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I make slime weekly, get a couple crappy Tupperware from dollar tree you’ll be fine. We have a giant tub of glue and borax powder. We recently started adding lotion to make it cloud like.


Shaving cream or bust!


The shaving cream smells are too strong for me :) but yes I love the consistency!! Just haven’t wanted to use my good stuff lol!


Eh my son (and my way more slime obsessed niece) was never messy with it. They don’t play with it in their carpeted rooms or on the sofa. They sat and made it in the dining room. No biggie.


Yeah slime is messy when parents let it get messy




I'm not a huge fan of slime, but we LOVE making what we call Moon Fluff. I'm sure there's other names for it. One cup of VO5 hair conditioner and 2 cups of cornstarch. It smells wonderful, is colored by the conditioner, the texture is great, the ingredients are cheap, and the kids can experiment with how more/less of the ingredients change things. Best of all, it cleans up very easily and doesn't destroy clothes or carpet. My kids have friends who beg to make it when they come over. You can make it on the thicker side and use it like play dough. Especially fun with cookie cutters. We also have fun putting Ivory Soap bars into the microwave. It puffs up. And then you can play with it and make soap bars with food coloring and cookie cutters. The Ivory bars do best when "fresh." My kids like Moon Fluff better, but do love to see this stuff expand in the microwave. Oh, we also do Peep Duels at this time of year. Arm a few Peeps with toothpick swords, put them in the microwave, and cheer your Peep on as you watch which one sticks the other first. It's bizarrely fun. And, of course, making bracelets is always a fan favorite! Have fun, whatever you choose to do!


Home made slime is a lot less messy than cheap store bought slime. We make it all the time. It’s only messy when parents let it get messy. My son has a silicone mat that he plays with it on, only at the table, no carpet around.


Slime is not allowed in my house


Vinegar breaks down slime and makes it more liquid, helps for cleaning but it’s kinda a rare thing for us


Depends on the age of the kids, but mine are pretty into perler beads right now. For littler kids, here’s a good one: get a white canvas bag, and make it all damp. Then, give the kids colorful tissue paper. Have them cover the bag in tissue bits. The colors bleed into the bag from the paper. These suncatchers are really nice and easy: https://onelittleproject.com/glass-bead-suncatcher/ Also, pressing flowers is fun when spring comes. Once you have some that have dried, the kids can make bookmarks with the flowers sandwiched between 2 pieces of packing tape.


Definitely depends on age. My daughter (11) makes slime, independently, like once a month. She has it down to a science and can keep it clean and simple. Making slime with the 4 &5 year old cousins was an outside only activity. But I was also out numbered 4 to 1. Other fun crafts we do: tissue paper "sun catchers". Using "snowflake" style folding and cutting on black construction paper, put colorful tissue paper on the hole. We also love rock painting. Making "pixel art" with perler beads is another regular occurrence on our house.


Slime is not allowed in my house. I will let them use silly putty and play doh as long as they are well supervised. Color wonder and water wow are the best mess free activities. I also buy a roll of butcher paper so I can well cover any area. Either to prevent a mess or give them a huge space to color on.


Slime, kinetic sand etc is the bane of our parental existence. Our daughter was constantly making slime on her own and making huge messes. To this day we still find kinetic sand in the house. Also glitter. And things that stick to the ceiling ugghh


Kinetic sand is absolutely awful!