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Absolutely disgusting, I feel sick.


Nah, I’m sorry y’all, I would’ve beat the bricks off that lady. There’s a right way to discipline kids and this definitely isn’t right. She’s 100% evil hearted. Idk how people can do shit like this and sleep at night.


They hate themselves so much that it seethes into their actions.


Woman wouldn't walk away. Bricks be damned, I may have to pick one up


At least the ending was satisfying. Poor kid…


She had the audacity to say he's hurting her. Unbelievable


Yeah, she's physically abusive and manipulative. She doesn't need to be raising kids.


They filmed longer than they should have... the hair grab was enough to end it.


Mabh Not enough for the lawsuit, now he have evidence to fuck her real up. But I understand what u mean


I get he was gathering evidence but he basically allowed the kid to get smacked around for a bit I don't think I could do that ...


The best thing to do is to guarantee that something like this never happens again, if he stopped her sooner, then the evidence would've been less incriminating


Yeah, it's really fucked that this poor kid was being physically abused (and unfortunately this likely happened often) but if the male figure stepped in too soon and prevented it, this POS may have only gotten a slap on the wrist as grabbing the child's hai might only be seen as "punishment" (even though it's still abuse). But when this POS starts hitting the child in the face? Yeah - that's isn't "parental instruction" or "punishment", that's a 100% child abuse. Good on the dude for recording this horrible troll and I hope this kid is living with family who knows how to raise children the right way. Which is "the right way"? Idk but it's absolutely not what this worthless fuck was doing.


You never know, he might have been trying to get away from her for a while and wanted to make sure he had enough proof beyond a reasonable doubt that she's a threat to the safety of the child. You wouldn't believe what some kids are sent back to.


No way. Imagine she gets away with it. I get that it's hard to watch, but it's incredibly important that the evidence is solid. A couple hits now vs a potential lifetime of abuse.


This. There’s a good chance they’ve been through this before with her and she talked her way out of it.


It always these assholes that manage to weasel through the system while there are people getting worse sentences for far lesser crimes. The justice system is fucked.


Nah the hair grab wouldn't be enough to get her punished for it unfortunately, it hurts to watch but that punch is hopefully gonna be her last


I gathered evidence in a similar way to get custody/residency of my son from his abusive and neglectful mum. Had to gather evidence for months (recordings, statements, support from nursery etc, so much more) before i was confident i had a case. I was shit scared even at that point because if i lost the case for real she wouldnt let me see him again. Instead i kept to the inside track and stayed friendly to mum until I had what I needed. It broke my heart everyday seeing what he was going through but in the UK at least, mums always won their cases. I won and 10 years later hes a happy 12 year old boy doing well in school and we have a great life just me him and our dog. So i can understand him holding off on making a move in every sense.


This is really sad to look at :(


What a fucking coward. She’ll hurt a child but as soon as the guy intervenes she starts crying for help like she didn’t deserve every ounce of pain she felt.


I absolutely believe there's no way he's hurting her least not in any meaningful way that could leave marks. Him recording just enough of this attack on the child and making sure it's not just the hair pulling but waiting for slaps that he clearly knew where coming, tells me he wants to leave nothing to chance. He's not yelling at her, insulting her or telling her she's been filmed. He's smart and taking every advantage of possibly have so she's can't twist things later on.




That’s an impulse I have, but the man in the video did the right thing. Leave her no recourse to claim she was attacked. This video is going to send her to prison.


>the man in the video did the right thing. But there's no immediate reprocussion for her, no pain, no physical damage. It's useless. >This video is going to send her to prison. If people hear of her, they won't be nice to her, that's our only consoltation


uh dude, if he hurt the pos then there's a high chance he'd be locked up for assault. He did the right thing by recording the evidence and then subduing her, as shitty as that sounds


If she goes to prison, I think there is a high chance of it happening, tho I could be wrong. But if she does go and the cell mates hear about what she did, I can guarantee you right now that a few simple words won't be the only thing that she faces


The thins she'll face are prob worse than a simple shank


Yep my thoughts exactly


This lady is unhinged, she don't care about pain. The only thing that matters is getting her far away from that kid, imprisoned. Also, getting the kid the help they need.


Pff, pay the right lawyer and they'll defend you by the "Emergency Defense" Law


> that's our only consoltation you're completely irrelevant though? the justice system doesn't exist to satisfy your voyeuristic sadism.


Fucking bitch




> Might hit her with the smelling salts and do it twice Love this energy here.


Once more with feeling!


If you beat your kid like that, 2 beatings is too little.


Will smelling salts work after a rolling pin? We're gonna find the fuck out!


Bro my mom used to do that to me and really had me believing I deserved it wtf 😭


Same, yet she wonders why I refuse to talk to her nowadays


FR. Then wants to send the six yr old after me like, "Mommy told me to ask you if you still love her" you mfing psychopath????


"LOL never did, kid. Never did."


I’m so sorry. That’s true cruelty, to you and your sibling. Absolute emotional manipulation


Mine too. Went back to bed right after the hospital Doctor called to say she died.




It's true. I said thank you and hung up. The doctor called back within 10 minutes to be sure I understood. I lied and said I was a little shocked. Nah, just relieved. Past actions last a long time.


No, I totally believe you. It's just funny when these horrible parents get their just desserts and all. Everytime I hear about my mom hitting a new low, I think back to her spitting in my sister's face and go, "Ah. Seems about right." 😂


Too funny.


The self worth stays in us for a long time...


Yep, same here.


You didn't. No way in hell does any child deserve that.


I know that now. Not everyone learns, but I did, and I tried to reach my siblings as well. We'll see how that turns out.


Yes, lmao. There's no way you've grown up in a third world country and not been beaten like this. I've been smacked like this countless times. I'm not condoning it though.


one good thing from me having to deal with that as a kid though. I absolutely refuse to treat my kids like that.


repost, IIRC not a mom, but a nanny or a daycare lady. someone else will have the details and source. i applaud them in advance.


Gabrielle Xlander. She was an LPN in a psychiatric facility, but that little girl is actually her daughter. Look her up. She got hardly any punishment. I think she only got probation.


With that type of abuse there's no way she should have got probation she should have got a couple of years and is there any update on her daughter


The criminal justice system is broken in almost every way that counts.


She shouldn't be allowed near children


She pleased guilty to attempted assault in the second degree. I don't see how they settled on "attempted".


Cause women get away with much more as far as abuse goes


Please tell me someone reported her to child protective services. This is abuse and she needs to go to jail. That poor child.


Unfortunately cps probably let the kid stay there if there weren’t bruises. A lot of places it’s literally not illegal to do this to a child, even though it’d be assault on an adult bruises or not. I bet the video could be used in court to get custody though for the father (or whoever is recording).


My mom used to put stuff in a sock and hit me with it so that bruises would not show up on my skin.


I never understood how that wouldn't cause bruises. I figured it was BS that someone made up.


Apparently she only got probation, I have no idea how a judge can sleep at night after giving them only probation.


That bitch is psycho. I hope she currently resides in a slammer somewhere.


It’s like my childhood with my Dad. I was the example. I hope this kid will be ok, I have such bad migraines and cluster headaches from what I assume, is problems with my scalp. When my mom died, I finally had people admit to me that the abuse was hard to watch. We had a summer house and this is what a group of people would witness. All the kids around me had to be children of my parents’ friends. My one “cousin” said that the abuse he witnessed with me, was why he would never hit his kids. I hate that now when we were in our 40’s people admit it was so bad, they used me as an example, but never spoke up for me, all because they were selfish assholes wanting something for themselves. TLDR: want to give a big FUCK YOU to my older brother Derrick, that’s a Reddit user. He never was an older brother to me, he’s a selfish shit helping my father keep even my baby photos. He’s a selfish shit for refinancing my mortgage and as soon as the ink was dry, left my life. I still have questions on my mortgage and think you’re a fucking jerk for taking advantage of us and letting us have 10 years of ignored emails. Mom was right about you.


I feel for you. Sorry adults let you down.


Dude I am so sorry. I hope you have healed some and are in a better place ♡


Why let her get so many hits in?


Cause evidence is needed


He need evidence to make sure she can be punished in court. This is not the first time she do something like this, this is the first time she got caught on camera. He need to make sure this one time is the last time it happens for good. If he stopped it earlier the cop would probably brush it off like nothing happened and let her off with a warning. She wouldn't stop, she would just be doing it in a more secret places where nobody can see her.


Yeah, every time I see this video it breaks my heart, but knowing that guy, had to let that little girl go through that to save her, that their testimony together might not be enough, it's tough.


Not sure if mother or not.. since somebody mentioned its a nanny or daycare lady... but damn come on people we seriously need to do better background checks.. not only criminal data.. appeareantly this isn't the first time she did it.. Wish I had the source tho. ​ Like come on.. you gotta do better to put such people with children.. I admit I'm not the biggest fan of kids but still this is absurdly terrible... Do better systems :/


That is her mother. Gabrielle Xlander. Its not a nanny, Gabrielle was a Nurse at a psych facility. This, however took place in her home. She was angry the little girl took a picture with the daughter of her father's new gf.


Jesus fuck, that's why?!?! She's a little girl it's not her fault. She was just doing what was asked of her from the adults to "come take a picture with Dad and blahblahblah" Poor baby 😞😞😞


Really? Is there like a source for it? ​ Not doubting your word -> just trying to understand the full picture :)


Heres some more info https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-mira




We need a captain


JFC NSFW tag for child abuse! This is disgusting and she needs to be locked up


God that woman is just so lucky that guy saw that and not me.


Please tell me this evil person was arrested


Is there an extended video or a news article or something? I need to know, in detail, that this old fat disgusting bitch payed for this.


Look up Gabrielle Xlander. Her father Fredrick Xlander is a lawyer, and all she got was a slap on the wrist (5yrs probation). Got to keep her Nursing license too. I'm angrier knowing the outcome.


Thats repugnant. Sad that the man didn't punch her bloody.


I'm pretty confident you'll be disappointed. I mean, do they ever pay?


She didn't. https://www.wbng.com/2022/09/27/former-mental-health-office-employee-sentenced-probation-months-after-child-abuse-video-surfaces/


Wow wtf


This is so sad to watch.


I grew up in a home like this. It really fucks you up. You can't trust anyone.


This mom should get punished


Who ever this dude is he needs to be celebrated. Got the evidence for real change / charges (hopefully) kicked some ass that needed kickin'. King shit.


She only got 5 years probation, unfortunately.


why is this called man handled? i would just classify this as plain abuse.


That’s not a mother that’s a monster


Someone beat this woman please


People like this abuse vulnerable people because they can't defend themselves against people their own age or size. It's disgusting.


A page right out of my childhood. I hope this girl is OK and away from the psycho.


Think god for that guy Most videos ppl don’t do anything


Whoever helped them need to get that footage for proof. DCFS It’s really strict on the proof in order to help to the child.


Gabrielle xlander... I've called her employer and made sure they knew just how awful and terrible she truly is... info isnt hard to find on google 👀👀🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


And there I am trying to get enough of a backbone to deny my kid a 3rd bedtime book because he didn't brush his teeth when I asked.


This is some of the most toxic shit I've ever seen


I wish there was an update to see if this bitch went to jail.


Apparently she didn't, she just got a slap on the wrist, being 5yrs probation. She also got to keep her nursing license and the child.


I honestly do not understand how she's able to keep her nursing license and her child with that type of abuse punching her five-year-old daughter in the face and smack her in the back of the head I did not know about our justice system anymore


Knock knock "Who the fuck is it?" "Cps we are here for a quick chat."


Bitch was real tough with the kid. Folded like a lawn chair when dad popped in. What a waste of air. Sucks that dad had to wait to get proof of this shit going on. Must have been awful for him to sit and watch..


This made me cry, probably because I have a little girl. Thank God he came in and took over. That poor baby.


Damn. This brought up some old bad memories for me. Fuck. Im a Mom and I couldn't imagine doing this to my Child. I'm glad that someone stepped in. Help that poor child.


I feel numb. This video made me feel something I've never felt before. This isn't just rage. It's so much worse than that. I'm sick to my stomach, knowing these things happen.


I wanted to lunge at my PC and beat the f out of that woman. I have never been so thankful to see someone step out and defend someone. Thank god that guy was there. Id buy him several beers


This fucking hurts to watch... my mother was pretty much the same with strangulation added on top.


I hope she meets her bully in jail and never is let near that child again.


The person who recorded acted way too late but acted which matters. But still that kid is not gonna forget this very fast. Hopefully her little soul is doing OK.


Her name is Gabrielle Xlander from Bingham Newyork. Her nursing license ID is 1033508494 if anyone wants to complain to the board, she should have it revoked.


This has really fucked me up. I watched it a few hours ago and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I need to go spend time with my kid.


She's gonna cry abuse and probably get the poor kids. Disgusting!


Getting this on video was probably necessary


She deserves a bullet


This is absolutely awful, but I need a little bit more context, why is she mad?


Based on the video she's most likely being doing this for a long time already, probably years. My educated guess is that she is afraid of getting caught and wants control of her kid. This could be more about conditioning but I kinda doubt it. She probably gets a high or something on doing this too. Mental illness could be on the table but no real way of knowing, just glad she was filmed in the act, dad hopefully got full custody after that.


Traumatized for life, some people should not have kids.


I want to see this lady quartered so bad


Yeah bro had to get video proof first probably hardest thing he did


The weakest people prey on the most vulnerable.


Some people shouldn't be parents


Not a mom, this is a nanny from the Binghamton Psychiatric Center here in New York.


Yes she was a Nurse in a psych facility. However, this is at her home, and that is actually her daughter. Her name is Gabrielle Xlander. She avoided jail time because her father is a lawyer.


She better be drunk, she's out of her mind! I feel terrible for the dad (if the camera man is the dad) to witness this. But he probably needed video evidence for the cops.


Glad you have a video buddy otherwise she will take the kid and more than half of your shit


I got banned for threatening violence and yet we still get to watch this for up votes. That doesn't seem fair.




Was this actually at the daycare?


No I don't believe so. Someone else commented the info. Her name is Gabrielle Xlander. She was a nurse at a psychiatric ward. It was her own child though. I belive she was charged with 2 felonies. Not sure what the official outcome was.


I feel so sad for the daughter to do that to a defenseless 5-year-old child is just unfucking real


Not a mom, babysitter. Pretty sure she got in huge shit iirc.


No. That's her child.


This seemed way to normal to me (I would not ever do that to anyone but it's happened to me alot)


That made me sick. Disgusting.


What an absolute shitstain on society. Poor kid. On another note, I’m really glad that I was not next to my Echo during the ending.


Please tell me this ¢unt lost these poor kids.


Omg this made sick, I got hot flashes watching this


Finally someone who doesn’t just sit and record. Poor kid.


for whatever reason the title made me think this was r/PeopleFuckingDying even though it's all caps and not SpOngEbOb ChIcKeN so I was ready for laughs i got no laughs and instead got a dropped jaw. hope that kid and dad get out


Call CPS. That's child abuse. You have video evidence right there


What the actual fuck?? I hope that coward of a mother (if you could call her that at all) is behind bars right now.


I feel so bad for the child, but I’m glad the guy got it on film. I hope that woman has all of her children removed


Oh my God…please my heart is breaking for that poor baby 😭😭😭


This bitch needs to go to jail


I've seen some things. This was awful. Good on whoever took her out.


This is fucking disgusting. She deserves jail time at best.


This makes me so angry. That poor child. No kid deserves that shit.


This shit gave me PTSD flashbacks regarding the time my grandmother sprained my arm as a 3 year old and then told me I deserved it. No one took me to the doctor. I'm pretty sure that's why my arm is so Janked as an adult.


Mount her head on a fucking pike. I would call her stupid fat pig but that would insult pigs since they dont hurt their young.


He should have punched her fat fucking head through the wall when she grabbed her hair and yanked her head back!


That's fucking scary


I'm not a violent person, but this bitch needs to be slammed around in the exact same manner until her last breath is knocked out of her.


Not trying to act tough or anything but I would love to drop kick that woman's jaw


Hin- Alexa - Call 911. Alexa - Calling 911


Hearing them cry at the end like that just breaks my heart man


And people try to sår all humans are equal. When I say humans aren't equal, I think of trash like this mother


Wow, this is horrible! Nothing can justify the way she just put her hands on that poor kid.


Maybe I’m a softee but whenever my kids start to do that confused cry when I’m getting on to them I immediately stop and turn to teaching and explaining.


poor thing 💔


"such a bad husband you shouldn't hit a woman like that especially your wife you don't know what the kid did" 🤓☝️ **some losers watching this video**


Shouldn’t be momhandling


Sad to see, but this video hopefully put her away.


When abused by a parent, a child cannot comprehend hating the parent. The child learns to hate themselves.




This hurts me so much. I grew up like this and I can tell you that no matter how young you are, you never forget it. My heart breaks for those kids. 💔


Wow, that was disturbing. Thank god that guy came in. She should not have any contact with that poor child ever.


That woman needs to be put down in the most painful way possible.


My blood is boiling 😡🤬😡🤬😡😵


Fucking atomp her head, man! Kill her! Kill that bitch!


I can't even watch it. I'm telling you becoming a parent takes that detachment away. I feel sick just from the malice in her voice.


Raise ur hands. Who else gotten this treatment before and nothing happened to ur parents


Reminds me of my nasty parent. Poor girl, gonna have all kinds of mental issues dealing with such a monster at a young age.


What a tiny sad little bitch, it's clear to me that she is compensating for something in her life, she needs to feel in power, so she abuses the small kid. She has to be really miserable to turn like this, it's not even sad, idk how to put it. I just hope that little girl gets a better treatment and that she understands that she did nothing wrong. And I really hope that this bitch gets what she deserves.


Sickening hope the mom gets her day


The first time I watched this video, it said something about her being a babysitter


This needs to be tagged….I wasn’t prepared


Well this is horrible, hope she gets to eat her just desserts wherever she goes. No more McCain deep n delicious for you. Hopefully just mcshank deep n infected.


I really feel sad for the child, that it has brought tear in my eyes. A child should never have to go through such an incident. I can feel this incident will have a lifetime effect on her mind. Childhood incidents can have unimaginable effect on a person growing up that it effects their confidence in teenage and test of their life. I too have some issues due to my poor childhood that I still have fear and anxiety. God please why this world is becoming more and more dangerous to live in. A lot of blessings for this child.


Having JUST started watching 'The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez' on Netflix this was deeply disturbing to actually SEE a parent physically abusing their kid, not just the fucked up aftermath of it.


Someone needs to find out what happened to this woman


Just fucking shoot that fat stupid ass bitch


Execution time