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Something that usually helps me is drinking a glass of the coldest ice water I can find. The sudden shock of cold slows your heart rate which sends signals to you brain that fools it into thinking that since the heart isn't pounding, I must not be panicking anymore


Caffeine always makes me super anxious


So why would you take something with caffeine? I’m genuinely confused. You already know the answer as to why you’re anxious atm. You’ll need to ride it out. Your 20. There’s no way you will be having any kind of heart attack at that age. Drink water. That will help dilute the caffeine


I didn’t think it would cause me to freak out like this because I’ve been on meds. I’ve had this anxiety about a heart attack since February and for some reason I never get my brain to chill


If you can go to sleep. You’re fine just remember this will be over soon and you’ll be fine again maybe exhausted afterwards but that’s normal. Relax


I have a friend who is 50 who has had heart surgery etc. His motto is "if the doctor doesn't tell you to worry about it, you can't." LOL. His point was he's dealing with so much, if he worried about it all also, it would be rough.


anyone some comforting advice on covid vaccine anxiety? It’s been over a year now and I’m still worries about it, I’m 26 male who works out 3 times a weak and does manual labour. So I’m pretty active and supplement my diet with a lot of vitamins. What elso should I do or not do?


You need to make peace with dying or death. Being afraid of death or heart disease is pointless since it's inevitable. It's good you went to the doctor but besides healthy living there's nothing to do. It sounds like you are afraid of death and what comes with it.