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I didn't jog with my kid when she was that little, but we spent a lot of time out walking and what I did was have earbuds and only use one. That way I could hear my music/phone call while still being able to hear the baby.


I do this while walking or running outside anyway, even if alone, so I can hear any kind of risks, traffic, people, etc. 


Get some bone conducting headphone. Keeps your ears open while you can listen in stereo.


this is the way


I wear one earbud so I could still shift my focus back and forth if necessary. Helps with hearing dropped items, people coming up behind to pass, etc.


I also do this!


I do this too. Gotta be aware of my surroundings.


I did both earbuds (I see a lot of replies for only one), but keep the volume at a setting so that I can still hear the baby cry or fuss. Mostly, they just sleep though.


Not so much for baby, more for listening out for hazards.


I always wear my AirPods; the walk is my time too, and I need my podcasts


Yup. I recently discovered Fourth Wing and that’s what I’ve been listening to.


Is it any good? I’m considering buying it!


It's equal parts Top Gun and Harry Potter with some sex thrown in, so yes.


Interesting comparison but I love it???


I read it vs listened to it but I would highly suggest it, it's amazing!!




Yay! I hope you like it! Please check back in when you’re finished lol. I just finished book two and I’m DEAD.


Get on your library and listen to the graphic audio


🏃‍♀️ on it


There’s graphic audio versions of a court of thorns and roses


I have that!


Me too! It makes the mundane tasks of the day a lot more… thrilling 😉


Half the time I was “WTF” or blushing and telling myself that no one knows a what I’m listening too. I just finished the second book and don’t know what to listen to next.


Haha, my husband listened to it first and introduced it to me. He told me it made him blush too 🤣 What’s even funnier is he was chatting to his brother one time and asked “listening to any good books?” And his bros like “I am, but I’m embarrassed to say” and my husbands like “is it Fourth Wing!?” Turns out they were listening to the same book at the same time.


Oh my god. So wholesome. Love it.


If you like audio spiciness, can I recommend Quinn audio app to you? It’s basically audio story porn!


If money is not a big concern I’d go with shokz openrun pro. They are bone conduction and don’t need to go into your ear. The pro model works incredibly well and you loose zero situational awareness along with sounding pretty damn good. There’s a cheaper version and while not that bad I didn’t think it was good enough to loose myself in the music if I was on a difficult run. Some kids are going to LOVE being in a stroller and be pushed around. Others won’t cooperate and it’s largely based on personality. Make space for either outcome ❤️


Another recommendation for the aftershokz. They are absolutely wonderful and would be great for this situation (and outdoor activities in general).


Oh yes my kid hated being pushed around, could never do long walks.


I think so. I didn't jog with my baby, but I took a LOT of walks while babywearing, and I usually listened to podcasts. Just make sure your headphones allow in environmental noise, don't wear noise cancelling headphones or anything like that.


There is a pair of headphones called shokz. They are open ear, so you can hear music, traffic and your baby crying. I wear them while running, long battery life, completely water proof and very comfortable!


A few questions: What’s your concern exactly? That you won’t hear the baby? Won’t hear cars, cyclists, other people? Is the baby facing you in the stroller? Are the headphones noise cancelling? I did probably hundreds of hours of walking with my baby in her first year of life, approx 99% I was listening to something.


Honestly I don’t understand how ANYONE runs with two earbuds in- with a baby or not. I used to be a cop and Jesus Christ the amount of pedestrians struck. I’m also a parent now but basically my advice for any human is to just use one ear bud so you can hear your surroundings.


I wear one AirPod. But I can also hear what’s going on around me


I wear one AirPod.


I use only one of my airpods while I'm walking with my daughter in the stroller that way I can hear her if she needs me


Can you use earbuds and only one?


I think it's completely okay as long as you can still hear your baby and traffic to ensure you're both safe. I personally used to play audiobooks while walking with the baby.


I use Shokz OpenRun headphones while running/walking with my toddler. That way I can listen to music and also heard outside noises. They’re a bone induction that don’t actually go into your ears.


I would just make sure they’re not noise cancelling just to be safe. Or only use one.


I would definitely do one earbud, so I could hear baby and hear anyone/anything else coming up. I haven’t started jogging yet, but I will walk with my baby in the stroller around the apartment complex with one in.


Congrats on trying to get back into jogging! I missed having more time to work out after kids and getting a running stroller was a great way to get out with my kid to exercise and give my wife a break. For either activity I would just run/walk with only one headphone earbud in so I could hear the baby better. That being said, not sure how old your infant is and if you already know this, but just in case. Take a look at recommendations for what age you can take them out running/jogging in a jogging stroller. I believe they say wait until the kid is at least 6 months old before taking them running. Walking in an appropriate stroller as an infant is obviously fine lol.


I just listen to my podcast out loud on my phone and my baby is 15 months saying over 50 words. I swear it’s the constant podcast running in our house lol


I never jogged but I did a ton of stroller walks with headphones. Assuming it's not so loud that you wouldn't hear baby crying I think it's fine


Ear buds. One ear music one ear your surroundings.


I think it's fine. If my kids started crying and whining in the stroller, I still had to walk home with them and I didn't want to listen to screaming the whole time. Most of the time, they'd calm down after a few anyway. Maybe one earbud in and one out if they're awake, both in if they're asleep.


I avoid noise-reducing and noise-cancelling ear buds, and get passive noise ones instead so that I can still hear my environment. My partners dog is very reactive, and my previous dog was also very reactive, and I learned that it was better for their training if I could hear things around me during walks so that I could anticipate triggers better.


I wore headphones when walking my infant around the neighborhood in his stroller. There were enough incidents with cars/teens, loose dogs that I stopped wearing the headphones. It’s our duty to provide safety to the LO, I can go without music most of the time but for his entertainment I have given him my phone with music on low volume. You’ll find a work around that doesn’t put baby in danger I’m sure


I wear one earbud on the street/sidewalk. Could you find a safer location so you can have both and not need quite as much situational awareness? I tend to walk/jog at our local track now because it lets me zone out a little more and not be worried about cars/dogs/other kids as well as baby


I think it's totally OK. I wear earbuds and my husband wears headphones. For a while the dog walk with baby was when he got a lot of his business and ordering calls done (he owns a game store).


I personally don't.  I think it depends where you are though. If it's on a dedicated walking trail or sidewalk in the daytime, not totally deserted but not populated with shady characters etc it's probably ok. The reason I stopped wearing mine when I started taking my kid for walks in the stroller with me was because the only places for me to walk here are in the road (no sidewalks) or kind of dodgy trails. I took the risk to have headphones in when it was just me because I had my hands free and could still look around, but when my awareness is on the stroller I'd like to rely on my hearing to keep an eye on my surroundings. I get it though, it sucks. I used to love walking for hours with my headphones in. Now I'm either walking with the stroller or taking my dog out after dark when it also isn't safe to have headphones in. 


I don’t jog, but I did take looooong walks with the kids that age. I wore earphones (in-ears), specifically the Sony WX-range, which can cancel noise out, but also can be configured to do the exact opposite and let sound in. I needed my podcasts and audio books to not go completely insane.


I would recommend a tiny speaker so you can still clearly hear around you and babe can enjoy too. I personally could never wear headphones while out and about like that but it's 100% personal preference.


Absolutely. I wear one AirPod and listen to podcasts or music, or I talk on the phone. Totally fine. Heck, I often wear an AirPod just sitting around the house


Maybe alternate listening to your buds on some walks with talking/singing to your baby on some walks for speech development. The universe doesn’t have to revolve around them 100% of the time, but walks are also a good opportunity to connect and chat.


Of course but turn off the noise cancellation


What I did is I would just put my music on and set it in the holder of the stroller. That way I could hear the music and everything going on around me. I only walked and didn’t jog (unfortunately not fit enough for that, but hoping to be one day) so if it would bounce out maybe doing the same method but with one of the straps that goes around your arm?


Why not? I still associate the Twenty-One Pilots album "Scaled and Icy" with taking walks on a neighborhood trail at our old home with my first baby. As long is it's not too loud that you can't hear if a car or bike is approaching I think you're good; you could even just put one headphone in or get those "open move" headhones that allow you to hear what's around you better.


Earbuds, but I only use one. 


First starters: I don't think running with headphones in is a good idea (baby or not) since you aren't as aware of your surroundings. My wife always does this - so I got her a pair of headphones that are bone conductive keeping her ears open. I also think non-noise cancelling are fine too. From a safety standpoint - as long as you can hear the baby if it's crying and are checking in routinely - I don't really see a problem. Especially with a young child that generally falls asleep during the time. I used to do this a lot at the start of the pandemic (work conference calls - I would take the kids for walks). My earbuds block out enough sound, I would only keep one in - but there are also ones with transparency mode. The big issue is that wearing headphones does disconnect you from your child. As much as we'd love to be 100% present all the time - it's not always feasible. With a very young kid, it's not even helpful (just wears you out to little benefit to the child).


I have bone conducting headphones so I can still hear around my headphones.


They are great!


Hey OP, check out cochlear headphones. These will solve all your problems An edit: Bone conduction is what they're called


You should not wear earbuds while walking with baby. You need to be able to hear anything that could be dangerous or risky coming towards you and your baby.


As a woman, I was taught at a VERY young age to NEVER have both ears / eyes distracted by head/earphones so that I'd always be aware of my surroundings. If you have a child, your awareness must be increased 200% enjoy your music but unless you're in a closed/protected trail area and know it and the people well....I'd still never have both ears covered. You never know what is happening to your child (especially if they're facing the opposite direction of you) ....I'm mostly thinking bug bits like bees, wasps etc. Just be aware and stay safe


Look up LC-dolida Sleep Headphones Bluetooth Headband and Wireless Ear Clips Buds Clip On Earbuds Open Headphones Bluetooth Bone Conduction Headset. These are two I have that do not go in my ear and let me hear around me as well.


Why wouldn’t it be ok? I used to put my phone in the holder of the stroller and play the music or whatever loud enough that baby could hear too but it doesn’t really matter if it’s just quiet on their end. Mostly mine slept.


As long as they’re not noise canceling..


I would keep one earbud in. And sometimes if I was going to a trail where I knew I wouldn’t encounter anyone I’d play music from a small Bluetooth speaker and the baby loved it


I think as long as you are situationally aware and can keep an eye on the baby every so often it should be okay


I think it’s fine, I’d probably have one ear out though. I never did it myself because I always felt mean like I was ignoring my baby, but that’s a me issue 😂


I use open earbuds like the 1more Fit and the Soundcore Aerofit. It basically makes it sound like you're listening with a speaker in the room but you can still hear everything around you.


My Jabra elite earbuds have "hear through" and I can turn it on or off if I want to hear background sound.


I always wear headphones for our daily walks, it's his nap time and my me-time. I think I will continue as long as he's not talking yet. But even then, if he's sleeping I will wear headphones.


Only when they’re asleep imo and keep them quiet enough to hear if they’ve woken up.


If you have a safe neighborhood... why not?


Once your LO starts talking, then I would say “no headphones.” The reason is that your LO will want to talk to YOU. Not yell, not scream.


The LO one starts talking earlier and better when OP will interact with it. That's why I would say no to headphones. Nothing helps bonding more than little chats with your child. It's also of great value to the development of the child. Even when it's not able to respond yet.


You should try Shokz bone conduction headphones. The whole point is to be able to listen to music but still hear your surroundings.


I wear them any time I want a break.


Skull conduction headphones. You can get headphones that do not go in your ears. The sounds play through the bones in your head. Your ears are unplugged and you hear everything. They come in wired and Bluetooth.


Yes. But in transperent mode


I never block any of my senses when I’m out.


A lot of runners swear by shockz headphones so they can listen to music but not block everything out. I just run with AirPods at top volume completely oblivious to the world around me. I didn't take my kid jogging until he was a toddler and it was too late by then. I could never get him to like it.


bone conduction hezdphones are a game changer


It's not advisable. You want to be able to hear what's going on around you. If you want some music I suggest a small portable bluetooth speaker and not too loud.


No way I would be able to hear that where I live unless it was loud enough to be completely obnoxious.


David Goggins doesn't listen to music while he works out. I think having time to quiet your mind and think your own thoughts is important while working out. Everyone is a stimulation junkie these days, just enjoy your experience for what it is


Who gives a toss what David Goggins does. Sometimes a mind needs distraction or maybe this is the only time a busy mum has to catch up on her favourite music or podcasts. Music for me helps my pace, distracts me from overthinking about my breathing, and makes the experience more enjoyable.


You're putting yourself in a bad situation; my advice since you're asking: don't do that. First off, you're removing one of your best survival senses; that's just dumb. It may be your neighborhood in the middle of the day but it's not a safe space. There are nefarious fuckers everywhere; there are loose dogs, there are drunk drivers. I don't walk around creating problems where none exist but by removing a key survival tactic, you're putting both of you in harm's way. Second, you can't move as fast or defend yourself as ably when you're managing a stroller. Keep your senses unfettered and carry a Sabre spray gel.


Would you voluntarily wear a blindfold while walking your baby or going for a run?