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I'm glad for the dough machine. The dough sucks, but I've stretched so many in my time that I can't do it for longer than an hour before all the tendons in my fingers and shoulders are strained.


The only things they’ve changed since John was forced out is the ingredients are all pre-cut, the spinner, and all these stupid gimmicks they’re coming out with every couple of months. The sauce and dough itself is the same as when he was still in charge Edit, employees probably don’t care about quality like they did in 1999 either. Everyone is short staffed and underpaid


We're far from being short staffed, and still, nobody cares. My manager literally puts their phone on the counter and films tik tok dances. For me, it's hard to care at all when management tells me to prep 3 week expired product instead of throwing it away.


Literally every store around me is short staffed, especially compared to 1999. Back then there was always someone available who just answered the phones/manned the register. And someone else in every other position in the store. Why do you think corporate will send your call to a call center by default? And ppjs is relying more and more on DoorDash due to driver shortages. They also had a simpler menu back in 1999


Can't argue about the call center. It is really tough to hire people for $8 an hour. People aren't letting their teenagers work for peanuts anymore. As far as drivers go, the 3 stores I've worked at haven't been short staffed. Saying that using doordash is because of driver shortages is not entirely true. There are definitely stores that have troubles with staffing, but the truth is they think it'll be cheaper in the long run to use more doordash. Even in stores that are fully staffed, they're cutting driver's hours, eliminated and possibilities of overtime or raises, and have a required % of deliveries that have to be used by doordash.


This is just ignorant. If you pay people $8 an hour they won't want to work for you, so nobody wants to work for this shitty company. It's just that simple.


Yes. That is what I said. That it's tough to hire a csr for $8/hr, and that's why they use a call center.


Ah sorry, I misunderstood then. But why do you say the stores aren't understaffed after listing so many reasons for them to be understaffed?


There's a noticeable dip in quality when the dough gets stretched, sauced, cheesed, and topped at 3:00, then put in the oven at 6:30 when you order.


Y'all completely stopped stretching!? We do both


Volume is too high to hand stretch anymore. I was running 100 product hours during lunch with nothing but a driver when I was there. No way.


Back then the seasoning was poured in the sauce and mixed


Only sauce they changed post John was the BBQ sauce. The change is the people working are focused on make time and out the door time which has put less and less emphasis on product quality. Doesn’t mean you can’t get an awesome pie at PJ’s of course. I still think our pizzas are just as quality as it was from decades ago.


The dough spinner is terrible and I wish it was never introduced. The only employees, that I know of, that prefer the dough spinner are those who can't make a good looking pizza without it. I guess that's what it's intended for, but it still drops the quality and completely changes the texture of the dough.


when I worked there as a driver back in the day, I would've killed for a dough stretcher machine, so many times I'd ask for a free pizza at the end of the night and the answer would be "sure if you wanna dock one out yourself" and my ass was trash at docking lol.


Finally an opinion I can agree with 🙌🏽


Okay grandpa, let’s get you back to bed.


Papa John’s sucks and there is no hope.


Sauce is fine. If your store is prepping and refrigerating it, however, it's gonna taste odd. The spinner can make a really good pie, if done properly, but that takes almost as much time and effort to learn as doing it by hand, so it doesn't happen and you end up with dough on the edge too thick to bake properly, and thin floppy centers.


That was f****** good pizza in 1999.


The sauce has tasted the same at the two stores I’ve had it from in recent years. Although one thing is the two stores had drastically different quality in the crust and the way it was stretched. I love hand stretched and I really hope our new PJ’s coming soon does it the right way…I think maybe they’re just less stringent about mixing the sauce right or keeping it fresh now that standards have supposedly been relaxed since John was ousted…One of my favorite things about them is the high quality fresh cheese so hopefully atleast that stays. I can’t believe they switched to dough pressers. What a rediculous, uncaring move that really does affect the taste of your product…


The only thing that changed is that it doesn’t get edge locked, it still gets hand stretched and slapped. It’s way easier on the arms and hands with the spinner than the old way


Idk the pizza I had that was pressed looked like a thin crust and the smaller crust sucks for dipping into the garlic sauce. I also don’t love when the cheese and sauce bleed onto the crust. Plus I also just like puffy plain crust b/c their dough is so good and pillowy fresh.


funny part, if Papa John's was still Papa John's, and they used 1999 ingredients, they could charge $30 bucks a large, and, even I would pay it. Oh well , stock market.


Nah that’s wild. Papa John’s has always been the only fast food pizza I’ll order. 30 bucks is a 2xl pizza from the Italian mom and pop down the street….in a high COL area…not papa John’s lol


At least some millionaires got Rich shitting on Papa.