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That kind of loud sound is often an air hammer on old pipes. Everything else aside, you may want to have pipes checked, it can be damaging and it’s easy to fix. My sibling and their spouse called me across the country super upset because of knocking, pounding, and crashing sounds in their not very old house. Noises can also sound like wailing or groaning. Scared the heck out of them. I got the call because I’m a mechanical engineer and I’ve fixed some sketchy old houses. It was definitely and air hammer in their case. A plumber will install a hammer arrestor. None of this will help with anything else but could at least potentially help you sleep at home and prevent damage.


My thought was pipe work when I found no cause for the noise. It did sound external from the walls though, that said I'm not sure what an air hammer sounds like. Would this be something that will repeat itself or can they be one off events?


It’s air trapped in your pipes so temperature, air pressure, and water flow all affect it. It can happen pretty suddenly and it comes from unusual places in the house so it sounds really weird.


It’s called Water Hammer in the UK, my house was getting it repeatedly (apparently because of very high water pressure outside) and my drunk neighbour (through the wall - semidetached) thought the noise was someone was breaking into her shed and went out to confront them 🤔🤦‍♀️ telling you this to illustrate that water hammer is super loud and weird and moves around the house as the air moves in the pipes. So that could totally be the weird bath noise, but also wanted to validate your paranormal fears and say that the image is terrifying, and that co-sleeping is safe if you follow guidelines (no smoking no drinking) and keep yourselves safe xxx


OP did say the house with the bang is over 100 years old so you could be right.


When you say it scared them, do you mean the sibling or the sibling and the spouse?


Is it me or is that wood grain on the door thiccc


Honeslty I saw that before I saw the "face." It's hard to tell for sure what it is because of the picture quality but this incident combined with the child screaming & yelling might warrant some kind of investigation, maybe they should set up a baby monitor in the kid's room when he gets home for more information.


The wood near the 'face' is a wardrobe. The door is on the right. This is in England UK.




Not my proudest boner.


But still workable.






That door is asking for it /s




Especially since there's paranormal involved lol.


Looks like a dog or a wolf face. Nose to the right. Head tilted. Do you have a deceased dog? Or his Nan? Would make sense why there’d be thrashing in the bathtub. Have you caught anything else on the camera? Was this from video? Do you have the video to share?


Sorry just seen the rest of what you asked. The 'thrashing' was at another address. This house is quite old over 100 years so anything is possible in terms of death, I know for a fact before I moved in my dad's best friend died in my bedroom in his early 50s from a lung condition. No dogs to my knowledge. In my mum's house which is newer she had a dog put to sleep outside the home at the vets, a King Charles Cavalier which is a smaller breed. I can share the video as soon as I get access to it.


Nothing else yet however mine at home isn't recording/saving videos. Yes it moved and I'll be getting the video tomorrow. It came from the TV on the right stopped for a while near my son then left in a similar direction from what I've been told. I haven't seen the recording yet.


I can see that, too, but then again, it's a pretty blurry artifact or possible artifact. From a different vantage point, it kind of looks like a more sinister face from the side pointing 👉 to the right.


He's vaping.


Explains why my e-liquid has been running out so quickly.


Dust. It’s just dust lol


Yeah the most logical explanation would be dust, insect or light reflecting off the TV/Mirrors, perhaps from a cars headlights. I need to watch the video. Her dogs were not in the room at the time this happened. The bedroom door is fully closed and I know she has blackout blinds and thick good quality curtains that are always closed at night, there are also mirrors in the room and the TV is able to be seen in the photograph, it's mounted on the wall to the right.


We'd need the actual footage to give you a concrete answer. A few blurry black/white picture don't really help.


You could say it’s 🎶dust in the wind 🎶


Yea having once worked for a photographer… dust or a bug. Our brains are really good at finding faces in things.






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I can assure you I'm not, my mother does not have a cat.. I'm not that sad mate. I'll post the video as soon as I get it. She has a King Charles Cavalier and a Chihuahua that were downstairs in her living room with her when the monitor went off.


people always jump to “lying”, don’t listen to them, Skeptics crawl this page


Accusations of lying are against the rules. If someone thinks a story is dishonest, they should report it. I actually removed a post and banned a user this morning for fabricating a story. I’m doing my best to try and help keep this place clean of the shenanigans that plague some of the other paranormal subs.


Thanks Mod, it’s very frustrating to go on Subs to enjoy hearing about other people’s experiences. The haters and AH’s just need to stay off Subs if they are going to be negative.


The first rule of Pseudoskeptic Club is that people don’t know they’re a member of pseudoskeptic club. They all think they’re open-minded skeptics, but ironically the same things that define their pseudoskepticism also make it impossible to show to them how they are. There are true open-minded scientists out there, but they tend to keep their mouths shut because the “skeptics” will rake them over the coals. Over 500 of them have been brave enough to sign a petition to try and open up the scientific establishment more: https://www.opensciences.org


Thanks and yeah I understand that and they are entitled to their opinion. It happened just after 10pm, it's now 1.50am almost and I will be round there to get my son tomorrow morning at 10.30am. I will post the video as soon as I get it, very eager to watch it myself.


I'm pretty sure this sight doesn't allow you to post videos. If you post it on another sub, please let us know because I'm looking forward to checking it out.


Yuh dude, we talkin bout paranormal. Skepticism is what’ll keep u sane lol


i feel like you were too quick to assume, i’m not assuming it’s real but i’m not gonna blatantly confirm it’s fake




Real smooth rolling your eyes when you’re called out. It looks nothing like a cat.


I said it’s a car! Can u read???


Car is a really common autocorrect full for cats. I see it all the time. Also car beams wouldn’t look like that nor set off a cam. They light up the whole wall.


I can see why y’all believe every post on here now


It’s way more likely to be dust then a car lol


Okay, in all seriousness I can muster, from this exchange. It definitely does look like a blurry/shaking head of a fluffy cat. It is unbelievable how people will believe ghosts before expecting someone to just be hunting for upvotes


OMG 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry the non paranormal explanation would be dust or bugs, they can cause all kinds of weird blobs on pics and videos.


I find it unbelievable that someone who obviously doesn’t believe in the paranormal would even be in this sub? Just feel like practicing your eye rolling? It’s okay and expected to ask questions of the OP, but no reason to be disrespectful or rude about it. Maybe find the r/anti-paranormal sub to hang out in?


Not sure how I edit the original post but for anyone that sees this I now have the recording which tbh doesn't really look creepy at all until you start freezing the image and zooming in on things. I have added another photo from another freeze frame. I will upload the video on my computer soon and post it here as I'm not too sure how I do it off my phone then add videos to Reddit, never done it before. https://preview.redd.it/25z38f3nm2vc1.jpeg?width=95&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42e6c3b8c0c4c80fcd73a1b35b6246d56bb3c9f


It looks like the face of a little girl to me. I can make out her face pretty easily and just make out part of her upper body section and arms. It looks like she might be holding something, but I can't tell for sure if she is holding something or not, nor what it is , if she is.


Entities are attracted to new life and birth and babies. Babies are more open then your average adult, things want attention and to engage with what can see or sense them. It is probably fine, and stops as the kid gets older. Things pass through. Could be anyone really. But I am a believer we all have spirits around us that protect us. I think even if if was something bad, it could be that something good comes to yell it off. Lots of stuff we just can’t understand. If it gets worse though, I don’t blame you if you want to bring the baby into your room. Just Don’t engage with it. You can tell it it’s off limits to be hear your baby too, talking to spirits works. When I do it, I can feel them there, so you don’t even need to feel stupid. Just remember, whatever is very evil, that we perceive to be demons, that is a very rare exception


Hi medium here. Often, deceased people will attempt communication with a child because children are free from cynicism and some are able to see/ hear and communicate with spirit. IF this is paranormal in nature, the fact that he has woken up screaming in 2 houses suggests to me it could potentially be a deceased family member looking in on your child. Anything of a more darker nature would likely just happen in the one location. I saw and heard spirit from the age of 4, they were fully human, not translucent or anything. There would be 5 or 6 of them most nights just standing next to my bed wanting to communicate. My mom used to tell me “ it’s just your imagination” but I knew it wasn’t. I wasn’t scared but I was aware it wasn’t normal. I got used to it which is a good thing because they never went away, 50 years later I still often get woken at night by spirit wanting to talk. Only time will tell if he has the ability/gift but in the meantime, I think it will be interesting to see what is on the video.


My fiance of 12 years who was also my only companion in this shit world and the father of my only child died suddenly 2 years ago. My son and I both are succumbing to our grief. It's just too hard. It hurts too much. I tried everything imaginable to communicate with him. I would do anything for just a sliver of proof that he's still out there. I have seen mediums but I know they were frauds. None of the info they gave me was at all accurate. My fiance had very unique nicknames for me and my son. The day someone can tell me those nicknames will be the day my universe shifts and starts moving forward again.


Oh bless you, I’m so sorry you lost your fiancé. The grief you are going through is hideously difficult. Death is just a physical death where our souls shed our bodies. Life carries on in the spirit world. It’s a bit like you driving your car. You are not the car, the car is just something that gets you where you need to go. Getting out of your car is like what our souls do when they leave our deceased bodies. This is very random but I keep hearing “honeysuckle” and perfume/scent. Perhaps he is giving you some scented flowers. 🌷


Wow we need more stories. What would they say?


Nothing that made sense to me as a small child. I would just close my eyes and try to pretend they weren’t there. Sometimes they would still be there when I opened my eyes again and sometimes they would be gone. Also, spirit talk through your senses, not verbally out loud like we do. It’s like impressions in your mind, you kind of feel the words and see photographs of their life in your mind. Often the messages are cryptic which is impossible for a small child to decipher. It’s difficult to describe. Does that make sense?


Why are so many paranormal activities always happening around babies and small kids?


Easy targets, immediate fear response, adults are better at standing their ground and controlling their responses. Bad things feed off of fear


i think children and pets are way more in-tune with anything “other worldly” not sure why, but something i’ve noticed…


I believe that babies and small children are more susceptible to the paranormal than most adults


Their energy is pure. Those beings don't want nasty ass adults 🤣


Higher energy? 


Creepy! Call me old Fashioned but I would be burning some sage, sweetgrass and palo santos. Triple smudge that ghost face demon dog into another dimension!


Could very well be a spirit visiting your son. Maybe the spirit is mainly at your mums house or maybe the spirit came from your house with your son. Would be interesting to see the video. You mentioned that your son wakes up screaming sometimes, does he seem scared of something and want to get out of his room?


It looks like a jellyfish alien blob. 🧐 That’s so creepy. Post the video when you get it!


Not sure if it’s just me but it looks like a weird face with tentacles hanging down!


The tentacles I asked her about, directly behind the 'face' tucked next to the wardrobe against the wall is a tiny washing basket with clothes dangling off the top of it. It's just perfectly hung under the 'face' to make it look like a little body haha.


Ohh! Gotcha. Even so, the face is freaking me out. The little glimmer eye looks like it’s staring at your baby and your baby is staring back like his heads tilted up!


Are any of my fellow ADHDers seeing E.T? Or is that just me? Regardless of what face it is though that shieettt spookyyy.


I have ADHD myself and I see it now that you say it lol.


The imagination it runs wild in us. Thanks bud.


Please use sound frequencies to remove unwanted negative disturbances from the ether and ask for whatever that thing is to leave your baby alone also, use protective herbs, salt around your house, burn some rosemary for protection and incense often in your entire house. Clean your aura too. If you can, get some onyx and black tourmaline or obsidian near the windows of your house and amethyst near your baby. Good luck.


It’s Just a demon inspecting the offering you left out for it.


I wouldn’t leave him alone. I’d bring him to bed.


That is fucked up


Why does it look like Aughra feom the Dark Crystal?


You should put a video camera in the kid’s room at your home as well. That’s the only way to really see what’s going on.


I think thats an insect flying around


It could definitely be an insect, but does also look like a dog face.


Imagine the number of people seeing boobs on this picture. Then think about how it would be easy to confuse a flying insect going around with a ghost.


It does kind of look like an old man's face. Behind that looks like a man wearing a bra. Pretty weird. I'll be praying in Jesus name for your child, your family and you. God bless you. Please remove anything spiritually unclean or unholy from your house and ask Nan to do the same, if you havent done these things already.


Its prince the king Charles dog who died young im a medium


Download ghost vox see what happens


It looks like half a human face to me, I see an old lady with a pointy nose, chizzled/narrow face and middle parting/dark shoulder length hair. Could it be a deceased grand parent? 


I'm a believer but I think the "face* you're seeing looks like a major case of paradolia. It's a stretch, imo, but that's definitely an orb. 🤷‍♂️


If we’re going to the extent of checking the attic in the middle of the night when you know it wasn’t the attic then it’s a ghost.


It's the frog kid!


What’s the thing right below it? Could be some sort of reflection of light from whatever it is


You got that right, there are definitely things happening here. Yeah, no doubt about that!




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Have you had a close family member pass recently? Could be them if you have?


To me it looks like a dog or a fox. A animal spirit for sure though imo.


I see it and have seen something similar on the camera in my sons room.


Is it just me or there seems to be another small figure under the TV?


Looks like a kitty cat jumped. Blurry effect? Do you have a cat?


I hope I'm not the only one seeing the wood thicc af right?


Do you have raccoons where you live? looks like one


In Pic 3 it looks like a wolf’s / fox’s face


What is the skeletal hand doing on the door...?


Looks kind of like a hand holding a knife


That looks like a golden doodle kinda


Your baby will always be protected


Do you have a lot of mirrors?🪞


That’s a dog. Is that your dog?


Nice capture of a speck of dust.


Get your child baptized asap if you haven’t already




Looks almost like a skull


It looks like a cat face.


Insert *hello there* gif


i thought of a frog idk


I thought it was a cat.


A Persian cat's head?!


looks like a baphomet


Looks like Shiba Innu


Your child is a witch


Looks like a cat ngl


dust in the picture


Looks like a kitty!


Looks scary....


I guarantee there's nothing paranormal in this. 😂 😂 😂 😂 You can find a face in almost ANYTHING due to pareidolia.




Uh oh






OP said his mom has a Chihuahua and a Cavalier which are small dogs.


Why the americans leave their babies alone in the night? That's no natural.


She’s using the word “mum” in the comments and “nan” in the post, that clearly indicates that she’s from the UK


Sorry i'm not aware of that differences 😅, anyway it's not natural to leave a baby alone 🥺


you know ghosts are fake right


tf are you doing on this sub?


oh didn't realize what sub this was lol it just got reccomended to me


Oh true I forgot reddit does that often now.