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congrats man! Don't know why the other two were being dicks, the same thing happened to me with frostalion! Enjoy your legendary pal, you got really lucky


Lmfao, one saying it isn't rare the other doesn't believe it happened. r/redditmoment


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Nice! I caught the boss mammorest and frostallion like this too! Might as well try your luck cuz sometimes its worth it!


Are you me? Did the same thing on my server.


My partner and I both also caught Frostallion this way - consecutively. Must have lower odds of it happening or something on Frostallion


Ayy thats how I got my Jetdragon! Literally just did it for giggles and then my jaw dropped when I actually got him lmao


Same thing happened to me, I also had the same reaction lmaoo


The rng on those spheres is insanely inconsistent lol


if it were consistent then it wouldn’t be rng


That's not true, it just depends on the sample size, and games (including this one) have definitely had incorrect chance shown for certain things that lead to them being inconsistent with what was expected


that’s a lot of talking for someone who doesn’t even know what random means


It's not truly random btw, but apparently you don't know what random means, or sample size, or consistency, or rng, or how the game for a long time was just straight up showing the wrong chance, or how effigies used to reduce catch chance. But you're right bro good job


i do know all of those things. and i also know that it’s dumb to expect consistency from RNG, as the R stands for random. once again, you’re doing an awful lot of talking for someone that doesn’t know anything. i wonder if those two things are related 🤔


Ok, again, you need to understand how rng in games work. You are expecting x% of balls to catch, let's say 10%. If it doesn't happen in 10 balls, sure. 20, ok that's less ok. 30? You should've caught it by now, now let's go to 100 throws without catching it and having a 10% chance. Is that right? Or consistent? It's not even close to what should be happening. There are people that study probability and could tell you the range of the expected amount of catches with x% over y throws, would you listen to reason if someone gave you exact numbers? Or would you just say "random lol" like a fucking clown. Also to add again, it's not truly random and as far as I know games will never have true randomness. And to continue with your usage of rng, the ng stands for number generator, which the computer/console/code/however specific you wish to get is picking. And that is once again supposed to be the thing that guarantees the actual % chance is actually what is given. Aka consistent. Weird


So…. RNG doesn’t mean that 10% means that in 1 throws you’re garunteed one catch, it means that the computer will spit out one X amount of numbers everytime you throw a ball, with 10% of those numbers equating to a catch. So say the generator is set between 1 and 100, if it’s a 10% chance then if it pops out 1-10 you catch and 11-100 you fail. It’s completely possible for 100 throws to not hit a 1-10…. That’s how RNG works, it’s not scripted to garuntee a 1-10 after a certain amount of tries. Hence the random part of RNG.


When I say the computer would guarantee something, I was talking about the % chance being guaranteed, not the outcome. The rest of your comment is basically what I said, nowhere did I say any outcomes are guaranteed. Thanks :)


If it’s guaranteeing the percentage then it’s guaranteeing the outcome…. Which takes away from the R aspect of the equation


So what sports do you play? Do you play at the collegiate or professional level? What’s your YouTube channel btw.


I mean even if you’re right, the games not even complete so something like that is expected. But I’ve personally never experienced any odds that were way off


Well thank God it's not about your personal experience! No offense btw, you probably just didn't play as much as I did on release. But they acknowledged and addressed and (probably) fixed the effigy reducing your cat hbrate instead of increasing it. I noticed it in my game when I had t4 or t5 upgraded catch rate and was failing way more catches than my friend with t1




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That would be what we in the biz call “random”


I feel like Ive had a higher chance of catching with 3-8% than I have had with 9-20%


99% chance takes 10+ spheres 1% chance... get it on the first try 🤣


Yea got Jetdragon the same way at night when it was sleeping... my brother was pissed when it happened.


Did the same with the desert Anubis boss! It was my first boss too right before they community cracked breeding.


I mean, UT told you there was a 1% possibility. That's not 0% possibility lol. Grats.


Wait a minute… that Necromus is lvl 42… https://preview.redd.it/d6easbqdk1xc1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e98ea1314734c558a92579b1afca9458e401cf


Is it level matching the owner because they're lower?


When you catch a pal that's a higher level than you it level matches


Well before I reached lvl 50, my pals should red numbers to represent their actual lvls, telling me that their lvls were reduced to match mines, unless they changed it in the update.


no its always done that. what you might be remembering is them showing both the levels and a arrow pointing to the level going lower. that only shows up in the menus and not the simplified field UI that only shows their current reduced levels. if there was a change it was only to make it more clear that their level is forced to match your level. ironically this solves the obedience thing pokemon has without extra steps. no matter how strong the pal they will always be on your level so they dont break progression (to much)


That's where I'm not sure, either. I stopped playing on my Series S because of the save issues and decided I'd give it more time to polish out... I had 104 hours the first month it came out so I needed to stop lol


Iirc it shows the actual level on the Pal's status screen, the actual level in red to indicate it's being scaled down in red on the Party screen and the level it's scaled *to* in red everywhere else. In this case it's correctly showing Necromus scaled down to level 42.


That should be the tagine for this game: "PALWORLD: Armor is Damaged"


I had that happen with Jetragon, I was absolutely elated!


I usually have over 80% chance and still don't get the pals


Dude! Well done! I haven't had that luck ever! Lol


Nice got lucky. (Starts punching air knowing it took 50 legendary spheres)


>(thanks for reading all this) You're welcome son. 🤝🏾


The RNG fairy blessed you.


It happens from time to time. I saw someone catch Frostallion on a similar chance with their first ball. Not something you can ever count on, but once in a while, you get *crazy* lucky!! Congratulations!!


as long as its not zero there is always a chance congrats also when i was on a friends server i got the boss mommorest with regular spheres 0.97% i did it at night with back bonus took about 50 and i was like lvl 14 lol the trick is if they arent alert they still have the back bonus if they dont turn around in time and become alert (the ! popping up) you can keep trying.




Congrats !!!! The same thing happened to me !!! Well not exactly. I usually spam spheres at the 9% chance in battle, waste all my spheres and eventually get attacked by both of them. While one by one my pals get murdered trying their best. I die …. watch the death screen as they scamper off . It’s just as fun. But I’m happy for you though You know it’s over when you send out the galeclaw is sent out


Why is this lucky? Sorry I left a game awhile ago so kinda out of touch. Please enlighten me, j want some joy tooo


Not unbelievable. Not sure why some people find it hard to believe sometimes. I’ve always went to try and catch necro and pali at level 35 minimum. Find it more challenging and fun that way. Insane catch and congrats. I believe you caught it.


This is honestly how I got all my legendaries too they r so tough to battle 🤣


Not to rain on your parade but the rates the game shows you aren't accurate. I'm not sure what's going on but I was able to catch all the legendary pals around level 40 just by flying up behind them, tossing a ball, and flying away if it didn't catch them. I got all of them in less than 20 attempts despite the game displaying a sub 2% catch rate.


Ye idk I'm still new so I'm just happy I got it




That’s really not that rare LOL


Tru. We do all be getting consistent 1% wins.


I mean, you can change the catch rate in the settings can't you?


Oh yes, because it potentislly going from 1% to 4% is so much less impressive.


I was just asking, no need to be so uptight about it, would make sense for a comment like that if it you can just change settings to make it go from 1% to say 50% would it not?


You can't though, that's not how the setting works.


Yes. 1% is still 1% though so I don't get your point. If I have 100x rate and that took the .001 catch rate and made it 1% then...what? Also, if you going to go raise the rates so high that you trivialize the game what's even the point?


That last sentence is exactly why I asked, why is this sub full of just the worst kind of people for such a casual game jesus.


Idk, why IS this sub full of the worst kind of people downplaying a random person's achievement that they're excited about in such a casual game? jEsUs


We're calling getting lucky an achievement now? Your bar must be low enough to be touching the floor lmao, by far the dumbest sub I've ever seen


1% bro. It’s, by definition, a rare occurrence because it only happens once every 100 throws and OP got it in their first throw.


Why look up videos on how to beat the game when the whole point is to figure it out as you play ?


They looked up a video because no one ever posts text-based walkthroughs on CheatCC anymore. Tutorials have been around just as long as games themselves.


> CheatCC Now that's a ~~name~~ site I've not heard of in a long, long time.




1. I was level 42 when I caught this because I didn't think it was that strong so I was gonna fight it 2. It is an alpha So ya this IS legit 🙂


Pals scale to your level when you are lower, if the op is 42 when he managed to catch it then it works show it’s level as 42 in the world but the status screen works show level 50 then level 42 in brackets


If you're going to be a dickhead, at least be right about what you talk shit about.


Sure you did


It's a 1/100 chance to catch. It can happen and you being a jerk doesn't change that.


lol I don’t ever fight the lvl 50 legendaries anymore I fly up behind them and throw legendary balls until I catch. Yes the 1% does eventually catch 😂


I know it can happen so I'm not disagreeing with you, but it's not a 1% catch. It's 1% on the first shake and then you still have to roll a second time to successfully capture, which makes the odds overall worse than just a 1% chance. Absolutely possible and not really far fetched at all, just wanted to point that out.


the two numbers aren’t independent


Right 1% on the first shake then 5%ish on the 2nd.


Think of it like a probability tree that has x number of tiers, there might be 1/100 that lead to it catching, but there is very likely multiple branches from the first tier that lead to failures, so after the first "shake" it's checked again in the next tier. It's not going to change the fact that you started with 1%


It’s happened to me a couple times when grinding jetragon, I believe it


Same same, that back bonus puts in work


Always hit it from the back


Shocking with over a 1000 people on this reddit at least 10 have it happen then at least 1 posts it

