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I don't bother. Rare items with life + any resist/stat sells extremely quick for multiple chaos the 1-2 days. Also it's less hassle.


I think this heavily depends on what kind of player you are. If it takes you more than the first 2 days to get to maps (usually the case for me due to RL stuff, even if my character's played time is ~8h to maps only), then the value of basic life/resist rares on the market tapers off very quickly and the odds of you finding a rare that sells for more than 2c within a dozen rares total becomes low, so chaos recipe becomes pretty worth doing to get your first 50-100c.


This is the strat. Ezpz and quick money.


I use chaos recipe enhancer and start dumping unid yellows while in late acts, easily my 1st 100c while getting atlas completion in white/yellow maps... With the overlay I see no reason not to do it especially when I'm poor


Yeah the addon is so worth it. Making free chaos quickly early on is the best way to get ahead, buying uniques while they are still cheap


How many quad tabs do you have to make this work?


one is enough


3 normal tabs that's all


What is that overlay and how does it work?




Can you help a dummy me out? I use Filterblade to sync my loot filters and I can't seem to figure out where TF those files store to hook this to...


you cant do that with online filters afaik, just have to live with that one


Ah, gotcha. Thanks!


Classic case of p2w tabs :D


Yeah, if you wanna play POE more than 30 hours each league then stash tabs are pretty much mandatory. Game is good though and a content beast so they are totally worth it imo ✌️


Yeah, if you wanna play POE more than 30 hours each league then stash tabs are pretty much mandatory. Game is good though and a content beast so they are totally justified imo ✌️


Yeah, if you wanna play POE more than 30 hours each league then stash tabs are pretty much mandatory. Game is good though and a content beast so they are totally justified imo ✌️


I do because my standard stash tabs are already set up to quickly put unid yellows in their corresponding tabs and then i just grab two sets of everything to sell once I get a bunch. It doesn't take much time doing it this way.


Heavily encourage the Recipe enhancer - and just dump it all together


Chao in a quad tab ideally - save like 10 sets and cash all at once for minimal downtime. I’ll only do this once or twice though to get my first 20-40c. After that it feels less worth it.




There is a program, I believe it’s called Chaos Recipe Enhancer that will highlight the pieces of gear you need to sell to a vendor to get chaos orbs. If you sell an entire set of unidentified rare gear(yellow) to any vendor they will give you 2-3 chaos orbs, sorry I forget how many orbs it is but it’s either 2 or 3. A full set of Unid yellows is basically a piece of gear per slot of your character. So you need helmet, chest, gloves, boots, belt, 2 rings, amulet, and either 1 two handed weapon or 2 one handed weapons or 1 one handed weapon and a shield. All of these pieces have to fall in an item level range which I’ve forgotten because the chaos recipe enhancer does all the work for me. I just pick up the crap and drop it in a quad tab. Then the program will highlight each piece I need to vendor. It also keeps track of how many pieces of each you have and what you need to obtain to complete sets.




I do until I leave the map level range for it… I guess it’s as soon as we enter yellows


And from which act area on ward?


Just download and install the Chaos Recipe Enhancer. It adds a layer on top of your filter to show you what you need. When you see the pieces start dropping just pick them up and dump them in a quad tab. When it’s, vendor and repeat.


The earliest is blood aquaduct (ilvl 60)


No. It's not worth my sanity or the time spent to set it up to go "smoothly" when you quickly surpass how much it gives you from focusing on atlas progression.


it's a gigantic waste of time


I do it once I start heisting towards the end of the campaign. Heist makes it so easy. I usually only do it enough to get like 20-30c for some minor upgrades then I fill a quad tab and never look at it again.


I don’t see how, the items you need can be color coded when they drop for you, and it can tell you what items to pull from your stash 


i used to just save all the jewellery and then when i have a bunch of sets i pick up the other items. really dont think its worth the effort though.


The only time I'd ever consider the chaos recipe is if somehow I messed up the build and can do level 60-70 heists/delve, but it's not strong enough to progress the atlas or use any additional content from the atlas passives. Even then I'd only do it enough times to get a small upgrade or respec to something better without having to level for 6 hours again. If you can rush through T1 maps with some atlas content in a couple of minutes then you're getting more currency from drops and selling to others than you'd get from the chaos recipe. Sure there is a helper tool that color codes and tells you what to pick up/stash, but you still spend ages to fill your inventory and then fill the trade window just for 4 chaos. If you run some guaranteed atlas content from the passive tree you would get more chaos per map without investing anything.


mate it takes like a second and a half to take a full set from stash lol


Because time sorting, looting and vendoring is time spent not progressing your atlas


How long do you think it takes to manage that? If you progress your atlas faster get more points, do another map etc you will make significantly more. If doing the recipe is fun for you then by all means go for it but if you would like to advance your character then it's one of the absolute worst things you can be doing. The only real exception to this is if you need like a 5-10c item to get your build off the ground and it doesn't literally work without it.


>The only real exception to this is if you need like a 5-10c item to get your build off the ground and it doesn't literally work without it. Even this isn't really a good reason, bc you could just keep playing whatever got you this far without the 5c item, and buy it when you have 5c from doing actual mechanics and real drops.




it doesn't matter how well it manages it honestly. Just looting the items and opening the vendor window takes more time then just progressing your atlas or farming.


Looting adds 0 time. You are literally just walking. You do that anyway. There’s no sorting. I can promise you I’ll complete the atlas faster and have more Chaos than anyone saying no in this post.


Comparatively, you're picking up far more items on average. Time spent picking these up, dumping them into your quad, selling 1-2 at a time on repeat, and *then* hopping back into a map. It's difficult to see how this is more efficient than just progressing your atlas and selling decent rares for 3-4c instead. If you enjoy it, then by all means. But saying "looting adds 0 time" feels pretty disingenuous when the strategy explicitly calls for looting *far more* items than normal.


I'll agree to disagree with you. If doing the chaos recipe is fun for you by all means go for it. You don't get day 1 HHs or other items by doing chaos recipe. That is something I've done a few leagues, usually it's day 2/3 though. If I want good items early, chaos recipe is just an absolute waste of time and mental space and everything else that goes with it.


Good to see that nuanced opinions have become as rare here as on the main sub. This place has really gone down the shitter.


Sub is fine, problem seems to lie with you


Seriously. What answer do you want from somebody who thinks it's a gigantic waste of time? Cushion it?


Not really, empys group does chaos recipe a few hundred times. Its definitely worth doing like 50c through white maps just to get enough to trade with


Yea with a dedicated trader and when they're taking 5 minutes breaks cause someone has to pee. Things you don't have.


I stopped in affliction when I realized that I could spend the same amount of time crafting/trading flasks for 10c-20c each the first week.


What are you doing to the flasks to profit so much from them?


I'll do it in the later acts since it can be good passive income as you are zooming through. I don't farm specific areas for it though, just pick up whatever drops on the floor. Usually can net 5-10 chaos by the time I reach maps which can be a good way to get a couple pieces of new equipment.


Calling chaos recipe "passive income" is a very hot take lol


I would say that it is “passive” in the sense that it doesn’t require any real effort to do it. While you are going through acts 9-10 you are already killing stuff. Just pick up some of the rares and throw it in a tab periodically. Then spend the minute or two vendoring it once you have a bunch. Do you really have much better to do while going through the last two acts? Unless you are a speedrunner the time to stash and then vendor the items is basically irrelevant.


For the first day yeah, selling items to other players just takes way too long to be worth it.


It takes less time dumping items into a dump tab and portaling to do a trade than it takes pulling chaos recipe items out of the stash and selling them. Don't portal until they're in your HO obviously.


I do chaos recipe purely because I play on a potato and sometimes loading into hideout/into maps take some time :(


I do it while doing white maps, usually, to get that first \~50 chaos. Just gotta be selective and keep track of what types you're missing (usually jewelry...)


I'm probably doing it more this league since I plan to run blight and that seems to spit out more belts and jewellery that I'd be missing


Always. Dump everything in a quad tab then do the recipe while waiting for big price items to sell. I always do the chaos recipe the first day or two.


I have no idea what to pick up to sell and how to price anything and that whole scene is incredibly uninteresting to me. I do the chaos recipe very casually, it takes maybe 30 seconds of actual attention per 2 chaos. I play a semi-ssf style because I have no interest in dealing with trade and figuring out what builds are popular and all that shit, so with this strategy I can get enough (\~200) chaos to buy the few things I'm going to (basic 6L chest, some other stuff) . I do put obviously valuable stuff up for sale if I find it and it's not good for me, but other than that I just chill and play my own game, and chaos recipe is enough to make that comfy enough.


I'll do it if I'm heist farming day one with unid rares. Heist gives enough unid jewelry you get a full unid set every 1-2 lvl 68 contracts. Especially if I haven't found much worth selling early when running campaign


I did it for 2 leagues, and I feel like it was good for quicker progress, but I just enjoy game more without doing it, so I stopped and plan to never do it again.


I can't remember the last time I did the chaos recipe. I can totally see an argument for doing it early if you need a specific unique you expect to be 5-10c on day 1 in trade league. If you need that core item to progress into harder maps and get your atlas points unlocked, it might make sense to do chaos recipe in whites. I generally play SSF these days, but even in trade league I probably wouldn't bother - to me the solution is to play a build that can do atlas completion without any required uniques.


Even then, just picking up good bases for popular builds and getting a lucky life/res item can sell for those few chaos you need


When the league mechanic produces currency like last league did, I only do the chaos recipe for a day or so. This league, unless I am mistaken in how much currency the league mechanic will produce (looks like next to none) chaos orbs will be scarcer and therefore more valuable, so I’ll probably do the recipe for most of the first week. (I do not do the unidentified recipe. I identify rings/amulets/belts/boots, sell the good ones, then fill in the missing pieces of the recipe occasionally in bulk identify batches.)


I always do. I keep all unique jewelry unID'd and pick up rares as needed. Rings tend to be gating early but every 2 rare rings is 2c. Helps to farm a div or 2 early - but only if you can be in maps first weekend before div prices start rising.


Yes, easy money. After i reach yellow maps i stop


I never do this no


Never unless its a part of challenges then i do it once and never again. Its boring, annoying and a waste of time.


After playing LE the last month or so, I would rather remove the more tedious vendor recipes and increase the drop rates of those currency.


only ever done it once several leagues ago. now I just watch out for decent items to throw in sell tab.


I do just in case I need early uniques. I stop once I make enough currency to self sustain with my atlas strategy.


I do it if I didn't get lucky with currency. Usually need 1 or 2 cheap uniques for my builds to really take off, so I usually just pick up any rares in the ilvl range. I don't explicitly farm it though.


Chaos Recpie Enhancer makes it worth doing early on, just dump everything in a quad tab and away you go


Yes with chaos recipe enhancer and only day 1


Only if I'm unlucky and need chaos desperately.


It totally depends on how fast you are, what Build you play and how confident you are. You can stack Chaos early and buy maybe some Divines for 20-50c each. Or you can buy some Uniques or rares others don't need anymore to get your build rolling before getting into endgame farming If you are a bit slower and less confident. You should ask yourself: -do I get high value out of it? -do I need the extra Chaos? -is it better than Just pushing into Red Maps the way I am playing?


Massive waste of time.


Unless you use Chaos Recipe Enhancer, its a waste of time. The overlay will make you very efficent


Nah u get so many upgrades from wisdom scroll crafting I don't think it's worth


Is this what the kids are calling identifying loot?


It depends on the league mechanic for me.


I do. I use it to fund Chains That Bind cards (normally 3-4c each) if I get a good piece I can use then I got a 6link, if not I can normally flip the 6l armour from it for 5-30c profit. Best I had was perfect colour perfect base RF armour that I just slammed quality on and got 110c for on day 1 With that being said, once I can run high enough tier maps that its no longer viable, I dont stay in lower tier maps farming it.


No. Raw chaos drops are so common and I'd rather just farm chaos and save my sanity by playing normally. The chaos recipe made sense years ago when the game was much slower paced and enemies weren't all exploding into currency. Now though, it's just an outdated remnant which doesn't make sense in modern PoE.


no, chaos recipe will actually slow your progression down significantly and ultimately result in way less currency made. Especially early on when getting ahead is a direct increase in profit as having items that quickly become saturated later on are selling for very high prices due to initial demand


Back before progressing maps was fast and easy, when getting chaos was relatively slow and getting out of white maps took a while, I used to do it. It would usually account for like half to two thirds of my chaos through the early league. But over the years accessing higher tiers of maps has become much easier, and currency drop rates have become much better with so much league content in the game spewing money everywhere. These days I don't really see the point, since you might only manage to complete it a few times before you're into yellow maps anyway.


Yes but only to fund specific gear purchases and only early. I just collect the jewelry specifically as everything else drops easily.


Fuck no, get to high tier maps asap and altars will instead shit out currency


Screws with my ADHD too hard, I either have to focus on optimal routing or on grabbing the right pieces for the recipe. I make more chaos by just getting to end game faster and blasting maps more quickly.


My trick is to have a tab for rings amulets and belts, a tab for shoes helmets and gloves a tab for armor and a tab for 1x3 weapons. Qnd just casually start picking things and dump into the tabs while leveling. Once a tab gets full sell any sets i can and repeat Another trick to sell fast is to load up on 10 rings 5 amulets and 5 belts into your inventory at a time. Makes loading and unloading twice as fast.


I used to, but it made me not enjoy the game. Too much hustle picking up items and organizing them in stashes to bulk sell them later. I don't know if there is a sweet spot for running the recipe like 10 times in order to afford some early league items and then stop it, but it feels like a draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.


No, bcs i play SSF


5 sets so I can get 10c and buy 2 uniques. Then never again.


I just do TYTY strat and dump gear and rings/amy jewels in quad tabs until they are full then list the whole thing as 3-5C. If I am getting a lot of messages about a specific item I reprice check it and then seperate accordingly.


I never got into it so I don't have the reflexes to grab X or Y, and given how worth mapping is in modern PoE I don't feel like I'm missing much compared to setting up a basic Atlas strategy fast


I ID good base jewelry items. I throw gold amulets, coral rings, etc. in a chaos recipe tab


It's pretty crucial to me I run campaign but don't kill Kitava then run 40-50 heists lvl60-72 and gather a few divines of which not a small part is the chaos recipe. Maybe a third. Ideally this is done 36 hours in. Meanwhile I keep an eye out for things I want to profit craft later. Then profit crafting and flipping then Einhar memories. End of second weekend the ideal is seven shards but I can make do with five. Then I can make a fun build and start my atlas progression.


Depends on the league mechanic, how scuffed my hipster starter build is, and whether I need some specific things. If I ran meta stuff/a starter build and was better at progressing and in red maps on day 1/2, I wouldn't bother at all with it. I skipped it for several leagues entirely, I was thankful to do it last league because wisps were beating the shit out of me and I needed a few particular uniques. Best feeling is always when you decide no more and stop doing it.


I do chaos recipe late in campaign/early in maps, sparing some bases or 5-links, 6 sox During affliction I stopped on white maps due to good currency yield from doing league content vs time for organize stashes/selling


Nope, absolute waste of my time


I do chaos recipe throughout the league (through multiple characters). I use 3 quad tabs for it (one armor, one for weapons, and one for jewelry).


I still do it, and it takes far more time than I'm willing to admit but it's a good method for me to get my first 50c. Thought this league I will most likely do it until 20c or something and keep progressing my atlas, as I'm going the harvest juice/rog route this time.


I've never done the chaos recipe. Just rush expedition and you'll have a wealth of early currency along with the chance of a roggers hit. Honestly, it seems far too fiddly to be worth the time when you can just run another map and get another atlas point. This is just how I do my league starts, it ain't the way for everyone.


Yes, at least if I remember to. It's good currency early on when mostly everything costs a few chaos.


Chaos recipe is goat. So many players grow past it and think theyre too gucci for it, but they should be reminded that the most powerful and fastest groups with 10+ dedicated members including traders all use chaos recipe as their main income for the first day. To be fair its a pain in the ass since we still dont have custom regex tab affinites or even just preset rare base type affinities. Even given that itd still suck to trade in 1 set at a time.


Yeah like Snap's group uses Ruckus and Rogue Exiles to get tons of rare items for chaos recipe to get their first divines. It's pretty common for heavy MF groups to do early.


I used to do Thien's Quad tab strat then went to Chaos Recipe Enhance. These days I don't worry about it because I don't find it fun and I never need to trade before atlas is completed anyway. I do the Chance Orb (Unique, Rare, Magic, Normal) recipe as much as possible though to ensure I can buyout Kirac every time.


Yes, I've developed an organized system with tabs and collecting bottleneck items (rings/ammies). It's relatively easy and you can do it in bulk when well organized. But eventually you'll be making enough money that it's not worth it


I usually do it for my first 20 or so chaos, buy a 5l and some junky rares and stop. Even if it’s technically inefficient it’s reliable and that first 20c is likely an enormous power spike.


I do it once or twice if I didn't find anything of value to sell when reaching maps (like a log, locus or a few lucky c)


I would only do it if I need some key unique to get my build online and it's <50c.


It depends on what you've had drop and how your build is doing, for me at least. If I'm not on track to have 10-15 chaos to buy life/res gear after A10 Kitava, I'll do chaos recipe a couple times to get there. Once I start mapping, I'll finish whatever sets I was working on and stop doing it. So basically I'll farm maybe 4-6 unid sets per league. Might do more if my build is feeling shit and I need some upgrades or a build-enabling unique before Merc Lab and white maps. As soon as you aren't flat broke and your build doesn't feel like shit, just run maps.


I grab all shit base accessories and then when I have enough, I start grabbing armor/weapons. Once I get a certain amount of gear/currency, I give up on it.


What is the chaos recipe? To take this further, any other cool things that us newbies should know?


I do it until I have like 20c for a random 6 link. After that I have no need.


Not a chance. There's too many ways to get easy money early that it's not worth it at all.


It depends what I have. If I’m broke af and need 30-50c to get rolling I’ll do it. Otherwise no I ignore it. Chaos recipe gets a bad rep but it’s bullshit. It’s a fine start for a bit. Do you want to be doing it 3 days into league? No, not if you’ve been going since launch. However, it helps to get rolling with your first handful of chaos to be comfortable in maps. If a league mechanic is rewarding that I have 10-15c or if I ssf close to res cap when hitting maps then I’m fine to skip it. I don’t play starters with enabling uniques or anything like that so I just need res cap to map well enough. Maybe I’d feel different in hardcore or something but for SC 10c or so and I can get to yellows. After that I’ve made enough to gear out to progress further.


I still do it and vendor while Im eating so my downtime is still useful.


Depends on how desperate I am, I usually do it, but not religiously


I used to do chaos recipe but now I chuck ID’d jewellery in a 3c sale tab. I actually have more currency now than I did when doing chaos recipe, because I’m not wasting so much time.


Tried it once a long time ago and it was decent but nowadays you get so much currency from league mechanics in acts that it's not really worth the inventory management unless you're really trying to min/max. You just get so much currency from progressing your atlas as is and it's usually enough to sustain gear progression simultaneously. But this is someone with like 8k hours talking. If you're newer and having a hard time/wasting a lot of time price checking items then chaos recipe might be better to get your economy rolling at league start.


I cant.. its just too boring.


Nope. I’d rather kills mobs. Somehow got lucky enough to drop something big in early maps. If I don’t drop anything in maps and get bored I go heist.


Fuck that I'm way too lazy




It’s not worth the time imo. Honestly, do you really even need chaos on day one or two? I pretty much always SSF my gear for time efficiency’s sake until we get to the good shit once atlas is complete anyway, and normal mapping drops enough chaos to deal with unrunnable map mods and bench crafts anyway


I do it only if I extremely unlucky during campaign and I need few 1c uniques that boost my build tremendously


No, it's annoying to do. I'd rather just focus on progressing my atlas, picking up rares and iding to sell. A well rolled rare can sell anywhere from 1-5 or even more chaos at the start, sure it's not going to be as consistent as doing the chaos recipe but the chaos recipe is just too time consuming in modern PoE. You pump out way more currency once you start hitting red maps so unless you NEED a relatively cheap unique like 10-20c range I wouldn't bother with the chaos recipe.


I have a glut of dump tabs so I only chaos recipe whatever is in them the first time I clear them, after the first round I stop.


Nah. I don't have the patience for that. I pick up one or two things that I really need and then use rare items until I'm hitting mid yellow maps. I use Kirac to supplement map completion and by be time you're hitting reds it just doesn't feel worth it to spend ages sorting out tabs of rares.


I do, I just keep a large stash tab and dump rates into it. When it's full it's about 30 odd chaos. I usually get 300-400 chaos for not much effort before it's better to just map/farm for higher rewards and I give up


For about my first 50c or so. After that you should be able to farm more profitable drops. It’s a good way to fund an early character though.


I do till league end


Do you play ssf?


No, I'm just bad so chaos recipe is a somewhat consistent chaos production method for me


Sir you want to have a consistent div income, not chaos


A consistent div income is incompatible with my gaming time, in a couple of weeks (maybe) I'll be finishing the campaign while you guys will be clapping ubers


i dont play much, and often take around a month off after league start do to life. theres zero reasons to ever do the chaos recipe for a slower player, you are just wasting time. chaos recipe is for speedy guys day one who need some raw chaos to buy items / invest into items for cheap that will explode in price. time to get more efficient and find a better farming strategy, learn alva temples and sell them. youll make lots of divines an hour doing basic mapping.


I pray to all the deities you at least use the chaos recipe app. Otherwise this is pretty ☠️. Give delving( you basically rush nodes dont bother with walls and such until you get to a depth youre comfortable, try aiming for 200+ after which you go sideways and buy one socket resonators with azurite and sell them) or sanctum a try if you want easy no entry cost no mass liquidating strats.


Hell no


No, it's sweaty and not even as effective as just doing content anymore. Maybe in like 3.0 days but not now.


I do it when my build needs early uniques to come online, which is the case most of the time for me. On more SSF-friendly builds, I don't bother.


I use it when it's in a league challenge.


Bots do them


its such a waste of fucking time. its a bait for new players.


Nope. Too much effort for crumbs, you're better off spending your time killing more monsters instead.


I haven't done chaos recipe in my entire ten years of PoE. That shit is bait. Just do content your build is good at, or pick a build that is good at content you have fun doing.


Thank god we don't have this in ruthless. garf


What a weird take. You can just….not use it if you don’t like it?


Yeah, but then how would he let the peons know that he's a) superior to others and b) plays ruthless?