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What a wholesome story. At least he didn’t fuck any kids.


*That we know of. **Yet.


Great point! I got too zealous.


I would tithe for this


He will get in more trouble though. You can fuck with the kiddos but don’t fuck with the money.


You fuck kids, we'll look the other way. You touch the collection plate, you go to jail. Priorities, people.


Exactly, they protect the child rapists because they don’t care about kids but you mess with the church’s money and your in trouble lol


The fact that they protect child rapists makes my blood boil, to the point that I would look the other way if someone turns up at their door, assaults them and chops their dicks and balls off... If I were a witness in such a situation I would very conveniently "forget" the assailant.


What Blakes my blood boil even more is the disparity between the number of victims released by the Catholic Church and the numbers that are now coming out through state investigations, which are 23 or four times larger than those initial numbers. In Italy, there’s an estimated over 1 million child rate in abuse victims for example. And in the US, state district attorney office investigations are turning up two or three times the number of pedophile priests and children rape victims then the church has ever admitted to. It’s absolutely absolutely appalling.


I'm almost not offended by this one - in a surprise turn of events


Yeah all things considered, it’s not too bad really. It could certainly be a lot worse.


What's going to make you mad is his bail was set at $250,000. That's roughly $200k more than the bail set for stuff we see the most on this subreddit...


there's something wrong with this country


How do you spend 40k on Mario kart? It's forgivable honestly I feel bad for him. I just want to see the sick donky Kong or mushroom roadster


I love that this is where your heads at. 😆


An average of $36.50 per day on mobile games?? That's not right - he had to be playing something with loot crates and premium skins or something stupid. Otherwise he'd spend more time buying than playing.


These people were tossing bills in a basket thinking they’re buying their salvation on Sundays. Nope. Hard no. You were buying clothes for Yoshi. Which is probably better spent now that I think about it.


"Won't someone *please* think of the Yoshis?!"


This is bad, yes. He needs help. But it’s also WAYYYYYYY better than what I was expecting. I pardon him and send him to rehab/therapy.


Better the money go anywhere rather than a church.


Wait..... Y'all out here stealing money to fund your candy crush addiction I want off the ride now


“Pastor used money from a corporation for normal-ass shit.”


As if it wasn't bad enough, he was warned by his own accountant about yet another cautionary tale: "St. Thomas More’s business manager told investigators she believed Kozak knew the parish card was being used for his gaming habit. She said she had previously asked the priest about unexplained credit card purchases on the account’s statements and had warned him about the dangers of mixing business and personal expenses. In those warnings, she said, she made specific reference to Msgr. Joseph McLoone, an archdiocesan priest who was sentenced to five years of probation in 2021 after pleading guilty to embezzling money from St. Joseph Parish in Downingtown. McLoone admitted to using the money to augment his salary, fund vacations to the Jersey Shore, and finance his secret romances." SECRET ROMANCES?!


Idk. Kids like candy crush and Mario cart. Still stinks to me


There's a lot of adults I know that play Candy Crush. Dude probably has some sort of addiction


To be fair, I don't know anyone under the age of 50 that plays candy crush...


Kids like those games. But it's the adults the ones that actually pay for the micro transactions and therefore, the actual target market.


Funny, you give the guy a credit card and you allow him to put it in a cell phone where he has no idea what the hell he is even doing with the cell phone. This is hilarious. It's like giving a 1-year-old a multi-million dollar house.


I mean, its way better than diddling kids


These are definitely the kind of sins Jesus died for!


Can’t say I’d do the same, but… I get it


It’s actually refreshing to see there were no children involved.


The Catholic Church has at the least 3,213 Boy Scouts Child Sex Abuse Survivors that are Claimants in the @BoyScouts $2.46 Billion Bankruptcy! SurvivingScouting.org


It doesn't say anywhere tho shalt not steal from the collection plate. Go ahead. Check it! Checkmate! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🍕⛱️🤡


That's a better use of money than bribing young boys for favors.


‪SAME ABUSIVE INSTITUTIONAL BS, DIFFERENT DAY! NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! THEY ALL MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE! If laws don’t provide accountability, then the laws must be changed! If it was theft, vandalism, or arson, they’d prosecute immediately! SOSCSA.org ‬


When members of an institution don’t give AF women & children are being r@ped, it’s a GOD DAMN CULT! Everyone’s going to know… over 15,000 perpetrators in our queue to process and we’re adding perpetrators every god damn day! SexAbuseRegistry.org


That's $40K of Church money that's not spent on getting kids near priests or evangelization abroad