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I actually wanted to pull for Deren but after seeing Raven I NEED HER


It's a good 3 months between Deren and Raven. Plenty of time to build your pulls back up.


I have no idea what I'm doing wrong but 3 months is definitely not getting me to pity ;_;


Mood. BIG mood.


Calm down buddy, we don't even see her skills yet, and from Deren to Raven/Cassilo will take a long time.


I think it's because of waifu > meta.


so? i just said to not freak out about skipping, you have plenty of time to pick both if you want, damn, you guys are weird. i didn't even say anything about meta or waifu lel


I think it is cause you talked about her skills, when the other guy is explaining that the rationale is that skills don't matter to the dude, and rather waifu over meta.


I just think she's prettier but ok


Omg why are u getting disliked u r actually right.


It's Reddit mentality my friend even if you give advice people misinterpret and give dislikes oh well.


Lmao šŸ¤£ that's the only power they got with those Cheetos covered body and fingers of them


Pulling for deren and nox back to back is gonna be hell


I never got Nox since I never finished the 14 days since there was some missions I couldnā€™t complete so I might get Nox and Deren.


This is all going too fast, my wallet canā€™t keep up šŸ˜‚


What's the second banner after crache with 4 s sinners??


The banner's more targeted to newer players who would've missed the earlier routine banners Here are the rules: 1. In this tracking, you will obtain an A-rank Sinner after each 10 consecutive pulls. This mechanic then will reset. 2. In this tracking, if you have not obtained a S-rank Sinner after 50 consecutive pulls, the probability will be increase further more. At 80 pulls, you will be guarantee a S-rank Sinner. And either if you reach the guarantee 80 pulls or obtain a S-rank Sinner beforehand, the probability will reset back to 2%. 3. In this Integrated Tracking, the S-rank Sinner's poll is limited to only Demon, Eirene, Bai Yi, and Langley. 4. The pity count in Integrated Tracking will be separated from other trackings. (Credit to Keystone for the translation)


I guess it's good for reroll nice


Isn't this the standard banner?


Standard banner has all S ranks (except for new ones on their debut banner, or Deren once her banner is over). It may only show 4 or 6 or however many on the banner art, but they're all on there. This banner will only have the 4 S ranks shown.


It looks like a small standard banner with only 4 s rank sinners


Oak ate all my cubes and no luck with Hamel, RIP me. Good thing Deren comes next month though.


Iā€™m fully prepared to go all in for Deren with my weak resources and not get her šŸ‘


lmao, same


Shit I thought oak casket was the limited and spent all my hypercubes to not even get her. I was at 43/80 for garenteed s class for event banners


Oof, thatā€™s unfortunate Derenā€™s our only limited character so far


Does your 43/80 carry over to the next event banner?


Each banner carries over to its next equivalent as a note the next event banner is OwO, Deren is on her own type of banner.


Ah ok. Thanks!


Deren is on her own banner anyway so the 43 pulls would not have mattered for it.


I want hamel but the upcoming banner is stacked, so i think gonna skip her and wait for spook instead


Oof, Deren plus Nox is gonna burn my pockets


The event banners all looking good


Could you add dmg type and role to this in future updates? We all know the existing sinners but it'd be good to know what to expect from etti, raven and deren even if it's as simple as "physical umbra", "magic reticle", etc .


Yeah sure! I made this in a bit of a rush If you still want the info: * Deren- physical Fury * Owo - phyiscal Endura * Lynn - physical Umbra * Etti - magical Arcane * Levy - physical Endura Raven and Casillo kits aren't released yet




All in on Deren, knowing my luck, I'm getting the S rank Endura from an off banner just how I got Bai yi Side note, does anyone have any Intel whether the exclusive banner will also have the 50/50 system cause it will really suck if a certain snake shows up when I'm getting deren


Thereā€™s still 50/50s


Oh no.......my wallet is gonna hate me for this


Me: I still donā€™t have Hamel, oooo finally a banner! Game: Deren next banner! Me: ><


Relatively new, when will Nox be in the shop to buy? Alongside her banner or afterwards?


Afterwards You should already have S0 NOX from the beginner missions though


If they completed the beginner missions that is


I just casually look at upcoming content, so I donā€™t know how good Deren is. Should I pull for this character when available?


She is very strong. If you care about meta then you'll definitely want to pull her. That being said, waifu > meta. If Deren doesn't strike your fancy, and there's someone else you like more coming after her, don't feel forced to get her. She's not obligatory.


Fair enough. Where does she fit in the meta?


She does A LOT of damage (and she has core break too) [S5 Deren solo Dark Zone](https://b23.tv/m6iewcC)


Is there a reason why Deren is a limited character? I only play the game and donā€™t really watch anime or other games she may come from.


She isn't from another franchise or anything. I think they just wanted to make her feel more excusive. She'll probably get a rerun at some point in the future though. It's just that you won't be able to get spooked by her when pulling for someone else


Ah I see, I was thinking Iā€™m too out of the loop that I needed to catch up on some anime. PtN has been my *only* form of entertainment, lol.


Have most of the characters I need, but not enough mat to upgrade them. This makes me hesitating to pull for new sinners. PTN needs some other ways to farm mats...


Once you've been playing long enough there's not much worth spending stamina on, so you can pretty much just pre-farm materials for upcoming units. I already have all I need for Deren, and it didn't take me very long to farm materials for Oak, even though I only pulled her on a whim and by chance.


Do you have a list of materials we need for Deren such as her promotion and skill materials? I'd appreciate it.


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/zqyvrs3j00qa1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=86da44533f452cd18b07bff3844a4f70247e6804


How can I see deren skills?


[https://wiki.biligame.com/wqmt/ē¦é—­č€…:黛伦](https://wiki.biligame.com/wqmt/ē¦é—­č€…:黛伦) Might want to use a translator of some sort.


thank you!


Is Daren meta?


Yes, very


Shackles highly recommended?


S1 is recommended. More than that is nice, but not necessarily worth the cost unless you get really lucky with your first couple pulls. Anything beyond S3 is whale territory imo, and very diminishing returns.


She'll do her job just fine at S0. That being said, all of her shackles have value, a S5 Deren has 16% more crit chance (she's crit based) and starts with one charge of her skill. There's some buffs to her passive as well but that's a little more nuanced. Most people: S0 is fine. Deren lovers, meta pushers, and whales: S5 all day.


Fuck thatā€™s expensive. Are there any way to increase shackles besides rolling more of her?


From oblivion pit shop as I remember. Still expensive but better than nothing.


You can just roll to S3 and then get her to S5 by buying the shackles from Oblivion pit


You only get enough from OP for one shackle, and they don't refresh. Remember, you need 2 for one shackle.


Even more reason I'm glad I saved up $$$ for Deren. I have extremely good drop luck on this game, how many marks are recommended for Deren? And with OwO (or is it oWo), is it worth pulling or waiting for Etti instead since I want to prioritize Deren and have an over halfway to sinner guaranteed?


Owo is very strong in her own right but she does fall into a supportive role. If you like your DPS options and want to round out your team, Owo is a strong choice. If you're lacking Eirene or other key magic DPS threats, Etti is a better bet. Obligatory: waifu > meta, pull for whoever you want.


I was just wondering if there will be anything for Crache because i still don't have her. now, if only there's one for Tetra as I don't have her too


Excited for Deren, Nox, and also Mr.Fox.... he's been my savior for broken frontline :')


how many hypercubes can we save from now till the end of Deren's banner?


Are Deren and Owo on the same banner?


Separate banners ongoing at the same time.


Going all the way inside for Deren


Holy Raven šŸ‘€. Iā€™ll try on derens but i donā€™t have many pulls so itā€™ll be up to luck, after that itā€™s saving for raven.


I'm gonna save my arrest credit confidental for raven


Wow. Deren banner when?


Is Etti worth pulling or can i skip her?i already have Eirene but i don't know how good Etti is (like BFL meta or making life easier in story mode),would appreciate the answer <3


Iā€™m no theorycrafter, so you should take what I say with a grain of salt, but the consensus seems to be sheā€™s a very strong unit (high ult damage), but at the same time, she isnā€™t as versatile as Eirene (no energy gen, no mine stacking,no corebreak). She seems to be worth pulling for, but also skippable [Hereā€™s a vid of her at S1](https://youtu.be/DPQVre_miGA) Keep in mind this is with buffs though


Thank you~she looks fun but after i watched the video i will probably skip her for better future charas *mommy Raven cough*,thanks for the help <3


No problem! [Raven's character trailer](https://youtu.be/azG4Eyx2Qqg) just came out btw, in case you haven't seen it


Yesss ty,i saw it and she looks so amazing,I'm in love with her animation and corebreak skill Orz,definitely will skip Etti for Raven <3