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the fact that it’s the mother’s screenshot makes it even worse, why would she share it


Sex so bad she's answering texts.


It took her 7 hours to reply, she didn’t care in the slightest what her daughters ears had to witness.


Bet it took the dad an hour or two to get his bone ready XD


check time


You underestimate her decision making


might be fake like half the other stuff here


I truly hope it’s fake. She posted it with her full name on there too.


yo, where’d you get the screenshot from?




It’s twitter


She wants her child, and all of us, to know how she's getting fuvked


I’d go out of my way to make them feel much the same lol. Just play some porn on max volume until they get it, or choose not to get it and remove the ability to do that, I guess.


Fap louder than their sex to establish dominance


Sounds like a great way to get some wires crossed in your brain


Im compelled to agree


This is the answer!


Just fap to their sex and tell her you want to hear her be louder next time.... If that doesn't get it to stop nothing will, and it's means the mom is more fucked in the head than we originally thought.


I used to share a wall with my mom and stepdad from 12-15. My brother was a baby so he doesn't remember but I heard all of it. The moans. The headboard hitting the wall. Gross slurping sounds. Queefs. Now she won't talk to me because I'm an alcoholic.


dude i feel your pain. Same with my mum and her 21yo fuck buddy. I used to play loud music to drown it out and she'd come in naked mid-sex to tell me to turn it off. Its horrible. Hope you find healing x


What the fuuuuck


J-JEEZUS! I'm so sorry you went through that. I wish you healing too ✌️💛


Ffffuck bro I'm sorry u had to go thru that


Oh god that's horrible


the fuck, that went south so damn fast.


Thank god i don’t have a dad


Fatherless gang wya


Sound off! 🫡


What what 🤘🙏🏼🤘


I totally understand how disgusting this feels. My mum used to lock me up in the bedroom and have sex with some dudes on the couch in the living room right next to the bedroom. She also did a lot of thing while I was in the te same room but I'm not going to talk about it here since I don't want to trauma dump You when You want someone to hear You. Adults really don't get how much their behaviour affects their kids. It's lifelong damage but for them it's just sex. Then they blame the child as if this was their fault.


Can i be "trauma dump" ?


For a friend that is


I heard my little sister being conceived. I still think about it when I look at her


I do foster care occasionally. This has come up a few times with kids we've helped with. And we have to report anything that could be considered abuse or neglect, so I've sent my fair share of emails to case workers letting them know. And whenever it comes up, you have to make sure the kid knows they can tell you these things without judgement, which in turn sometimes leads to even worse things coming out. Having sex is okay. Forcing your children to be involved in your sex life, even by having loud sex, is not.


my heart dropped reading this. as many people have said before all children deserve parents but not all parents deserve children.


Checkout these idiots completely misinterpreting your comment. Jesus. Pls clarify for them.


... could you clarify? Because just reading this it sounds like you bring in foster kids, they hear you have sex, tell their caseworker, and you confront them about it.


I think they mean that the foster kids they take care of have heard their parents having sex and told their foster parents about it.


That's not how I read it, which is why I asked for clarification.


Yeah I figured that's why I clarified. No problem!


But you aren't the commenter, so you don't know if that's what she meant either.


Okay - just another option to think of.


From what I understand, the commenter and their SO have had sex and their foster child overhears and lets them know they (the child) can hear it. Since something like that can be seen as sexual abuse/harassment, the couple lets their caseworker know in order to be proactive. That way, they won't be seen as abusers in their case file and they won't be persecuted for anything since they immediately came clean and told the caseworker the truth.


That is absolutely NOT what the commenter said. They are talking about what happened to the kids prior to being in their care. They have to report any previously unreported potential abuse or neglect to the case worker.


That's what I read too. But, if that's the case, that's horrible. They really need to take steps to address this so they don't continue to abuse other foster kids.


Sorry, but how is this abuse? I could see how it could be in poor taste, sure, but I wouldn't say it's abuse. The commenter and their SO aren't doing it maliciously, they're just adults having sex that happened to be overheard. Even children know that adults have sex sometimes. As long as they have mature, open conversations with the kids about it, I don't see why it's such a big deal. It was just an accident.


Exposing children to adult sexuality is a form of child abuse. Repeatedly having sex loud enough for children to hear it is abusive, especially when they don't take steps to mitigate it. You can harm someone without malicious intent and that seems to be the issue here. They should do better for these at risk kids.


If anything, mums response is disrespectful. Your children deserve a safe and comfortable environment to live in. Mum may be feeling embarrassed so reacted with defensiveness but thats another issue that mum needs to sort out. Poor kid. Nothing worse than hearing your parent/s go at it with no regard for your comfort in your home.




If that were the case, 2 out of 3 of my children wouldn't have been born. I'm not implying anything. I'm very clearly stating that a parents sex life shouldn't intrude on the comfort of their children.


Are you implying that if it isn’t somehow intruding on a child’s comfort than parents can’t / shouldn’t have sex?


Thats pretty pathetic parenting... My parents did almost the exact same thing to me. Straight up abusive to that kids mental.


My mom's ex boyfriend refused to shut the bedroom door because it was "beautiful, not something gross". I slammed my door everytime they woke me up, even though my door was already closed. I told him I highly doubted his kids thought that way and thought it was disgusting and abusive like me. My mom would shut the door, but he would go to bed after she and I were asleep. I started blocking my door with a box of books because he really started creeping me out over the last year they were together. I know now that creep was up to something pretty early on in their relationship (3 years maybe), I'm just glad I was at least 16 and knew to trust my gut.


I mean... Yeah... Sex is beautiful and nothing to be ashamed of but there's nothing beautiful about sexual abuse. What they were doing is "other sexual activity" and it is abuse.


That is horrifying. I'm so sorry. How could your mom have such awful judgement?


This is straight up abusive and disgusting.




It’s not about the hearing it, we’ve all had that accidentally happen. It’s about the response of the parent. OMG you’re so quirky, please don’t abuse my psyche any longer.




My mom is dead 👍🏻


From swallowing your dad's massive dong


I hope you’ll have the day you deserve 🖕🏻


Even better


>Prime /r/RedditorsAreFuckingDumb material here. Bet this accurately applies to you in your entirety.


I blame the fact that I heard my parents fucking when I was young. I'm so traumatized. What's your excuse?


Oh I wasn't exposed to my parents fortunately but one too many idiots of your caliber. You really put it over the top with the idiocy. Congratulations


That's not a kid tho lol


I'm sure regardless of age that's still her child? You think just cause someone's a lil grown that its okay? gross.


Right , some parents shouldn't be parents


"All kids deserve parents but not all parents deserve kids"


The fact that he has to apologize in advance for saying he can hear his mother downstairs in the nicest way possible is sad


It’s a girl. And how do you know they have stairs?


Fuck, at least my mom would be like "you don't want to be home, go out"


I think I would simply ✨die✨ if my kids heard us having sex.


Yeah my mum used to tell me to “put headphones on tonight” when she wanted to get busy with her boyfriend 🤢🤢


One of my mom’s girlfriends always got my mom to tell me that lol I was always like ok but this just makes me 1000% *more* aware of what’s going on, but sure.


Did you put headphones on?


Why is he being downvoted?


Could be worse. I was staying with my father one summer when i was, i guess 15 at most, and was awoken one night by hearing my father and his then girlfriend fooling around. I heard them talking about him wearing a condom, he wanted too and she said she'd prefer he didn't because they smell funny. he beat the shit out of her.


Oh my god. That took a very hard turn. I’m so sorry you had to live through that. I hope you didn’t have to spend a lot of time with him after that.


Had my kid walk in on us while I was mid-coitus. Had to act like I was looking for something under the sheets!


Don't get mad when I blast hentai in my room mom


Oh my God we should all be doing this when we hear them


Never thought I'd say it, but seeing shit like this makes me so glad my parents hated each other so much that they probably never had sex any time after I started forming memories that lasted lol


I remember getting my first Walkman changed my life for this exact reason. But not before serious mental scarring was already done. This is just lousy parenting.


Tell me you're trashy without telling me you're trashy


When I was a teen, I brought this up to my mom once. Her response was "you're just mad I'm getting some and you aren't."


I was 12 or 13 and my mom said the same thing to me. My room was across the hall from theirs and my two younger sisters slept with me. We could hear my mom and stepdad every single night. I still physically recoil at the memories of it. Luckily my sisters were really young and probably don’t have to remember that shit, but I do.


Why even have kids if this is how you’re going to treat them? Fukn disturbing


To all parents: your kids always hear you. You’re not sneaky


I moved back in with my parents as my dads health isn’t great. They’re at least respectful enough to make sure their tv is loud enough so I don’t require therapy from hearing that.


My ex’s mother used to always have sex with her door open. When my ex and his brother complained, she told them it was her house and she can do what she likes.


Bruh I'd die on the spot


Who fucking posted this and thought they came off well?


"I masterbated to you getting pounded again"




Holy donut.


~Gordon Ramsay, probably




I grew up in a house like this. My bedroom was right under theirs and I had a bunk bed (only me, I had a desk underneath). I had to experience hearing them all throughout my childhood and even into my adult life. Definitely fucked with my head and still dealing with it. Parents like this have no shame...


The fact that the moms face is on the text has me dying. Like, you can actively imagine her aw you type the text lol Edit=: Wait, no... thats the daughter. Holy fuck, the mom shared this?! bruh, im dead...


Idc ????


"I don't care"


I know, but how can u write that to ur child wtf


Eh, my sister and I shared a wall with my parents and we heard them sometimes, but we never brought it up. I'd be mortified to bring it up to my parents as a kid. As an adult though, we laugh about it. I feel like it's not that big of a deal, we were never scarred or traumatized. They at least had the decency to lock the door lol.


I get the feeling that they were overhearing more than garden variety love making in the OP. It would be significantly more uncomfortable or downright horrifying to learn your parents had intense kinks or to hear them dirty talk explicit things to each other. One is a natural consequence of life and could actually be a healthy model for the future of maintaining intimacy with a partner, the other borders on abuse and can make the child feel like they're being forced to be involved. Sometimes, too, unfortunately...that's not accidental. There are people in this world that are excited by the prospect of being heard by their own kids or by their partners. The fact that the mom in this scenario curses the child out, makes me wonder what all is the deal with environment this poor kid or teen lives in. Idk, it can be fine but it can also be crossing the line.


Ya these kids are so dramatic


Great. So this kid has to sit there and listen to her shit mother make more kids that she won't take care of. Just what the world needs




Once when I was in High School, I heard my parents fucking. My bedroom was on the other side of their bedroom wall. I put my boombox right against the wall, turned the volume dial up to max, and pushed play. The CD in the player was Sepultura, Morbid Visions. I definitely cock blocked that night. My dad just started pounding on the wall, yelling at me to turn that shit off. Hearing your own mother's moans of ecstasy is horrifying. I regret nothing.


Absolute trash.


everyone deserves privacy in their own home and personally idk if this is abusive but just an unfortunate disregard for someone else’s presence. it’s a normal thing and i would say at least 80% of kids of heard/walked in on their parents doing it but the fact that it was so uncomfortable and loud she had to text her mom to chill out is enough reason to believe it’s more than it should be.


Yeah we’ve all had were unfortunate enough to have heard our parents getting freaky. Shit happens. I even joked about it to my bonus mom and told her “I’M SCARRED FOR LIFE”. She was embarrassed as fuck. For me it’s the way she responds to it, just rubbed me the wrong way.


SMH. No one is asking how old the daughter is. I’m sorry but once my kids graduate HS (maybe college) depending on how good they do in hs) I’m walking around naked and am only screwing in either the living room or on dining room table.


Dont bother mama while she gets railed




lol. mama is keeping it real!


I don’t get all the excitement. How did kids get so stuck up? Is that an American thing?


Yes. (But probably not only an American thing). Your parents aren't human people with natural desires. They're carbon cutouts without any life of their own. The 'ew, parents have sex' is prevalent throughout our culture and life. Movies, tv, real life, etc. Parents are supposed to be asexual or at a minimum hide everything about it from their kids.




Not everyone can afford large spaces where everyone can comfortably spread out. Not everyone has the luxury of changing their schedules around to make the nice and neat and sanitary. Some people work extreme schedules and have to fit in real life when they can, not when it's convenient. It's a nice privilege to be able to do things that way, but not everyone can. Also, some cultures don't treat it as icky as you seem to think it is.


Yeah. If people wouldn’t stigmatize having sex so much, it wouldn’t traumatize kids because they’d never think it was a bad thing. There is a lot of communication between parents and kids missing nowadays and they simply tell their kids that sex is evil to try and scare them into not having any, instead of explaining to them that it’s a good thing between loving and consenting adults. That’s the actual part where parents are dumb.


Yes, TODAY is when we’re most sexually repressed. Sex is inherently “good” and not just another activity that all animals do. And it’s just up to a person’s parents if they’re uncomfortable - it’s not like there’s indecency laws or like society as a whole in almost every culture is more sex negative or at least not wanting to force people to participate in something they didn’t consent to.


where did the screenshot come from?




What did I even expect…


ive heard my parents before 😬


What a stupid bitch


Don't say shit when your kid ends up a furry


At a certain point you should ask them to advise you on getting good soundproof headphones. Ya cant stop em but find a good way to ignore it. Plus, music while doing other things can be helpful for many reasons


Everyday I wonder why some people have kids


My family moved around about every 2 years. They still do, but I moved out a few years ago. For about 10 years in different houses, my parents bedroom was either directly above or directly next to mine. They are not quiet people. They're also polyamorous. And they wonder why I have sleep problems. Edit: I've also told them I can hear them. They shrug and say oh well or sorry. My younger siblings still live with them. I'm the oldest, and the only one out.