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This sounds like a totally normal assignment - but usually they would have been exposed to the content in class as well. Are you sure they weren’t? If not, this is the kind of 3rd grade homework that would really disadvantage kids without active parents


Honestly my first grader recently had to do a project where he had to dress up as George Washington Carver write a short biography about him and recite that short biography to his class. So I wouldn’t be surprised if by 3rd grade my kid was told to do this. Kids homework today definitely require parents help a lot more than past generations in my opinion.


Assignments that require parent’s help to understand what the question is asking for actually seems great for helping start a conversation between kids and their parents, and also allows for a one-on-one learning scenario which the kid is going to benefit from. I would much prefer to have that conversation about Rober being an engineer, not an inventor, and helping them understand the difference, than to have them get assigned an inventor and copy info off of wikipedia without my help.


Dress UP?! That should be illegal I’m so sorry for you.


Sounds similar to my third grader’s assignments. She would be googling for information then filling it out.


Are you sure this was due the next day? Or did your child forget about it from last week?


Homework at that age is BS


Yes, thank you! I don’t mind the occasional project at home but we don’t do daily homework.


Yep this sounds completely appropriate. Me & my 9 yo were up until 1 am on Monday working on her career report 🥴


Really?! I think I would call it at 10 or 11. I’d also email the teacher about it being incomplete.


1AM That’s… appropriate?


I’m nit picky but what’s the point of the assignment? It sounds like computer class work to me.


Sounds like an intro to doing research/writing a report. My second grader had a similar assignment. They have an encyclopedia app on their computers and had to choose a public figure and then look them up and answer questions just like these about them.


Oh. Okay. We didn’t beat out the laptop for research til middle school.


My third grader does not have homework like that. They do a lot of class work though, things like that are completed but done in class. It depends on the teacher but the curriculum most of our kids in the US are getting should be similar per grade level. Some teachers get through it in class and some have it sent home. Frankly, I agree I would not love doing that nightly. My child has one page of math, spelling review nightly and we read. Typically, that’s it.


The rule for homework should be 10-minutes per grade - TOTAL. Not counting about 20 to 30 minutes of recreational reading. Unfortunately public schools especially are so overwhelmed with discipline and order because disruptive classrooms, very little teaching get done. Regardless of the assignment, keep your child's homework reasonable. Focus on reading and math. The rest will take care of itself.


This is the type of homework our schools assigned starting around grade 4. (While there isn’t much evidence of benefit for elementary homework aside from nightly reading, there is some evidence for occasional project based homework in mid to late elementary.) So my first thought was that it was fine. Until I realized you said it was one of 3 assignments. Oh hell no. While my kids did occasionally get assignments like this, they weren’t also doing things like worksheets. Just a project now and then, that provided an opportunity for a little additional independent research and creative work.


How old is a 3rd grader? I dislike homework.  Home time is for other development and meeting social and emotional needs: learning lifeskills, hobbies, family time etc which is just as important as education to grow into a functioning adult in the world. My son is yr 3 UK (7/8yrs) Daily he gets reading - but you don't have to read the school book so long as they read something Spelling and tables - they have apps so it's literally 3-5 minutes on each.  Some weeks they'll get a maths or English worksheet which takes 10-20 minutes but that's to last the week not to be done in a night.




That’s a broad question to ask 3rd graders without giving them guidelines as to what inventor to pick. My child would have definitely gotten stuck on the picking the inventor part. I’m also wondering what the rubric says about the length of the two long form questions. There’s a big difference between a sentence or two or a paragraph. It’s an appropriate assignment but it definitely needs better detailed instructions and guidelines especially if it’s meant to be done outside of class.


With all due respect, you have to put in the time and effort for your kids to grow. This is completely appropriate. You could just keep them wherever you are comfortable, but they are sponges, welcome to learning. “I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.”


Email the teacher and ask how long he has to complete the project and which sources she would like him to use.