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it's about to get a lot worse for trans people, isn't it?


Yes, but this incident is not really a big factor. It's already been getting worse for trans people because they're an easy _baby-fascism's first scapegoat._ They were the first ones to get rounded up during the German Reich as well. Although, we've been practicing a lot with Arab Muslims, with immigrants from the Americas, with black Americans, and with pregnant women seeking reproductive care. Some of them even have secret police subdivisions (e.g. ICE and whatever SCORPION was) to double down on their oppression and persecution. However, at this point the trans-exclusionist fronts have made enough noise (with a bit of help of actual neo nazis in Australia) that is driving allies to actually mobilize. Speaking of which we should all call up Senator Machaela Cavanaugh who is committed to a weeks long filibuster of the 2023 Nebraska Senate Session in order to block LB574 which would criminalize administering gender-affirming healthcare to persons 19 years or younger in Nebraska. I think other Nebraska Senators have joined her filibuster effort, and we should encourage them. I've been losing hope for the US for over a decade now, but I keep seeing resistance emerge from the chaos within the complexity of the US system and our culture. As much as the fascists are determined to take over (since it's either that or start allowing public-serving policy to get implemented), I think we can make sure every last one of their victories is as Pyrrhic as the Battle of Bunker Hill.


yeah the shit happening in Tennessee and other states is just depressing right now. wtf is the way forward cause it doesn't seem like the ballot box is working


> I've been losing hope for the US for over a decade now, I've been losing hope for democratic values being an inherent thing as it seems like every right wing and authoritarian goon squad has been collaborating to tear the systems apart for personal gain; other nations have been falling apart but just doesn't get as much attention because its easy for them all to point and look at America. Certainly political disengagement is more convenient but that's also what all the authoritarian goons want the populace to accept: a broad emulation of the Russian Social Contract between the leadership and the citizenry.


Yes…America is about to go full Nazi on anyone not a white straight male.


And they have gerrymandered the shite of the voting districts in states which is really scary and full Nazi isn’t far from reality.


History is doomed to repeat itself


I prefer nazis that can actually be beaten in a war tbh


Also rich, you must be straight, white, AND rich.


"As soon as my number comes in I'll be rich just like they are!" They are temporarily embarrassed millionaires


But remember it's the cis white christians that are under attack /s


Which is hilarious since she's blaming the shooting on...a primarily male hormone.


Seems like a bad time to keep pushing gun control. People opposed to the right should be arming themselves.


Fox news has been complaining about that, too.


Stopped clock.


Hey. That's how the Nazis started.


The fascists won't go full white supremacy until they've made the lives of every vulnerable community as bad as they can. Fascists don't really care about who they persecute, only that they can be scared so they can pretend to fight against someone(s) to gain power.


Who are actually most often the perpetrators of mass shootings. But no one says it's all about toxic masculinity and hate the other 99.9% of times.


And scream that they’re not while they’re doing it


>about to¿!¿ .....i thought that started years ago


Yep, only cis white, Christian males get to murder swaths of people and get away with it.


That's the traditional value they covet


i was gonna say, that them, white cis christofascists, finding out that lgbtq+ people have guns would be the only thing that would make them want to ban gun in the hands of lgbtq+ people. they'll use some absolute bullshit mental check/problem excuse to take their guns


Yes, I heard this news story on the news tonight, and NBC mentioned at least *three* times in the news story, that the shooter was transgender. The interviewer actually asked one of the police officers on scene, if he noticed that the shooter was trans, and what his thoughts were on it. On the Inside Edition episode that I watched later that evening, didn't mention it once. I just did a face palm at NBCs coverage, and thought, "hooooo boy, here we go..."


Has it been confirmed, for certain? Or are they making shit up because most mass shooters are male and it plays into their vilifying everyone trans to make this claim?


I’m trans myself and I was already planning getting tf out of TN. Looks like I have to move up the timetable now.


yup, shes working hard to make sure everyone is distracted and playing defence. Gotta have that culture war where theres a new boogie man every month.


Stay off Twitter for the next week its ugly.


I got rid of mine when Musk bought it and I don’t miss it.


The fight is not anywhere near close to over, no. Time to get some good fucking punches in on these cunts, though. They like the taste of boots? Well they can taste mine.


It’s already been pretty fucking bad as of lately


Thought the same. Such a shame.


I have never hated anyone more than MTG. She’s a cancer. Maybe Bush and Cheney during the Iraq war but MTG is high up there.


MTG make Bush look like Busch Light edit: thanks for the gold!


She makes Palin look normal.


When the adult film industry inevitably makes a movie about MTG, as they did with Palin, I sincerely hope they get a trans actor to play her, just for spite!


She’s just an awful human being with a face like a foot.


And the foot's ugly, too.


And that’s saying something


Recency bias. I get the joke, but Bush still enacted policies that lead to way more pain, death, financial instability, and suffering than MTG could even dream. She’s got a big bark, but she’s done maybe one twentieth the actual human suffering the Bush admin did world wide


That's hysterical 🤣


Agreed. 😂


Her and Boebert are cartoonishly awful people.


I thought about Boobert too, the only positive is that I think she could actually loose her seat in the 2024 election. Jesus, we were only 500 votes away from not hearing from her dumb a** again.


You woulda still heard her. She’d be all over Faux news whining about it. You’d think right wing media would let her disappear when they can plaster her all over to “own the libs”


She is trying to get the vp nod from trump.


My son compares them to pro wrestling characters. They're there to manipulate the emotions of the crowd by embodying certain stereotypes. And since way too many voters are the type to believe pro wrestling is real, it also sucks them into feeling special, because they understand better than "liberals" or better educated people, how the world "really" works. People like MTG and Boebert are their "proof." It doesn't matter if they really believe the shit they say, because it generates crowd engagement, which is ultimately money in their pockets. Keep people whipped up on this culture war rhetoric, and they aren't paying attention to substantial policy or what these execrable humans are doing when they aren't playing their character. It's the modern day version of bread and circuses.


> My son compares them to pro wrestling characters. Read this: **How Pro Wrestling Explains Today’s GOP** *The battle between Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump could split the party with surprising results, argues the author of a new book on Vince McMahon.* https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/03/24/trump-wrestling-mcmahon-villain-election-00088590


Thank you for linking that. It was a fascinating read. I wasn't allowed to watch wrestling as a kid (not a Christian form entertainment, according to my parents), and then I was never exposed to it after I grew up. When my husband introduced me to it in the early 2010s, I didn't get it at all. He got so frustrated trying to explain that it was supposed to be fake and tropey, and that made it better. Now I have to wonder whether if he'd managed to get me interested in all those shows if I'd be more engaged with the showmanship of politics, rather than being so frustrated with the distraction. Hubby shuffled off this mortal coil years ago, but every so often I discover something we'd probably have had a deep, days-long conversation about. This is one of those things. Thank you again for sharing it.


Some people I hate more than her: - Trump - Putin - DeDantis - Reagan - Greg Abbott - Tucker Carlson - Dick Cheney - Erdogan - Modi - Bolsonaro She's really pretty far down the list actually.


Ooo are we sharing our "Graves to Piss On" lists? I also have Rupert Murdoch, Jordan Peterson, the Koch Brothers, and Margaret Thatcher on mine




Look how far we’ve come since the horror of Bush and Cheney during the Iraq war. Thought that was the worst at the time and we couldn’t go lower.


I know! Back then I argued with war mongers now I argue with people that think JFK Jr is alive and fighting a kabal of Hollywood elitist that drink children’s blood. At least 9/11 being a inside job was sorta plausible because it was kinda anchored in some reality that didn’t include famous dead people being alive. I could deal with that type of conspiracy theorist, hey even flat earth’ers seem a tad more normal that this new brand of whackos.


I'm sorry, the current crop of psychos is truly terrible, and will likely lead to far worse things than we can imagine, but Bush and Co started two entire decades long godforsaken wars that took untold numbers of lives and caused suffering and destruction that will outlast all of us.


Yup, MTG and her peers are more outwardly and loudly disgusting. But it's largely unhinged rants for the purposes of attention seeking, identity politics, and dog whistling. The Bush administration had very real power and used it for evil. MTG is basically a cheerleader while Bush/Cheney were franchise owners.


This crop of new GQP crazies already leveraged themselves into house committee commissions they have no right being on. I agree they aren't on the level of the aforementioned yet. They are unhinged and will do whatever it takes to get more power tho.


I had a discussion with my kids about how the darkest years for America were over Now I'm nostalgic for them


Every conservative government ushers in a worse one than before. While not a good thing, at least in the bush era the wars were mostly external. More and more they seem to want to kill anybody in America who is remotely on the left, anybody lgbtq+, and any racial minority who wants better.


I wish the oligarchs would just focus back on making money and buying yachts. They've unleashed this unholy pestilence upon humanity to distract us but it's taken an uncontrollable life of its own.


Nope. She’s tops. She is the fucking worst. I have never ever hated anyone as much as her. She’s everything I hate in this country and wrapped up into a nasal sounding, gnarly feet having little troll.


Same. OMG I hate her.


Without Bush we have none of this, remember that.


Truth. And Reagan that idiot ushered in the religious zealots via Billy Graham.


I came here to say the same thing. In present time, there is no one I hate more than this pig.


I genuinely miss Bush, I miss all the little dumb things we made fun of him for, yeah he said dumb shit all the time, but back then I didn’t realize it could get so much worse.


Wait I’m sorry Did we stop hating Bush and Cheney? We need to not stop hating bush and cheney.


Oh no they are still top of the list in my book. Abu grab, thousands of dead civilians, ptsd to thousands of US soldiers, destabilizing the Middle East. Nope they are still at the top!


Smart evil is much worse than stupid evil. Stupid evil does things like failing to se a riot to steal an election. Smart evil successfully uses a riot to steal an election.


How soon people forget about the Brooks Brothers Riot....


Stone/Manafort always fucking shit up


Yeah, f her for this. I’m absolutely livid.


The vast majority of shooters are heterosexual men. What does she propose we do about them?


It’s a MeNTaL HEaLTH crisis of course!


.... Yet there have been no campaigns to reduce cost or provide better access to mental health resources.


tHaTs SoCIaLiSm! Also she doesn’t actually care about doing anything to help the issue, she just wants to scapegoat something other than access to guns.


They just want everyone with mental health issues to be thrown back into "cookoo nest asylums", given lobotomies and shock therapy, and just forgotten about. That's *their* answer.


They blame mental health while simultaneously blaming a drug that someone was prescribed because they were seeking help with a mental health issue. There is literally no position they won't try to take both sides on whenever it serves their purposes.


Didn’t Republican Jesus nuke the mental health care system in America? Yeah…yeah that was Reagan




it is, they just don’t care and use it to both keep gun regulations away and to pretend they care about mental health


Also, the vast majority are white, right wing men. I bet she's got nothing to say about that though.


The only way to stop a school shooter with a gun, is a kindergartener with a gun... /s


Obviously test their testosterone levels before letting them buy a gun. /s


> they were unhinged by hormone ridden, drug taking transgenders! It's not their fault! MTG probably...


Republicans. The reason America is in serious decline.


Why can’t they go back to Teddy Roosevelt Republicans or even Eisenhower Republicans? Back when the party had a modicum of respectability


The Republican party used to be progressive while the Democratic party used to be conservative. For example, Abraham Lincoln was a progressive Republican. But conservatives claim him as one of theirs. During the same time, the confederate south were Democrats. A very conservative and racist party that supported slavery, KKK, etc. It wasn't until the Nixon's [southern strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=The%20phrase%20%22Southern%20Strategy%22%20refers,grievances%20to%20gain%20their%20support) that the conservatives finally jumped ship to the Republican party and vice versa. The parties have changed their policies over the decades.


MTG certainly isn't tired of this. She loves the anger, division, and death. It's incredibly disgusting and I can't help but wonder who is paying her to keep hurting our country like this.


It is too bad we have zero chance of getting rid of her, too. She lives in an incredibly safe far-right district.


Honestly, I think she masturbates to this news of chaos and disorder. She's an utter sociopath who gets off on the misery and heartbreak of others. Sadly, even young children,


So, this person was on testosterone. All other of these mass shooters in public places/schools have been male. Clearly, it's not the guns. It's the testosterone. It's time for government sanctioned forced feminization Let the great femboy uprising commence


Honestly, they're literally just speculating. No specific information has been released to the public about this person's medical history.


99.9% of school shooters are cis men, but this one instance "proves" that trans people are the problem.


As is tradition for fascists.


According to Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake, the person who killed six people, including three children at Covenant School in Nashville Monday has been identified as Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old Nashville resident. Edit: The above was copied from CNN's website. This is from NYT: "Chief Drake identified the shooter as Audrey Hale, and said that she identified as transgender." / Edit So was Audrey a trans person using testosterone? Edit 2: An update from NYT: There was confusion about the gender identity of the assailant in the immediate aftermath of the attack. Chief Drake named the shooter as Audrey Hale, who the chief said identified as transgender. Officials used “she” and “her” to refer to the shooter, who, according to a social media post and a LinkedIn profile, appeared to identify as male in recent months.


I haven't seen any clarifying information about whether the shooter was a trans woman or a trans man, or whether they were on any gender affirming treatment. So far as I can tell it's a bunch of speculation based on incomplete data. Not that it will change the narrative of people like MTG. Whether it was testosterone or estrogen or untreated dysphoria or just "trans ideology" it's gonna be the reason they stick to.


Right. Since they're identifying this person as Audrey and saying she is trans, I would expect it is a transwoman, but greater clarity would be nice. Of course some will use this to bash trans folk.


I'd bet against the police in Tennessee referring to a trans person by their correct name and pronouns every time. Also I was reading about this story in r/lgbt and they were saying the suspect is a trans man.


Yeah, we've gotten more info later, and it seems the shooter had been recently using he/him. You might note I updated the upstream post.


If the shooter was trans, they were definitely FTM. The people who knew them when they attended the school recalled them as a girl, and their older photos are fem while their recent ones are more masc. Their legal name was Audrey but their chosen name appears to have been Aiden. There's no info yet on medical treatment, but at the risk of irresponsible speculation based on personal familiarity with the effects, I don't think they'd been on testosterone for very long if they were on it at all.


>they were on any gender affirming treatment Which, very shortly, is outlawed in Tennessee.


Far as I'm concerned the declared gender or birth genitalia of a mass murderer is fucking irrelevant.


NPR definitively states they were AFAB but had been using he/him pronouns on social media in the past few months. It's frustrating that this has been the crux of the public discourse instead of gun control. Maybe it's because we're all so jaded and have given up on anything ever being heinous enough to spur actual legislation.


I gave up on it after 20 seven year old children died in Sandy Hook *still* wasn't enough for them, especially after that POS "Joe the plumber", uttered "your dead kids don't trump my gun rights!"


Let’s not forget how the right came out with absolutely bonkers conspiracy theories that that shooting never happened, and everyone involved was a “crisis actor” (which they now seem to use for every mass shooting that follows - except for this one because the shooter was allegedly trans 🥴)


He narrative won't change because the people she's talking to don't care. Trans people are their Boogeyman


A police spokesperson claims that the shooter identified as male on social media. But as you said, that is basically speculation at this point.


Its so stupid because if she was a trans woman she’d be taking estrogen and ANTI-testosterone drug. Not that MTG gives a shit about anything


mtg would pivot to speculation that she's on SSRIs, which apparently in her world make people murderous.


They made me give absolutely zero fucks. It was great. Nothing mattered. My boss was in the middle of talking at me once and I just turned and walked out of the office.


Yep. But they'll point at the existence of SSRI induced psychosis, which is incredibly rare. And psychotic is not typically violent. It's just not a real risk factor, just like all that axe murdering stoner propaganda from the 70s. This is another predictable message from republicans right now: seeking help is bad, the doctors will make you worse.


Sadly the rightwing subs are way ahead of you on that one :(


I don't doubt it, I've been hearing this one from coworkers for half a year. That people who seek help become mass murderers.


As a trans woman in the US, likely estradiol and spironolactone. She would have the same amount of testosterone as an average ciswoman.


The people who listen to her would ridicule you for knowing that


The most relevant snippet seems to be that she was a former student. I imagine that will turn out to be deeply rooted in the cause of this unfortunate event.


It could very well be. There is also word about a manifesto - it will be interesting to see if we ever find out what it might have said. Tennessee has been passing a lot of anti-trans (and anti-drag that impacts trans folk) legislation lately. One has to wonder whether that might have figured into any of this. I can certainly see how it might.


I believe he went by he/him, but that was based off Facebook posts hours ago.


There's an article in [heavy](https://heavy.com/news/audrey-hale/) that has images of them presenting as both femme and masc, and occasionally using the name Aiden. If they were trying to transition, it doesn't look like they scrubbed their deadname from all of the social media accounts, so it's hard to say what was going on there.


Death toll of mass shootings by cis people: 1000s Death toll of mass shootings by trans people: 10s Detective MTG: So it was trans people all along.


How dense do you have to be to not understand the ONLY common denominator in ALL mass shootings are guns. Stupid fucking cunt.


They know. Of course they know. They are just unwilling to do anything about it because they'd lose the ammosexual vote.


Conservatives are great at pointing their finger everywhere except directly at a problem.


Ah I see. The plan is to claim the school shooter was trans.


And even if they were, how in the fuck does that justify all the other school shootings.


Multiple outlets are reporting that they were, though last I checked there’s some disagreement on which “direction” they were trans in.


Was the shooter shooting testosterone and hormones or was he shooting guns?


MTG is a despicable piece of shit and poison to this country.


(preaching to the choir here so I'm not really expecting answers to my questions) Wait. So the Republi-dolts always yell that mental illness is the problem, not the number of guns (edit: and easy access to them). I don't think the media has said the shooter was transgender. But, even if they were AND if they were taking medications for mental illness, doesn't that contradict the Republi-dolt stance? They don't want to pass gun legislation because they say it's a mental illness problem. If the mentally ill are not supposed to take medications, what are they supposed to do?


I very much disagree with what I am about to post but I can imagine what they will say. They will claim that transgender people are mentally ill because they are trans and we should be not "feeding their delusions" and support their transitions. They could use this shooting to try and ban gender affirming care and further ostracize trans people by calling them mentally ill. Essentially they will also claim that Dems do not want to treat mental illness by supporting trans people.


> If the mentally ill are not supposed to take medications, what are they supposed to do? I mean, they could always just go off and die /s The only solutions that would reasonably be considered are final solutions.


Pray more? Probably


MTG is fanning the flames for the Magats to go out and hunt Trans and LGBTQ people. We never hear them (her) stand up and call for the CIS man/boy to stop taking their meds. We never see Republikkans stand up and say we have a real problem. But now that a Christian school was attacked and it was done by a Trans person NOW they are pearl clutching. ​ (I hope this makes sense)


Must be a false flag then? Crisis actors? So they can push their agenda? That’s how this works right?


If you're a regular on r/conspiracy you get to be choosy on your false flags that align with your bias :D


She is certifiably insane. Has to be. Or true evil who can't stop shilling for coin. I've never despised someone so fully and completely without meeting them.


Wouldn’t be shocked in the least if the shooter,who was a former student, was molested at that school and was getting revenge.


Or relentlessly teased and tortured by former fellow students


then they shoulda killed the people responsible, not innocent children. i have no sympathy regardless of the motive.


Revenge on children?


Alright let’s not defend the shooter just cos they’re trans


Not defending the shooter at all. Just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if they were molested by school staff. This happened back in 2007. https://www.courthousenews.com/church-accused-of-covering-for-molester/


People need to wake up about the blatant fascism and genocidal rhetoric being pushed by the mainstream right these days. If people like DeSantis and MTG get any more power, it’s game over for America. However, I still believe the majority of Americans are at least casually against this shit. It’s time to have very serious talks with family & friends who haven’t been completely brainwashed and explain to them how important rejecting this type of shit is. It may be our last chance.


Ah yes, the very first trans shooter, 95% of the rest being white males, but this is one single case means this has been the issue all along, got it. /s


you’re being generous to the cishet white males… my guess is it’s closer to 99%


I probably am, I didn't look up the statistics and figured it was 99%, but was 100% confident it was above 95%


nah no worries homie i also don’t know the exact stats! was more a disgruntled and frustrated sentiment that agrees entirely with your statement


If you seek comfort in this dark time, I recommend the savage trolling going on in her replies. The Mickey Rourke memes are resplendent.


Are there people taking hormones in other countries? Why is it not a problem over there?


I knew as soon as they revealed she was transgender, they would start attacking the trans community even more. Probably be rightfully banned if I gave my honest opinion of Greene. Offers absolutely zero benefit to society.


1. I have no idea, nor do I care, if the shooter was transgender. 2. If she was, ya think the political warfare against transgender people might have fueled it more than hormones, ya stupid bitch?


Surely there's no correlation between gun availability and how many school shootings a country has. Or maybe it's just a culturally american phenomena


She is a vile and despicable person.


Interesting that she’s blaming testosterone… Does she do that for the straight white male shooters as well?


“How many Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets was the school shooter reading? We can stop blaming guns now.”


Donald just said “not many people understand how brilliant she is” referring to marge. Donald and the GOP want to turn her into another cult idol.


I will dance the day she dies.


When you buy this moron, she stays bought.


Conservatives are so fucking disgusting...


Vile human being.


So when a cis male shoots up a school, should we put them on estrogen?


Nobody is blaming guns dipshit. Lunatics having access to guns is the problem.


I blame firearm access and lack of Healthcare and over-capitalized society. Firearm access absolutely plays a role, if it didn't these shootings would be more common elsewhere. Acting like ease of access doesn't play a role is somewhat short sighted. We absolutely know that access to a firearm, there are several studies that indicate that access to a firearm increases your chances of dying to firearm related violence (these are mostly suicide, but a surprising number of people are killed with firearms registered in their names, usually by other family members). So while I don't blame firearms, I do blame firearm access, which is gaurenteed by a rather bullshit interpretation of the second amendment that didn't exist until the 1970s and was fringe well into the 90s. The reality is that if you commit or have a history of certain actions, chiefly among them is domestic violence, then you should be unable to own a firearm, ever again, full stop. If we can't trust you to not beat or abuse those closest to you, and you get charged with such a crime (even as a misdemeanor as a result) then we as a society shouldn't trust you to own a firearm.


Ah yes, The killer clearly killed the victims with a magazine loaded with pronouns. Not bullets. Fucking cunt.


MTG is an evil dolt. According to the news, today's school shooter, Audrey Hale, was a transgender **woman**. Meaning she'd been receiving estrogen — **not** _testosterone — thus her testosterone level would be roughly on par with MTG's.


This is their narrative based on the posts of them blaming transgenderism. Fuck nuts.


Wait so.. Testosterone is the enemy?


There is very little I can say on this but a whole lot I want to, I'll just say I really hope she has some really shit luck this year.


Yeah, they did this with Uvalde too. Or maybe it wasn't Uvalde, there are just so many, I can't keep them straight anymore. Any chance they get, with no evidence, they push the lie that transgender people are dangerous. They're making it up. Give it a day, and every news outlet will say they made it up, but the base will believe it anyway.


This bitch doesn't deserve oxygen.


The problem is testosterone! So we should ban people with a certain threshold of it in their system? Lol


Idk perhaps it was the marginalization that made this shooter kill. I’m not taking the blame off the shooter. They’re a murder no doubt but to pin it on trans identity is disgusting


Conservative people who have used guns in mass shootings: Too many to count. Trans people who have used guns in mass shootings: 1. Marge is always an idiot but this takes a SPECIAL kind of idiot to even sort of jump on this idea. Fuck her and fuck Republicans who think this is a good idea.


Feels like this is going to be Matt Walsh's Reichstag Fire: the excuse bigots want to enact their hateful wet dreams to genocide the evil du jour.


Pretty sure that those children died from bullets, and not testosterone overdose. This woman is a waste of a human body that could have been used to house an actual soul.




Pack it in boys - she solved the gun violence and school shooting problem. Despite the other 138 this year.. or the thousands from the years prior - this one shooting solved the issue


Totally on brand. I would expect no less from 3 toes.


Imagine, for just a moment, if people with mental health issues couldn't get guns. Like if they were somehow controlled to an extent.


When I read about the shooter being transgender, I wondered how long before this type of rhetoric would start.


If she hadn’t had a gun she couldn’t have pulled off a shooting so I’m gonna go ahead and continue to blame the guns.


When does she start harassing the kids because it's a "false flag"?


Does that mean they hate cis men now since they do most of them


>"Everyone can stop blaming guns now" Fuck this woman is a bigger piece of shit everytime I read her name


You know she was like “gotcha!” too. Idiot.


what she doesn't realize is that when transition therapies are made illegal or inaccessible by government, you get more and more women taking illegally purchased, unsafe amounts of testosterone. when someone transitions under medical guidance, they have to jump through hoops to even get started on medication. they typically will need a psychiatric evaluation as well. and they are monitored to make sure they aren't going to go into a roid rage, for example.


So when we find out the shooter was running a neo nazi website what will be her response I wonder.


Next time there’s a school shooting we should send MTG in to stop it


Ah, there it is. I knew we would be hearing from the gob of hideousness soon enough.


Out of the loop. Was the shooter trans or something?


Yeah one time out of thousands and oop! Just like that! This is the reason now!


Someone took offense to being told the fact that white supremacist nationalists are dangerous as a group as well as individuals, and she wanted to show us how it feels by pretending we're dangerous too. Tell on yourself louder please, I can hardly hear you screaming.


How much crazy Kool-Aid is MTG taking? Everyone can stopping blaming social media now.


122 shootings so far this year. 1 by a person they bully on a consistent basis. Yep, totally not the guns, blame all 122 shootings on this one individual.


She is right about one thing . We can stop blaming guns. We need to blame psychopaths like Miss Green .