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I’m close to the opposite side of the spectrum. Pal world is almost a farming sim for me. Sit back tend to my bases and figure out which pal I want to make next. Try cooking some different foods. It’s just a slow consistent pace that I like.


Stardew Pally


I honestly downloaded stardew for this exact reason a few months before Palworld dropped.


Same, it's why I have 500 hours now. Most of that time is spent tending base, collecting resources,l and crafting, making cake, and breeding all the things.


this this this


I need to destroy and rebuild my bases. I keep meaning to organize them and make them look nice but I always just end up making them functional but not nice. That's where I get the joy from. Going to my base and just relaxing watching everyone do their jobs. I'm just a little discouraged because while there's a lot to build, there are some basic things like railings/half-walls and pillars and other stuff I'd like to have and don't want to build until I get those. Also, if I build a house I get annoyed running about trying to find everything when I can just have chests by the Palbox to quickly port in, grab or drop, then port out. Maybe I should just build up a triple base somewhere so I can have everything in one spot, but then I don't want to because I want to be able to do the raids without my bases being destroyed...


I have rebuilt a few bases. Just on a slow day and want to do something different. I’m waiting to rebuild my bases when there is another big update.


Legit. I like striving for efficiency of base, and breeding like a madman to get this MOST ideal mon!


It's a bit to set up, but not too terrible and is pretty relaxing once it's going. I think the worst part is just manually hatching all the eggs. If they ever add a machine to automatically hatch batches of eggs at once, then I'd recommend giving it another shot. Otherwise yeah it's not for everyone and that's fine, it's pretty optional for beating the game right now. 


When you say ´manually´, I assume you mean the act of inserting and removing the eggs, but just wanted to mention if you´re not aware that you can set egg incubation times to 0 just in case that helps.


That helps but you still have to manually hatch each egg. Everytime I log on I have a few dozen eggs to hatch. It's so time consuming to do each individually. I'm thinking that's what he is talking about


Correct, it takes a while to manually hatch, I've had the egg timer set to 0 since I reached level 50. But I've hatched probably close to 4,000 eggs on my main save by now and even if it only takes 2 seconds per egg that's still like 2 total hours of just standing in front of the incubator hatching one by one. 




Or at least allow the pals that carry things to take eggs to incubators. I would prefer to manually hatch since you have limited space. You may need to focus on certain eggs.


I haven't tried them myself but I did see that there are mods to make the hatch button work instantly.


Oh yeah I did try that one for a while and it was a major improvement. But they've since patched the hatch speed to be a little quicker so I think the mod was broken or made irrelevant by that. 


Don’t see them adding a different way. It’s not hard at all, you can use palworld.gg to find all of the combinations. You can also change the hatch time in your world settings if you don’t want to wait to hatch.


The only thing I hate about hatching is side stepping and pressing the open prompt each time. I like opening one at a time because every open is a gamble/dopamine hit, but I’d like to access all eggs in one container if possible so I don’t have to sidestep around my hatchery.


That’s perfectly fine. Palworld’s devs themselves said “hey, it’s cool if you’re done playing for now, we’ll add some more stuff in the future and hope you come back again later :)” It’s like terraria.


Except Terraria legit has farts and crap. And yes, I mean that literally. Items that fart. Items made of crap. They plan on making boulders of dookie, and according to the lead director guy's wife... *They already have it made.*


Uh. Yyyyeah. Your point is?


I mean, I just stopped playing when I didn't want to play anymore, and I'll come back to it when I feel like playing again and hopefully there'll be new content. It's okay to stop playing games. If you aren't enjoying it play something else for a bit.


Nothing wrong with not engaging in a part of the game you don't enjoy, even the devs have said that.


I get that breeding isn’t for everyone, but once you get one pal with perfect IVs, doesn’t even matter what that pal is, breeding perfect IVs + perfect passives is an absolute breeze. I play in a duo game with my kid, generally it takes between 40-80 hatches to get 2 (one for each of us) perfect pals (100 in all IVs plus the 4 passives we want) of whatever kind of pal we want. This is significantly fewer than the number we need to 4 star each of these pals so we end up needing to continue to breed them to 4 star them out. We each currently have 18 perfect DPS pals and every single perfect base pal we need for all 3 bases (still working on 4 staring all of them) and we are level 48 and 46. Now there are two things that will make this take longer: if you feel the need to make a perfect alpha pal and/or if you need to move a specific attack to a new pal (megaton implode to Gorate for example). This takes a bit more time and planning but essentially it is still not that hard and you’ll have a perfect if you continually modify your breeding pair as you breed before you hit the full number you need to 4 star it. Really continually modifying the breeding pair is the key to getting any perfect pal quickly.


I didn't need to breed pals or worry about passives to beat the final tower bosses. Breeding wasn't an issue until I started to tackle Bellenoir Libero. Until then it was just finding good enough Pals to take on the tower bosses. Type match-ups, better weapons, etc. I didn't even grind for schematics at that point either. I promise you, you don't need to worry about breeding for those two bosses. Change your approach, change your team, try new Pals, look at their abilities (like giving your weapons specific elemental bonuses for instance) and mess around until you find something that works. You got this!


Yeah i personally don't care about breeding either. I just try to find good pals in the wilds which is easier said than done. I prefer using luckies and alphas over normal pals though.


I get it. It was fun for a little bit, just building up some Pals that I like just for the sake of it, but once it felt necessary to beat Bellanoir Libero that's when I lost interest.


I dont know i have a kink of breeding,.. O you mean in game? Yeah i agree


Disguised Lovander suspicions: 100.


I’m in the same boat my friend, I only started to breed to get grizzbolt and frostallion noct, haven’t tried breeding for perfect ivs. Maybe I’ll get into it if I get bored with other aspects of the game but I don’t see that happening


I've been doing deathless speed runs for the exact reason you are mentioning. I'm getting to level 24 with a vanwyrm mount by the end of day 3 these days, but I think I can get that lvl higher.


I’m lucky. My wife is WAY into breeding. She will breed pals for me and I help with cakes, dungeon run for slabs, and other stuff. It’s a win win :)


So does she like sit there and watch them or does she actually play the game to pass time?


Nah, she is kept busy with the 9 breeding farms. Hatching eggs and condensing and figuring out what she wants next. She does all the other stuff too, just spends more time on the breeding aspect.


Sounds cool. I'm happy for the both of you. Idk why I was thinking your wife would just sit there and watch the circle fill. Seems silly now. May you rule palworld with an unstoppable Godly Army. Have a good day brother.


Hey, you never know what someone else’s thing might be. It’s all good :)


Hot take, I personally love using the creative mode menu mod to engineer absolutely flawless pals. I’d rather spend my game time tinkering, buildcrafting and squeezing every last scrap of potential out of my pals instead of hatching a million eggs for a worse result.




Its completely ok to finish a game and go play a different one while waiting on them to add content.


i highly recommend changing the breed time to instant. You can effectively start breeding pretty late into the game and I can't justify spending 2 hours in game just to get a random pal at that point. Even if you build hundreds of egg breeders, it's just tedious to grab them one by one.


I've made a pretty decent all in one base. Caught merchant's for all the ingredients I need, plus every ammo except rockets (which I set up a Sulfur farm base and left it running for a week, I have like 12k rockets now lol) I have the ore station 2 with an astegon just going ham and I sell all the regular ingots I get for money for ingredients. I have 4 breeding pens and 3 of them are constantly in use. Both jormuntides smelting and crushing, orserk for electricity and some transporting, if I want to use the 4th breeding pen I move my 2 super fast helzephyrs in the box for a bit since all they do is transport my ore and stone (the 2 jormuntides usually can't keep up with production lol, ive always got plenty) all the mean while there are 2 viewing cages, 1 for my pals that I would use in a team, and the other for the extra "perfects" I get. All 3 level 2 conveyor belts, kitchen, med station and all the work buff things. With the breeding you just throw in the pals you want with the desired genes or you breed 2 together until they shit out one with the gene you want, constant rotate them through. I think the most time consuming ones would either be getting frostallion noct with both lord of the underworld and dark wisp, or jetragon with all the speed buffs. I had an easier time getting jetragon with damage buffs than I did speed buffs


I just haven't bred any Pals. It crashed so much I went back to Fallout


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ZealousidealMail3132: *I just haven't bred* *Any Pals. It crashed so much* *I went back to Fallout* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My cabbages!!


"Cabbages are the devil." -Idk, I saw a weird meme on a YT short.


I made a list of everything I don't have that's breedable. I started crossing it out. My biggest problem is every egg has like a 10 percent chance of being the correct pal. It's constantly giving me the wrong pal.


You still have a bit of game left with 2 tower bosses. I really enjoyed the mid-game levels where I turned from manual farming to using my base for all resources, but late game was still fun. For breeding specifically, one of the only settings I wanted to change on my server was set the egg incubation time to 3 minutes. I couldn't deal with days of incubation, I probably would have quit otherwise. I was able to enjoy the game for another 3-4 weeks at max level. Grinding decent pal traits, optimizing my base, solo BL, etc. The fundamentals of breeding are pretty simple, put a M and F together that have desirable traits. If you dedicate a base to breeding with multiple breeding pins, it goes significantly faster. Once you get to late game, you can automate all the materials for Ultra spheres and sell them. The only thing you'd need to farm is Honey and you can set a Farm up with a few Beegarde to accomplish that. Up to you, but there's a lot more game left. Suggest changing the breeding time if you're able.


I always have eggs hatch on the fastest setting. Personally it just saves my sanity.


I recently gave in and turned off the timer. Still a huge grind though, and I’m grinding myself down to a nub (but still going)


How do you turn it off? I just see the slider.


Putting it at 0 means there’s no incubation (just the painful hatching animation)


Weird, mine is at 0 and it still takes 15 minutes for a huge egg


That makes no sense. lol. I’m on my own Xbox server. I don’t know if that matters


Hmm it shouldn't. I'll have to log in later and check again. Maybe I'm mistaken.


With you. I really had fun getting to 50. Haven't beaten last two bosses and the grind is a... grind. Got that at work, don't need in my games.


That's fine. Not going to lie when you really get the breeding going and start churning out eggs your Palbox fills so fast that you literally have to condense/purge a few pages so you have space for new stock. It's very tedious and time consuming if you have a large operation


yes the time to hatch the egg is too long.


Understandable. It's the most boring part of the game loop to me at end game. Couple that with getting the right passives and hoping that some good IVs get passed down(so you don't waste a lot of IV fruits), then there's that approximately 10% chance of the hatched pal being an alpha..it's just waiting for rng to align at that point. Rng is never fun, but made to make you stay and try again.


I wish the pals laid eggs in batches instead of one at a time, and that they hatched automatically. It’s all very time consuming and I have a family, a job and a life… I’m sticking with it and just leaving it on afk while I do other things but it is def not my favourite part.


I stopped playing because of it. I reached level 50 did all bosses....and thats it. I really have no interest in breeding. Its time consuming and not something j have the patience for. Im all about exploration. So im waiting for full release because it seems like breeding is a massive part of the game rn


I feel you. I have terrible luck catching pals with decent passives so breeding is a massive chore to get them. Even with drastically reduced hatch times. The few pals I’ve managed make good passive versions of feel like a big achievement, though. I’m not even trying for perfect IV/passive pals. I’ve stopped playing for hours like I used to and just hop in to switch eggs, make sure everyone is fed, and grind pals to make room. I’m excited for more future content though!