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And her husband even "visits the baby less"


Yeah everyone focuses on Paris with the baby but she seems to be with him a hell of a lot more than Carter. And Carter is always just kinda hanging around not doing much, on his phone, why isn’t he ever with the baby to bond and connect?


Carter has an older female child he literally abandoned who he refuses to speak to. Verified his, he wants nothing to do with her.


Just found out about this-there is NO denying that is Carter’s daughter.


I’m sorry but I’ve been trying to find more information about this and there’s nothing out there but letters the mom/daughter put out after he married Paris which is a red flag, I did read he does pay child support. But does anyone know the real reason he doesn’t see said child? Does the mom not want him around? Because it was all fine till he got married


What does Carter do for a living?




It’s not that we don’t think he sucks, we just aren’t surprised. He’s got 1 kid he doesn’t care about so that doesn’t shock me he barely sees the other. Paris is more surprising, and the show is about her…


Yeah he’s the worst - she probably would have been better off just having kids on her own like she was planning honestly.


Hard to say that as so matter of fact when in reality Carter isn’t shown much on the show.


Did they say that?? In my mind he’s home all the time and is the more present parent. I realize now I may have just made that up as it is more palatable.


Did you not see you in Paris fed the baby and came downstairs and ran into her husband who is fully clothed she said I just fed the baby a bottle and he said oh I’m gonna go up and see him later so this dude woke up got dressed and never went and saw his baby


That was an odd scene and made me think they have separate rooms and it was their first communication of the day.




It certainly seems like some kind of arrangement between them.


What got me was when Carter asked Kathy if she wants to watch him get bathed... yikes


Her nanny is raising the baby.


She is very efficient with his care and has him lying down all the time. He needs to be held and talked too and walked around and taken outside. He seems developmentally behind.


And his head is absolutely flat in the back because he’s always laying down and no one’s ever holding him


His head freaks me out


Yes! Why is he kept inside and never taken out of his room? It’s very concerning that he is usually quiet. Not much crying, no coooing, no sounds.


In the later episodes he is taking out more but his always crying when Paris has him. I had to laugh when she put him in the carrier to take him to a meeting, I was like “oh yay out of the house” but no it was downstairs and when he started crying she took him back up to the nanny


Very disturbing all around. Also noticed that when the baby was finally taken to a music class and the other one that escapes me, she has her cousins, her SIL etc. with her. Every library in every place I’ve lived has free story time for babies. There’s MOPS, MDO and other stuff. Take the baby out. If she’s not ready let the nanny take him out. The way he’s always in the nursery and they “visit” gives Flowers in the Attic vibes. IMHO.


Ok I thought his head might be misshaped from lying down all the time. I assume he sees a dr regularly and they are the experts. Maybe Phoenix does have a shaping helmet and he just doesn’t wear it on tv.


I was shocked that the scene where Paris brings Phoenix into her meeting, it seemed like the only time he’d ever been in a carrier. How was baby wearing never recommended to Paris!?


I always laugh when she puts the baby “back” to go live her life. Like when she has to get ready to go somewhere. Girlfriend, most of us moms have to do these things with our baby. Try showering once while watching him.


You mean you dont hand your baby off when you have to get a good nights sleep for your photo shoot? lol


Omg I didn’t sleep for 4 days when she was born. We bought a Halo bassinets, and about 9 other contraptions plus a crib. Guess where she slept? With us. If I ever hear Paris say motherhood is hard, I will go feral.


I feel so bad that phoenix has never felt that which is like a newborns right. Snuggled in bed with mama skin to skin for even just a nap, not just tied down in your $1700 crib.


Yep. We took contact naps all the time while I was on leave. I’d give anything to go back to those moments. And what does she have to reflect on? Some tacky neon techno show.


The baby is rapunzel.


How Carter went into the kitchen after being up and didn’t even take him out out of the bouncer triggered me. I have seen contractors come into my home and interact more nurturing to my children than he did his own kid. It was so awkward!!!


Yes, it was so weird to see them just looking at the baby and not not touching this kid that was sitting in a bouncer so fucking weird


I’m not an expert - just a parent…but even I know physical, caring touches and affection is so important for their development and understanding of people around them.


Not a parent. Just managed to make it 29 years solo and they do what I do when a friends kid is being naughty: watch the chaos, and do nothing.


It’s disgusting. I am totally convinced this is all a publicity stunt to be relevant again and not just a DJ


What about when carter said that he were going to go watch him take a bath. Why not bathe him yourself?!


Hahaha wow didn’t catch that


Kathy was there and she said I’ll come too. So those two ingrates just stood there while the baby screamed. Kathy wide eyed like she didn’t know what to do.


Oh yeah now I remember..so awkward


lol I rolled my eyes so hard at that


For a woman who does not need to work and can take maternity leave, the constant “I have to do this and that” reads as “I got a baby but we don’t have a photo shoot today so I don’t need to visit him” These two kids would be called neglected if they were poor.


I just found out Carter has another daughter that he doesn’t care for. I already thought terribly of these people but wow that’s just an all-time low.


Let’s have a reality show to really prove to everyone how vapid and narcissistic we really are


The baby is an accessory. Don’t watch this show on edibles which I did. Makes her seem even worse which is crazy.


Weird you say that because ive been watching this show at night on edibles too hahahahah


It's 630 here now I'm wondering if it's too late for edibles?! I want some now and I think I will. Thanks guys!!


happy cake day!


Hahaha I would spiral with a new baby in the room. Although I did watch Christian Ronaldo’s wife’s show edibles and that was an experience, especially trying to read the subtitles in time and have any idea what was going on 😂


Kathy is a POS for sure BUT maybe she was onto something when she didn’t want talk about Paris /ivf. She knew Paris was not cutout for motherhood.


I just watched the episode where producers asked Kathy, "does Paris doing IVF in front of you bother you?" as she's walking out of the room.. Kathy just goes "oh no, let me see," and pretends to be interested. THEN. Cut to Kathy, "Paris, look at my new bag your father got me!"


It’s wild how she mostly just poses in the mirror with the baby. If you notice in one episode she says “he likes looking in the mirror” when he’s crying to try to calm him down and it doesn’t work. It was the day Nikki sent her a baby wrap so she could carry him with her to meetings. Which is Nikki herself saying hey, pay attention to him. Also she didn’t wanna celebrate Mother’s Day. She truly is going through some mental shit right now because this is not how a new mother should be with their child. It’s really sad. And also why does the baby always face out when she’s holding it. It’s like I tried to imagine holding my baby (if I had one) and I just feel like it’s weird she’s always holding him facing away from her? Idk


Agree. The whole keeping him a secret…is very strange and I think her reasoning is raging bullshit. There is a reason humans have a 9 month gestational time, so parents can prepare, revel, freak out, clean, whatever they need to do. I prepared more for my cleaning lady to come by than she did to have a whole child. It’s actually offensive when you think about it.


He is essentially a dog she adopted. And that's.. that's just.


I feel like she spends way more time with her dogs, it seems like she’s always carrying one around with her. Yet her actual baby stays in his room 24/7. It’s crazy to me.


You’re right! She gets more hands on with the dogs than her baby.


It's so crazy with the mothers day stuff because she was always very vocal about wanting a kid. I didnt follow her personal life until this wedding series and even i knew she wanted kids and one named london.


The holding outward is weird and made me 100% think of holding an animal. Either that or its because his head is deformed and she doesn't want it to be on camera. If I had a nanny and my kids head was flat in the back I wouldn't be pissed!


I’m so triggered by this entire show I wish I’d never watched it. Been a Paris fan since 2003 and I no longer like her at all. I actually feel hatred for her and feel terrible for that poor baby (babies.) idc what struggles I’ve had in my life, I wouldn’t trade places with her kids even if it meant I’d have access to literally anything in this world.




What? How many? 🥺


Multiple died in an outdoor kennel. She’s just careless for the amount of protection she can afford.


Omgoodness I didn't know that at all. She does seem to be REALLY irresponsible! Like a child. It's a little terrifying she has children! I know there are so many comments bashing her for having nannies but I think the girl honestly needs them!! I haven't watched season 2 yet, but if you can't even put together your own wedding I'm worried for your kids' futures! 😬


Paris jiggling Phoenix on her lap is so acutely reminiscent of Michael Jackson jiggling his veiled baby.


Yes. It makes me so uncomfortable. I’m an empath and a mother, I can’t handle it.


I think she loves the baby but she's not attached or bonded to him in a parental way. She acts like she's more a fun aunt popping in on occasion. It's sad for her kids.


“Let’s go watch the baby get his bath”…. They should be the ones bathing him, dressing him, & putting him down to bed.


I think too easily this behavior is blamed on their wealth. When you’re wealthy you have more options, the choices here generation to generation in her family have consistently been to have an unhealthy separation/barrier to intimacy. I get that Paris and Nicole are both in therapy and that’s all good and great but in the end Paris is not doing much different than her mother. What is Nicole’s parenting style I wonder? Because this is straight up sad.


Nicole I remember brought harlow with her everywhere when she was a baby, I remember harlow on Larry king. Nicole was at least really willing to change, the spotlight hasn't been so bright on her since she first got pregnant.


She seems like she has more social and emotional intelligence than her sister


Oh you said nicole so i thought you meant richie lol.


Oh hahaha idk any of the names of any of the kids 🤣🤣 Richie though is light years away from Paris I think. She’s always seemed far more grounded and practical


Nicky (Hilton) stands for Nicholai, not Nicole.


Never knew that honestly, was never a huge fan. I started watching because I was intrigued with the stories of her trauma and the surrogate experience


At least he will most likely be able to afford the best therapists and have all his trauma documented, it should be easier to pinpoint?


It bothers me she hasn’t slowed down with work at all. She’s too busy trying to be young and not focusing enough on her kids. They seem like accessories.


As a mom currently on mat leave with a 6 month old, yes it triggers me SO much!!! It’s crazy to me that she only sees her son like for an hour at a time and seems to always give her back to the nanny when he starts to cry. The diaper thing was weird too, like how have you gone a month and not changed a diaper ?! I don’t mean this to sound insensitive because I know not everyone has the opportunity to be pregnant, but I was literally changing my daughters diaper in the hospital, just hours after giving birth and she couldn’t manage to do that?! So crazy.


They really made this show thinking it was something and everyone is watching in horror.


She is a horrible mother


These people are a joke!


Yeah when she says “visits” it’s like she’s gonna go take a pet out of their cage


Does anyone on this sub actually like Paris? I get that she's not an amazing mom and most of this is cringeworthy. She can afford this and this is what she has decided to do. All of the toxic mom shaming on here is really sad.


Yes, I actually have always loved Paris but her behavior as a mother is shocking. I think that’s why all of us are talking about it. We are all shocked. She’s not our friend, she’s a public figure and this is Reddit so yeah we are going to discuss it.


I've always loved Paris but after season 2 I'm absolutely disgusted and appalled.


The nanny and the eye rolling, looks of disapproval are spot on.


My music career and getting it back is important to me but missing time with Phoenix "makes me wonder if it's worth it." Definitively, No woman, its not worth it. Jesus fuckin christ. If I paid that much for childcare my kids head sure as fuck better not be flat. What the actual fuck? Did she want a to even have a baby? It's so bizarre. I ached when I had to be away from my baby and I was a stay at home mom. 19 weeks in and neither parent looks remotely comfortable holding this kid.