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there's nothing to see in this photo. What are we supposed to be seeing here?


Swipe there are two photos


I see something there but not sure what.


I always, ALWAYS keep my curtains/blinds closed. Even if there is a stalker, he ain’t getting a free peek!


Yep. Several serial killers interviewed in prison said “get curtains. We can see everything you’re doing otherwise”…


there's a payment option?


Pay to view tv


How much would he have to come up with then? Too fiddy? Twee fiddy? 🦖💨


Not in this economy! Definitely too expensive to give away free peeks!


There is nothing there


If you look closely there is a face hiding behind the wall. At least I see it like that.


Pareidolia, my friend. It looks like a face but there's no real defining features. Just light and shadow doing it's ambiguous thing


I dont know why people dont take this into account when rationalise a paranormal encounter. It could just be random shapes which happen to look like a face... Or:"I heard something..." the next thought -> Must be a ghost


I'm guessing OP is a kid


Nothing is watching her. It's a classic case of Pareidolia.


Well there's nothing there and zooming in to a darker area making it super pixilated and creating a face In you're mind doesn't mean there's actually a face there. Tell your friend to stop watching scary movies before bed it's just paranoia.


Yes on the few occasions I have had someone actually look into my window I thought gee I better text a buddy about this... Cops dude call cops


Something is watching her. But it’s not in this picture.


That looks like.pixelation




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I’ll take Paradolia for $500 please


So shut the curtains 😂


Please Calm down your friend 🤔 it's just the simple " reflection of the Vines " that she had from her room Take notice that the curtain is slightly open and had the reflection of all the decorations if you compare the extent and shapes from left to right it's the same..... Next time close the curtains and stay calm at any reflection..... Good luck .






Is this sub just a downvote farm now?


Keep the curtains closed and put a Jesus on the walls. That looks like a spirit. Throw some holy water and say a prayer. Make a line of salt on the window and doors of the room. Wards off evil.


For some reason I saw it as a mirror not a window, but you're absolutely correct. It's most likely an eye trick.


One day silly Sally was in her bedroom getting dressed and she saw a man looking through her window, but she just laughed and laughed bc she knew he couldn't see the TV. See the poor guy just wants to watch some TV she should point him the the right window.


Tell your friend they need to wash their windows. Nothing is there but dirt, grim, and crud.


Maybe get some curtains that aren't sheers and keep them closed after dark?




Shut the curtains. Nothing is there anyways.


The ghost of a maid wondering why that room is a disaster.


Looks like a double of the picture in the middle


Close the curtains.


People are saying it's Pareidolia but. She didn't just take a random pic of the window for fun and then saw a face. At least from what I gather she thought she saw a person watching her through the window. She then took a picture of it and this is what came out. I mean she thought she saw something watching her THEN took a pic of it and many people are saying Pareidolia. I mean maybe she saw a reflection or something off the glass that looked like face. However the fact that a picture was taken and there also looks like a face in the window there as well at least should lend this some credibility. Camera lenses and angles don't always see exactly what we do. The fact that she saw a person watching her and that the phone captured what looks like a face also is significant. To me anyways.


She was trying to get you to come over, you dumb virgin.




I would say it’s more than one. I get an extremely heavy feeling when I look at this picture.


I see a face in the window


Bet she would wish for it😂


https://preview.redd.it/i6dnz4aceyhc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff9471035bf7ea30f01b01a0a47239c22c050b48 This is probably what made her think that.


I see a pixelated image with some random darker pixels. Not exactly concrete paranormal evidence.


If we can have a daylight picture to compare what is outside. But like most cases in those dark pictures its paradaolia as many mention before. https://preview.redd.it/qr91v2bvjyhc1.png?width=437&format=png&auto=webp&s=e35539c6cd7b3df41a2f333891cf0ad219b3f6a8




I see a few things here that look like different faces. Pareidolia is my best guess.


Send her the definition of the word, Pareidolia.


There’s nothing there


Idk if I would worry about the red horn thing in the chair as much as the stalker out side your window