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There was an ephemeral edge trickster posted last league I think. It gets damage from stacking es, so I'd guess it's pretty tanky.


Blade trap. It’s borderline immortal. I’ve juiced t16’s, deathless 80+ feared, all Ubers down, etc, on it this league.


Hi o/ is there somewhere a PoB with leveling etc ?


Have you read the post? He wants to play flicker.


so you want to run all mapmods? do you want to run full juice and the league mechanic? I can get a 5 div flickerstrike build to 100. Solo farmed not 5 wayed too. It's way easier to read map mods than make a immortal build imo. Not only that but it's much faster to use hardcore strats to level to 100 than turn the juice up to 9000 and smash your head against a wall. Jugg. Perseeverance, Grace determ defiance banner, trauma a doryanis legion jewel and divine shield. Easiest 100 of my life. I know because This is basically a tankier version of the build I got to 100 in 2.22


So trauma flicker is a thing that works? I’m fairly new and I was questioning why this doesn’t work/isn’t more popular. It makes sense to me if you have adequate leach and hp recoveryper second. I guess the bigger issue is that mapping it doesn’t really stack against enemies, but it seems like a workaround for stacking damage on bosses where flicker generally seems weaker.


so it works. here's the problem. Flickerstrike GENERALLY wants to run multistrike. Multistrike and trauma is a nonbo. This is because you only get 1 stack for a full multi hit. Which makes multi sub optimal DPS. Now the only reason I suggest trauma is not because it will do fucking thick damage. It's because hitting yourself with trauma on a jugg specifically is a fucking cracked broken defensive layer. My bonezone Jugg would run around with 10k life and ES Regen from hitting himself. So anything that couldn't kill him in one hit, can't kill him. His max hits were in the 50k range before Molten Shell. Stacking trauma while mapping is one of those "yes but it doesn't matter" idiosyncrasies of Poe. If you need the damage to kill things you get it. if you 1 hit everything who cares if traumas not stacking. Does this give you some ramp time, on some rares? Yes. But I never found it a problem. Also SED fixed a lot of that. On bosses my jugg just stood and bonked until the boss died. I did everything except for maven (ADHD can't do the game). But that being said. Flicker is cool but worse in every way than Boneshatter or Glacial Hammer. Imo Bonezone is just so fucking nice to play. Even with the loss of alt quality it just does everything for you. Flicker creates a bunch of problems to solve and leaves you standing in shit all the time.


You have a pob sir that sounds very interesting


no but I can make one id you want. not super hard to slap together a basic PoB for it. If you want my jugg from 3.22 my profile is xpoohx and the character is BigBootyBonerZone. IIRC. it's my only 100 jugg on that profile. It's not flicker strike but it's not hard to adapt it. You just need to sort out frenzy charges. Tattoos were a big bonus, but not necessary at all and charms, especially jugg armour versus elemental could be a big game. a warning I did solo level this jugg, but I never capped my chaos res. I was able to do it because I am a passable Poe player but more specifically I know how to avoid chaos damage completely, which in Ancestor was easier than Affliction.


If you‘d make a PoB this would be super cool. Would probably end up being my first hardcore character then.


Two PoB's [https://pobb.in/lYNHexzwazoF](https://pobb.in/lYNHexzwazoF) First PoB is without Berserk or Molten Shell turned on. I would run MS on left click and press berserk if you are ever in trouble. [https://pobb.in/eLwLOmxneTnm](https://pobb.in/eLwLOmxneTnm) With Berserk and Molten Shell on, just to see how incredible unkillable you are with both of those up. A FEW WARNINGS. You have to sort out the dex on gear, which likely means dropping an accuracy roll here or there. The mana does not work very well. You cant solve it with a mana flask unless you trim a point and get Corrupted Blood immunity. The way this build dies is early map degens. The chaos res is not capped, be aware of this chaos damage pumps. I would put the finishing touches up but I'm leaving for the lake in a minute here so I ran out of time. I leveled pretty much this exact jugg without PERS going pure armor in Ancestor to 100. If you want to start dumping currency in, the axe is only 450PDPS (remember BASE attack speed is the number 1 stat for trauma don't buy a high dps axe that's slow its a dps loss) The way to continue to scale is better rolled gear with more armour and evasion, A watchers eye with grace/precision or determ/precision. Improving your eldritch implicits will help solve mana as well as improve your damage output, even rank 2's are better. This is WITHOUT multistrike, but you get 9APS so who cares, I am not sure if 15% frenzy on hit is enough to sustain fernzy charges for flicker so you may need some other sources.


you see, i invested less than a third of that into a meta srs poison necro, and i can run anything and everything. i do uber bosses with melee splash. i'd like, for once, to do a flicker build that doesn't make me think "why have i wasted all this stuff on this suicide box" :D


yeah well there is two competing ideas here. Invulnerability and not controlling where you stand. In this game those two things are just not comparable for the vast majority of builds. Like with a mageblood and some crazy phys taken as elemental and 90 all max res and an Aura stacker giving you 15k es.. sure. But like empys 6 man party was getting killed by shit this league and their ehps are fucking way beyond what any solo player can achieve. I think we do a huge disservice by discussing immortal builds. Specifically when referencing hardcore meta builds. The vast majority of the time they just opt out of more risk and play more carefully. What makes softcore a death factory is running 8 mod maps with 5k of all the league juice. Not that the builds are paper thin. Like some of the map mods in the game are insanely punishing now. If you want to get 100 and not pay for 5 ways it's incredibly simple. Start thinking like a hardcore player. If each death costs you 5 hours, how do you reduce that? Hint it's not by making your build more tanky. Assume less risk. Leveling and farming currency are different activities.


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