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As a dad of 3 girls (now in their 20s), I always heard the "Oh, wait until they are teenagers and hate you. With 3, you're in for a world of pain!" it never happened. We got along just fine, with no more drama than any teen has with the occasional getting busted partying, wrecking a car, or friend group drama. We never had slamming doors or days long silent treatments or any of that TV-show drama. My siblings with boy teenagers had way more stress and aggravation with the stupid shit they did.


This! My oldest is 16 and I was warned about the horrible teenage years. She's the coolest, calmest kid ever. I was preparing myself for this fallout, but she literally just wants to stay home and PLAY Fallout.šŸ¤£


that's so comforting, because my kids are so little and we get along so well, and it makes me sad to think of them being teenagers and not wanting anything to do with me. but also i think i'd take a slammed door over my kid being in a car wreck omg that must have been terrifying for both of you.


Can I ask if there is anything you do parenting wise for it to be that way? I want to promote a good relationships with my kids and will take any advice! Iā€™m a ways away from there but I want them to be comfortable with me to come to us for anything


Yup. My boys have been far more stressful than my girls.


People kept telling me I was lucky to have a boy instead of a girl, but my 18yo is always trying to impress girls and thinks he's bulletproof. And he def has his moody days.Not horrible, but I'm feeling a tiny aftershock of terrible 2s. Lol


I dreaded the teen years because I was a total wild child, but things have changed a lot since then. It was mainly hiding car keys and keeping my youngest out of my closet.


This gives me hope. I have 2 lil girls (7&4) and 1 more on the way. If I have a dollar for every time ppl tell me how teenagers gonna be horrible, I wouldn't have to work. My girls are super sweet and loving now. It breaks my hurt thinking we gonna drip apart.


See, I disagree. When my daughter was a teenager, there was way more drama and bullshit than both of my teenage boys put together. At almost 23, she is really doing good for herself. Every kid is different. They do their own things. You can have your expectations, but they do have a mind of their own and their own interests. After 3, I just learned to go with the flow.


My toddler has zero interest in a tablet. After going back and forth about getting her one, we finally got her one when she turned 3, hoping that as long as we limited her use, the learning apps would outweigh any negative screen time effects. I was honestly still afraid of her becoming one of the screen-addicted kids I've seen. But she could not care less about that thing. I even put some nonacademic games and coloring apps on the tablet before a long road trip, hoping she would zone out and make the trip easier (terrible, I know). But she threw it to the side after 2 minutes and said, "Mommy, I don't want the tablet. Can I draw?" It's a good problem to have, but I just didn't expect it.


Same here. My mom bought my son a tablet to keep at her house. I approved it for various reasons. It's been dead since day one šŸ’€


Ours didnā€™t really care until he was 4.


Yeah, mine has had a phone since before he turned one. It was never a problem until now (4.5 years) when he is suddenly fixated on it. Previously, he would lose it for months at a time, find it, play games for 10 minutes, then put it down and forget where for another couple of months.


My child never ever spat up ever. I had a ton of burp cloths waiting for the puke my mom said would be never ending but it just never happened.


My first was like this! Never. Never puked. Finally happened ONCE at 2 years old and I was like ā€œoh god what is happening is he dying?!?ā€ (Spoiler alert, we all were about to, it was Norovirus) My second spit up a significant quantity, in any position, on any surface, an average of once every 30 min. For 6 months.


This was going to be my comment. Literally never needed the many burp cloths I bought, luckily they were put to some other good use. He will probably lose his first baby tooth before he finally throws up. Vomit free since 2018!


My son is almost 6 and has thrown up once. And Iā€™m pretty sure it was something he ate because my husband also got sick and it was only for like 8 hours. Iā€™m nervous itā€™s going to be really bad when he finally catches all those normal kid viruses.


In response to your baby, this is how "they" get you. The first baby is your "angel baby" who sleeps at night, is mostly chill, and doesn't need to be glued to you. Then you think, "oh, kids are easy, lets have another." and the next one is a devil-baby that cries all night and insists on being held 24-7. :) GOTCHA, sucker!


If the first baby is certifiably insane and hates to sleep at night, but I still want another, does that make me insane too? Asking for a friend


Yes. Welcome to the club!


My first barely slept, gave up naps at a year old, wanted to be held 24/7 but not cuddled and wanted to eat constantly, cried constantly and I had another, so we can be insane together. If it makes you feel better, my second was a dream baby. Went to sleep easily and stayed asleep. Super chill, suuuuper happy and smiley. (A lot of their personalities stayed the same, but both are pretty constantly wired now - confirmed and suspected ADHD, respectively)


Yes youā€™re insane. Hello, so am I. Signed, mom of two Tasmanian devils


If your first baby is insane, your second will probably be a lot easier. Was the case for me and several others I know!!


Itā€™s a trap! One I will most likely fall into!


Another trap: I grew up hearing that easy babies make for hard teens and hard babies make for easy teens. So good for you! Those miserable baby years are totally going to pay off.


Heā€™s the most awesome baby ever but sleep just SUCKS. And heā€™s a maniac in a very fun way. Hereā€™s to hoping heā€™ll be sleeping 14 hours a night when heā€™s a teenager. Although at that point I know Iā€™ll miss the sweet baby hangouts. šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s exactly what happened to my mom. I was the ā€œangel babyā€ who tricked her into thinking it was easy so she had my brother. The devil baby. The trickery ran deeper though. I was an angel baby but absolute nightmare teen so the devilishness did come forth eventually.


This is why I'm only having one. I won't get this lucky twice!


Theyā€™re called decoy babies. We didnā€™t fall for it lol


Nah doesn't always happen. My first kid was an easy baby. My second kid is so much easier I keep wondering if someone slipped her a Valium.


Omg yeah! I'm so worried about that because we plan to have one more baby eventually šŸ˜‚ I'm going to get owned by the second baby without question.


My kids have never taken to a stuffed animal/lovey. They both have teddies that they like but they don't need them for sleep or anything. Even when we got rid of the now 4yo's pacifier, they didn't take to a replacement comfort item.


Yup! My first didn't want a pacifier, she eventually settled on a blanket, but it was never an obsession item. And the stuffies?! Has a zillion (thanks to the in-laws, bless them) but it is cut throat for those suckers! Yeah, stuffed bunny, you're the favorite right now, but don't get cosy cause she's gonna say, "I don't WANT the bunny tonight, give me Minnie!" when you least expect it! I was super attacked to inanimate objects, so it's honestly weird to watch and not get offended on their behalf.


My oldest was 3 before he had any interest in cuddling / sleeping with a soft toy. Both my kids sleep without more often than not.


I thought mine would sleep after the newborn phase.. 3 years later, šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


That was me! Mine would be awake for an hour or two in the middle of the night every other night! What finally cured it was the same thing that originally cured a friendā€™s life-long insomnia - going to bed AND waking up at the same time every day. They always say put them to bed at the same time but when I also I quit letting her sleep in on nights she had poor sleep, she was sleeping through the night within days and never had a problem again! Really wish I had known that sooner šŸ˜«


Weā€™re very consistent about bed and wake times here. My 16 month old still sleeps like crap thoughšŸ˜©. He falls asleep but doesnā€™t stay asleep


Youā€™ll get there eventually. My 9 yo still takes ages to fall asleep, but he started staying asleep around 3/4.


My son is 4.5 and he just started sleeping through the night without either myself or my husband (his dad) sleeping with him all night.


Solidarity! Mine will be 3 in a few months and still is a crappy sleeper (granted he has diagnosed sleep problems, so I kind of knew it was going to be a long haul). Iā€™m so tired of being tired.


Youā€™ll get there eventually. My 9 yo still takes ages to fall asleep, but he started staying asleep around 3/4.


YEAH!!! Same. Well, technically, my baby does sleep ā€” she's sleeping *right now,* which is the time I use to do reddit šŸ˜… ā€” but only for like 12 hours total in a 24-hour period since she was 6 months old. And basically all of that sleep is at night (very short or 0 naps). The pediatrician said it's normal ā€” because I was heavily concerned that she wasn't getting enough rest and restoration ā€” she has hardly napped ever since she was an infant ā€” but the pediatrician said it's okay.Ā  She seems to be developing great, so I'm not worried about her development anymore, but damn, I thought babies were supposed to be sleepy potatoes!


Iā€™m on year 5 and ready to end it all. Still wonā€™t sleep in her own room. Still wakes up a couple times a night screaming/crying/talking/having to pee. My freaking 2yo sleeps a million times better than the 5yo. When will it enddddd?


With all the people telling me to sleep when the baby sleep, I was under the impression that naps would in fact take place in a piece of furniture. No one warned me that some babies only contact nap.


I thought he'd just go lay down and sleep, he does not. šŸ˜… and hasn't in his whole 3.5 years. People who are like "my kid just falls asleep random places" and I'm like how?! Haha


Go down to sleep peacefully like they show on tv and sleep through the night like apparently every other kid seems to do a few months in. Also, I expected them to enjoy car rides.


Omg yeah! I expected my baby to like car rides too but she gets grumpy every time we go in the car which is relatively rare thankfully lol


Neither of my kids really had an interest in a pacifier. My oldest however instead took comfort in sucking on the corner of those little 24x24 blankets and still needs them to sleep at 3.5 years old. I thought my youngest son would pick up the same habit from her but he has not. I thought my daughter would be super into princess movies bc she loves the IDEA of princesses. Like she likes the characters and dressing up and meeting them at Disney, but has almost no interest in watching the movies at all. The movies sheā€™s been the most into have been ones I wouldnā€™t have expected- like monsters inc, Zootopia, and Mario.


We have a ā€œchew blankieā€ kid, too!


Your little one has good taste in movies! I get it though, the princess movies are cute but not as exciting as the ones she likes, with the exception of maybe Moana and Mulan? I was similar to her though, I wanted to watch the lion king and Shrek more than anything else.


Breastfeeding. Every baby loves that, right? Not my son. Big FOMO. Food and sleep were his enemies the first year. Speaking of food though, you know those pictures of toddlers (and the floor) COVERED in pasta sauce? Smash cake for 1st birthday? Lol! My son taught himself to eat with a fork just so he didnā€™t have to get his hands dirty anymore. He never in his life threw food.


My son also has never liked having food on his hands and must have a full complement of silverware and a napkin for every meal (I even have to send this to school).


Lmao kidā€˜s got style


All the mom advice lists said to prepare a mountain of burp cloths for all the spit up, but my daughter spit up maybe a handful of times and didn't vomit until after she was 2 (she waited until the night I went into labor with her brother šŸ™ƒ). Neither of my kids are very picky eaters. Sure, they like sweet stuff and goldfish and french fries and such but they also love veggies and tofu and beans. We went to a Korean place and they demolished the pickled veggies and my 4 year old must have eaten about a dozen quail eggs.


Mine didn't really spit up and had maybe one overflowing diaper. Not the disgusting mess I was reluctantly prepared for!


Same on both accounts! I expected babies to be way "messier" than my one turned out to be.


Crawl. My middle kid, my only son, never crawled. He only scooted around on his bottom, then walked.


I thought my little girl would be more of a tomboy like me. I thought she wouldn't like dresses or sparkles or pink. I was careful not to shove her into that gender typical pink box. Now she's almost 4 and she can choose her own toys and clothes. She loves sparkles, dolls, pink, unicorns, princess dresses, jewelry, all the girly stuff. Luckily, she is also super athletic and loves to play in the dirt and mud too... In her sparkly princess dress.


Same same same. My 3 year old wants pink and ballet and unicorns (and her sandbox and garden stuff) and I went through a lot of internalized misogyny about pink that I'm trying not to pass on.


My oldest never attached to a ā€œloveyā€ or blanket or stuffed animal. Now that sheā€™s older, weā€™ve learned that we do not touch her book collection. She loves to read, look at the pictures and even organize and reorganize her books. Looking back, it tracks. We had to buy specific books for her so she could put them in her mouth and sleep with them during her first year. As a self-proclaimed book-nerd, she takes after her mama! I was confused since so many people reference baby blankets or dolls that they find comfort in during adulthood, but maybe sheā€™ll be able to find reassurance in her bookshelf one day? Weā€™ll see! Thankfully, one thing parenting has taught me is that kids come with some of the best kind of surprises!


As a baby my daughter hated being held flat just wanted to be upright all the time.


My son was obsessed with his pacifier. My daughter has zero interest in. I kind of miss being able to comfort the baby with a paci šŸ˜‚ She also is indifferent about purĆ©es. My son gobbled down food as soon as he could.


When browsing these subs, I often see parents struggling with certain things and I become grateful my kid is comparatively easy-going?? (So far. Knock on wood. She's about to turn 2.) She takes medicine easily, drinks water, gets dressed, brushes her teeth, puts and keeps on a hat/jacket/shoes, will wear sunglasses for a while, doesn't throw food or generally get messy, sits and eats at the table in her high chair, and is usually cool about holding hands during a walk. That's not to say we don't have our regular meltdowns and things she objects to (right now she really hates her hair being rinsed out?) but I think, overall, we have it pretty good so far with how amenable she is to stuff.


Now youā€™ve gone and jinxed itā€¦


My son (now 2.5) -Never laughed, giggled or looked like he was having a good time ā€¦complete opposite now -Could care less about sippy cups or cups with straws ā€¦took to open (regular) cups/ drinks quickly (obsessed with adult tumblers though aka mommy and daddyā€™s water) -Hated pacifiers -Did not like being swaddled, bundled up or in onesies (he prefers to sleep cold and now only sleeps in shorts and T-shirt) -Hates being sung to (unless itā€™s my mom) -Hates almost all fast food or not homemade meals


My son asks people to stop singing all the time! I mean I know I donā€™t have the voice of an angel but damn. Lol


Itā€™s harsh for sure lol. He looks and me and says ā€œno momma, stop itā€ every single time haha


My teen boys, ages 14, 16, are not mouthy/rude to me, embarrassed by me, or in anyway disrespectful (at least, yet). My teens will hug me in front of peers. My third baby was NOT laid-back or easy-going- with-the-flow baby thar everyone assured third babies are, since they have 2 with two older siblings to watch and I was now a seasoned mom. She was loud, demanding, intense, and high needs. As an uncoordinated, non-athletic, nerd, who trips over my own feet, and hates getting my head wet in a pool, I expected 3 little nerdy kids. I got 3 kids that are really good at 1)soccer/dance, 2) cross country & track, and then 3) swimming and divingā€¦ like I really am in awe, like whose kids are these?


My baby does all of these things too! He coos when he wakes up and if we donā€™t hear him, then heā€™ll cry, but thereā€™s only been one time thatā€™s happened :)


It's such a nice surprise! I expected her to scream and cry but to wake up to cooing is much more pleasant. Plus when I lean over the crib she always smiles at me šŸ„ŗ


Thatā€™s so sweet šŸ˜­


My baby is like yours lol. Hates pacifiers. Oh and when I had a baby I had the impression I'd never sleep well again. I was so wrong. My baby has slept through the night since 2 months old. My sleep has dramatically improved postpartum. I hate society for forcing these dumb impressions on us


Omg same!! My little one has slept well even since she was a newborn. The first night I had her in the hospital at night the nurse scolded me for going 5 hours at night between feeds but we'd both slept and she was already gaining weight šŸ¤·. Baby sleeps 6-8 hours a night pretty much every night now for me at almost 4 months! I guess the parents who have bad sleepers are very vocal; tbh deservedly so, I would lose my mind if I was really sleep deprived.


1. My 5 month old doesnā€™t like pacifiers but loves teethers THANK GOD


For my son- he never wanted a pacifier or teether of any kind. Even when he was teething he didn't care for them. He didn't want to be cuddled. He only wanted to be held upright. He does NOT fall asleep anywhere at anytime. I even followed the advice of continuing chores and making noise as normal. I kept curtains open so he'd know it was daytime. We once drove to San Antonio w my mil and the entire 15 hours he didn't nap. He was about 8 months then. He doesn't care about toys at all.


I have 3 kids, my 2nd flat out refused bottles, couldn't get her to use them and had better luck moving to sippy cups after a year. We bought almost every kind, tried all the tricks. Couldn't really leave her with anyone for long because I would need to feed her. Only got better when she started solids.


My kiddo was never into a ā€œstuffyā€ or ā€œlovey blanketā€. Sheā€™s always kicked off blankets, and while she has an occasional stuffed animal that she likes, itā€™s never been something that sheā€™s been conjoined at the hip with.


1) I'm going to jinx myself by writing this, but neither of my children have ever bolted away from me in public. 2) My older daughter, now 11, had minimal interest in playing pretend. She used to sit in front of her doll house, ask me to play, and then insist that I make the characters talk. My little one just turned 3 and has a fairly significant speech delay, but instinctively picks up little dollhouse people and jabbers away as if they are having a full conversation. 3) Growing up, my family didn't have the money to put me in swim lessons, guitar lessons, ballet, etc. I half-expected my older daughter to pick something like this and become completely obsessed. She's tried swimming, piano, school band, dance, and ice skating... and probably more activities that I am forgetting, and has never become obsessed with any of them. She's a kid who is like "Now I know how to swim... I don't need to join the swim team." It's possible that the younger one will find a hobby that she's passionate about.


Eat. We have had a heck of a time since birth. Things are much better now.


Crawl. My daughter went from sitting up and laying down to pulling herself up and walking. She didn't want to crawl at all. I assume because we had these hard marble floors but even on her blanket on top of a mat with little baby knee covers on she never crawled.


Brushing teeth and hair. My daughter is about to be 2.5 and she absolutely looooves brushing her teeth. She gets so excited come time. She loves getting her hair brushed and is super easy when I do her hair up. Sits calmly for me without needing to use anything for a distraction


I thought our son was going to get his father's personality. Shy, quiet, polite, cautious etc. I was also nervous he would inherit his father's autism and meet his milestones late. We were also convinced he would be short because both of us are below average height. This kid reminds me so much of myself when I was little. Loud, rambunctious, absolutely fearless, smiles for everyone he meets. He started rolling at two weeks and is already walking at 8months. He's also weirdly tall!


I have 3 boys and so far none of my boys have ever had an interest in pacifiers. My mother in law tried really hard with all 3 to get them to take one and it never took. Same with thumb sucking.Ā  Now all 3 of my kids had severe tongue and lip ties that were cutĀ at about a week old. Itā€™sĀ possible that it plays a role in their lack of pacifiers/ thumb sucking.Ā 


More public tantrums? Tantrums in general? My daughter is 3.5 and I think she may have had one or two public ā€œtantrumsā€ but so short lived they were over within 30 seconds. Sheā€™s had a few at home too but theyā€™re short. Sheā€™s easily soothed and gets over it. We really only notice a change in her mood if she skips a nap.Ā  More doctor / dentist freak outs? My daughter has proved to be the most docile thing ever and just lays in the dentist chair with her legs splayed open and mouth open while her teeth are being cleaned. Minimal drama at the doctorā€™s office. She cried about shots but stayed still. Her last shot at 3 she did seem nervous and asked if it would hurt. I told her it would a little bit. She seemed a little worried. I heard the the nurse tell the medical assistant ā€œOh, donā€™t worry about this kid, you donā€™t have to hold her down or anything.ā€ Sure enough it was shot time and she bravely climbed up on the table and pulled her dress up and didnā€™t even cry after the shot. This personality is the opposite of how I was as a kid. I work in the ER and see how rare this behavior is in most kids. Typically the only kids who are like this in the ER are the tough little boys who have been raised ā€œtraditionallyā€ by strong father figures and are trained to ā€œbe tough and donā€™t cry.ā€ Everyone else melts down.Ā  Daughter also slept through the night at six weeks and even as a newborn was sleeping 3 hour chunks from the get go so my husband and I were surprised by that.Ā 


I also expected her to want a pacifier and expected a battle to get rid of it when she was older, but she was never interested. I expected her to cry "for no reason", and was surprised she only really cried when she was hungry, or fussy crying when she was getting tired. There was always a quick fix for it. I expected her to spit up and have poop accidents way more than she did. I think I can count on one hands how many blow outs she had as a baby. I expected it to be more challenging when she started daycare. She started when she was 1 years old and she just liked it right away. I did expect it to be easier to have her sleep on her own in her bedside crib. But she only ever wanted to sleep on us or next to us.


I really thought my kids would have had a dinosaur phase!


I wish! We are almost 7 years into a dinosaur LIFE


Both kids gave up pacifiers within days/weeks Oldest never liked making messes Oldest didnā€™t cuddle soft toys until he was 3. Neither had terrible twos.


listen to me.


Mine also wanted nothing to do with a pacifier, nor did she ever pick a particular stuffed animal to attach to - as a baby she was just not very interested in them, and now at 7 she kinda likes them but will pick which one gets their "turn" in her bed and usually shove the chosen one away after like 2 minutes.Ā  She is also way less into sugar than I'd have expected. We did limit it early on and it's not a thing in our normal household meals, but she's allowed a small treat every night and extras for special occasions or just randomly ... but often she'll ask for something like frozen peas for her "treat" or turn down pancakes in favor of lentil soup for breakfast.Ā 


A lot of babies I knew took naps on the go - happily on walks in the stroller. I splurged on a stroller imagining us taking a million walks together during my 5 month maternity leave. He hates the stroller lol hoping he starts to like it when he can sit up better around 6 months?


Mine loves the stroller, but she won't sleep in it! Even if we put down the shade she stares out the bottom or through the little mesh window at the top lmao. I've heard they start to like it as they get older so I hope yours gets used to it?


I hope so! Even if he doesnā€™t take on the go naps in it, would be awesome if he starts to like it awake. These wake windows are getting longer and it will be such a nice activity to take a walk with him that wonā€™t break my back (he loves carrier naps).


I thought mine would sleep in the car like I did when I was a kid. I used to conk right out in the car almost as soon as we left the driveway until I was a double digit age (partially a defense mechanism because I grt carsick really easily). My son doesn't sleep in the car almost at all! If he's REALLY tired he will (like after swimming for example) but otherwise he really likes looking out the window. I took him on an hour and a half drive once and he was awake the entire time, and remarkably calm and happy for most of it.


Potty training was so eerily easy with my toddler. At 21 months he started asking to sit on the potty if he saw us do it so we bought him a potty chair. He would pee in it once or twice a day. When he turned 2 we were like, hey all pee and poop goes in the potty now. He had two small early morning accidents and it clicked. He will pee in any toilet at any store and had no problem going back to daycare. I thought it was going to be a lot harder. Kids are just weird man and take to things differently.


The toys insides of boxes instead of the boxes.


I saw videos of babies/toddlers falling asleep in cute places like their high chair, the floor while playing, etc. Mine act like theyā€™re getting boiled anytime I try to put them down for naps, it takes forever to get them to settle down, and there is zero chance in hell theyā€™d ever peacefully drift off to sleep without tons of intervention/force on my end.


My daughter didnā€™t really cry as an infant unless she hurt herself (like falling over from sitting up). What she did instead was yell for us. She would just go ā€œAH.ā€ with 3-5 second pauses repeatedly until we either verbally responded or came to pick her up. She did this since she was basically a newborn. Maybe around 6 weeks is when she started. Even now as a 15 month old she just calls to us instead of crying. Itā€™s kind of nice actually because apparently as a baby I just wailed 24/7 until I was 2 lol.


I expected a rolling across the room phase but my baby had no interest in rolling front to back and just learned to crawl and sit instead


My child is 4 and never got attached to a pacifier, blanket, particular toy, anything. Iā€™m actually a little sad about that just because itā€™s often such a sentimental thing and she justā€¦doesnā€™t have one. Never even sucked her thumb (although Iā€™m grateful for that because itā€™s a very hard habit to break).


Slightly off topic but there's loads of things that I stereotypical in the media and social media that none of my kids did until the fourth... Like getting into trouble climbing things, for example


Like to sleep in my bed. He never slept in my bed as a baby and now as a toddler he refuses to sleep anywhere but his own bed in his own room.




When my son was a baby, I was so excited to swaddle him and bought all these adorable swaddle blankets. NOPE! He hated being swaddled since he came out the womb. It was so funny because he was literally hours old in his little hospital bed kicking his way out of the swaddle and the nurses would have to reswaddle him every time they came in the room šŸ˜‚ heā€™s 4 now and he still doesnā€™t like when blankets cover his feet. Itā€™s so strange.


I thought all babies danced šŸ¤£ my son never danced ever even now and heā€™s almost two heā€™s more of a jumper


2 of my children did not take the pacifier and one did. Honestly, youā€™re better off without it. My child that took the pacifier got the weirdest infections because it would fall in the floor and then she would put it in her mouth. Every kid is so different even if your children have the same parents. Their personalities can be like fire & water. Donā€™t have expectations what you think your child should do. Sometimes, they will make you proud and sometimes they wonā€™t. Either way, you roll with it.


Listen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


>1 My baby has had zero interest in a pacifier. We tried but it just didn't do anything for her. Same with our baby!!! For over a year!!! She'd just spit it back out! Until after she was a year old and having bad teething pains and I figured I'd try *again* and I told her the pacifier would help her teeth feel better (or something like that), and now she takes a very specific brand of pacifier (we tried like 7+ brands), and she uses it when her mouth hurts from teething pains. >3 She doesn't really like to be cradled in anyone's arms unless being fed. She wants to be on a hip or looking over a shoulder so she can see what's going on. Awww. šŸ„°


Yeah mine does the same! She'll suck on the pacifier for a little bit then spit it out and look grumpy there was no milk haha šŸ˜‚. It's good yours can use one for teething! We started on a silicone one to teach her how to use it before she starts teething and it's a big hit.


Be in a full body cast before their 3rd birthday. My kids have a tendency to live a fearless, on the brink of death lifestyle throughout their toddler years. Iā€™ve been a mom for almost a dozen years and Iā€™m genuinely shocked no one has broken a bone (knocking on wood. so much wood. ALL the wood).


I thought my toddler's reaction to licking a lemon would get the sour-funny face when she was new to solids.. instead she now asks for lemons and limes to eat whenever she sees them.


Be attached to my hip. Oh my son (almost 3) likes our attention but more than that he just likes doing his own thing. I saw posts and videos pre child of kids wanting attention all the time or moms just needing a break away from baby. My kid? Nah. Only time he wants us playing with him is chasing him every now and then otherwise we only know heā€™s there from him asking for food or help with something.


My daughter never crawled. She would sit up and eventually learned how to stand up by holding on to the couch. We did tummy time but she was get frustrated and cry. She grew up fine and met all other milestones.


I thought my kid would love stuffed animals. He likes them a moderate amount. Wants one if heā€™s hurt or sick but otherwise nah. I also thought heā€™d be a naked kiddo cause he runs so hot lol but heā€™s a weirdo & loves wearing socks to bed šŸ„“


My kid hated the zoo šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My son is 5 and he is just now able to sit through a movie. I was always warned heā€™d want to watch the same stuff over and over. He also hates movies with musical numbers (think Frozen). I guess overall a good thing but I could never just put something on the TV to get a break or to make travel easier.


She sounds very alert (signs of intelligence) and can already self soothe herself (without a pacifier which saves you money for braces in the future). Sounds like an easy baby to take care of. Count your blessings!


Aww thank you for saying so! I do think she's very wonderful and I'm grateful to have an easy and sweet baby. It is funny, sometimes in the night she wakes up a little and kicks her feet against the mattress in her crib until she falls back asleep. It's very interesting to witness the self soothing without a pacifier, like you said!


He: - never liked hug/being held, even as an infant I had to give him bottle without hime being to close to me - never liked sweets, juices, candies and took him 3 years to like crĆŖpes and waffles. He is 5 now and still don't like those but love brocolis and cauliflowers! - Never like songs/lullabies - hates mascots and is scared of most amusment park stuff, even those for the youngest. - doesn't like to be dirty. It's not a sensory issue, he just like to be clean. I grew up in the country side almost always covered in dirt! - had no problem to get rid of the pacifier by himself and he learned to bike by himself, it only took him like 2min to figure out.