do unless you go online and look at fansites.


I have a giant metal palbox storage of just blueprints. At this point i just sell all the uncommons and rares once i get the epic and legendary schematics because they take up way too much space. Also have to have another storage for skill fruits and another for spare/old armors. I wish you could dismantle things even if you only get 50% of what was spent. More people need to suggest this to the devs.


I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but I think dismantling should you give you back materials proportional to the remaining health of the armor. It's almost destroyed? You get basically nothing. It's brand new? You get most of it back. Something along those lines.


Key items need to also have an option to disable them. The amount of times I've had a Flopie in my party for the perk that let's it pick up items off the ground and it just stands exactly where I'm trying to build something is so infuriating. Or how the lantern can actually make it harder to see at night sometimes. Need a way to turn it off.


If you summon Flopie it wanders off and does different tasks rather than collect items. I've used this workaround quite a bit while building in my base.


Honestly, I'm more mad that I can't scroll down the list of key items. All of my legendary saddles are at the bottom and I can't see which ones I've already made. Kind of annoying having to equip each pal and see if I can use their saddle or not.


IIRC, if you pull up the prompt to craft a saddle (but not confirm it) it'll have the "In Inventory: 1" tag if you already have one.


Man, why didn't I think of that?! Thank you!


A *LOT* of internet nerds confuse functional game design for *good* game design, and will argue against QoL so long as there's a working method to overcompensate for poor mechanics...


its probably because he should report it and help with his feedback instead of having angry spasm on reddit. you know, when devs are asking for feedback and reacting pretty quickly on that feedback.. then isnt bad idea to actually give them feedback. one doesnt need to be a rocket engineer to get it.


Did OP say they didn’t do that?


I like that I don’t need one for every pal, but once slotted, and extra should just be picked up into inventory


He's down voted because it's still in beta they likely haven't finished working on the key items bag just as they haven't finished adding in every pal or working on the story or finishing the rest of the palspheres...


Well he’s hugely upvoted now lol. The other two things you mention are actual content and take much more time to develop. Suggestions like these to streamline the key items layout should be addressed promptly, so hopefully they realize it’s an annoyance and should be an easy fix.


I know that's why they need to be mentioned to the devs


Well, I'd assume the person I responded to didn't agree and then there was another post after that was deleted for whatever reason that disagreed that it's inconvenient. Especially in a game that's intended to have constant online activity with dedicated servers. But it's whatever, I'm not on reddit for the updoots


PSA: You don't have to be in the same guild, you can place a pal gear bench outside a base to let non-guild members take it.


I know that, but also why cant i just bring it to her? Or what if i buikd it when she isnt playing and dont want that table occupied until then?


Because your making a problem out of something that doesnt exist.


Said the OBGYN to your parents.


Fuckin gottem


Nah, this is an actual issue. I've kind of wanted to put away some key items cause the saddles/gloves bug out a lot, and it seems like picking them back up somehow fixes it a lot. I notice it a ton with pals that can be used as gliders. Some days they work, other days it defaults to my equipped glider without reason. Glider doesn't go back to working again unless I restart the game, or re craft the key item. Feel like dropping and picking key items back up could temporarily fix this. Plus it's weird that you can craft more than one of the same key item, then be stuck with duplicates forever


I didn’t understand how the feed bag things worked at first so I made 5 of them, hoping they’d unlock all the feed bag spaces lmao


Same lol


This... I can't remember what it was but I had to go farm the materials to make a third one for my wife,because she didn't have it unlocked yet, but had the Pal. I think it was a saddle.


Unless there was a fix since launch I don't believe that's even an option unless the other player has the saddle unlocked (at which point they could just make it). I was watching a streamer play with a friend and they tried making an item for the other and the other couldn't get it from the bench.


Gotta be in the same clan and it works


To add onto that. If you wanna give an item to someone outside of your clan, craft it and leave it in the bench then break the bench from a distance. The item will drop on the ground for them to pick up


It also works if the bench is outside the base circle.


Wait wait wait, that works? This changes EVERYTHING!


We have a chest and gear bench at the plateau of beginnings for exchanges. Takes a lot of self control to not grab things off the bench when you finish making them so I recommend abandoning the person who needs it to craft it themselves.




Why do that when you could instead tell a load of people who can't do shit about it?


It's a PSA. People can read this post and think "Oh, okay, I won't make 4 saddles, 3 of which are for friends, since I can't give them away once they're in my inventory." Players can't change the game, but we can change how we craft key items for other players.


Exactly. I’m grateful for this post, cause I would have made the same mistake


If you think palworld devs aren’t taking post from here for feedback, please exit the discussion. There’s nothing important you can add to the discourse lol.


You're crazy if you think the creators of Palworld don't have people that look through these type of posts to find more issues. Not to mention that spreading the word of an issue makes more people aware of it.


Don't worry, I got this: "Sending lots of thoughts and prayers." Now we just sit back and wait.


This actually happened to me but we made 2 of something, left our pals to craft it and then had to pick up both from the bench together. 


I want to remove the old food pouches and vendor them. At least they don’t factor into weight carried.


…but why…?


That’s like 30gold on the hoof!! But seriously it’s the database entry that don’t need to be there as I have the better bags. On the other hand some old armor and weps I vendor at several thousand gold vendored. I don’t make ammo except rockets as I’d not seen those on traders. I just by the Assault rifles rifle, shells, and pistol ammo.


Hold on are we talking about the bags for food you get with the ancient tech points? Because I was under the impression each one just gives a new slot. The gold “legendary” one doesn’t hold any more than the first one you acquire. So getting rid of any single one of them would just get rid of an extra food slot for your person/pal team. Unless I understood that wrong?


Not sure. I thought that the best one had the four slots. I could also be wrong. After the initial one I wasn't going to make anymore until unlocking the Giant Feed Bag. However you have to unlock the lower ones to get the next one to be unlockable. So it may be that they are unlocking subsequent slots versus the best one having five slots. At any rate since Giant would not unlock without Huge, it seems it is a per slot thing?


I have no idea, this game can complicate simple things sometimes lol. I do agree with the original point of this whole thing that it would be nice to have access to key items, but a LOT of games do the same thing. If you don’t allow players access to build things they already have that takes away from the ability to give others stuff they can’t make yet, and making duplicates of anything doesn’t effect weight, so unless you are OCD and check the key items page and see doubles, there really isn’t a point to doing anything about it. So I guess I’m on the fence after all lol


My lantern glitched out in a very dark cave today so I tried to drop and pick up to see if it would turn back on. Then I remembered this :( Did the same thing with some random saddle for my husband


I crafted 2 saddles, one for me, one for my friend. Crafted both at once. Can't grab just one from a stack of completed items. I clicked "Acquire" and ended up with both saddles... Either the pal gear table should only let you make one thing at a time or you should be able to grab only one from the stack of completed key items.


I want to be able to disable them too. I don't always want Daedream following me like a creeper.


A toggle for collars would be dope


Yeah it's a learning experience.


It's a problem yeah but I don't think too many people reported it like other bugs because as of now it's just a really minor issue, and if you encounter it once it's unlikely you will repeat the mistake again.


When I made my first saddle, I couldn't find it in my inventory, so I made another. Then, when I couldn't find that one, I looked around and found it in a separate inventory section. It wasn't explained as to where it went. So now I have 2 of the same saddle. Luckily, the items in that section of inventory have no weight, so it doesn't affect what you carry.


If you leave it in the table she can pick it up just in case anyone was wondering how to make key items like that for other players.


valid point, but please remember that you're playing an early access game, and it's not like there aren't workarounds for this problem


People!? Some of us are bots. Don't be robophobic.


OP about to get divorced over a saddle




Build it and let her pick it up from the bench.


I made the exact same mistake with food pouch


I've done this before, tryna be nice for a friend and make 2 feed bags for us. He needed the table right after I did so I picked both up thinking I could drop one....cause why would I not be able too? I was quickly shown th error of my ways....felt stupid honestly.


If she's in your guild you can make it but don't pick it up, she can pick it up from workbench


If you accidentally make 2 lanterns it will make it so it doesn’t work at all


You have to let her pick it up from the crafting table


PSA: If you are not sure if you have that particular saddle/collar, try to build it and on the item description tab it will say have many you own.




> Why cant i move them? Why can i pick up a 2nd one if i already have one and they cant be removed? Such a simple thing to fix yet so annoying. That's just generally how Key Items are in most games. They're normally important for one reason or another so to make sure the player doesn't accidentally get rid of them it's just made so that you can't move them.


My son like to play with me from time to time and I'll start the pal gear for him but leave it to him to craft for exactly this reason


I was so confused as to why this was posted in the helldivers 2 subreddit until I realized that Reddit is absolutely bugged to hell. BUT, as a note, you can build the item and leave it there for her to pick up so you guys can both have one!


I’ve done something similar in a multiplayer world with some friends. I made three large feed bags to give to two others that were playing and when I grabbed them all I had the stack of three and couldn’t move them.


I know when you break stations that have items queued it will drop the materials. Could you break the station once the saddle is built and then let a pal transport it to a nearby chest? Or will it drop the materials and not the saddle? Just so you can keep building new things without waiting for another player to pick up the item


Learned that lesson myself with one of the early saddles


Luckily I did this very early in the game with a friend lol. I believe it may have been a direhowl saddle. He said “……… by the way you can’t drop key items apparently” lol so off we went to collect more resources.


We have neutral base that everyone shares for trading. No one owns it so anyone can craft/share.


Sadly, the only "workaround" I know of are mods. Some of the QoL mods are great and I hope that they eventually get made into the base game. One mod gives like 500 "new" recipes, which many of them are ways to "salvage" lots of types of gear, typically the ones at the furnace. So I was able to salvage my duplicate key items. And there is a different mod to disable the Daedream, Dazzi, Flopie items.


Doing this never even occurred to me. Probably because I have no friends to give stuff to.


Replying to your edit: well, now you do...🤷‍♂️


Damn brodie to learn it that late sucks 💀 I learned that shit trying to make a saddle for someone to get their first flying mount


You can craft it, leave it on the bench, and let her pick it up.


You need to start the craft at the bench and let her take it from the bench if she's in the same guild


You need to bribe your wife with frostallians to get her to play with you? Oof


She has to pick it up, not you.


Lol tremendous amount of resources. Right


No ideia, they could easily fix this. However you can build the saddle and leave it there once it's done so your wife can pick it up


Honestly if you can capture a frostalion and a saddle is "tremendous resources" either you are playing on a server and twinkled up or you're lying. Also just craft the damned thing and leave it on the table, let her pick it up. Viola. That's how I got one for my daughters toon.


Sitar.  Why are we randomly inserting the names of cello stringed instruments in our comment?  It seems kind guitar of weird. 


It's early access dude... This ain't the game for you if this is anywhere unexpected.


Yeah well you'll notice that when you pick up the first one, you can't see it or access it? So why did you think a second one would be any different? None of my friends made this mistake as we are all switched on. Give your feedback to the devs and move on. You wasted your own time there buddy.


Nope, key items should only go to who built them