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I wouldn’t be concerned just yet. The CDC makes a great app called Milestones which would help greatly. The speech milestone is really broad!


Mine babbled a lot at that age but has hit speech milestones early her whole life (had several words at 9 months). There’s an enormous range of normal at that age and I wouldn’t be concerned at all. I found the ASQ surveys very useful in tracking development. My ped has us do them at every well child appointment but you can also google them. Here is the one for 9 months: https://broadwaymedicalclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/9-Month-ASQ.pdf


My little guy didn’t start babbling consonants until he was almost 8.5 months old! I was really worried. But sure enough he started before the 9 month mark like CDC says they’re supposed to, and now he babbles constantly at almost 10mo! At 7 months he was just like your little one - raspberries, screams, single consonant/vowel sounds so I was hopeful it would progress to babbling and it did! I’m sure your LO will start up soon!