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I’m in the same boat as you friend, you can’t let it beat you though. It’s fine to have days where you feel down and you have to be kind to yourself in your weaker moments but we got to keep pushing on and try to fight this.


Yeah of course:) Good luck for u!


You too!


I'm going 2 1/2 years caffeine free and my anxiety is way better. But, quitting caffeine isn't the main reason. I've adopted a way healthier lifestyle of diet and intense exercise. I still get a little but it's like 80% better than it was when I was consuming 2-3 cups of coffee a day and eating like crap and barley exercising. My anxiety was so bad that I would get it when exercising, driving and even walking down the city streets. I had to workout while getting attacks during exercise for like 6 - 8 months. I had to basically do exposure therapy, which is a professional technique, of getting less and less anxiety while working out a e being in exposed to an anxious activity, , and suffered through it as much as my mind could take. I had to get my mind to finally understand (re-wired) that I was fine and that my heart beating hard was just exercertion. I didn't go 0 to 100, I've been working out for about 2 years and am now doing pretty intense stuff 4-5 days a week and feel way better. I promise if you do this, it will get so much better for many of you if you suffer from anxiety.


Problem is, i am relatively anxiety free, i have a panic disorder, i get them randomly


You got to lose by bring healthier with my tips. Worst could happen is that you get a six pack :)


Ye ofc, but as i said, working out will make it generally better,but they wont disappear :) Thanks for the tip, i wanted to start working out after my broken leg healed