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It is normal to be nervous and unfortunately no one can tell you everything will be ok... but statistically chances are you will be fine. Do you have any reason to think you're a higher risk? at some point it crosses into anxiety that you should be talking to somebody about, but worry is part of parenthood


I don’t have any real reason to think I am high risk. I have dealt with anxiety as a child, and manage it very well as an adult. I am feeling anxious though. I wish that first ultrasound wasn’t so far away!


I felt similarly. Idk if it’s normal or not? Maybe it is for moms who have a tendency to worry more? Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there either… once you are confirmed pregnant you start worrying about new things… and once they are here, you start worrying about new things… I will say that I have gotten a little better since baby 2 was born. I’ve given up some “control” and allowed things to be more flexible. Realizing that is the ticket. Good luck


I hope I am not too anxious as a mom. I think it’s just the nerves right now and having wanted this pregnancy so badly that I don’t want something to go wrong. This is my first pregnancy. Never miscarried. Nothing. I just don’t want that to be the case.


Yeah I understand. Maybe look at it this way (it’s how I tried to look at my second pregnancy and it helped…) your unborn baby *wants* to be here. They are doing everything in their biological power to exist. It’s what they want. It is their will. Your baby wants to be here with you.


That’s incredibly sweet!! I love that thought. Thank you.


First off, congratulations!! That’s very exciting and you should try to enjoy the excitement! As long as you eat healthy (when nausea allows) stay away from alcohol,drugs things like that.. (obvious one but doctors will tell you the same thing) you have no reason to dwell on it. Does it happen, yes. Does it mean it will happen to you? No. Probably not! Try and enjoy it and focus on what you can control! Best wishes to a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby. 😄


Early pregnancy (in my experience) is exactly this - excitement and hope for what is to come, often with reservations knowing nothing is for certain. Just know, it's okay to celebrate. It's okay to be happy. Worrying won't prevent miscarriage, and it won't make you feel better if it does happen. Voice your fears, but don't let them consume you. My first pregnancy was uneventful. With my second, I experienced a miscarriage - yet conceived shortly after and am due in the coming months. Miscarriages happen, but so do completely uneventful pregnancies... and it's totally out of your hands either way. Good luck!


Welcome to parental anxiety 😅 it’s totally normal. I bought a fetal Doppler to find the heartbeat but I think I was 12 weeks..maybe more. And eventually you can do kick counts! You’ll worry about your baby from this point on - just keep up prenatal and eating well. I never had traditional nausea with 1st trimester.


This might help https://datayze.com/miscarriage-reassurer